
54 lines
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from exceptions import JournalException
from models import (Journal, Tag, Template, ObjectData, StringData)
from django.db import models
from django.conf import settings
__all__ = ('record', 'error_record', 'Journal')
def unicode_truncate(s, length, encoding='utf-8'):
'''Truncate an unicode string so that its UTF-8 encoding is less thant
encoded = s.encode(encoding)[:length]
return encoded.decode(encoding, 'ignore')
def record(tag, tpl, using='default', **kwargs):
'''Record an event in the journal. The modification is done inside the
current transaction.
a string identifier giving the type of the event
a format string to describe the event
a mapping of object or data to interpolate in the format string
tag, created = Tag.objects.using(using).get_or_create(name=tag)
template, created = Template.objects.using(using).get_or_create(content=tpl)
message = tpl.format(**kwargs)
except (KeyError, IndexError), e:
raise JournalException(
'Missing variable for the template message', tpl, e)
journal = Journal.objects.using(using).create(tag=tag, template=template,
message=unicode_truncate(message, 128))
for tag, value in kwargs.iteritems():
tag, created = Tag.objects.using(using).get_or_create(name=tag)
if isinstance(value, models.Model):
journal.objectdata_set.create(tag=tag, content_object=value)
journal.stringdata_set.create(tag=tag, content=unicode(value))
return journal
def error_record(tag, tpl, **kwargs):
'''Records error events.
You must use this function when logging error events. It uses another
database alias than the default one to be immune to transaction rollback
when logging in the middle of a transaction which is going to
return record(tag, tpl,
using=getattr(settings, 'JOURNAL_DB_FOR_ERROR_ALIAS', 'default'),