
311 lines
12 KiB

var gadjo_js = gadjo_js || {};
(function () {
if (gadjo_js.loaded) return
gadjo_js.loaded = true;
var $ = jQuery;
window.displayPopup = function(event)
/* Opens the target link into a dialog box
* The target link is extracted from the @href attribute for anchors or
* from the @data-url attribute for other tags.
* The dialog title is extracted from "#appbar h2" (this selector can be
* changed with a @data-title-selector attribute on the anchor tag).
* The dialog content is extracted from "form" (this selector can be
* changed with a @data-selector attribute).
* Buttons (both <button> and <a>) are extracted from the content and
* converted into proper dialog buttons. A button with "cancel" as its
* class will have its action changed to simply close the dialog, without
* server processing.
* After loading the dialog content, a gadjo:dialog-loaded event is
* triggered on the anchor with the dialog content as argument.
* Alternatively the server may notice the ajax request and answer with
* an appropriate JSON response. In that case it should have a 'content'
* attribute with the HTML content, or a 'location' attribute in case of
* a redirect.
* In case of such a redirect, a gadjo:dialog-done event is triggered on
* the anchor and can be cancelled to prevent the default redirect
* behaviour.
* The JSON support depends on the presence of the jQuery Form plugin.
* Submit is done in place if the $anchor has a data-inplace-submit="true"
* attribute, a gadjo:dialog-done event is triggered on success, a
* gadjo:dialog-submit-error event is triggered on failure.
* Dialog is modal by default, set data-modal="false" for non-modal
* dialogs.
var $anchor = $(this);
var url = $anchor.attr('href') || $'url');
var selector = $'selector') || 'form:not(.gadjo-popup-ignore)';
var title_selector = $'title-selector') || '#appbar h2';
var inplace_submit = $'inplace-submit');
var modal = $'modal');
if (modal === undefined) {
modal = true;
function show_error(message) {
/* Add a div to body to show an error message and fade it out after 3
* seconds */
$('<div id="gadjo-ajax-error"></div>')
.fadeOut(400, function () {
function ajaxform_submit(data, status, xhr, form) {
if ('location' in data) {
var e = $.Event('gadjo:dialog-done');
if (document.contains($anchor[0])) {
$anchor.trigger(e, data);
} else {
$(document).trigger(e, data);
/* check if the event action has been prevented, and don't do
* anything in that case. */
if (! e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
if (data.location.split('#')[0] == window.location.href.split('#')[0]) {
window.location = data.location;
} else {
var $form = $(form);
if (document.contains($anchor[0])) {
$anchor.trigger('gadjo:dialog-loaded', $form);
} else {
$(document).trigger('gadjo:dialog-loaded', $form);
/* Close existing dialog boxes */
url: url,
success: function(html) {
var is_json = typeof html != 'string';
if (is_json) {
/* get html out of json */
var html = html.content;
} else {
var html = html;
var $html = $(html);
/* get content and form (if different) ouf of html */
var $content = $html.find(selector);
if ($'form')) {
var $form = $content;
} else {
var $form = $content.find('form');
/* get title out of html */
var title = $html.find(title_selector).text();
modal: modal,
'title': title,
width: 'auto',
close: function (ev, ui) {
/* if the form doesn't have an @action attribute, set it to URL */
if (! $form.attr('action')) {
$form.attr('action', url);
/* hide buttons from content and convert buttons (<button> and <a>)
* into proper dialog buttons */
var buttons = Array();
$form.find('.buttons button, .buttons a').each(function(idx, elem) {
var $elem = $(elem);
var button = Object();
button.text = $elem.text();
if ($elem.hasClass('cancel')) {
/* special behaviour for the cancel button: do not send
* anything to server, just close the dialog */ = function() { $form.dialog('destroy'); return false; };
} else { = function() {
if (inplace_submit) {
var action_url = $form.attr('action');
if ($form[0].checkValidity() === false) {
/* if HTML5 validation fails, we trigger a
* click to get the errors displayed */
return false;
$('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button').button('disable');
type: 'POST',
url: action_url,
data: $form.serialize(),
}).success(function(data) {
$anchor.trigger('gadjo:dialog-done', data);
}).fail(function() { $anchor.trigger('gadjo:dialog-submit-error');
} else {
return false;
/* add custom classes to some buttons */
if ($elem.hasClass('submit-button')) {
button.class = 'submit-button';
} else if ($elem.hasClass('delete-button')) {
button.class = 'delete-button';
$form.dialog('option', 'buttons', buttons);
/* focus initial input field */
if ($form.find('input:visible').length) {
/* if received content was in json, apply jQuery Form plugin on it */
if (is_json && $.fn.ajaxForm != undefined) {
success: ajaxform_submit,
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
show_error("Dialog box submit failed: " + textStatus + " " + errorThrown);
$anchor.trigger('gadjo:dialog-loaded', $form);
return false;
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
show_error("Dialog box loading failed: " + textStatus + " " + errorThrown);
return false;
var storage = undefined;
try {
window.localStorage._gadgo_test = true;
storage = window.localStorage;
} catch(e) {
try {
window.sessionStorage._gadjo_test = true;
storage = window.sessionStorage;
} catch(e) {
storage = Object();
$(function() {
var cookie_domain = window.location.hostname.split('.').slice(1).join('.');
function readCookie(name) { /* */
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
return null;
function set_sidepage_status(sidepage_status) {
storage.sidepage_status = sidepage_status;
if (cookie_domain) {
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (10 * 86400 * 1000)); /* a long week */
document.cookie = 'gadjo_sidepage_status=' + sidepage_status +
'; expires=' + date.toGMTString() +
'; domain=.' + cookie_domain +
'; path=/';
function get_sidepage_status() {
if (window.location.protocol == 'file:') {
/* don't open sidepage when loading from a file:// */
return 'collapsed';
var sidepage_status = null;
if (cookie_domain) {
sidepage_status = readCookie('gadjo_sidepage_status');
} else {
sidepage_status = storage.sidepage_status;
if (!sidepage_status &&
typeof(GADJO_DEFAULT_SIDEPAGE_STATUS) !== "undefined") {
return sidepage_status;
$(document).on('click.gadjo', 'a[rel=popup]', displayPopup);
if ($('#sidepage').length) {
var sidepage_button = $('#sidepage #applabel');
sidepage_button.on('click', function() {
$('#sidepage, #main').addClass('enable-transitions');
$('#sidepage, #main').toggleClass('sidepage-expanded');
if ($('#sidepage').hasClass('sidepage-expanded')) {
} else {
if (get_sidepage_status() == 'expanded') {
$('#sidepage, #main').toggleClass('sidepage-expanded');
$(function () {
function gadjo_unfold_saved() {
$('.gadjo-folded').each(function (idx, elem) {
if ( && sessionStorage['gadjo-foldable-id-' + + '-' + window.location.pathname] == "true") {
$(document).on('gadjo:content-update', gadjo_unfold_saved);
$('body').on('click', '.gadjo-foldable-widget', function (event) {
var $parent = $('.gadjo-foldable');
if ($parent[0].id) {
sessionStorage['gadjo-foldable-id-' + $parent[0].id + '-' + window.location.pathname] = ! $'.gadjo-folded');
$(function () {
/* 440 is header image height (500px) - header height (60px) */
var timestamp = ((new Date().getTime() / 1000) % 86400 ) / (86400 / 440);
$('div#header').css('background-position', '0 -' + timestamp + 'px');