
226 lines
7.9 KiB

import copy
import logging
from lxml import etree
from zeep import exceptions
from zeep.exceptions import UnexpectedElementError
from zeep.utils import qname_attr
from zeep.xsd.const import NotSet, xsi_ns
from zeep.xsd.context import XmlParserContext
from zeep.xsd.elements.base import Base
from zeep.xsd.utils import max_occurs_iter
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = ['Element']
class Element(Base):
def __init__(self, name, type_=None, min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1,
nillable=False, default=None, is_global=False, attr_name=None):
if name is None:
raise ValueError("name cannot be None", self.__class__)
if not isinstance(name, etree.QName):
name = etree.QName(name) = name.localname if name else None
self.qname = name
self.type = type_
self.min_occurs = min_occurs
self.max_occurs = max_occurs
self.nillable = nillable
self.is_global = is_global
self.default = default
self.attr_name = attr_name or
# assert type_
def __str__(self):
if self.type:
return '%s(%s)' % (, self.type.signature())
return '%s()' %
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
instance = self.type(*args, **kwargs)
if hasattr(instance, '_xsd_type'):
instance._xsd_elm = self
return instance
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s(name=%r, type=%r)>' % (
self.__class__.__name__,, self.type)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
other is not None and
self.__class__ == other.__class__ and
self.__dict__ == other.__dict__)
def default_value(self):
value = [] if self.accepts_multiple else self.default
return value
def clone(self, name=None, min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1):
new = copy.copy(self)
if name:
if not isinstance(name, etree.QName):
name = etree.QName(name) = name.localname
new.qname = name
new.attr_name =
new.min_occurs = min_occurs
new.max_occurs = max_occurs
return new
def parse(self, xmlelement, schema, allow_none=False, context=None):
"""Process the given xmlelement. If it has an xsi:type attribute then
use that for further processing. This should only be done for subtypes
of the defined type but for now we just accept everything.
context = context or XmlParserContext()
instance_type = qname_attr(xmlelement, xsi_ns('type'))
xsd_type = None
if instance_type:
xsd_type = schema.get_type(instance_type, fail_silently=True)
xsd_type = xsd_type or self.type
return xsd_type.parse_xmlelement(
xmlelement, schema, allow_none=allow_none, context=context)
def parse_kwargs(self, kwargs, name, available_kwargs):
return self.type.parse_kwargs(
kwargs, name or self.attr_name, available_kwargs)
def parse_xmlelements(self, xmlelements, schema, name=None, context=None):
"""Consume matching xmlelements and call parse() on each of them"""
result = []
num_matches = 0
for _unused in max_occurs_iter(self.max_occurs):
if not xmlelements:
# Workaround for SOAP servers which incorrectly use unqualified
# or qualified elements in the responses (#170, #176). To make the
# best of it we compare the full uri's if both elements have a
# namespace. If only one has a namespace then only compare the
# localname.
# If both elements have a namespace and they don't match then skip
element_tag = etree.QName(xmlelements[0].tag)
if (
element_tag.namespace and self.qname.namespace and
element_tag.namespace != self.qname.namespace
# Only compare the localname
if element_tag.localname == self.qname.localname:
xmlelement = xmlelements.popleft()
num_matches += 1
item = self.parse(
xmlelement, schema, allow_none=True, context=context)
if item is not None:
# If the element passed doesn't match and the current one is
# not optional then throw an error
if num_matches == 0 and not self.is_optional:
raise UnexpectedElementError(
"Unexpected element %r, expected %r" % (
element_tag.text, self.qname.text))
if not self.accepts_multiple:
result = result[0] if result else None
return result
def render(self, parent, value, render_path=None):
"""Render the value(s) on the parent lxml.Element.
This actually just calls _render_value_item for each value.
if not render_path:
render_path = [self.qname.localname]
assert parent is not None
self.validate(value, render_path)
if self.accepts_multiple and isinstance(value, list):
for val in value:
self._render_value_item(parent, val, render_path)
self._render_value_item(parent, value, render_path)
def _render_value_item(self, parent, value, render_path):
"""Render the value on the parent lxml.Element"""
if value is None or value is NotSet:
if self.is_optional:
elm = etree.SubElement(parent, self.qname)
if self.nillable:
elm.set(xsi_ns('nil'), 'true')
node = etree.SubElement(parent, self.qname)
xsd_type = getattr(value, '_xsd_type', self.type)
if xsd_type != self.type:
return value._xsd_type.render(node, value, xsd_type, render_path)
return self.type.render(node, value, None, render_path)
def validate(self, value, render_path=None):
"""Validate that the value is valid"""
if self.accepts_multiple and isinstance(value, list):
# Validate bounds
if len(value) < self.min_occurs:
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
"Expected at least %d items (minOccurs check)" % self.min_occurs,
elif self.max_occurs != 'unbounded' and len(value) > self.max_occurs:
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
"Expected at most %d items (maxOccurs check)" % self.min_occurs,
for val in value:
self._validate_item(val, render_path)
if not self.is_optional and not self.nillable and value in (None, NotSet):
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
"Missing element %s" % (, path=render_path)
self._validate_item(value, render_path)
def _validate_item(self, value, render_path):
if self.nillable and value in (None, NotSet):
self.type.validate(value, required=True)
except exceptions.ValidationError as exc:
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
"The element %s is not valid: %s" % (self.qname, exc.message),
def resolve_type(self):
self.type = self.type.resolve()
def resolve(self):
return self
def signature(self, depth=()):
if len(depth) > 0 and self.is_global:
return + '()'
value = self.type.signature(depth)
if self.accepts_multiple:
return '%s[]' % value
return value