
216 lines
7.6 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import urlparse
import string
from decimal import Decimal
import uuid
import hashlib
from gettext import gettext as _
import warnings
from common import PaymentCommon, FORM, Form, PaymentResponse, PAID, ERROR, CANCELED
__all__ = ['Payment']
class Payment(PaymentCommon):
Payment backend module for the ATOS/SIPS system used by many French banks.
The necessary options are:
- merchant_id
- secret_key
- normal_return_url
- automatic_return_url
It was writtent using the documentation from file:
Worldline Benelux_Sips_Technical_integration_guide_Version_1.5.pdf
URL = {
'test': 'https://payment-webinit.simu.sips-atos.com/paymentInit',
'prod': 'https://payment-webinit.sips-atos.com/paymentInit',
'00': 'Authorisation accepted',
'02': 'Authorisation request to be performed via telephone with the issuer, as the '
'card authorisation threshold has been exceeded, if the forcing is authorised for '
'the merchant',
'03': 'Invalid distance selling contract',
'05': 'Authorisation refused',
'12': 'Invalid transaction, verify the parameters transferred in the request.',
'14': 'Invalid bank details or card security code',
'17': 'Buyer cancellation',
'24': 'Operation impossible. The operation the merchant wishes to perform is not '
'compatible with the status of the transaction.',
'25': 'Transaction not found in the Sips database',
'30': 'Format error',
'34': 'Suspicion of fraud',
'40': 'Function not supported: the operation that the merchant would like to perform '
'is not part of the list of operations for which the merchant is authorised',
'51': 'Amount too high',
'54': 'Card is past expiry date',
'60': 'Transaction pending',
'63': 'Security rules not observed, transaction stopped',
'75': 'Number of attempts at entering the card number exceeded',
'90': 'Service temporarily unavailable',
'94': 'Duplicated transaction: for a given day, the TransactionReference has already been '
'97': 'Timeframe exceeded, transaction refused',
'99': 'Temporary problem at the Sips Office Server level',
TEST_MERCHANT_ID = '002001000000001'
description = {
'caption': 'SIPS 2',
'parameters': [
'name': 'platform',
'caption': _('Platform'),
'default': 'test',
'choices': ['test', 'prod'],
'required': True,
'name': 'merchand_id',
'caption': _('Merchant ID'),
'default': TEST_MERCHANT_ID,
'required': True,
'name': 'secret_key',
'caption': _('Secret Key'),
'default': '002001000000001_KEY1',
'required': True,
'name': 'key_version',
'caption': _('Key Version'),
'default': '1',
'required': True,
'name': 'normal_return_url',
'caption': _('Normal return URL'),
'default': '',
'required': True,
'name': 'automatic_return_url',
'caption': _('Automatic return URL'),
'required': False,
'name': 'currency_code',
'caption': _('Currency code'),
'default': '978',
'choices': ['978'],
'required': True,
def __init__(self, options, logger=None):
super(Payment, self).__init__(options)
def encode_data(self, data):
return u'|'.join(u'%s=%s' % (unicode(key), unicode(value))
for key, value in data.iteritems())
def seal_data(self, data):
s = self.encode_data(data)
s += unicode(self.secret_key)
s = s.encode('utf-8')
s = hashlib.sha256(s).hexdigest()
return s
def get_data(self):
data = {}
data['merchantId'] = self.merchand_id
data['keyVersion'] = self.key_version
data['normalReturnUrl'] = self.normal_return_url
if self.automatic_return_url:
data['automaticReturnUrl'] = self.automatic_return_url
data['currencyCode'] = self.currency_code
return data
def get_url(self):
return self.URL[self.platform]
def request(self, amount, name=None, address=None, email=None, phone=None,
orderid=None, info1=None, info2=None, info3=None, next_url=None, **kwargs):
data = self.get_data()
transaction_id = self.transaction_id(6, string.digits, 'sips2', data['merchantId'])
data['transactionReference'] = unicode(transaction_id)
data['orderId'] = orderid or unicode(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '')
data['amount'] = unicode(int(Decimal(amount) * 100))
if email:
data['billingContact.email'] = email
normal_return_url = self.normal_return_url
if next_url and not normal_return_url:
warnings.warn("passing next_url to request() is deprecated, "
"set normal_return_url in options", DeprecationWarning)
normal_return_url = next_url
if normal_return_url:
data['normalReturnUrl'] = next_url
form = Form(
'type': 'hidden',
'name': 'Data',
'value': self.encode_data(data)
'type': 'hidden',
'name': 'Seal',
'value': self.seal_data(data),
'type': 'hidden',
'name': 'InterfaceVersion',
'value': self.INTERFACE_VERSION,
self.logger.debug('emitting request %r', data)
return transaction_id, FORM, form
def decode_data(self, data):
data = data.split('|')
data = [map(unicode, p.split('=')) for p in data]
return dict(data)
def check_seal(self, data, seal):
return seal == self.seal_data(data)
response_code_to_result = {
'00': PAID,
def response(self, query_string, **kwargs):
form = urlparse.parse_qs(query_string)
self.logger.debug('received query string %r', form)
assert 'Data' in form
assert 'Seal' in form
assert 'InterfaceVersion' in form
data = self.decode_data(form['Data'][0])
seal = form['Seal']
self.logger.debug('parsed response %r seal %r', data, seal)
signed = self.check_seal(data, seal)
response_code = data['responseCode']
transaction_id = data.get('transactionReference')
result = self.response_code_to_result.get(response_code, ERROR)
merchant_id = data.get('merchantId')
test = merchant_id == self.TEST_MERCHANT_ID
return PaymentResponse(
bank_status=self.RESPONSE_CODES.get(response_code, u'unknown code - ' + response_code),