This repository has been archived on 2023-02-21. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

1185 lines
22 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

/***** wcs *****/
hr.clear {
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div#gauche li a {
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li.all-forms {
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div#member div.buttons {
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padding: 5px 0 5px 20px;
li a#par_ical {
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padding: 5px 0 5px 20px;
div.address {
margin-left: 2em;
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h2.foldable {
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div.dataview p {
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form h3,
div.dataview h3 {
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font-size: 12px;
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padding-top: 8px;
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display: block;
margin-left: 1em;
margin-bottom: 1ex;
padding-left: 10px;
padding-top: 5px;
min-width: 48%;
float: left;
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div.content table tbody tr td input:focus {
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padding-left: 1ex;
font-weight: bold;
white-space: nowrap;
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line-height: 1.5em;
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background: url(/qo/images/stock_remove_16.png) top left no-repeat;
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margin-left: 1em;
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.passStrengthify {
padding-left: 1em;
div.dataview {
display: none;
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display: block;
margin: 1em 0;
form#follow-form {
display: none;
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display: none;
div.TableWidget input {
width: 7em;
.chapeau {
font-style: italic;
font-size: 110%;
div#centre {
background: none;
div#home-page-intro {
background: white;
padding: 1ex;
h3#my-forms {
display: none;
p#welcome {
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box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #777;
div.buttons input[name="submit"] {
font-weight: bold;
textarea {
text-align: left;
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transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s, box-shadow ease-in-out .15s;
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#content .form-validation input[readonly],
#content .form-validation textarea[readonly] {
background-color: #ccc;
background-image: none;
color: black;
div#services > h3 { display: none; }
/********** local template ***********/
ul {
padding: 0;
list-style: none;
#nav {
width: 100%;
float: left;
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border: none;
#nav .account-panel>.panel-heading, #nav .nav-panel>.panel-heading {
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color: white;
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font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
line-height: 1;
float: left;
margin-top: 3px;
margin-right: 7px;
font-size: 13px;
color: #D91A80;
#real-content ul.federation-plugin-list > li:before {
#real-content ul.federation-plugin-list > li:before {
content: none;
#services > ul > li > ul > li:before, #nav .account-panel li:before, #nav .account-panel li:before:hover, #nav .nav-panel li:before, #nav .nav-panel li:before:hover {
color: #D91A80;
#services > ul > li:before {
content: none;
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background: none;
padding-left: 0;
#single-title {
display: none;
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width: 100%;
float: left;
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margin-bottom: 20px;
#main-content .widget .title {
border: none;
margin-bottom: 6px;
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border-radius: 6px;
border: 1px solid #D8D8D8;
background: #F1F1F1;
padding: 15px 25px;
margin-bottom: 15px;
#messages .messages {
margin-bottom: 0;
#messages .info {
color: #158300;
#messages .info:before {
position: relative;
top: 7px;
left: -7px;
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font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 1;
display: block;
font-size: 21px;
float: left;
margin-right: 2px;
color: #27A30F;
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text-align: left;
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height: 34px;
padding: 6px 12px;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 1.42857143;
color: #555;
background-color: #FFF;
background-image: none;
border: 1px solid #CCC;
border-radius: 4px;
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box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
-webkit-transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s, box-shadow ease-in-out .15s;
transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s, box-shadow ease-in-out .15s;
margin-bottom: 10px;
#content input[type="password"], #content input[type="email"], #content input[type="text"] {
width: 87%;
#content > p:last-child {
margin: 0;
#content >:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
form, .right {
display: block;
padding: 20px;
width: 60%;
background: white;
margin: 20px auto;
margin-bottom: 20px;
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border-color: #DDD;
border-radius: 4px;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
margin-bottom: 0;
text-align: center;
form h1, form h2, form h3, form h4, form h5, form p, .right h1, .right h2, .right h3, .right h4, .right h5, .right p {
text-align: left;
form form, .right form {
background: transparent;
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margin: 0;
border: none;
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width: auto;
input[type="submit"] {
display: inline-block;
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cursor: pointer;
background-image: none;
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font-size: 14px;
line-height: 1.42857143;
border-radius: 4px;
color: #FFF;
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border-color: #ab1565;
input[type="submit"]:hover {
text-decoration: none;
color: #FFF;
background-color: #ab1565;
border-color: #951258;
input[type="submit"]:active, input[type="submit"]:focus {
color: #FFF;
background-color: #ab1565;
border-color: #951258;
outline: 0;
background-image: none;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
input[type="submit"] + button.submit, button.submit + input[type="submit"], input[type="submit"] + input[type="submit"], button.submit + button.submit {
margin-left: 5px;
button.submit {
display: inline-block;
margin-bottom: 0;
font-weight: normal;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
cursor: pointer;
background-image: none;
border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
white-space: nowrap;
padding: 6px 12px;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 1.42857143;
border-radius: 4px;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
color: #333;
background-color: #FFF;
border-color: #CCC;
button.submit:hover {
text-decoration: none;
color: #333;
background-color: #EBEBEB;
border-color: #ADADAD;
button.submit:active, button.submit:focus {
outline: 0;
background-image: none;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
color: #333;
background-color: #EBEBEB;
border-color: #ADADAD;
.quixote {
border: none;
padding: 0;
box-shadow: none;
.quixote p {
margin: 0 0 15px;
line-height: 1.6em;
.quixote h4 {
line-height: 1.4em;
.help-text {
font-size: 11px;
margin-top: -5px;
color: #706C6C;
margin-bottom: 15px;
.federation-plugin-list {
text-align: left;
border-radius: 5px;
.federation-plugin-list > li {
border: 1px solid #DADADA;
padding: 5px 15px;
.federation-plugin-list > li:last-child {
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border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
.federation-plugin-list > li:first-child {
border-top-right-radius: 5px;
border-top-left-radius: 5px;
.federation-plugin-list form {
text-align: left;
overflow: hidden;
display: block;
.federation-plugin-list form input {
padding: 5px 8px;
font-size: 11px;
float: right;
.federation-plugin-list .federation-plugin-federation-name {
padding-top: 4px;
display: inline-block;
#content .bo-block {
padding-top: 20px;
#content .bo-block h2 {
font-size: 18px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
font-weight: 600;
#content .dataview {
display: none;
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font-size: 24px;
border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
margin-bottom: 15px;
padding-bottom: 8px;
color: #D91A80;
#services > h3:first-child {
margin-top: 15px;
#services > ul {
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
margin-left: 0px;
padding-left: 0px;
#services > ul > li {
display: block;
padding: 20px;
padding-left: 0px;
background: #FFF;
margin: 20px auto;
margin-bottom: 20px;
background-color: #FFF;
border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
margin-bottom: 0;
text-align: left;
float: left;
margin: 0;
width: 46%;
#services > ul > li > ul > li:before {
display: inline-block;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
line-height: 1;
float: left;
margin-top: 3px;
margin-left: -14px;
font-size: 13px;
color: #D91A80;
#services > ul > li ul {
padding: 0 0 0 0px;
#services > ul > li > ul > li {
padding: 3px 0;
line-height: 1.25em;
font-size: 1.3em;
#services > ul > li > strong {
padding-top: 0;
font-size: 24px;
border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
margin-bottom: 15px;
padding-bottom: 8px;
margin-top: 0;
text-align: left;
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: 600;
margin-top: -5px;
display: block;
line-height: 1em;
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color: #454548;
margin: 0.7em 0;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 1.3em;
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text-decoration: underline;
.interieur #content #contentBlock-1 div ul.catforms li a {
font-size: 1.7em;
.interieur #content #contentBlock-1 h2,.interieur #content #contentBlock-1 h3 {
font-size: 1.6em;
h2#services {display: none;}
#rub_service {
overflow: hidden;
#rub_service label {
color: #333;
#rub_service form {
padding: 25px 30px;
width: auto;
overflow: hidden;
#rub_service form input, #rub_service form select {
max-width: 250px;
#rub_service form h3 {
border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
margin-bottom: 15px;
margin-top: 30px;
padding-bottom: 8px;
#rub_service form h4 {
font-size: 17px;
border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
margin-bottom: 15px;
margin-top: 30px;
padding-bottom: 8px;
#rub_service form input[type="submit"] {
background: #d72a84;
#rub_service form input[type="submit"]:hover {
opacity: 0.9;
#rub_service form input[type="checkbox"] {
margin-right: 5px;
float: left;
#rub_service form input.cancel {
color: #333;
background-color: #FFF;
border-color: #CCC;
#rub_service form input.cancel:hover {
color: #333;
background-color: #EBEBEB;
border-color: #ADADAD;
#rub_service form input.cancel:active, #rub_service form input.cancel:focus {
outline: 0;
background-image: none;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
.CheckboxWidget {
position: relative;
.CheckboxWidget .title label {
position: absolute;
left: 20px;
.SubmitWidget.widget.cancel-button {
float: left;
.buttons .SubmitWidget .content {
margin-left: 10px;
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overflow: hidden;
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text-align: left;
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text-align: right;
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margin-bottom: 0;
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float: right;
width: 49%;
#rub_service form .cancel-button {
float: left;
text-align: right;
#steps {
float: left;
width: 100%;
.steplist > .panel {
box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
#steps > h2 {
font-size: 15px;
border-bottom: none;
font-weight: bolder;
margin-bottom: 0;
padding-bottom: 8px;
padding-top: 0;
margin-top: 5px;
#steps > ol {
overflow: hidden;
list-style: none;
padding: 0;
position: relative;
#steps > ol > li {
border-radius: 4px;
border: 1px solid lightgrey;
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: bold;
margin-bottom: 25px;
background: #F1F1F1;
color: #5C5C5C;
padding: 10px 15px;
position: relative;
margin-right: 23px;
#steps li:hover:before, #steps li:before {
content: none;
#steps > ol > li.last {
margin-bottom: 0;
#steps > ol > li.current {
background: white;
color: #333;
#steps > ol > li ul {
top: 100%;
left: 0;
margin: 0 -10px -18px;
#steps > ol > li ul li {
display: block;
padding: 5px 10px;
color: #333;
font-size: 12px;
#steps > ol > li ul li.current {
color: #FFF;
background-color: #d91a80;
border-radius: 2px;
#steps > ol > li ul li.current .label {
color: white;
#steps > ol > li ul li span {
font-size: 11px;
margin-right: 10px;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 1.2em;
#steps > ol > li:after {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -6px;
top: 100%;
content: '';
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-style: solid;
margin-top: 10px;
border-width: 6px 6px 0 6px;
border-color: #B6B6B6 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
#steps > ol > li:last-child:after {
content: none;
#steps .label {
color: #333;
font-weight: normal;
padding: 5px 0;
display: inline-block;
#steps .label + ul {
padding: 5px 0 12px;
.logged-in .user.fullname {
font-weight: bold;
.login-actions {
margin-top: 25px;
margin-bottom: 0;
.login-actions p:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
#rub_service {
width: 100%;
/************** other stuffs ****************/
html {
body {
background-position: 0 0;
#droite #myspace {
display: none;
form {
width: 100%;
.steplist {
margin: 0px;
padding-top: 0px;
margin-top: 0px;
padding-right: 15px;
.steplist div.panel-body {
padding: 7px 15px 7px 0px;
#steps > ol > li {
margin-right: 0px;
form .submit-button,
form .cancel-button,
#rub_service form .submit-button,
#rub_service form .cancel-button {
width: auto;
input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"] {
margin: 0px 4px 0px 0px;
.remove {
height: 16px;
.CheckboxWidget .title label {
left: 30px;
#services .widget-with-error .content input, #services .widget-with-error .content textarea {
background-color: #ffd3d3;
#content h3 + h3 {
display: none;
div.dataview div.field span.label {
font-weight: bold;
color: #333;
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max-width: 100%;
float: left;
font-size: 12px;
text-align: left;
padding-top: 8px;
white-space: normal;
div.dataview div.field .value {
display: block;
margin-left: 1em;
margin-bottom: 1ex;
padding-left: 10px;
padding-top: 5px;
min-width: 48%;
float: none;
line-height: 20px;
form, .right {
text-align: left;
border: none;
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height: 120px;
padding: 32px 0 50px 25px;*/
background: url(../img/cont-bg.png) no-repeat 0 5px;
/************ correction *************/
div.buttons input[name="previous"] {
float: left
div.buttons input[name="cancel"] {
float: center;
margin-left: 200px;
div.buttons input[name="submit"] {
float : right;
/********** report sur idp ************/
#profile-links, #my-profile { display: none;}