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# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
# Glasnost
# By: Odile Bénassy <>
# Romain Chantereau <>
# Nicolas Clapiès <>
# Pierre-Antoine Dejace <>
# Thierry Dulieu <>
# Florent Monnier <>
# Cédric Musso <>
# Frédéric Péters <>
# Benjamin Poussin <>
# Emmanuel Raviart <>
# Sébastien Régnier <>
# Emmanuel Saracco <>
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Easter-eggs & Emmanuel Raviart
# Copyright (C) 2002 Odile Bénassy, Code Lutin, Thierry Dulieu, Easter-eggs,
# Entr'ouvert, Frédéric Péters, Benjamin Poussin, Emmanuel Raviart,
# Emmanuel Saracco & Théridion
# Copyright (C) 2003 Odile Bénassy, Romain Chantereau, Nicolas Clapiès,
# Code Lutin, Pierre-Antoine Dejace, Thierry Dulieu, Easter-eggs,
# Entr'ouvert, Florent Monnier, Cédric Musso, Ouvaton, Frédéric Péters,
# Benjamin Poussin, Rodolphe Quiédeville, Emmanuel Raviart, Sébastien
# Régnier, Emmanuel Saracco, Théridion & Vecam
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
from __future__ import nested_scopes
__doc__ = """Glasnost XHTML Generator"""
__version__ = '$Revision$'[11:-2]
import base64
import urlparse
from tools import extractApplicationHostName, extractApplicationPort
import context
from XhtmlGenerator import *
buttonLabels = {
'about': N_('About Glasnost'),
'abstain': N_('Abstain'),
'add': N_('Add'),
'add-article': N_('Add Article'),
'add-candidate': N_('Add Candidate'),
'apply': N_('Apply'),
'back': N_('Back'),
'cancel': N_('Cancel'),
'change-password': N_('Change Password'),
'change-translation': N_('Change Translation'),
'clone': N_('Duplicate'),
'compute': N_('Compute'),
'create': N_('Create'),
'delete': N_('Delete'),
'diff': N_('Differences'),
'download': N_('Download Glasnost'),
'edit': N_('Edit'),
'edit-arguments': N_('Edit Arguments'),
'evaluate': N_('Evaluate'),
'every-article': N_('Every Article'),
'find': N_('Find'),
'history': N_('History'),
'implement': N_('New Implementation'),
'license': N_('Read the License'),
'login': N_('Login'),
'logout': N_('Exit'),
'modify': N_('Modify'),
'next': N_('Next'),
'new': N_('New'),
'new-account': N_('New Account'),
'ok': N_('OK'),
'pester-abstentionnists': N_('Pester Absentionnists'),
'post-comment': N_('Post a Comment'),
'post-reply': N_('Reply'),
'prefs': N_('Preferences'),
'pretion': N_('Pretion'),
'preview': N_('Preview'),
'propose': N_('Submit For Evaluation'),
'refuse': N_('Refuse'),
'send-by-email': N_('Send by Email'),
'send-password-by-email': N_('Send Password by Email'),
'settings': N_('Settings'),
'spell': N_('Spell Check'),
'source': N_('Source'),
'translate': N_('Translate'),
'update-translation': N_('Update Translation'),
'use': N_('Use'),
'validate': N_('Validate'),
'version': N_('Version'),
'view-definition': N_('Definition'),
'view-list': N_('List'),
'view-type': N_('Type'),
'view-utilization': N_('Utilization'),
'view-widget': N_('Widget'),
'vote': N_('Vote '),
'vote-blank': N_('Vote Blank'),
class accountingCell(td):
def __init__(self, text = '', **attributes):
td.__init__(self, **attributes)
self.text = text
def getText(self):
return self.text
class accountingTable(table):
def __init__(self, top = '', row=[]): = top
self.row = row
def getAsXml(self):
numCols = max(1, len(self.row))
topTd = td(colspan = numCols)
topTd.append([nbsp] * 4)
topTr = tr(topTd)
rowTr = tr(self.row)
return table(topTr, rowTr).getAsXml()
class buttonAction:
label = None
def getAsXml(self, **keywords):
# Note: onSubmit doesn't seem to work and I don't know why.
layout = form(
_class = 'urls-choice', action= '/load',
method = 'post', name = 'urls-choice',
onSubmit = 'location.href = this.form.urlsChoice.options['
menu = select(
name = 'urlsChoice',
onChange = 'location.href = this.form.urlsChoice.options['
for labelAndLink in self.getLabelsAndLinks():
menu.append(option(value = labelAndLink[1])(labelAndLink[0]))
layout.append(input(_class = 'button', type = 'submit',
value = _(self.label)))
return layout.getAsXml(**keywords)
class buttonInForm:
key = None
name = None
def __init__(self, key, name):
self.key = key = name
def getAsXml(self, **keywords):
if buttonLabels.has_key(self.key):
text = _(buttonLabels[self.key]).strip()
text = self.key
trueTag = input(_class = 'button', name =,
type = 'submit', value = text)
# The following solutions don't work with Internet Explorer.
## trueTag = button(_class = 'button', name = 'button',
## type = 'submit', value =
## trueTag = button(_class = 'button', name =,
## type = 'submit', value =
return trueTag.getAsXml(**keywords)
class buttonGotoObjects(buttonAction):
label = N_('Go')
def getLabelsAndLinks(self):
from import getGotoObjectsLabelsAndLinks
return getGotoObjectsLabelsAndLinks()
class buttonNewObject(buttonAction):
label = N_('Add')
def getLabelsAndLinks(self):
from import getNewObjectLabelsAndLinks
return getNewObjectLabelsAndLinks()
class buttonPopup:
href = None
key = None
def __init__(self, key, href):
self.key = key
self.href = href
def getAsXml(self, **keywords):
if buttonLabels.has_key(self.key):
text = _(buttonLabels[self.key]).strip()
text = self.key
jScript = "'%s','comment','toolbar=no,location=no,"\
"width=566,height=333'); return false;" % self.href
trueTag = a(_class = 'button', href = self.href, OnClick=jScript)(text)
return trueTag.getAsXml(**keywords)
class buttonStandalone:
href = None
key = None
def __init__(self, key, href):
self.key = key
self.href = href
def getAsXml(self, **keywords):
if buttonLabels.has_key(self.key):
text = _(buttonLabels[self.key]).strip()
text = self.key
trueTag = a(_class = 'button', href = self.href)(text)
return trueTag.getAsXml(**keywords)
def objectHypertextLabel(objectId):
import faults
from import getObjectLabelTranslated
if not objectId:
return ''
label = getObjectLabelTranslated(
objectId, context.getVar('readLanguages'))
except faults.MissingItem:
return span(_class = 'deleted')(_('Missing Object (%s)') % objectId)
return a(href = idUrl(objectId))(label)
class smallAccountingTable(table):
def __init__(self, side, amount=0):
assert (side=='debit' or side=='credit')
self.amount = str(amount)
self.side = side
def getAsXml(self, parent = None, indent = 0, **keywords):
width = 12
td1 = td(width=width)(self.amount)
td2 = td(width=width)(nbsp)
r = tr()
if self.side == 'debit':
return table(r).getAsXml()
_httpUrl = httpUrl
class httpUrl(httpUrl):
pathPrefix = None
def __init__(self, protocol = None, hostNameAndPort = None,
hostName = None, port = None, path = None, parameters = None,
query = None, fragment = None):
httpScriptDirectoryPath = context.getVar(
if httpScriptDirectoryPath is not None:
self.pathPrefix = httpScriptDirectoryPath
self, protocol = protocol, hostNameAndPort = hostNameAndPort,
hostName = hostName, port = port, path = path,
parameters = parameters, query = query, fragment = fragment)
def addKeywords(self, keywords):
# The following code doesn't work when the keywords variables are too
# big:
# for name, value in keywords.items():
# self.args[name] = value
# return self
if not keywords:
return self
session = context.getVar('session')
if session is None:
# This case should not happen.
for name, value in keywords.items():
self.add(name, value)
return self
encodedKeywords = {}
for name, value in keywords.items():
if type(value) in [types.StringType, types.UnicodeType]:
encodedKeywords[name] = base64.encodestring(value)
encodedKeywords[name] = value
session['keywords'] = encodedKeywords
session['isDirty'] = 1
return self.add('keywords', 1)
def getArgumentNames(self):
argumentNames = _httpUrl.getArgumentNames(self)
canUseCookie = context.getVar('canUseCookie', default = 0)
sessionToken = context.getVar('sessionToken')
if not canUseCookie:
if sessionToken is not None \
and not 'sessionToken' in argumentNames:
elif 'sessionToken' in argumentNames:
return argumentNames
def getArguments(self):
canUseCookie = context.getVar('canUseCookie', default = 0)
sessionToken = context.getVar('sessionToken')
if not canUseCookie:
if sessionToken is not None:
self.argument_sessionToken = sessionToken
arguments = _httpUrl.getArguments(self)
if not canUseCookie:
if sessionToken is not None:
del self.argument_sessionToken
return arguments
def getPath(self, **keywords):
if self.pathPrefix is not None:
pathPrefix = self.pathPrefix
pathPrefix = context.getVar(
if pathPrefix is None:
pathPrefix = '/'
path = _httpUrl.getPath(self, **keywords)
if path and path[0] == '/':
path = path[1:]
path = '%s%s' % (pathPrefix, path)
return path
class rootUrl(httpUrl):
dispatcherHostName = None
dispatcherPort = None
def __init__(self, hostNameAndPort = None, hostName = None, port = None):
if hostNameAndPort:
infos = hostNameAndPort.split(':', 1)
hostName = infos[0]
if len(infos) < 2:
port = None
port = infos[1]
if hostName is not None:
self.dispatcherHostName = hostName
dispatcherId = context.getVar('defaultDispatcherId')
if dispatcherId is None:
dispatcherId = context.getVar('dispatcherId')
if dispatcherId is not None:
dispatcherHostName = extractApplicationHostName(dispatcherId)
self.dispatcherHostName = dispatcherHostName
if port is not None:
self.dispatcherPort = str(port)
dispatcherId = context.getVar('defaultDispatcherId')
if dispatcherId is None:
dispatcherId = context.getVar('dispatcherId')
if dispatcherId is not None:
dispatcherPort = str(extractApplicationPort(dispatcherId))
self.dispatcherPort = dispatcherPort
def getPath(self, **keywords):
httpScriptDirectoryPath = context.getVar('httpScriptDirectoryPath')
if httpScriptDirectoryPath is None:
httpScriptDirectoryPath = '/'
dispatcherId = context.getVar('defaultDispatcherId')
if dispatcherId is None:
dispatcherId = context.getVar('dispatcherId')
if dispatcherId is not None:
dispatcherHostName = extractApplicationHostName(dispatcherId)
dispatcherPort = str(extractApplicationPort(dispatcherId))
dispatcherHostName = None
dispatcherPort = None
if self.dispatcherHostName == 'system' or (
(self.dispatcherHostName is None
or self.dispatcherHostName == dispatcherHostName)
and (self.dispatcherPort is None
or self.dispatcherPort == dispatcherPort)):
return httpScriptDirectoryPath
if self.dispatcherHostName is not None:
dispatcherHostName = self.dispatcherHostName
elif dispatcherHostName is None:
dispatcherHostName = 'localhost'
if self.dispatcherPort is not None:
dispatcherPort = self.dispatcherPort
if dispatcherPort is None \
or dispatcherPort == str(context.getVar('dispatcherPort')):
dispatcherHostNameAndPort = dispatcherHostName
dispatcherHostNameAndPort = '%s:%s' % (
dispatcherHostName, dispatcherPort)
return '%sremote/%s/' % (
httpScriptDirectoryPath, dispatcherHostNameAndPort)
class aliasUrl(rootUrl):
action = None
alias = None
def __init__(self, alias, action = None):
import tools_new as commonTools
dispatcherId = context.getVar('defaultDispatcherId')
if dispatcherId is None:
dispatcherId = context.getVar('dispatcherId')
hostNameAndPort = commonTools.extractHostNameAndPort(dispatcherId)
rootUrl.__init__(self, hostNameAndPort = hostNameAndPort)
assert alias
self.alias = alias
if action:
self.action = action
def getPath(self, **keywords):
path = rootUrl.getPath(self, **keywords)
templatePrefix = context.getVar('templatePrefix')
if templatePrefix:
if self.action:
action = '/%s%s' % (templatePrefix, self.action)
action = '/%sview' % templatePrefix
if self.action:
action = '/%s' % self.action
action = ''
return '%s%s%s' % (path, self.alias, action)
class fileUrl(rootUrl):
filename = None
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
def getPath(self, **keywords):
path = rootUrl.getPath(self, **keywords)
if path[-1] == '/' and self.filename[0] == '/':
path = path[:-1]
return path + self.filename
class idUrl(rootUrl):
action = None
localId = None
role = None
def __init__(self, id, action = None):
import tools_new as commonTools
if id:
role = commonTools.extractRole(id)
localId = commonTools.extractLocalId(id)
id = context.getVar('defaultDispatcherId')
if id is None:
id = context.getVar('dispatcherId')
role = context.getVar('serverRole')
localId = None
hostNameAndPort = commonTools.extractHostNameAndPort(id)
rootUrl.__init__(self, hostNameAndPort = hostNameAndPort)
if role:
self.role = role
if localId:
self.localId = localId
if action:
self.action = action
def getPath(self, **keywords):
from import getWebForServerRole
roleWeb = getWebForServerRole(self.role)
except ImportError:
roleWeb = None
if roleWeb and hasattr(roleWeb, 'idUrl') and (
not keywords or not keywords.has_key('ignoreWeb')):
return roleWeb.idUrl(self)
knownRoles = context.getVar('knownRoles')
if knownRoles and 'pagenames' in knownRoles:
from import getProxyForServerRole
pageNamesProxy = getProxyForServerRole('pagenames')
if pageNamesProxy:
dispatcherId = context.getVar('defaultDispatcherId')
defaultDispatcherId = context.getVar('defaultDispatcherId')
if defaultDispatcherId is None:
defaultDispatcherId = context.getVar('dispatcherId')
if defaultDispatcherId is not None \
and defaultDispatcherId != dispatcherId:
# This is a remote id. Search for a local alias.
applicationId = commonTools.makeApplicationId(
defaultDispatcherId, self.role)
if self.localId:
id = '%s/%s' % (applicationId, self.localId)
id = applicationId
alias = pageNamesProxy.getNameByMappedId(id)
if alias:
return aliasUrl(alias, self.action).getPath()
path = rootUrl.getPath(self, **keywords)
templatePrefix = context.getVar('templatePrefix')
if templatePrefix:
if self.action:
action = '/%s%s' % (templatePrefix, self.action)
action = '/%sview' % templatePrefix
if self.action:
action = '/%s' % self.action
action = ''
if knownRoles and 'pagenames' in knownRoles and pageNamesProxy:
if dispatcherId is None:
dispatcherId = context.getVar('dispatcherId')
if dispatcherId is not None:
applicationId = commonTools.makeApplicationId(
dispatcherId, self.role)
if self.localId:
id = '%s/%s' % (applicationId, self.localId)
id = applicationId
alias = pageNamesProxy.getNameByMappedId(id)
if alias:
return aliasUrl(alias, self.action).getPath()
dispatcherId = 'glasnost://%s' % self.dispatcherHostName
applicationId = commonTools.makeApplicationId(
dispatcherId, self.role)
if self.localId:
id = '%s/%s' % (applicationId, self.localId)
id = applicationId
alias = pageNamesProxy.getNameByMappedId(id)
if alias:
return '%s%s%s' % (path, alias, action)
if self.role:
role = self.role
role = ''
if self.localId:
localId = '/%s' % self.localId
localId = ''
return '%s%s%s%s' % (path, role, localId, action)
def absoluteUrl(s):
if s.startswith('glasnost://'):
return idUrl(s)
assert s.startswith('http')
return url(s)
def actionUrl(action = None):
return idUrl(None, action)
def roleUrl(role, action = None):
dispatcherId = context.getVar('defaultDispatcherId')
if dispatcherId is None:
dispatcherId = context.getVar('dispatcherId')
if not role:
role = context.getVar('serverRole')
serverId = commonTools.makeApplicationId(dispatcherId, role)
return idUrl(serverId, action)
def url(s):
parsedUrl = urlparse.urlparse(s)
if parsedUrl[0]:
protocol = parsedUrl[0]
protocol = None
if parsedUrl[1]:
hostNameAndPort = parsedUrl[1]
hostNameAndPort = None
if parsedUrl[2]:
path = parsedUrl[2]
path = None
if parsedUrl[3]:
parameters = parsedUrl[3]
parameters = None
if parsedUrl[4]:
query = parsedUrl[4]
query = None
if parsedUrl[5]:
fragment = parsedUrl[5]
fragment = None
return httpUrl(
protocol = protocol, hostNameAndPort = hostNameAndPort,
path = path, parameters = parameters, query = query,
fragment = fragment)