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# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
# Glasnost
# By: Odile Bénassy <>
# Romain Chantereau <>
# Nicolas Clapiès <>
# Pierre-Antoine Dejace <>
# Thierry Dulieu <>
# Florent Monnier <>
# Cédric Musso <>
# Frédéric Péters <>
# Benjamin Poussin <>
# Emmanuel Raviart <>
# Sébastien Régnier <>
# Emmanuel Saracco <>
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Easter-eggs & Emmanuel Raviart
# Copyright (C) 2002 Odile Bénassy, Code Lutin, Thierry Dulieu, Easter-eggs,
# Entr'ouvert, Frédéric Péters, Benjamin Poussin, Emmanuel Raviart,
# Emmanuel Saracco & Théridion
# Copyright (C) 2003 Odile Bénassy, Romain Chantereau, Nicolas Clapiès,
# Code Lutin, Pierre-Antoine Dejace, Thierry Dulieu, Easter-eggs,
# Entr'ouvert, Florent Monnier, Cédric Musso, Ouvaton, Frédéric Péters,
# Benjamin Poussin, Rodolphe Quiédeville, Emmanuel Raviart, Sébastien
# Régnier, Emmanuel Saracco, Théridion & Vecam
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
__doc__ = """Glasnost Common Widgets"""
__version__ = '$Revision$'[11:-2]
import context
import properties
import things
from tools import *
register = things.register
class BaseWidget(things.BaseThing):
apply = 0
apply_kind_label = N_('Apply Button')
apply_kindName = 'Boolean'
colSpan = None
colSpan_kind_importExport = 'private'
colSpan_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
colSpan_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
colSpan_kindName = 'Integer'
fieldLabel = None
fieldLabel_kind_importExport = 'private'
fieldLabel_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
fieldLabel_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
fieldLabel_kindName = 'String'
## helpAlias = None
## helpAlias_kind_label = N_('Help Alias')
## helpAlias_kindName = 'Alias'
thingCategory = 'widget'
thingPublicCategory = N_('Widget')
thingPublicCategory_kind_stateInEditMode = 'read-only/hidden-if-empty'
thingPublicCategory_kind_stateInViewMode = 'read-only/hidden-if-empty'
thingPublicName_kind_label = N_('Widget')
thingPublicName_kind_stateInEditMode = 'read-only/hidden-if-empty'
thingPublicName_kind_stateInViewMode = 'read-only/hidden-if-empty'
def __init__(self, **attributes):
for name, value in attributes.items():
# Ensure that each argument has been declared as an attribute.
if not hasattr(self.__class__, name):
raise Exception('Undeclared attribute %s for %s' % (
name, self.__class__.__name__))
if getattr(self, name) == value:
setattr(self, name, value)
def buildOptions(self, options):
for name, value in options.items():
# Ensure that each option has been declared as an attribute.
nameBase = name.split('_')[0]
if not hasattr(self.__class__, nameBase):
raise Exception('Undeclared attribute %s for %s' % (
name, self.__class__.__name__))
if hasattr(self, name) and getattr(self, name) == value:
setattr(self, name, value)
## def getHelpAlias(self, slot, fields):
## if self.helpAlias:
## return self.helpAlias
## return slot.getKind().getHelpAlias(slot, fields)
def getModelLabel(self, slot):
if self.fieldLabel:
return self.fieldLabel
return slot.getKind().getModelLabel(slot)
def getOrderedLayoutSlotNames(self, parentSlot = None):
slotNames = things.BaseThing.getOrderedLayoutSlotNames(
self, parentSlot = parentSlot)
slotNames += ['apply']
return slotNames
def isInForm(self):
# Quick & dirty hack.
return context.getVar('inForm', default = 0)
def isReadOnly(self, slot):
# Quick & dirty hack.
if context.getVar('readOnly', default = 0):
return 1
return slot.getKind().isReadOnly(slot)
class ExclusiveChoiceAbstract(BaseWidget):
allLabel = N_('All')
allLabel_kind_importExport = 'private'
allLabel_kind_label = N_('All Label')
allLabel_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
allLabel_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
allLabel_kindName = 'String'
labels = None
labels_kind_importExport = 'private'
labels_kind_keyKind_valueName = 'String'
labels_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
labels_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
labels_kind_valueKind_valueName = 'String'
labels_kindName = 'Mapping'
noneLabel = N_('None')
noneLabel_kind_importExport = 'private'
noneLabel_kind_label = N_('None Label')
noneLabel_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
noneLabel_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
noneLabel_kindName = 'String'
titles = None
titles_kind_importExport = 'private'
titles_kind_keyKind_valueName = 'String'
titles_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
titles_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
titles_kind_valueKind_valueName = 'String'
titles_kindName = 'Mapping'
def getLabels(self, slot):
if self.labels:
return self.labels
return slot.getKind().getLabels(slot)
class InputText(BaseWidget):
size = None
size_kind_label = N_('Width')
size_kind_stateInViewMode = 'read-only/hidden-if-empty'
size_kindName = 'Integer'
thingPublicName = N_('Single-Line Text Entry Field')
class Time(InputText):
thingPublicName = N_('Time Entry Field')
class Duration(BaseWidget):
thingPublicName = N_('Duration Entry Field')
class Email(BaseWidget):
size = 40
size_kind_importExport = 'private'
size_kind_label = N_('Width')
size_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
size_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
size_kindName = 'Integer'
thingPublicName = N_('E-mail Address Entry Field')
class InputCheckBox(BaseWidget):
labels = None
labels_kind_importExport = 'private'
labels_kind_keyKind_valueName = 'String'
labels_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
labels_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
labels_kind_valueKind_valueName = 'String'
labels_kindName = 'Mapping'
thingPublicName = N_('Check Box')
titles = None
titles_kind_importExport = 'private'
titles_kind_keyKind_valueName = 'String'
titles_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
titles_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
titles_kind_valueKind_valueName = 'String'
titles_kindName = 'Mapping'
def getLabels(self, slot):
if self.labels:
return self.labels
return slot.getKind().getLabels(slot)
class InputPassword(BaseWidget):
size = None
size_kind_importExport = 'private'
size_kind_label = N_('Width')
size_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
size_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
size_kindName = 'Integer'
thingPublicName = N_('Password Entry Field')
class Link(BaseWidget):
thingPublicName = N_('Link Entry Field')
class Mapping(BaseWidget):
fieldLabelPlural = None
fieldLabelPlural_kindName = 'String'
class Multi(BaseWidget):
addButtonLabel = None
addButtonLabel_kind_importExport = 'private'
addButtonLabel_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
addButtonLabel_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
addButtonLabel_kindName = 'String'
fieldLabelPlural = None
fieldLabelPlural_kind_importExport = 'private'
fieldLabelPlural_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
fieldLabelPlural_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
fieldLabelPlural_kindName = 'String'
inline = 0
inline_kind_importExport = 'private'
inline_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
inline_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
inline_kindName = 'Boolean'
reorderingButtons = 1
reorderingButtons_kind_importExport = 'private'
reorderingButtons_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
reorderingButtons_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
reorderingButtons_kindName = 'Boolean'
thingPublicName = N_('Multi-Line Field')
uniqueValues = 0
uniqueValues_kind_importExport = 'private'
uniqueValues_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
uniqueValues_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
uniqueValues_kindName = 'Boolean'
class MultiCheck(BaseWidget):
class Path(BaseWidget):
thingPublicName = N_('File Path Entry Field')
class PushButton(BaseWidget):
apply_kind_importExport = 'private'
apply_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
apply_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
location = 'default'
location_kind_label = N_('Location')
location_kind_labels = {
'action': N_('Action Buttons Bar'),
'default': N_('Default'),
'navigation': N_('Navigation Buttons Bar'),
'other-action': N_('Custom Buttons Bar'),
location_kind_values = [
location_kindName = 'Choice'
thingPublicName = N_('Button')
def getOrderedLayoutSlotNames(self, parentSlot = None):
slotNames = BaseWidget.getOrderedLayoutSlotNames(
self, parentSlot = parentSlot)
slotNames += ['location']
return slotNames
class RadioButtons(ExclusiveChoiceAbstract):
thingPublicName = N_('Radio Buttons')
class Select(ExclusiveChoiceAbstract):
thingPublicName = N_('Option Menu')
class SelectId(BaseWidget):
noneLabel = N_('None')
noneLabel_kind_label = N_('None Label')
noneLabel_kindName = 'String'
provideHypertextLink = 1
provideHypertextLink_kind_label = N_('Provide hypertext link')
provideHypertextLink_kindName = 'Boolean'
showOthersButton = 1
showOthersButton_kind_label = N_('Others Button')
showOthersButton_kindName = 'Boolean'
thingPublicName = N_('Option Menu')
def getOrderedLayoutSlotNames(self, parentSlot = None):
slotNames = BaseWidget.getOrderedLayoutSlotNames(
self, parentSlot = parentSlot)
slotNames += ['showOthersButton', 'noneLabel']
return slotNames
class TextArea(BaseWidget):
cols = 80
cols_kind_label = N_('Width')
cols_kindName = 'Integer'
preview = 0
preview_kind_label = N_('Show Preview')
preview_kindName = 'Boolean'
rows = 25
rows_kind_label = N_('Height')
rows_kindName = 'Integer'
thingPublicName = N_('Multi-Line Text Entry Field')
viewInTextArea = 0
viewInTextArea_kind_importExport = 'private'
viewInTextArea_kind_label = N_('View In Text Area')
viewInTextArea_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
viewInTextArea_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
viewInTextArea_kindName = 'Boolean'
## def getHelpAlias(self, slot, fields):
## if self.format == 'spip':
## return 'help-spip-syntax'
## else:
## return BaseWidget.getHelpAlias(self, slot, fields)
def getOrderedLayoutSlotNames(self, parentSlot = None):
slotNames = BaseWidget.getOrderedLayoutSlotNames(
self, parentSlot = parentSlot)
slotNames += ['cols', 'rows', 'preview', 'viewInTextArea']
return slotNames
class Thing(BaseWidget):
thingPublicName = N_('Standard')
class Token(BaseWidget):
class UploadFile(BaseWidget):
thingPublicName = N_('Upload Field')
class Url(BaseWidget):
size = None
size_kind_label = N_('Width')
size_kind_stateInViewMode = 'read-only/hidden-if-empty'
size_kindName = 'Integer'
thingPublicName = N_('URL Entry Field')
class XSelect(Select):
otherFieldLabel = None
otherFieldLabel_kindName = 'String'
size = None
size_kind_label = N_('Width')
size_kind_stateInViewMode = 'read-only/hidden-if-empty'
size_kindName = 'Integer'
thingPublicName = N_('Combo Box')