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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# fargo - document box
# Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from webtest import Upload
import pytest
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.utils.six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse
import magic
except ImportError:
magic = None
from fargo.fargo.models import UserDocument
from test_manager import login
pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db
def test_unlogged(app):
assert urlparse.urlparse(app.get('/', status=302).location).path == '/login/'
def test_upload(app, john_doe):
login(app, user=john_doe)
response1 = app.get('/')
form = response1.form
form['content'] = Upload('monfichier.pdf', b'coin', 'application/pdf')
response2 = form.submit()
assert response2['Location'] in ['/', 'http://testserver/']
response2 = response2.follow()
assert 'monfichier.pdf' in response2.text
if magic is not None:
assert UserDocument.objects.get(filename='monfichier.pdf').document.mime_type == 'text/plain'
assert ' mime-text ' in response2.text
assert ' mime-text-plain' in response2.text
response1 = app.get('/')
form = response1.form
form['content'] = Upload('monfichier.pdf', b'%PDF-1.4 ...', 'application/pdf')
response2 = form.submit().follow()
assert 'monfichier.pdf' in response2.text
assert u'12 bytes' in response2.text
if magic is not None:
assert UserDocument.objects.get(filename='monfichier.pdf').document.mime_type == 'application/pdf'
assert ' mime-application ' in response2.text
assert ' mime-application-pdf' in response2.text
def test_upload_max_size(app, private_settings, john_doe):
private_settings.FARGO_MAX_DOCUMENT_SIZE = 1
login(app, user=john_doe)
response1 = app.get('/')
form = response1.form
form['content'] = Upload('monfichier.pdf', b'coin', 'application/pdf')
response2 = form.submit()
assert response2.status_code == 200
assert 'Uploaded file is too big' in response2.text
def test_upload_max_document_box_size(app, private_settings, john_doe):
private_settings.FARGO_MAX_DOCUMENT_BOX_SIZE = 4
login(app, user=john_doe)
response1 = app.get('/')
form = response1.form
form['content'] = Upload('monfichier.pdf', b'coin', 'application/pdf')
response2 = form.submit().follow()
assert 'monfichier.pdf' in response2.text
response1 = app.get('/')
form = response1.forms['send-file']
form['content'] = Upload('monfichier.pdf', b'coin', 'application/pdf')
response2 = form.submit()
assert response2.status_code == 200
assert 'Your document box is full (limit is 4)' in response2.text
def test_pick(app, private_settings, john_doe, user_doc):
login(app, user=john_doe)
return_url = 'http://client.org/callback/'
response = app.get(reverse('list_to_pick') + '?pick=' + return_url)
response = response.forms[0].submit('Pick')
assert response['Location'].startswith(return_url)
assert '?url=' in response['Location']