Python interface to (French) bank online credit card processing services
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Benjamin Dauvergne a9516b5c64 ogone: use COMPLUS to transmit the transaction_id (#47536)
Now ORDERID will contain the orderid if it is given or the
transaction_id if there is no orderid.

response() is adapted to work with old and new reponse:
* old, there is no COMPLUS in the response, ORDERID is used as the
* new, COMPLUS is present, its value is returned as response.order_id
  (which is in fact the transaction_id :/ )

2021-05-06 17:07:34 +02:00
debian debian: remove build-dep on python-django-common, python3-django is enough 2020-11-19 09:31:37 +01:00
eopayment ogone: use COMPLUS to transmit the transaction_id (#47536) 2021-05-06 17:07:34 +02:00
tests ogone: use COMPLUS to transmit the transaction_id (#47536) 2021-05-06 17:07:34 +02:00
.coveragerc add .coveragerc 2016-02-01 18:41:31 +01:00
.gitignore update gitignore (#38405) 2020-01-13 10:52:10 +01:00
COPYING misc: include copy of GNU GPL 3 in package 2018-08-12 19:53:29 +02:00
Jenkinsfile build: update to use origin/main 2020-12-26 15:21:15 +01:00 trivial: remove unused request script (#48695) 2020-11-19 19:31:22 +01:00
README.txt misc: add cli tool for testing 2020-10-29 10:42:23 +01:00 remove DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE from environment (#48707) 2020-11-20 15:38:59 +01:00
tox.ini tox: limit mock version for compatibility with python 3.5 2020-10-06 09:26:43 +02:00


Interface with French's bank online credit card processing services

Services supported are:
- ATOS/SIPS v2 used by:
  - BNP under the name Mercanet,
  - Banque Populaire (before 2010/2011) under the name Cyberplus,
  - CCF under the name Elysnet,
  - HSBC under the name Elysnet,
  - Crédit Agricole under the name e-Transactions,
  - La Banque Postale under the name ScelliusNet,
  - LCL under the name Sherlocks,
  - Société Générale under the name Sogenactif
  - and Crédit du Nord under the name Webaffaires,
- Payzen/SystemPay v2 by Banque Populaire (since 2010/2011) and Caisse d'Épargne (Natixis)
- TIPI/PayFiP Régie
- PayFiP Régie Web-service
- Ogone
- Paybox
- Payzen

You can emit payment request under a simple API which takes as input a
dictionnary as configuration and an amount to pay. You get back a
transaction_id. Another unique API allows to handle the notifications coming
from those services, reporting whether the transaction was successful and which
one it was. The full content (which is specific to the service) is also
reported for logging purpose.

The spplus and paybox module also depend upon the python Crypto library for DES
decoding of the merchant key and RSA signature validation on the responses.

Some backends allow to specify the order and transaction ids in different
fields, in order to allow to match them in payment system backoffice. They are:
- Payzen
- SystemPay
- PayFiP Régie Web-Service

For other backends, the order and transaction ids, separated by '!' are sent in
order id field, so they can be matched in backoffice.

PayFiP Régie Web-Service

You can test your PayFiP regie web-service connection with an integrated CLI utility:

    $ python3 -m eopayment.payfip_ws info-client --help
    Usage: info-client [OPTIONS] NUMCLI

      --help  Show this message and exit.

    $ python3 -m eopayment.payfip_ws get-idop --help
    Usage: get-idop [OPTIONS] NUMCLI

      --saisie [T|X|W]         [required]
      --exer TEXT              [required]
      --montant INTEGER        [required]
      --refdet TEXT            [required]
      --mel TEXT               [required]
      --url-notification TEXT  [required]
      --url-redirect TEXT      [required]
      --objet TEXT
      --help                   Show this message and exit.

    $ python3 -m eopayment.payfip_ws info-paiement --help
    Usage: info-paiement [OPTIONS] IDOP

      --help  Show this message and exit.

Generic CLI Tool

You can put some configuration in ~/.config/eopayment.init ::


    # same name as passed in the options argument to Payment.__init__()

    $ python3 -m eopayment --option vads_site_id=56781234 request 10.0 --param transaction_id=1234 --param
    Transaction ID: 1234
    <form method="POST" action="">
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_cust_country" value="FR"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_validation_mode" value=""/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_site_id" value="12345678"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_payment_config" value="SINGLE"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_trans_id" value="GavPXW"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_action_mode" value="INTERACTIVE"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_contrib" value="eopayment"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_page_action" value="PAYMENT"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_amount" value="1010"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="signature" value="d5690d02fed621687b19c90053a77b37a1c78370"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_ctx_mode" value="TEST"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_version" value="V2"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_payment_cards" value=""/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_ext_info_eopayment_trans_id" value="1234"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_trans_date" value="20201027211254"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_language" value="fr"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_capture_delay" value=""/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_currency" value="978"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_cust_email" value=""/>
      <input type="hidden" name="vads_return_mode" value="GET"/>
      <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />
    [ Local browser is automatically opened with this form which is auto-submitted ]

    $ python3 -m eopayment --debug response 'vads_amount=1010&vads_auth_mode=FULL&vads_auth_number=3fd070&vads_auth_result=00&vads_capture_delay=0&vads_card_brand=CB&vads_card_number=597010XXXXXX0018&vads_payment_certificate=f582e920616a33bdaa0c242ee3fc3d435d367575&vads_ctx_mode=TEST&vads_currency=978&vads_effective_amount=1010&vads_effective_currency=978&vads_site_id=12345678&vads_trans_date=20201029093825&vads_trans_id=Vlco55&vads_trans_uuid=e8defc7bd32c418c93c4b2be676d2796&vads_validation_mode=0&vads_version=V2&vads_warranty_result=&vads_payment_src=EC&vads_cust_country=FR&vads_contrib=eopayment&vads_tid=001&vads_sequence_number=1&vads_contract_used=2334410&vads_trans_status=AUTHORISED&vads_expiry_month=6&vads_expiry_year=2021&vads_bank_label=Banque+de+d%C3%A9mo+et+de+l%27innovation&vads_bank_product=MCW&vads_pays_ip=FR&vads_presentation_date=20201029093826&vads_effective_creation_date=20201029093826&vads_operation_type=DEBIT&vads_result=00&vads_extra_result=&vads_card_country=FR&vads_language=fr&vads_brand_management=%7B%22userChoice%22%3Afalse%2C%22brandList%22%3A%22CB%7CMASTERCARD%22%2C%22brand%22%3A%22CB%22%7D&vads_action_mode=INTERACTIVE&vads_payment_config=SINGLE&vads_page_action=PAYMENT&vads_threeds_enrolled=Y&vads_threeds_auth_type=CHALLENGE&vads_threeds_eci=02&vads_threeds_xid=RFBSMkdWdFE0Wk15VWw0RkJjMzU%3D&vads_threeds_cavvAlgorithm=2&vads_threeds_status=Y&vads_threeds_sign_valid=1&vads_threeds_error_code=&vads_threeds_exit_status=10&vads_threeds_cavv=jG26AYSjvclBARFYSf%2FtXRmjGXM%3D&signature=5594aa2bc35c9e45e759b08df339e5f8ecf2c410'
      result : 3
      signed : True
      bank_data  :
      {'__bank_id': '3fd070',
       'signature': '5594aa2bc35c9e45e759b08df339e5f8ecf2c410',
       'vads_action_mode': 'INTERACTIVE',
       'vads_amount': '1010',
       'vads_auth_mode': 'FULL',
       'vads_auth_number': '3fd070',
       'vads_auth_result': '00',
       'vads_auth_result_message': 'Transaction approuvée ou traitée avec succès',
       'vads_bank_label': "Banque de démo et de l'innovation",
       'vads_bank_product': 'MCW',
       'vads_brand_management': '{"userChoice":false,"brandList":"CB|MASTERCARD","brand":"CB"}',
       'vads_capture_delay': '0',
       'vads_card_brand': 'CB',
       'vads_card_country': 'FR',
       'vads_card_number': '597010XXXXXX0018',
       'vads_contract_used': '2334410',
       'vads_contrib': 'eopayment',
       'vads_ctx_mode': 'TEST',
       'vads_currency': '978',
       'vads_cust_country': 'FR',
       'vads_effective_amount': '1010',
       'vads_effective_creation_date': '20201029093826',
       'vads_effective_currency': '978',
       'vads_expiry_month': '6',
       'vads_expiry_year': '2021',
       'vads_extra_result': '',
       'vads_extra_result_message': 'Pas de contrôle effectué.',
       'vads_language': 'fr',
       'vads_operation_type': 'DEBIT',
       'vads_page_action': 'PAYMENT',
       'vads_payment_certificate': 'f582e920616a33bdaa0c242ee3fc3d435d367575',
       'vads_payment_config': 'SINGLE',
       'vads_payment_src': 'EC',
       'vads_pays_ip': 'FR',
       'vads_presentation_date': '20201029093826',
       'vads_result': '00',
       'vads_result_message': 'Paiement réalisé avec succés.',
       'vads_sequence_number': '1',
       'vads_site_id': '12345678',
       'vads_threeds_auth_type': 'CHALLENGE',
       'vads_threeds_cavv': 'jG26AYSjvclBARFYSf/tXRmjGXM=',
       'vads_threeds_cavvAlgorithm': '2',
       'vads_threeds_eci': '02',
       'vads_threeds_enrolled': 'Y',
       'vads_threeds_error_code': '',
       'vads_threeds_exit_status': '10',
       'vads_threeds_sign_valid': '1',
       'vads_threeds_status': 'Y',
       'vads_threeds_xid': 'RFBSMkdWdFE0Wk15VWw0RkJjMzU=',
       'vads_tid': '001',
       'vads_trans_date': '20201029093825',
       'vads_trans_id': 'Vlco55',
       'vads_trans_status': 'AUTHORISED',
       'vads_trans_uuid': 'e8defc7bd32c418c93c4b2be676d2796',
       'vads_validation_mode': '0',
       'vads_version': 'V2',
       'vads_warranty_result': ''}
      return_content : None
      bank_status : Paiement réalisé avec succés.
      transaction_id : 3fd070
      order_id : 20201029093825_Vlco55
      test : True
      transaction_date : 2020-10-29 09:38:26+00:00