
82 lines
2.7 KiB

import logging
import six
from lxml import etree
from zeep.exceptions import ValidationError
from zeep.xsd.const import Nil, xsd_ns, xsi_ns
from zeep.xsd.types.any import AnyType
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = ['AnySimpleType']
class AnySimpleType(AnyType):
_default_qname = xsd_ns('anySimpleType')
def __init__(self, qname=None, is_global=False):
super(AnySimpleType, self).__init__(
qname or etree.QName(self._default_qname), is_global)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return the xmlvalue for the given value.
Expects only one argument 'value'. The args, kwargs handling is done
here manually so that we can return readable error messages instead of
only '__call__ takes x arguments'
num_args = len(args) + len(kwargs)
if num_args != 1:
raise TypeError((
'%s() takes exactly 1 argument (%d given). ' +
'Simple types expect only a single value argument'
) % (self.__class__.__name__, num_args))
if kwargs and 'value' not in kwargs:
raise TypeError((
'%s() got an unexpected keyword argument %r. ' +
'Simple types expect only a single value argument'
) % (self.__class__.__name__, next(six.iterkeys(kwargs))))
value = args[0] if args else kwargs['value']
return self.xmlvalue(value)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
other is not None and
self.__class__ == other.__class__ and
self.__dict__ == other.__dict__)
def __str__(self):
return '%s(value)' % (self.__class__.__name__)
def parse_xmlelement(self, xmlelement, schema=None, allow_none=True,
context=None, schema_type=None):
if xmlelement.text is None:
return self.pythonvalue(xmlelement.text)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
logger.exception("Error during xml -> python translation")
return None
def pythonvalue(self, xmlvalue):
raise NotImplementedError(
'%s.pytonvalue() not implemented' % self.__class__.__name__)
def render(self, parent, value, xsd_type=None, render_path=None):
if value is Nil:
parent.set(xsi_ns('nil'), 'true')
parent.text = self.xmlvalue(value)
def signature(self, schema=None, standalone=True):
return self.get_prefixed_name(schema)
def validate(self, value, required=False):
if required and value is None:
raise ValidationError("Value is required")