
1206 lines
40 KiB

import keyword
import logging
import re
from lxml import etree
from zeep.exceptions import XMLParseError
from zeep.loader import absolute_location, load_external
from zeep.utils import as_qname, qname_attr
from zeep.xsd import elements as xsd_elements
from zeep.xsd import types as xsd_types
from zeep.xsd.const import AUTO_IMPORT_NAMESPACES, xsd_ns
from zeep.xsd.types.unresolved import UnresolvedCustomType, UnresolvedType
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class tags(object):
for name in [
'schema', 'import', 'include',
'annotation', 'element', 'simpleType', 'complexType',
'simpleContent', 'complexContent',
'sequence', 'group', 'choice', 'all', 'list', 'union',
'attribute', 'any', 'anyAttribute', 'attributeGroup',
'restriction', 'extension', 'notation',
attr = name if name not in keyword.kwlist else name + '_'
setattr(tags, attr, xsd_ns(name))
class SchemaVisitor(object):
"""Visitor which processes XSD files and registers global elements and
types in the given schema.
:param schema:
:type schema: zeep.xsd.schema.Schema
:param document:
:type document: zeep.xsd.schema.SchemaDocument
def __init__(self, schema, document):
self.document = document
self.schema = schema
self._includes = set()
def register_element(self, qname, instance):
self.document.register_element(qname, instance)
def register_attribute(self, name, instance):
self.document.register_attribute(name, instance)
def register_type(self, qname, instance):
self.document.register_type(qname, instance)
def register_group(self, qname, instance):
self.document.register_group(qname, instance)
def register_attribute_group(self, qname, instance):
self.document.register_attribute_group(qname, instance)
def register_import(self, namespace, document):
self.document.register_import(namespace, document)
def process(self, node, parent):
visit_func = self.visitors.get(node.tag)
if not visit_func:
raise ValueError("No visitor defined for %r" % node.tag)
result = visit_func(self, node, parent)
return result
def process_ref_attribute(self, node, array_type=None):
ref = qname_attr(node, 'ref')
if ref:
ref = self._create_qname(ref)
# Some wsdl's reference to xs:schema, we ignore that for now. It
# might be better in the future to process the actual schema file
# so that it is handled correctly
if ref.namespace == '':
return xsd_elements.RefAttribute(
node.tag, ref, self.schema, array_type=array_type)
def process_reference(self, node, **kwargs):
ref = qname_attr(node, 'ref')
if not ref:
if node.tag == tags.element:
cls = xsd_elements.RefElement
elif node.tag == tags.attribute:
cls = xsd_elements.RefAttribute
elif node.tag ==
cls = xsd_elements.RefGroup
elif node.tag == tags.attributeGroup:
cls = xsd_elements.RefAttributeGroup
return cls(node.tag, ref, self.schema, **kwargs)
def visit_schema(self, node):
"""Visit the xsd:schema element and process all the child elements
attributeFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified): unqualified
blockDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution) : ''
elementFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified): unqualified
finalDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | list | union): ''
id = ID
targetNamespace = anyURI
version = token
xml:lang = language
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (
(include | import | redefine | annotation)*,
(((simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup) |
element | attribute | notation),
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
assert node is not None
self.document._target_namespace = node.get('targetNamespace')
self.document._element_form = node.get('elementFormDefault', 'unqualified')
self.document._attribute_form = node.get('attributeFormDefault', 'unqualified')
for child in node:
self.process(child, parent=node)
def visit_import(self, node, parent):
id = ID
namespace = anyURI
schemaLocation = anyURI
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?)
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
schema_node = None
namespace = node.get('namespace')
location = node.get('schemaLocation')
if location:
location = absolute_location(location, self.document._base_url)
if not namespace and not self.document._target_namespace:
raise XMLParseError(
"The attribute 'namespace' must be existent if the "
"importing schema has no target namespace.",
# Check if the schema is already imported before based on the
# namespace. Schema's without namespace are registered as 'None'
document = self.schema._get_schema_document(namespace, location)
if document:
logger.debug("Returning existing schema: %r", location)
self.register_import(namespace, document)
return document
# Hardcode the mapping between the xml namespace and the xsd for now.
# This seems to fix issues with exchange wsdl's, see #220
if not location and namespace == '':
location = ''
# Silently ignore import statements which we can't resolve via the
# namespace and doesn't have a schemaLocation attribute.
if not location:
"Ignoring import statement for namespace %r " +
"(missing schemaLocation)", namespace)
# Load the XML
schema_node = load_external(
# Check if the xsd:import namespace matches the targetNamespace. If
# the xsd:import statement didn't specify a namespace then make sure
# that the targetNamespace wasn't declared by another schema yet.
schema_tns = schema_node.get('targetNamespace')
if namespace and schema_tns and namespace != schema_tns:
raise XMLParseError((
"The namespace defined on the xsd:import doesn't match the "
"imported targetNamespace located at %r "
) % (location),
schema = self.schema.create_new_document(schema_node, location)
self.register_import(namespace, schema)
return schema
def visit_include(self, node, parent):
id = ID
schemaLocation = anyURI
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?)
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
if not node.get('schemaLocation'):
raise NotImplementedError("schemaLocation is required")
location = node.get('schemaLocation')
if location in self._includes:
schema_node = load_external(
location, self.schema._transport,
# When the included document has no default namespace defined but the
# parent document does have this then we should (atleast for #360)
# transfer the default namespace to the included schema. We can't
# update the nsmap of elements in lxml so we create a new schema with
# the correct nsmap and move all the content there.
if not schema_node.nsmap.get(None) and node.nsmap.get(None):
nsmap = {None: node.nsmap[None]}
new = etree.Element(schema_node.tag, nsmap=nsmap)
for child in schema_node:
for key, value in schema_node.attrib.items():
new.set(key, value)
schema_node = new
# Use the element/attribute form defaults from the schema while
# processing the nodes.
element_form_default = self.document._element_form
attribute_form_default = self.document._attribute_form
base_url = self.document._base_url
self.document._element_form = schema_node.get('elementFormDefault', 'unqualified')
self.document._attribute_form = schema_node.get('attributeFormDefault', 'unqualified')
self.document._base_url = absolute_location(location, self.document._base_url)
# Iterate directly over the children.
for child in schema_node:
self.process(child, parent=schema_node)
self.document._element_form = element_form_default
self.document._attribute_form = attribute_form_default
self.document._base_url = base_url
def visit_element(self, node, parent):
abstract = Boolean : false
block = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))
default = string
final = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
fixed = string
form = (qualified | unqualified)
id = ID
maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded) : 1
minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
name = NCName
nillable = Boolean : false
ref = QName
substitutionGroup = QName
type = QName
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?, (
(simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*))
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
is_global = parent.tag == tags.schema
# minOccurs / maxOccurs are not allowed on global elements
if not is_global:
min_occurs, max_occurs = _process_occurs_attrs(node)
max_occurs = 1
min_occurs = 1
# If the element has a ref attribute then all other attributes cannot
# be present. Short circuit that here.
# Ref is prohibited on global elements (parent = schema)
if not is_global:
result = self.process_reference(
node, min_occurs=min_occurs, max_occurs=max_occurs)
if result:
return result
element_form = node.get('form', self.document._element_form)
if element_form == 'qualified' or is_global:
qname = qname_attr(node, 'name', self.document._target_namespace)
qname = etree.QName(node.get('name'))
children = node.getchildren()
xsd_type = None
if children:
value = None
for child in children:
if child.tag == tags.annotation:
elif child.tag in (tags.simpleType, tags.complexType):
assert not value
xsd_type = self.process(child, node)
if not xsd_type:
node_type = qname_attr(node, 'type')
if node_type:
xsd_type = self._get_type(node_type.text)
xsd_type = xsd_types.AnyType()
# Naive workaround to mark fields which are part of a choice element
# as optional
if parent.tag == tags.choice:
min_occurs = 0
nillable = node.get('nillable') == 'true'
default = node.get('default')
element = xsd_elements.Element(
name=qname, type_=xsd_type,
min_occurs=min_occurs, max_occurs=max_occurs, nillable=nillable,
default=default, is_global=is_global)
# Only register global elements
if is_global:
self.register_element(qname, element)
return element
def visit_attribute(self, node, parent):
"""Declares an attribute.
default = string
fixed = string
form = (qualified | unqualified)
id = ID
name = NCName
ref = QName
type = QName
use = (optional | prohibited | required): optional
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace...}>
Content: (annotation?, (simpleType?))
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
is_global = parent.tag == tags.schema
# Check of wsdl:arayType
array_type = node.get('{}arrayType')
if array_type:
match = re.match('([^\[]+)', array_type)
if match:
array_type = match.groups()[0]
qname = as_qname(array_type, node.nsmap)
array_type = UnresolvedType(qname, self.schema)
# If the elment has a ref attribute then all other attributes cannot
# be present. Short circuit that here.
# Ref is prohibited on global elements (parent = schema)
if not is_global:
result = self.process_ref_attribute(node, array_type=array_type)
if result:
return result
attribute_form = node.get('form', self.document._attribute_form)
if attribute_form == 'qualified' or is_global:
name = qname_attr(node, 'name', self.document._target_namespace)
name = etree.QName(node.get('name'))
annotation, items = self._pop_annotation(node.getchildren())
if items:
xsd_type = self.visit_simple_type(items[0], node)
node_type = qname_attr(node, 'type')
if node_type:
xsd_type = self._get_type(node_type)
xsd_type = xsd_types.AnyType()
# TODO: We ignore 'prohobited' for now
required = node.get('use') == 'required'
default = node.get('default')
attr = xsd_elements.Attribute(
name, type_=xsd_type, default=default, required=required)
# Only register global elements
if is_global:
self.register_attribute(name, attr)
return attr
def visit_simple_type(self, node, parent):
final = (#all | (list | union | restriction))
id = ID
name = NCName
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?, (restriction | list | union))
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
if parent.tag == tags.schema:
name = node.get('name')
is_global = True
name = parent.get('name', 'Anonymous')
is_global = False
base_type = '{}string'
qname = as_qname(name, node.nsmap, self.document._target_namespace)
annotation, items = self._pop_annotation(node.getchildren())
child = items[0]
if child.tag == tags.restriction:
base_type = self.visit_restriction_simple_type(child, node)
xsd_type = UnresolvedCustomType(qname, base_type, self.schema)
elif child.tag == tags.list:
xsd_type = self.visit_list(child, node)
elif child.tag == tags.union:
xsd_type = self.visit_union(child, node)
raise AssertionError("Unexpected child: %r" % child.tag)
assert xsd_type is not None
if is_global:
self.register_type(qname, xsd_type)
return xsd_type
def visit_complex_type(self, node, parent):
abstract = Boolean : false
block = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
final = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
id = ID
mixed = Boolean : false
name = NCName
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace...}>
Content: (annotation?, (simpleContent | complexContent |
((group | all | choice | sequence)?,
((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))))
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
children = []
base_type = '{}anyType'
# If the complexType's parent is an element then this type is
# anonymous and should have no name defined. Otherwise it's global
if parent.tag == tags.schema:
name = node.get('name')
is_global = True
name = parent.get('name')
is_global = False
qname = as_qname(name, node.nsmap, self.document._target_namespace)
cls_attributes = {
'__module__': 'zeep.xsd.dynamic_types',
'_xsd_name': qname,
xsd_cls = type(name, (xsd_types.ComplexType,), cls_attributes)
xsd_type = None
# Process content
annotation, children = self._pop_annotation(node.getchildren())
first_tag = children[0].tag if children else None
if first_tag == tags.simpleContent:
base_type, attributes = self.visit_simple_content(children[0], node)
xsd_type = xsd_cls(
attributes=attributes, extension=base_type, qname=qname,
elif first_tag == tags.complexContent:
kwargs = self.visit_complex_content(children[0], node)
xsd_type = xsd_cls(qname=qname, is_global=is_global, **kwargs)
elif first_tag:
element = None
if first_tag in (, tags.all, tags.choice, tags.sequence):
child = children.pop(0)
element = self.process(child, node)
attributes = self._process_attributes(node, children)
xsd_type = xsd_cls(
element=element, attributes=attributes, qname=qname,
xsd_type = xsd_cls(qname=qname, is_global=is_global)
if is_global:
self.register_type(qname, xsd_type)
return xsd_type
def visit_complex_content(self, node, parent):
"""The complexContent element defines extensions or restrictions on a
complex type that contains mixed content or elements only.
id = ID
mixed = Boolean
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?, (restriction | extension))
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
child = node.getchildren()[-1]
if child.tag == tags.restriction:
base, element, attributes = self.visit_restriction_complex_content(
child, node)
return {
'attributes': attributes,
'element': element,
'restriction': base,
elif child.tag == tags.extension:
base, element, attributes = self.visit_extension_complex_content(
child, node)
return {
'attributes': attributes,
'element': element,
'extension': base,
def visit_simple_content(self, node, parent):
"""Contains extensions or restrictions on a complexType element with
character data or a simpleType element as content and contains no
id = ID
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?, (restriction | extension))
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
child = node.getchildren()[-1]
if child.tag == tags.restriction:
return self.visit_restriction_simple_content(child, node)
elif child.tag == tags.extension:
return self.visit_extension_simple_content(child, node)
raise AssertionError("Expected restriction or extension")
def visit_restriction_simple_type(self, node, parent):
base = QName
id = ID
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?,
(simpleType?, (
minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive |
totalDigits |fractionDigits | length | minLength |
maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern)*))
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
base_name = qname_attr(node, 'base')
if base_name:
return self._get_type(base_name)
annotation, children = self._pop_annotation(node.getchildren())
if children[0].tag == tags.simpleType:
return self.visit_simple_type(children[0], node)
def visit_restriction_simple_content(self, node, parent):
base = QName
id = ID
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?,
(simpleType?, (
minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive |
totalDigits |fractionDigits | length | minLength |
maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern)*
)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
base_name = qname_attr(node, 'base')
base_type = self._get_type(base_name)
return base_type, []
def visit_restriction_complex_content(self, node, parent):
base = QName
id = ID
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?, (group | all | choice | sequence)?,
((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
base_name = qname_attr(node, 'base')
base_type = self._get_type(base_name)
annotation, children = self._pop_annotation(node.getchildren())
element = None
attributes = []
if children:
child = children[0]
if child.tag in (, tags.all, tags.choice, tags.sequence):
element = self.process(child, node)
attributes = self._process_attributes(node, children)
return base_type, element, attributes
def visit_extension_complex_content(self, node, parent):
base = QName
id = ID
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?, (
(group | all | choice | sequence)?,
((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)))
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
base_name = qname_attr(node, 'base')
base_type = self._get_type(base_name)
annotation, children = self._pop_annotation(node.getchildren())
element = None
attributes = []
if children:
child = children[0]
if child.tag in (, tags.all, tags.choice, tags.sequence):
element = self.process(child, node)
attributes = self._process_attributes(node, children)
return base_type, element, attributes
def visit_extension_simple_content(self, node, parent):
base = QName
id = ID
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
base_name = qname_attr(node, 'base')
base_type = self._get_type(base_name)
annotation, children = self._pop_annotation(node.getchildren())
attributes = self._process_attributes(node, children)
return base_type, attributes
def visit_annotation(self, node, parent):
"""Defines an annotation.
id = ID
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (appinfo | documentation)*
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
def visit_any(self, node, parent):
id = ID
maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded) : 1
minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
namespace = "(##any | ##other) |
List of (anyURI | (##targetNamespace | ##local))) : ##any
processContents = (lax | skip | strict) : strict
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace...}>
Content: (annotation?)
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
min_occurs, max_occurs = _process_occurs_attrs(node)
process_contents = node.get('processContents', 'strict')
return xsd_elements.Any(
max_occurs=max_occurs, min_occurs=min_occurs,
def visit_sequence(self, node, parent):
id = ID
maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded) : 1
minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?,
(element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
sub_types = [
tags.annotation, tags.any, tags.choice, tags.element,, tags.sequence
min_occurs, max_occurs = _process_occurs_attrs(node)
result = xsd_elements.Sequence(
min_occurs=min_occurs, max_occurs=max_occurs)
annotation, items = self._pop_annotation(node.getchildren())
for child in items:
assert child.tag in sub_types, child
item = self.process(child, node)
assert item is not None
assert None not in result
return result
def visit_all(self, node, parent):
"""Allows the elements in the group to appear (or not appear) in any
order in the containing element.
id = ID
maxOccurs= 1: 1
minOccurs= (0 | 1): 1
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace...}>
Content: (annotation?, element*)
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
sub_types = [
tags.annotation, tags.element
result = xsd_elements.All()
for child in node.iterchildren():
assert child.tag in sub_types, child
item = self.process(child, node)
assert None not in result
return result
def visit_group(self, node, parent):
"""Groups a set of element declarations so that they can be
incorporated as a group into complex type definitions.
name= NCName
id = ID
maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded) : 1
minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
name = NCName
ref = QName
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?, (all | choice | sequence))
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
min_occurs, max_occurs = _process_occurs_attrs(node)
result = self.process_reference(
node, min_occurs=min_occurs, max_occurs=max_occurs)
if result:
return result
qname = qname_attr(node, 'name', self.document._target_namespace)
# There should be only max nodes, first node (annotation) is irrelevant
annotation, children = self._pop_annotation(node.getchildren())
child = children[0]
item = self.process(child, parent)
elm = xsd_elements.Group(name=qname, child=item)
if parent.tag == tags.schema:
self.register_group(qname, elm)
return elm
def visit_list(self, node, parent):
id = ID
itemType = QName
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?, (simpleType?))
The use of the simpleType element child and the itemType attribute is
mutually exclusive.
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
item_type = qname_attr(node, 'itemType')
if item_type:
sub_type = self._get_type(item_type.text)
subnodes = node.getchildren()
child = subnodes[-1] # skip annotation
sub_type = self.visit_simple_type(child, node)
return xsd_types.ListType(sub_type)
def visit_choice(self, node, parent):
id = ID
maxOccurs= (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded) : 1
minOccurs= nonNegativeInteger : 1
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
min_occurs, max_occurs = _process_occurs_attrs(node)
children = node.getchildren()
annotation, children = self._pop_annotation(children)
choices = []
for child in children:
elm = self.process(child, node)
return xsd_elements.Choice(
choices, min_occurs=min_occurs, max_occurs=max_occurs)
def visit_union(self, node, parent):
"""Defines a collection of multiple simpleType definitions.
id = ID
memberTypes = List of QNames
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?, (simpleType*))
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
members = node.get('memberTypes')
types = []
if members:
for member in members.split():
qname = as_qname(member, node.nsmap)
xsd_type = self._get_type(qname)
annotation, types = self._pop_annotation(node.getchildren())
types = [self.visit_simple_type(t, node) for t in types]
return xsd_types.UnionType(types)
def visit_unique(self, node, parent):
"""Specifies that an attribute or element value (or a combination of
attribute or element values) must be unique within the specified scope.
The value must be unique or nil.
id = ID
name = NCName
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?, (selector, field+))
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
def visit_attribute_group(self, node, parent):
id = ID
name = NCName
ref = QName
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace...}>
Content: (annotation?),
((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
ref = self.process_reference(node)
if ref:
return ref
qname = qname_attr(node, 'name', self.document._target_namespace)
annotation, children = self._pop_annotation(node.getchildren())
attributes = self._process_attributes(node, children)
attribute_group = xsd_elements.AttributeGroup(qname, attributes)
self.register_attribute_group(qname, attribute_group)
def visit_any_attribute(self, node, parent):
id = ID
namespace = ((##any | ##other) |
List of (anyURI | (##targetNamespace | ##local))) : ##any
processContents = (lax | skip | strict): strict
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace...}>
Content: (annotation?)
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
process_contents = node.get('processContents', 'strict')
return xsd_elements.AnyAttribute(process_contents=process_contents)
def visit_notation(self, node, parent):
"""Contains the definition of a notation to describe the format of
non-XML data within an XML document. An XML Schema notation declaration
is a reconstruction of XML 1.0 NOTATION declarations.
id = ID
name = NCName
public = Public identifier per ISO 8879
system = anyURI
{any attributes with non-schema Namespace}...>
Content: (annotation?)
:param node: The XML node
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
:param parent: The parent XML node
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
def _get_type(self, name):
assert name is not None
name = self._create_qname(name)
return UnresolvedType(name, self.schema)
def _create_qname(self, name):
if not isinstance(name, etree.QName):
name = etree.QName(name)
# Handle reserved namespace
if name.namespace == 'xml':
name = etree.QName(
'', name.localname)
# Various xsd builders assume that some schema's are available by
# default (actually this is mostly just the soap-enc ns). So live with
# that fact and handle it by auto-importing the schema if it is
# referenced.
if (
name.namespace in AUTO_IMPORT_NAMESPACES
and not self.document.is_imported(name.namespace)
"Auto importing missing known schema: %s", name.namespace)
import_node = etree.Element(
namespace=name.namespace, schemaLocation=name.namespace)
self.visit_import(import_node, None)
return name
def _pop_annotation(self, items):
if not len(items):
return None, []
if items[0].tag == tags.annotation:
annotation = self.visit_annotation(items[0], None)
return annotation, items[1:]
return None, items
def _process_attributes(self, node, items):
attributes = []
for child in items:
if child.tag in (tags.attribute, tags.attributeGroup, tags.anyAttribute):
attribute = self.process(child, node)
raise XMLParseError(
"Unexpected tag `%s`" % (child.tag),
return attributes
visitors = {
tags.any: visit_any,
tags.element: visit_element,
tags.choice: visit_choice,
tags.simpleType: visit_simple_type,
tags.anyAttribute: visit_any_attribute,
tags.complexType: visit_complex_type,
tags.simpleContent: None,
tags.complexContent: None,
tags.sequence: visit_sequence,
tags.all: visit_all, visit_group,
tags.attribute: visit_attribute,
tags.import_: visit_import,
tags.include: visit_include,
tags.annotation: visit_annotation,
tags.attributeGroup: visit_attribute_group,
tags.notation: visit_notation,
def _process_occurs_attrs(node):
"""Process the min/max occurrence indicators"""
max_occurs = node.get('maxOccurs', '1')
min_occurs = int(node.get('minOccurs', '1'))
if max_occurs == 'unbounded':
max_occurs = 'unbounded'
max_occurs = int(max_occurs)
return min_occurs, max_occurs