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Kerberos authentication for Django
Provide Kerberos authentication to Django applications.
Basic usage
Add this to your project ``::
url('^accounts/kerberos/', include('django_auth_kerb.urls')),
And use the default authentication backend, by adding that to your `` file::
Hostname for retrieving the service key, the correspondig principal will be
`HTTP/{KERBEROS_HOSTNAME}@DEFAULT_REAML`, default is `None`. If `None` the hostname
from the request will be used.
File path of the keytab containing the key for the service principal, default
is `None`. If `None` the default host keytab will be tried, which should fails
since it's usually only readable by root.
Whether to create user if no existing model can be found, default is `False`.
A regular expression that the principal must match to get superuser privileges,
default is `None`. A classic example could be `r'^.*/admin$'`.
Custom backend
A custom authentication backend can be used, in this case the signature of the
authenticate method must be::
class CustomKerberosBackend(object):
def authenticate(self, principal=None):