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Raw Normal View History

2016-03-02 20:53:28 +01:00
- silence Django 1.10 deprecration warnings
- adapters: factorize user creation in lookup_user() (fixes #10164)
- trivial: move utils import
- django 1.9 adaptations
- tests: add test on SP initiated login
- views: change HTTP 400 message when no idp is found
- trivial: move lasso import
- tests: add tests on mellon.utils
- views: do not traceback in get_idp() when no idp is declared
- tests: remove unused variable
- add discovery service support (fixes #10111)
- move idp settings building in adapters
- adapters: improve logging during provisionning
- templates: fix default_assertion_consumer_binding check, use of = instead of ==
- app_settings: fix import of ImproperlyConfigured exception
- add support for Organization and ContactPerson elements in metadata (fixes #6656)
- templates: fix public key representation in metadata
- tests: add helper to check XML documents
- utils: fix iso8601_to_datetime, make_naive amd make_aware need a timezone parameter
- utils: fix flatten_datetime, isoformat() already add a timezone if needed
- store cached metadata in settings
- do not pass strings contening null characters to Lasso, return 400 or ignore (fixes #8939)
- add tox.ini to test on django 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 and with sqlite and pg
- report lasso error at debug level
- log errors when loading IdP metadata instead of throwing a traceback (fixes #9745)
- fix concurrency error when creating new users (fixes #9965)
- reset is_staff when superuser mapping fails (fixes #9736)
- implement session_not_on_or_after using new session engines (fixes #9640)
- use dateutil to parse datetime strings (#9640)
- utils: return naive datetime if USE_TZ=False (fixes #9521)
- hide DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE value when calling compilemessages
- do not flatten attributes inplace, and convert expiry to seconds (fixes #9359)
- adapters: prevent collision in provision_groups() (fixes #9327)
- middleware: handle process_view (#9131)
- middleware: do not apply autologin to mellon views (fixes #9131)
- middleware: disallow passive authentication when no IdP is found (fixes #8123)
- Revert "views: add an iframe mode to the login view"
- add PassiveAuthenticationMiddleware using a common domain cookie (fixes #8123)
- views: add an iframe mode to the login view
2016-03-02 20:53:28 +01:00
- truncate attribute when setting user fields
- handle status is not success errors
- use requests for HTTP retrieval of metadata
- use lasso thin-sessions
- improve logs in SAML artifact error paths
2016-03-02 20:53:28 +01:00
- improve logout logs
- handle artifact response as a byte string
- do not store a name_id_name_qualifier or name_id_sp_name_qualifier when they are absent
2015-06-05 21:47:37 +02:00
- Add south migrations for pre Django 1.7 support
2015-05-29 11:48:54 +02:00
2015-06-04 15:31:28 +02:00
- authentication_failed.html: show the StatusMessage to the user if there is
2015-05-29 11:48:54 +02:00
- add a Changelog
- app_settings,views: make the default assertion consumer binding customizable
-, include the VERSION file in distribution
- requests is an install_requires not a setup_requires
- templates: make HTTP-Artifact the default binding for SSO
- add support for artifact GET protocol binding (#7267)
- adapters: fix DefaultAdapter.get_idp(), idp['ENTITY_ID'] is a string not a list
- Revert "templates: make HTTP-Artifact the default binding for SSO"
- views: in sso_failure() the call to self.get_id() could never work, replace
by utils.get_idp()
- utils: add a default return value to utils.get_idp()
- templates: make HTTP-Artifact the default binding for SSO
- views: fix setting of isPassive and forceAuthn (fixes #7100)
- tests: adapt to usernames cut at 30 characters
- Limit username to 30 characters for now (#7085)
- tests: initial adapter tests
- doc: fix title level for some configuration variables
- add a model to store user<->NameID mapping (#7085)
- Prepare for adding tests
- Support encryption
- login view refactored (#6801)
- Fix include of base.html in mellon/base.html
- Add missing mellon/base.html
- save provisioned users (#6667)
- Set version only from git tags
- set login.msgRelayState to the value from POST (#6384)
- Allow getting metadata of IdP by doing an HTTP GET
- Always use adapters to get to IdP settings
- mellon/ store and load the liberty session dump for slo
- adapters: force template string to be unicode as attributes are values
- README: fix patterns when including urls
- urls: fix error in pattern, includable patterns must not start with a
- Add a mellon/base.html template to make an indirection between mellon
templates and the project base.html template (#6301)
- bug fixed on Lasso session data generation
2016-03-02 20:53:28 +01:00
- AuthnRequest now contains the AllowCreate flag