
456 lines
16 KiB

import copy
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict, deque
from itertools import chain
from cached_property import threaded_cached_property
from zeep.exceptions import UnexpectedElementError, XMLParseError
from zeep.xsd.const import NotSet, SkipValue, xsi_ns
from zeep.xsd.elements import (
Any, AnyAttribute, AttributeGroup, Choice, Element, Group, Sequence)
from zeep.xsd.elements.indicators import OrderIndicator
from zeep.xsd.types.any import AnyType
from zeep.xsd.types.simple import AnySimpleType
from zeep.xsd.utils import NamePrefixGenerator
from zeep.xsd.valueobjects import ArrayValue, CompoundValue
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = ['ComplexType']
class ComplexType(AnyType):
_xsd_name = None
def __init__(self, element=None, attributes=None,
restriction=None, extension=None, qname=None, is_global=False):
if element and type(element) == list:
element = Sequence(element) = self.__class__.__name__ if qname else None
self._element = element
self._attributes = attributes or []
self._restriction = restriction
self._extension = extension
self._extension_types = tuple()
super(ComplexType, self).__init__(qname=qname, is_global=is_global)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self._array_type:
return self._array_class(*args, **kwargs)
return self._value_class(*args, **kwargs)
def accepted_types(self):
return (self._value_class,) + self._extension_types
def _array_class(self):
assert self._array_type
return type(
self.__class__.__name__, (ArrayValue,),
{'_xsd_type': self, '__module__': 'zeep.objects'})
def _value_class(self):
return type(
self.__class__.__name__, (CompoundValue,),
{'_xsd_type': self, '__module__': 'zeep.objects'})
def __str__(self):
return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.signature())
def attributes(self):
generator = NamePrefixGenerator(prefix='_attr_')
result = []
elm_names = {name for name, elm in self.elements if name is not None}
for attr in self._attributes_unwrapped:
if is None:
name = generator.get_name()
elif in elm_names:
name = 'attr__%s' %
name =
result.append((name, attr))
return result
def _attributes_unwrapped(self):
attributes = []
for attr in self._attributes:
if isinstance(attr, AttributeGroup):
return attributes
def elements(self):
"""List of tuples containing the element name and the element"""
result = []
for name, element in self.elements_nested:
if isinstance(element, Element):
result.append((element.attr_name, element))
return result
def elements_nested(self):
"""List of tuples containing the element name and the element"""
result = []
generator = NamePrefixGenerator()
# Handle wsdl:arrayType objects
if self._array_type:
name = generator.get_name()
if isinstance(self._element, Group):
result = [(name, Sequence([
Any(max_occurs='unbounded', restrict=self._array_type.array_type)
result = [(name, self._element)]
# _element is one of All, Choice, Group, Sequence
if self._element:
result.append((generator.get_name(), self._element))
return result
def _array_type(self):
attrs = {attr.qname.text: attr for attr in self._attributes if attr.qname}
array_type = attrs.get('{}arrayType')
return array_type
def parse_xmlelement(self, xmlelement, schema=None, allow_none=True,
context=None, schema_type=None):
"""Consume matching xmlelements and call parse() on each
:param xmlelement: XML element objects
:type xmlelement: lxml.etree._Element
:param schema: The parent XML schema
:type schema: zeep.xsd.Schema
:param allow_none: Allow none
:type allow_none: bool
:param context: Optional parsing context (for inline schemas)
:type context: zeep.xsd.context.XmlParserContext
:param schema_type: The original type (not overriden via xsi:type)
:type schema_type: zeep.xsd.types.base.Type
:rtype: dict or None
# If this is an empty complexType (<xsd:complexType name="x"/>)
if not self.attributes and not self.elements:
return None
attributes = xmlelement.attrib
init_kwargs = OrderedDict()
# If this complexType extends a simpleType then we have no nested
# elements. Parse it directly via the type object. This is the case
# for xsd:simpleContent
if isinstance(self._element, Element) and isinstance(self._element.type, AnySimpleType):
name, element = self.elements_nested[0]
init_kwargs[name] = element.type.parse_xmlelement(
xmlelement, schema, name, context=context)
elements = deque(xmlelement.iterchildren())
if allow_none and len(elements) == 0 and len(attributes) == 0:
# Parse elements. These are always indicator elements (all, choice,
# group, sequence)
assert len(self.elements_nested) < 2
for name, element in self.elements_nested:
result = element.parse_xmlelements(
elements, schema, name, context=context)
if result:
except UnexpectedElementError as exc:
raise XMLParseError(exc.message)
# Check if all children are consumed (parsed)
if elements:
if schema.strict:
raise XMLParseError("Unexpected element %r" % elements[0].tag)
init_kwargs['_raw_elements'] = elements
# Parse attributes
if attributes:
attributes = copy.copy(attributes)
for name, attribute in self.attributes:
if attribute.qname.text in attributes:
value = attributes.pop(attribute.qname.text)
init_kwargs[name] = attribute.parse(value)
init_kwargs[name] = attribute.parse(attributes)
value = self._value_class(**init_kwargs)
schema_type = schema_type or self
if schema_type and getattr(schema_type, '_array_type', None):
value = schema_type._array_class.from_value_object(value)
return value
def render(self, parent, value, xsd_type=None, render_path=None):
"""Serialize the given value lxml.Element subelements on the parent
:type parent: lxml.etree._Element
:type value: Union[list, dict, zeep.xsd.valueobjects.CompoundValue]
:type xsd_type: zeep.xsd.types.base.Type
:param render_path: list
if not render_path:
render_path = []
if not self.elements_nested and not self.attributes:
# TODO: Implement test case for this
if value is None:
value = {}
if isinstance(value, ArrayValue):
value = value.as_value_object()
# Render attributes
for name, attribute in self.attributes:
attr_value = value[name] if name in value else NotSet
child_path = render_path + [name]
attribute.render(parent, attr_value, child_path)
if (
len(self.elements_nested) == 1
and isinstance(value, self.accepted_types)
and not isinstance(value, (list, dict, CompoundValue))
element = self.elements_nested[0][1]
element.type.render(parent, value, None, child_path)
# Render sub elements
for name, element in self.elements_nested:
if isinstance(element, Element) or element.accepts_multiple:
element_value = value[name] if name in value else NotSet
child_path = render_path + [name]
element_value = value
child_path = list(render_path)
# We want to explicitly skip this sub-element
if element_value is SkipValue:
if isinstance(element, Element):
element.type.render(parent, element_value, None, child_path)
element.render(parent, element_value, child_path)
if xsd_type:
if xsd_type._xsd_name:
parent.set(xsi_ns('type'), xsd_type._xsd_name)
if xsd_type.qname:
parent.set(xsi_ns('type'), xsd_type.qname)
def parse_kwargs(self, kwargs, name, available_kwargs):
"""Parse the kwargs for this type and return the accepted data as
a dict.
:param kwargs: The kwargs
:type kwargs: dict
:param name: The name as which this type is registered in the parent
:type name: str
:param available_kwargs: The kwargs keys which are still available,
modified in place
:type available_kwargs: set
:rtype: dict
value = None
name = name or
if name in available_kwargs:
value = kwargs[name]
value = self._create_object(value, name)
return {name: value}
return {}
def _create_object(self, value, name):
"""Return the value as a CompoundValue object
:type value: str
:type value: list, dict, CompoundValue
if value is None:
return None
if isinstance(value, list) and not self._array_type:
return [self._create_object(val, name) for val in value]
if isinstance(value, CompoundValue) or value is SkipValue:
return value
if isinstance(value, dict):
return self(**value)
# Try to automatically create an object. This might fail if there
# are multiple required arguments.
return self(value)
def resolve(self):
"""Resolve all sub elements and types"""
if self._resolved:
return self._resolved
self._resolved = self
resolved = []
for attribute in self._attributes:
value = attribute.resolve()
assert value is not None
if isinstance(value, list):
self._attributes = resolved
if self._extension:
self._extension = self._extension.resolve()
self._resolved = self.extend(self._extension)
elif self._restriction:
self._restriction = self._restriction.resolve()
self._resolved = self.restrict(self._restriction)
if self._element:
self._element = self._element.resolve()
return self._resolved
def extend(self, base):
"""Create a new ComplexType instance which is the current type
extending the given base type.
Used for handling xsd:extension tags
TODO: Needs a rewrite where the child containers are responsible for
the extend functionality.
:type base: zeep.xsd.types.base.Type
:rtype base: zeep.xsd.types.base.Type
if isinstance(base, ComplexType):
base_attributes = base._attributes_unwrapped
base_element = base._element
base_attributes = []
base_element = None
attributes = base_attributes + self._attributes_unwrapped
# Make sure we don't have duplicate (child is leading)
if base_attributes and self._attributes_unwrapped:
new_attributes = OrderedDict()
for attr in attributes:
if isinstance(attr, AnyAttribute):
new_attributes['##any'] = attr
new_attributes[attr.qname.text] = attr
attributes = new_attributes.values()
# If the base and the current type both have an element defined then
# these need to be merged. The base_element might be empty (or just
# container a placeholder element).
element = []
if self._element and base_element:
self._element = self._element.resolve()
base_element = base_element.resolve()
element = self._element.clone(
if isinstance(base_element, OrderIndicator):
if isinstance(self._element, Choice):
element = base_element.clone(
elif isinstance(element, OrderIndicator):
for item in reversed(base_element):
element.insert(0, item)
elif isinstance(element, Group):
for item in reversed(base_element):
element.child.insert(0, item)
elif isinstance(self._element, Group):
raise NotImplementedError('TODO')
pass # Element (ignore for now)
elif self._element or base_element:
element = self._element or base_element
element = Element('_value_1', base)
new = self.__class__(
new._extension_types = base.accepted_types
return new
def restrict(self, base):
"""Create a new complextype instance which is the current type
restricted by the base type.
Used for handling xsd:restriction
:type base: zeep.xsd.types.base.Type
:rtype base: zeep.xsd.types.base.Type
attributes = list(
chain(base._attributes_unwrapped, self._attributes_unwrapped))
# Make sure we don't have duplicate (self is leading)
if base._attributes_unwrapped and self._attributes_unwrapped:
new_attributes = OrderedDict()
for attr in attributes:
if isinstance(attr, AnyAttribute):
new_attributes['##any'] = attr
new_attributes[attr.qname.text] = attr
attributes = list(new_attributes.values())
if base._element:
new = self.__class__(
element=self._element or base._element,
return new.resolve()
def signature(self, schema=None, standalone=True):
parts = []
for name, element in self.elements_nested:
part = element.signature(schema, standalone=False)
for name, attribute in self.attributes:
part = '%s: %s' % (name, attribute.signature(schema, standalone=False))
value = ', '.join(parts)
if standalone:
return '%s(%s)' % (self.get_prefixed_name(schema), value)
return value