
368 lines
13 KiB

Document box for the Wallon Parliement
This software is a web application allowing group of people to send files to
each other and to list of them. It distributes and timestamps the sent
documents. The timestamp is a cryptographic timestamp obtained using the
RFC3161 protocol.
The application is pre-configured to run with a postgresql database named
docbow. The user running the application need access to this database. On most
Unix system it means creating a postgresql user with the same name as the Unix
user it the database server runs on the same host.
Installation for developpers
- First run:
- and next times:
- To update dependencies in the virtualenv environment rerun ./
- Create a virtualenv::
virtualenv --no-site-packages env/
- Activate it::
. ./env/bin/activate
- Install dependencies (some dependencies require to compile C code, like
python-ldap, for them you will some developement package installed, on
Debian, it means gcc, python-dev, libssl-dev, libldap-dev, libsasl2-dev,
pip install -e .
- Create user and database (you can replace $USER by www-data for a WSGI
sudo -u postgres createuser $USER
sudo -u postgres createdb -O $USER docbow
- Fill in your local settings
Rename to, and fill it
with appropriate database informations (standard Django file like)
Also put DEBUG to True or set the SECRET_KEY
- Create database schema and load initial data::
docbow-ctl syncdb
docbow-ctl loaddata content filetype groups
- Compile UI strings translations::
docbow-ctl makemessages --all
docbow-ctl compilemessages
- Load user list (you need to get a user list as a CSV files, see format later)::
( cd docbow_project; docbow-ctl load-users-csv users.csv )
When you upgrade you must execute this from the root directory:
( cd docbow_project; docbow-ctl syncdb --migrate )
if you application run as another user (www-data for example if using WSGI)::
( cd docbow_project; sudo -u www-data docbow-ctl syncdb --migrate )
Installation on Debian with Apache2/mod_wsgi
First install some development libraries::
sudo apt-get install gcc libldap-dev libsasl2-dev python-dev libssl-dev libpq-dev swig gettext
Now you can follow the generic installation described before.
Collect all static content::
(cd docbow_project; docbow-ctl collectstatic)
After that you must install apache2 and the mod_wsgi module. On Debian do::
sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi
You must configure the apache2 script to launch with an UTF-8 locale. On debian
you can add the following line to /etc/default/apache2 (supposing you have the
french locale with UTF-8 encoding compiled)::
Then you must add a virtual host configuration which target the docbow wsgi
script. On debian you can put the following content in
/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/, do not forget to replace
<docbow_src_dir> by the source directory where docbow is installed::
<VirtualHost *:80>
Alias /static <docbow_src_dir>/static
WSGIScriptAlias / <docbow_src_dir>/docbow.wsgi
RedirectMatch 404 ^/favicon.ico$
Then you must activate it with the commands::
/etc/init.d/apache2 reload
Installation on Debian using gunicorn and apache2
First install some development libraries::
apt-get install gcc libldap-dev libsasl2-dev python-dev libssl-dev libpq-dev swig gettext
Now you can follow the generic installation described before.
Install gunicorn::
./env/bin/pip install gunicorn
Collect all static content::
(cd docbow_project; docbow-ctl collectstatic)
After that you must install apache2 and the mod_wsgi module. On Debian do::
sudo apt-get install apache2
Then you must add a virtual host configuration which target the gunicorn
application server. On debian you can put the following content in
/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/, do not forget to replace
<docbow_src_dir> by the source directory where docbow is installed::
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www
ProxyPass /static !
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8000/
ProxyPreserveHost on
Alias /static <docbow_src_dir>/static
<Proxy *>
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all
Now run the gunicorn server (it must run as an user which has access to the
docbow postgresql database)::
LANG=C.UTF-8 PYTHONPATH=. gunicorn_django -D ./docbow_project/
You must set a charset to use as file are created with name recevied from user
agents which can contain any unicode character. The locale "C.UTF-8" works in
this case.
Configuring main menu
To configure the main menu you can setup the DOCBOW_MENU variable in your
`` file. The default setting is: ::
('send-file', gettext_noop('send-file_menu')),
('inbox', gettext_noop('inbox_menu')),
('outbox', gettext_noop('outbox_menu')),
('docbow_admin:index', gettext_noop('admin_menu')),
('profile', gettext_noop('profile_menu')),
('auth_password_change', gettext_noop('password_change_menu')),
('delegate', gettext_noop('delegate_menu')),
('mailing-lists', gettext_noop('mailing-lists')),
('help', gettext_noop('help_menu')),
('contact', gettext_noop('contact_menu')),
The first element of each pair must be a django view name of an URL, the second
one is potentially localized, for example to add a link to google, add this line::
('', u'Google'),
All settings must be donne in the file ``/etc/docbow/``. Available settings are:
* ``DOCBOW_ORGANIZATION``: an unicode string giving a description of the
organization providing the platform. It's used as a signature in mail and
sms notifications.
* ``DOCBOW_BASE_URL``: the base URL of the application. It's used for building
URL in notifications, emails or SMS.
* ``DOCBOW_MENU``: description of the left column menu; see previous section
for a description and the default value.
* ``DOCBOW_MAILBOX_PER_PAGE``: the number of message to show on listing pages.
Default is 20.
* ``RAVEN_CONFIG_DSN``: the URL of the sentry project for gathering exceptions.
* ``DOCBOW_MAX_FILE_SIZE``: the maximum file size for attached files, as
bytes. Default is 10 Mo.
* ``DOCBOW_TRUNCATE_FILENAME``: the maximum length for filenames. Default is
80 unicode characters (codepoints).
* ``DOCBOW_PERSONAL_EMAIL``: allow user to have a personal email,
notifications will be sent to their institutional email and personal email.
* ``DOCBOW_MOBILE_PHONE``: allow user to set a mobile phone number
to receive notification by SMS.
* ``GROUP_LISTING``: whether to show the link to the list of
mailing lists in the left menu.
* ``DOCBOW_PRIVATE_DOCUMENTS``: add a private checkbox to the sending form,
when checked the document is only display to direct recipients and not to
Customizing templates
You can override any template by copying it from
``docbow_project/docbow/templates/`` to ``/var/lib/docbow/templates/`` and then
modifying it. If you want to provide static ressources you can put them in
``/var/lib/docbow/extra_static/`` and update the static files cache with: ::
./docbow-ctl collectstatic
Sending a file from the command line
The ``sendfile`` command is used to send a file from the command line. Basic
usage is::
./docbow-ctl sendfile --sender bdauvergne --to-user pcros --to-list liste1 \
--description "New question" file1 file2
The sender and filetype parameters are mandatory. There must be at least one
recipient, list or user, and one file attached to the sending.
Listing users from the command line
The ``list-users`` command is used to list the user registerd in docbow. The
default output format is an ASCII table. You can ask for CSV output using the
``--csv`` parameter.
Example output::
| Id | Username | First name | Last name | Email | Mobile phone | Personal mail | Lists | Groups |
| 502 | test3 | Thomas | Noël | | | | Liste test2 | |
| 503 | bdauvergne-1 | benjamin | dauvergne | | | | | |
| 501 | test2 | Kévin | Gaspard | | | | Liste test1 | |
| 504 | 503 | | | | | | | |
| 444 | test | Jérôme | Schneider | | | | Liste test1 | |
| 98 | bdauvergne | Benjamin | Dauvergne | | +33630XXX893 | | | Administrateurs |
The command supports a minimal query language, for example to get all users in
the group ``Administrator`` ::
./docbow-ctl list-users groups__name=Administrator
Listing lists from the command line
The ``list-lists`` command provide exactly the same service as ``list-users``
but for mailing lists.
Example output::
| Id | Name | Members | List Members |
| 54 | Liste test1 | | test,test2 |
| 55 | Liste test2 | Liste test1 | test3 |
| 56 | List test1 | | |
Adding users from the command line
The ``add-user`` create a new user or modify an existing user. The username can
only be set at creation.::
Usage: ./docbow-ctl add-user [options] <username>
Create a new user or update an existing user
List and groups can be referred by name or by id.
Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output,
2=verbose output, 3=very verbose output
--settings=SETTINGS The Python path to a settings module, e.g.
"myproject.settings.main". If this isn't provided, the
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable will be
A directory to add to the Python path, e.g.
--traceback Print traceback on exception
set first name
set last name
--email=EMAIL set email
set mobile phone used for SMS notifications
set personal email
--add-list=ADD_LIST add user to list
add user to group
remove user from list
remove user from group
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Adding lists from the command line
The ``add-list`` command allows to create new lists and to update their
members, lists or users::
usage: docbow-ctl add-list [-h] [--version] [-v {0,1,2,3}]
[--settings SETTINGS] [--pythonpath PYTHONPATH]
[--traceback] [--no-color] [--add-list ADD_LIST]
[--remove-list REMOVE_LIST] [--add-user ADD_USER]
[--remove-user REMOVE_USER]
Create or update a list
positional arguments:
ml_name Name of the mailing list
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-v {0,1,2,3}, --verbosity {0,1,2,3}
Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output,
2=verbose output, 3=very verbose output
--settings SETTINGS The Python path to a settings module, e.g.
"myproject.settings.main". If this isn't provided, the
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable will be
--pythonpath PYTHONPATH
A directory to add to the Python path, e.g.
--traceback Raise on CommandError exceptions
--no-color Don't colorize the command output.
--add-list ADD_LIST add a list as a sublist
--remove-list REMOVE_LIST
remove list as a sublist
--add-user ADD_USER add a user member
--remove-user REMOVE_USER
remove a user member