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# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Expression
# By: Frederic Peters <>
# Emmanuel Raviart <>
# Copyright (C) 2004 Entr'ouvert, Frederic Peters & Emmanuel Raviart
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""Elements Module
Elements are wrapper around libxml2 nodes.
Every elements belongs to a XML holder (which is a wrapper around libxml2
import os
import libxml2
import environs
import faults
import filesystems
import locations
import logs
import modules
import namespaces
import nodes
import stations
import xpaths
class Element(stations.AbstractStation, nodes.NodeWrapper):
_description = None
_schema = None # Cache for XML schema
dummyNodes = None
# The nodes containing the namespace definitions managed by this
# element
owner = None
# The element or document which owns self.node.
# When not None, the node is not managed by self => node should not be freed on delete.
# When owner is "external", it means the node is managed by something unknown (either a
# libxml2 document not created by Expression (for exemple, a document created by applying
# an XSLT) or an unknown expression element or ...).
translatable = False
# whether contents can be translated
translated = False
# whether the element was already translated.
# Initialy not, unless an ancestor element already was (see __init__).
def __del__(self):
if self.node is not None:
if self.owner is None:
# logs.debug("Freing node %s of element %s" % (self.node, self))
del self.node
if self.dummyNodes is not None:
for dummyNode in self.dummyNodes:
del self.dummyNodes
def __init__(self, node = None, previous = None, parent = None, uriPathFragment = None,
owner = "undefined"):
self, previous = previous, parent = parent, uriPathFragment = uriPathFragment)
if node is None:
namespaceUri, name = modules.getElementClassNamespaceUriAndName(self.__class__)
assert name, "Node %s in namespace URI %s has no name." % (self, namespaceUri)
node = libxml2.newNode(name)
elif isinstance(node, (list, tuple)):
assert len(node) == 3, "Wrong node triplet = %s" % (node)
namespacePrefix = node[0]
namespaceUri = node[1]
name = node[2]
node = libxml2.newNode(name)
node.setNs(self.newNamespace(namespaceUri, namespacePrefix))
assert node.type == "element", "Node %s of type %s is not an element." % (
node, node.type)
assert, "Node %s of type %s has no name." % (node, node.type)
assert owner != "undefined", 'Missing parameter "owner".'
if owner is not None:
self.owner = owner
nodes.NodeWrapper.__init__(self, node)
parent = self.getParent()
if parent is not None and isinstance(parent, Element):
self.translated = parent.translated
if self.translatable and not self.translated:
def absorbNode(self, element, isDirectElement = True):
"""Extract node from element and prepare it to be inserted in self.
Element will still contain the node but will not manage its memory
allocation anymore.
if self.owner not in (None, "external"):
return self.owner.absorbNode(element, isDirectElement = False)
assert isinstance(element, Element)
assert element.owner in (None, self), \
"Trying to absorb an already absorbed node = %s" % element
if self.owner == "external":
element.owner = "external"
# Because of reconciliateNs (which will be executed ASAP, typically during append), the
# namespaces defined in element dummyNodes are not used => They can be freed when
# element will be freed, so we don't need to move dummyNodes of element to self.
element.owner = self
if self.node.doc is None:
if element.dummyNodes is not None:
if self.dummyNodes is None:
self.dummyNodes = element.dummyNodes
self.dummyNodes += element.dummyNodes
del element.dummyNodes
# else:
# Because of reconciliateNs (which will be executed ASAP, typically during append),
# the namespaces defined in element dummyNodes are not used => They can be freed
# when element will be freed, so we don't need to move dummyNodes of element to
# self.
return element.node
def append(self, item):
if isinstance(item, Element):
item = self.absorbNode(item) # Prepare to execute the next if.
if isinstance(item, libxml2.xmlCore):
if self.node.doc is not None:
# self.node.reconciliateNs(self.node.doc)
elif isinstance(item, unicode):
elif isinstance(item, str):
elif item is not None:
raise Exception("Wrong item = %s (of type %s)" % (item, type(item)))
def createChildElementNode(self, name, node = None, content = None):
""" creates and returns a child element for self.node, unless node is specified
Accepts names of the following forms:
- name[positionNumber]
- (name|alternateName)
- (name|alternateName)[positionNumber]
Manages known namespace prefixes.
Sets the new child's content if provided.
if node is None:
node = self.node
elementNode = None
positionNumber = 1
nameWithPosition = name
if name[-1] == "]":
# remove the [positionNumber] part and remember it
positionNumber = int(name[name.index("[") + 1:name.index("]")])
name = name[:name.index("[")]
nameWithAlternatives = name
if name.find("(") == 0:
# extract name from (name|alternateName)
if "|" in name:
name = name[1:name.index("|")]
name = name[1:]
# find the element's namespace
namespace = None
if ":" in name:
namespacePrefix, name = name.split(":")
namespace = node.searchNs(node.doc, namespacePrefix)
except libxml2.treeError:
# prefix was not recognised
namespaceUri = namespaces.getUri(namespacePrefix)
except KeyError:
# namespace is the default namespace (no prefix)
namespace = node.searchNsByHref(node.doc, namespaceUri)
except libxml2.treeError:
# namespace not declared yet
namespace = node.newNs(namespaceUri, namespacePrefix)
# create the element and set its content
elementNode = node.newTextChild(namespace, name, content)
# make sure we are at the right position
siblingNodes = self.evaluateXpath(nameWithAlternatives, node)
if len(siblingNodes) > positionNumber:
currentPositionNumber = 1
# new node is not the last one -> move up
for siblingNode in siblingNodes:
if currentPositionNumber == positionNumber:
currentPositionNumber += 1
elif positionNumber > len(siblingNodes):
# new node position should be lower - insert empty nodes to move down
currentPositionNumber = len(siblingNodes)
while currentPositionNumber < positionNumber:
currentPositionNumber += 1
return elementNode
def createDescendantElementNode(self, xpath, node = None, content = None):
""" creates and returns a node at location xpath, starting from self.node, unless node is specified
If the parent nodes do not exist, they are created.
Specify content if you want to set the new child's content.
if node is None:
node = self.node
elementNode = None
if "/" in xpath:
# we create the first parent if it does not exist, then we recurse on the remaining xpath
name, remainingXpath = xpath.split("/", 1)
localNodes = self.evaluateXpath(name, node)
if localNodes:
localNode = localNodes[0]
localNode = self.createChildElementNode(name, node, None)
elementNode = self.createDescendantElementNode(remainingXpath, localNode, content)
elementNode = self.createChildElementNode(xpath, node, content)
return elementNode
def customizeDescriptionPrototype(self, descriptionPrototype):
""" Customizes the description prototype if needed
Elements subclasses can make specific modifications to their description
prototype by overwriting this method.
This is sometimes needed in order to dynamically populate form controls
or add user-dependant restrictions.
def doHttpGet(self):
description = self.getDescription()
if description is not None:
return description.checkAccessAndWalk(
[], environs.getVar("httpCommand"), environs.getVar("instruction"))
except (faults.PathForbidden, faults.PathNotFound, faults.PathUnauthorized), fault:
logs.exception("Ignoring fault %s in %s.checkAccessAndWalk()" % (
fault, description))
return super(Element, self).doHttpGet()
def doHttpPost(self):
description = self.getDescription()
if description is not None:
return description.checkAccessAndWalk(
[], environs.getVar("httpCommand"), environs.getVar("instruction"))
except (faults.PathForbidden, faults.PathNotFound, faults.PathUnauthorized), fault:
logs.exception("Ignoring fault %s in %s.checkAccessAndWalk()" % (
fault, description))
return super(Element, self).doHttpPost()
def generatePlainText(self):
return self.generatePlainTextContext(self.newContext(self, previous = self))
def generatePlainTextContext(self, context):
import elements
layout = []
childNode = self.node.children
while childNode is not None:
if childNode.type in ("cdata", "text"):
childNode =
if childNode.type != "element":
childNode =
element = self.newElement(childNode)
elementContext = element.newContext(context.specimen, previous = context)
childNode =
return u"".join(layout)
def generateXml(self, layout):
return self.generateXmlContext(self.newContext(self, previous = self), layout)
def generateXmlContext(self, context, layout):
description = self.getDescription()
if description is not None:
return description.generateXml(layout)
newElement = self.generateXmlContextElement(context, layout)
self.generateXmlContextAttributes(context, newElement)
self.generateXmlContextChildren(context, newElement)
return True
def generateXmlContextAttributes(self, context, newElement):
filled = False
attribute =
while attribute is not None:
attributeName =
attributeContent = attribute.content
newElement.node.newProp(attributeName, attributeContent)
filled = True
attribute =
return filled
def generateXmlContextChildren(self, context, layout):
filled = False
childNode = self.node.children
while childNode is not None:
if childNode.type != "element":
filled = True
childNode =
element = self.newElement(childNode)
elementContext = element.newContext(context.specimen, previous = context)
if elementContext.generateXml(layout):
filled = True
childNode =
return filled
def generateXmlContextElement(self, context, layout):
namespacePrefix = self.getNamespacePrefix()
namespaceUri = self.getNamespaceUri()
name =
newElementClass = modules.getElementClass(namespaceUri, name)
newElement = newElementClass(node = (namespacePrefix, namespaceUri, name), owner = None)
return newElement
def getConfigNodesAndOwner(self, xpath, ignoreGeneralValue = False):
namespaceUri = self.getNamespaceUri()
name =
if namespaceUri is None:
return [], self
assert namespaceUri and name, 'Invalid namespace URI "%s" or name "%s" for %s' % (
namespaceUri, name, self)
return self.getConfigElementNodesAndOwner(
namespaceUri, name, xpath, ignoreGeneralValue = ignoreGeneralValue)
def getContentAtXpath(self, xpath, contextNode = None):
""" returns the specified node content or value, None on an empty element
ex: emailAddress = myUser.getContentAtXpath("yep:person/yep:email")
raises an Exception unless exactly one node matches xpath
nodes = self.evaluateXpath(xpath, contextNode)
if not nodes:
raise Exception("Node not found at %s" % xpath)
if len(nodes) > 1:
raise Exception("Several nodes found at %s" % xpath)
for node in nodes:
if node.children:
return node.content
def getDescription(self):
if self._description is None:
if not self.getConfigBoolean("yep:useDescriptions", default = True):
self._description = "none"
return None
import expression.modules.xforms.descriptions as descriptions
except ImportError:
self._description = "none"
descriptionAbsolutePath = None
# Look for a description attribute in element.
descriptionLocationNodes = self.evaluateXpath("@description")
if descriptionLocationNodes:
descriptionAbsolutePath = self.convertNodesToAbsolutePath(
descriptionLocationNodes, self, "@description", default = None)
# Otherwise, look for a description element in config.
if descriptionAbsolutePath is None:
descriptionAbsolutePath = self.getConfigAbsolutePath(
"yep:description", default = None, ignoreGeneralValue = True)
# Otherwise, look for a description declaration made by a Python module.
if descriptionAbsolutePath is None:
feature = modules.getElementFeature(self.getNamespaceUri(),
except KeyError:
descriptionAbsolutePath = feature.descriptionAbsolutePath
if descriptionAbsolutePath is None:
self._description = "none"
descriptionHolder = descriptions.getDescriptionHolder(descriptionAbsolutePath)
descriptionPrototype = descriptionHolder.getRootElement()
self._description = descriptionPrototype.newContext(self, previous = self)
if self._description == "none":
return None
return self._description
def getDocument(self):
if self.owner is None:
return self.getParent().getDocument()
elif self.owner == "external":
raise Exception("Unknown document for element %s." % self)
return self.owner.getDocument()
def getId(self):
sourceNodes = self.evaluateXpath("@id")
if sourceNodes:
return sourceNodes[0].content
return None
def getNamespacePrefix(self):
return self.node.ns().name
except libxml2.treeError:
# The libxml2 Python binding raises this exception when xmlNs returns None.
return None
def getNamespaceUri(self):
return self.node.ns().content
except libxml2.treeError:
# The libxml2 Python binding raises this exception when xmlNs returns None.
return None
def getSchema(self):
if self._schema is None:
schemaAbsolutePath = None
# Look for a schema attribute in element.
schemaLocationNodes = self.evaluateXpath("@schema")
if schemaLocationNodes:
schemaAbsolutePath = self.convertNodesToAbsolutePath(
schemaLocationNodes, self, "@schema", default = None)
# Otherwise, look for a schema element in config.
if schemaAbsolutePath is None:
schemaAbsolutePath = self.getConfigAbsolutePath(
"yep:schema", default = None, ignoreGeneralValue = True)
# Otherwise, look for a schema declaration made by a Python module.
if schemaAbsolutePath is None:
feature = modules.getElementFeature(self.getNamespaceUri(),
except KeyError:
schemaAbsolutePath = feature.schemaAbsolutePath
if schemaAbsolutePath is None:
self._schema = "none"
import xmlschemas
schemaHolder = xmlschemas.getSchemaHolder(schemaAbsolutePath)
schemaPrototype = schemaHolder.getRootElement()
self._schema = schemaPrototype.newContext(self, previous = self)
if self._schema == "none":
return None
return self._schema
def getSource(self):
sourceNodes = self.evaluateXpath("@src")
if sourceNodes:
return sourceNodes[0].content
return None
def getType(self):
schema = self.schema
if schema is None:
return None
return schema.getGlobalElementType(self,
def layoutRequiresForm(self):
description = self.getDescription()
if description is not None:
return description.instanceLayoutRequiresForm()
return False
def newContext(self, specimen, *attributes, **keywords):
return ElementContext(self, specimen, *attributes, **keywords)
def newElement(self, elementNode):
# There doesn't exist any URI path to access an element => no uriPathFragment.
return newElement(elementNode, previous = self, owner = self)
def newInTemporaryDocument(cls, defaultNamespaceUri = None):
import documents
document = documents.newTemporaryDocument(defaultNamespaceUri = defaultNamespaceUri)
rootElement = cls(None, previous = document)
return rootElement
newInTemporaryDocument = classmethod(newInTemporaryDocument)
def newNamespace(self, namespaceUri, namespacePrefix = "none"):
# Create a dummy node whose only role is to contain the namespace used by the real node.
# This dummy node is required, because it seems that it is not possible to remove a
# namespace definition from a node. So we store the namespace definition in a dummy node.
if self.owner == "external":
raise Exception(
"Unable to add a new namespace to an externally owned element = %s" % self)
if self.owner is not None:
return self.owner.newNamespace(namespaceUri)
dummyNode = libxml2.newNode("dummy")
if self.dummyNodes is None:
self.dummyNodes = []
# Try to replace namespacePrefix with the standard one.
namespacePrefix = namespaces.getName(namespaceUri)
except KeyError:
# Keep previous namespacePrefix if it exists.
if namespacePrefix == "none":
return dummyNode.newNs(namespaceUri, namespacePrefix)
def outputHttpSource(self):
data = self.serialize()
dataHolder = self.getDataHolder()
data, mimeType = dataHolder.mimeType,
modificationTime = dataHolder.getModificationTime())
def prepareForSaving(self):
""" gives a chance to the Element instance for self-checking
useful after a form submit, to trigger custom actions
def register(cls, namespaceUri, elementName):
modules.registerElementClass(namespaceUri, elementName, cls)
register = classmethod(register)
def setContentAtXpath(self, xpath, content):
""" sets the content of the node defined by xpath
The node is either an attribute or an element.
The node is created if needed.
self.setDescendantNodeContent(xpath, content)
def setDescendantNodeContent(self, xpath, content, ancestorNode = None):
""" sets the content of the descendant node located at xpath
The descendant node is created if needed.
Supported xpath expression forms include "(A|ns:B|C)[5]/D/@attribute"
if ancestorNode is None:
ancestorNode = self.node
if xpath.find("@") == 0:
# local attribute
ancestorNode.setProp(xpath[1:], content)
elif "/" in xpath and xpath.split("/")[-1].find("@") == 0: # descendant attribute
elementXpath = xpath[:xpath.rindex("/")]
elementNodes = self.evaluateXpath(elementXpath, ancestorNode)
if elementNodes:
elementNode = elementNodes[0]
elementNode = self.createDescendantElementNode(elementXpath, ancestorNode)
attributeName = xpath[xpath.rindex("/") + 2:]
elementNode.setProp(attributeName, content)
else: # element (local or remote)
elementNodes = self.evaluateXpath(xpath, ancestorNode)
if elementNodes:
node = elementNodes[0]
elementNode = self.createDescendantElementNode(xpath, ancestorNode, content)
def setElementAttribute(self, prefixedName, attributeName, attributeValue):
# FIXME: Handle default namespace better.
nodes = self.evaluateXpath(prefixedName)
if nodes:
node = nodes[0]
if ":" in prefixedName:
prefix, name = prefixedName.split(":", 1)
prefix = None
name = prefixedName
# FIXME: Handle the case where node namespace is not the same as
# self.node namespace.
node = self.node.newTextChild(None, name, None)
# Note: Don't use newNode & addChild instead of newTextChild,
# because after addChild, the namespace of subnode is empty
# instead of being inherited (and subsequent xpath queries
# fail).
#~ node = libxml2.newNode(name)
#~ self.node.addChild(node)
node.setProp(attributeName, attributeValue)
def setElementContent(self, prefixedName, content):
nodes = self.evaluateXpath(prefixedName)
if nodes:
node = nodes[0]
# Note: Don't use setContent, because for some nodes it tries to
# convert entities references.
# node.setContent(content)
if node.children is not None:
childNode = node.children
if ":" in prefixedName:
namespacePrefix, name = prefixedName.split(":", 1)
namespacePrefix = None
name = prefixedName
namespace = self.node.searchNs(self.node.doc, namespacePrefix)
except libxml2.treeError:
# The libxml2 Python binding raises this exception when xmlSearchNs returns None.
namespace = self.newNamespace(namespaces.getUri(namespacePrefix))
self.node.newTextChild(namespace, name, content)
# Note: Don't use newNode & addChild instead of newTextChild,
# because after addChild, the namespace of subnode is empty
# instead of being inherited (and subsequent xpath queries
# fail).
# node = libxml2.newNode(name)
# self.node.addChild(node)
# Note: Don't use setContent, because for some nodes it tries to
# convert entities references.
# node.setContent(content)
def translate(self):
""" look up a translation for the element's content serialised form
and modify own content accordingly
On success, boolean self.translated is set.
original = ""
child = self.node.children
while child:
original += child.serialize()
child =
if original:
translation = _(original)
if translation != original:
doc = libxml2.readDoc(
"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<yep:translation %s>%s</yep:translation>" % (
" ".join(
"xmlns:%s=\"%s\"" % (, ns.uri)
for ns in namespaces.nsList
except libxml2.treeError:
logs.debug("Unparsable translation for %s: %s" % (self.serialize(), translation))
child = self.node.children
while (child):
next =
child = next
self.translated = True
def walk(self, uriPathFragments, command = None, instruction = None):
return super(Element, self).walk(uriPathFragments, command, instruction)
except (faults.PathForbidden, faults.PathNotFound, faults.PathUnauthorized):
description = self.getDescription()
if description:
return description.checkAccessAndWalk(uriPathFragments, command, instruction)
if not uriPathFragments:
modes, nodeOwner = self.getConfigNodesAndOwner(
"yep:mode[@name = '%s']" % uriPathFragments[0])
if modes:
mode = modes[0]
xsltFilePathNode = xpaths.evaluateXpath("yep:xsltFilePath", mode)
if xsltFilePathNode:
station = stations.XslTransformStation(xsltFilePathNode[0], nodeOwner,
previous = self, uriPathFragment = uriPathFragments[0])
return station.walk(uriPathFragments, command, instruction)
id = property(getId)
schema = property(getSchema)
source = property(getSource)
type = property(getType)
class ElementContext(stations.AbstractContext):
def generatePlainText(self):
return self.prototype.generatePlainTextContext(self)
def generateXml(self, layout):
return self.prototype.generateXmlContext(self, layout)
class ElementFeature(object):
descriptionAbsolutePath = None
elementClass = None
elementName = None
holderClass = None
holderConstructor = None
namespaceUri = None
schemaAbsolutePath = None
def __init__(self, namespaceUri, elementName, elementClass = None, schemaAbsolutePath = None,
descriptionAbsolutePath = None, holderClass = None, holderConstructor = None):
if namespaceUri is not None:
self.namespaceUri = namespaceUri
if elementName is not None:
self.elementName = elementName
if elementClass is not None:
self.elementClass = elementClass
if schemaAbsolutePath is not None:
self.schemaAbsolutePath = schemaAbsolutePath
if descriptionAbsolutePath is not None:
self.descriptionAbsolutePath = descriptionAbsolutePath
if holderClass is not None:
self.holderClass = holderClass
if holderConstructor is not None:
self.holderConstructor = holderConstructor
def newXmlHolder(self, directoryHolder, pathFragment = None, uriPathFragment = None,
temporary = False):
if self.holderConstructor is None:
if self.holderClass is None:
fileNameExtension = ".xml"
fileNameExtension = self.holderClass.defaultFileNameExtension
import dataholders
return dataholders.newXmlHolder(
self.namespaceUri, self.elementName, directoryHolder, pathFragment = pathFragment,
uriPathFragment = uriPathFragment, fileNameExtension = fileNameExtension,
temporary = temporary)
return self.holderConstructor(
directoryHolder, pathFragment = pathFragment, uriPathFragment = uriPathFragment,
temporary = temporary)
def register(self):
modules.registerElementFeature(self.namespaceUri, self.elementName, self)
if self.elementClass is not None:
self.elementClass.register(self.namespaceUri, self.elementName)
if self.holderClass is not None:
modules.registerHolderClass(self.namespaceUri, self.elementName, self.holderClass)
class AuthenticatedUsers(Element):
"""Special group that designates every authenticated user.
When the attribute "authenticationMethods" is missing, it means every authenticated user;
otherwise, it means every user authenticated with one of the methods listed in attribute
name = N_("Authenticated Users")
def containsUser(self):
user = environs.getVar("user")
if user is None:
return False
authenticationMethods = self.getAuthenticationMethods()
if authenticationMethods is None:
return True
session = environs.getVar("session")
if session is None:
return False
authenticationMethod = session.getAuthenticationMethod()
return authenticationMethod in authenticationMethods
def getAuthenticationMethods(self):
nodes = self.evaluateXpath("yep:authenticationMethods")
if not nodes:
return None
return nodes[0].content.split(" ")
class Everybody(Element):
"""Special group that designates every user, even the unauthenticated ones."""
name = N_("Everybody")
def containsUser(self):
return True
class List(Element):
itemsXpath = "*"
def __iter__(self):
nodes = self.evaluateXpath(self.itemsXpath)
for node in nodes:
yield self.newElement(node)
class RootElement(Element):
"""A RootElement is an XML element which can be the root element of a document."""
isUriDirectory = True
class SimpleList(Element):
"""SimpleLists contain only simple items (ie items with only a content)."""
itemName = None
itemsXpath = "*"
def __contains__(self, itemContent):
for content in self:
if content == itemContent:
return True
return False
def __iter__(self):
nodes = self.evaluateXpath(self.itemsXpath)
for node in nodes:
yield node.content
def append(self, itemContent):
node = self.node.newTextChild(None, self.itemName, itemContent)
class UsersSet(List):
def containsUser(self):
session = environs.getVar("session")
if session is None:
authenticationMethod = None
authenticationMethod = session.getAuthenticationMethod()
user = environs.getVar("user")
if user is None:
userAbsoluteUri = None
userAbsoluteUri = user.getAbsoluteUri()
groupAbsoluteUris = []
for item in self:
itemNode = item.node
if == "authenticatedUsers":
if user is None:
authenticationMethods = itemNode.prop("authenticationMethods")
if authenticationMethods is None:
return True
if authenticationMethod in authenticationMethods:
return True
if == "everybody":
return True
itemSource = item.source
if itemSource is None:
itemAbsoluteUri = self.constructAbsoluteUri(itemSource)
if itemAbsoluteUri == userAbsoluteUri:
return True
elif == "group":
if groupAbsoluteUris:
groupsHolder = self.walkToLocation("/groups")
for groupAbsoluteUri in groupAbsoluteUris:
groupHolder = groupsHolder.getItem(locations.extractUriLocalId(groupAbsoluteUri))
if groupHolder is not None:
group = groupHolder.getRootElement()
if group.contains(userAbsoluteUri, authenticationMethod):
return True
return False
def newElement(node, previous = None, parent = None, uriPathFragment = None, owner = "undefined"):
assert node.type == "element"
namespaceUri = node.ns().content
except libxml2.treeError:
# The libxml2 Python binding raises this exception when xmlNs returns None.
namespaceUri = None
elementName =
class_ = None
# If this element specifies its Python class with attribute "pythonClass" and it is valid, then
# use it.
classPathNodes = xpaths.evaluateXpath("@pythonClass", node)
if classPathNodes:
classPath = classPathNodes[0].content
i = classPath.rfind(".")
assert i >= 0
modulePath = classPath[:i]
component = __import__(modulePath)
componentNames = classPath.split(".")
for componentName in componentNames[1:]:
component = getattr(component, componentName)
except AttributeError:'Unknown Python class = "%s". Using default class.' % classPath)
class_ = component
if class_ is None:
# Otherwise, look for element Python class in config.
if parent is None:
parentStation = previous
parentStation = parent
if parentStation is not None:
class_ = parentStation.getConfigElementPythonClass(
namespaceUri, elementName, "yep:pythonClass", default = None,
ignoreGeneralValue = True)
if class_ is None:
# Otherwise, look for an element Python classes registered by a Python module.
class_ = modules.getElementClass(namespaceUri, elementName)
return class_(
node = node, previous = previous, parent = parent, uriPathFragment = uriPathFragment,
owner = owner)
def registerElement(namespaceUri, elementName, elementClass = None, schemaLocation = None,
descriptionLocation = None, holderClass = None, holderConstructor = None):
# The locations are relative to Python data. Convert them to absolute paths
schemaAbsolutePath = None
if schemaLocation:
if schemaLocation.startswith("http://") or schemaLocation.startswith("https://"):
# Location is an absolute URL. Use it as a system identifier in XML catalog.
schemaFileUri = libxml2.catalogResolveSystem(schemaLocation)
if schemaFileUri is None:
logs.debug("Missing schema file '%s'." % schemaLocation)
schemaAbsolutePath = schemaFileUri[len("file://"):]
assert not schemaLocation.startswith("/")
for path in ("/usr/local/share/expression", "/usr/share/expression"):
schemaAbsolutePath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, schemaLocation))
if os.access(schemaAbsolutePath, os.R_OK):
logs.debug("Missing schema file '%s'." % schemaLocation)
schemaAbsolutePath = None
descriptionAbsolutePath = None
if descriptionLocation:
if descriptionLocation.startswith("http://") or descriptionLocation.startswith("https://"):
# Location is an absolute URL. Use it as a system identifier in XML catalog.
descriptionFileUri = libxml2.catalogResolveSystem(descriptionLocation)
if descriptionFileUri is None:
logs.debug("Missing description file '%s'." % descriptionLocation)
elif descriptionFileUri.startswith("file://"):
descriptionAbsolutePath = descriptionFileUri[len("file://"):]
assert not descriptionLocation.startswith("/")
for path in ("/usr/local/share/expression", "/usr/share/expression"):
descriptionAbsolutePath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, descriptionLocation))
if os.access(descriptionAbsolutePath, os.R_OK):
logs.debug("Missing description file '%s'." % descriptionLocation)
descriptionAbsolutePath = None
elementFeature = ElementFeature(
namespaceUri, elementName, elementClass, schemaAbsolutePath, descriptionAbsolutePath,
holderClass, holderConstructor)
registerElement(namespaces.yep.uri, "authenticatedUsers", AuthenticatedUsers)
registerElement(namespaces.yep.uri, "administrators", UsersSet)
registerElement(namespaces.yep.uri, "element", Element)
registerElement(namespaces.yep.uri, "everybody", Everybody)
registerElement(namespaces.yep.uri, "users", UsersSet)