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"""Functions for WS-Security (WSSE) signature creation and verification.
Heavily based on test examples in as
well as the xmlsec documentation at
Reading the xmldsig, xmlenc, and ws-security standards documents, though
admittedly painful, will likely assist in understanding the code in this
from lxml import etree
from lxml.etree import QName
from zeep import ns
from zeep.exceptions import SignatureVerificationFailed
from zeep.utils import detect_soap_env
from zeep.wsse.utils import ensure_id, get_security_header
import xmlsec
except ImportError:
xmlsec = None
# SOAP envelope
SOAP_NS = ''
def _read_file(f_name):
with open(f_name, "rb") as f:
def _make_sign_key(key_data, cert_data, password):
key = xmlsec.Key.from_memory(key_data, xmlsec.KeyFormat.PEM, password)
key.load_cert_from_memory(cert_data, xmlsec.KeyFormat.PEM)
return key
def _make_verify_key(cert_data):
key = xmlsec.Key.from_memory(cert_data, xmlsec.KeyFormat.CERT_PEM, None)
return key
class MemorySignature(object):
"""Sign given SOAP envelope with WSSE sig using given key and cert."""
def __init__(self, key_data, cert_data, password=None):
self.key_data = key_data
self.cert_data = cert_data
self.password = password
def apply(self, envelope, headers):
key = _make_sign_key(self.key_data, self.cert_data, self.password)
_sign_envelope_with_key(envelope, key)
return envelope, headers
def verify(self, envelope):
key = _make_verify_key(self.cert_data)
_verify_envelope_with_key(envelope, key)
return envelope
class Signature(MemorySignature):
"""Sign given SOAP envelope with WSSE sig using given key file and cert file."""
def __init__(self, key_file, certfile, password=None):
super(Signature, self).__init__(
_read_file(key_file), _read_file(certfile), password)
def check_xmlsec_import():
if xmlsec is None:
raise ImportError(
"The xmlsec module is required for wsse.Signature()\n" +
"You can install xmlsec with: pip install xmlsec\n" +
"or install zeep via: pip install zeep[xmlsec]\n"
def sign_envelope(envelope, keyfile, certfile, password=None):
"""Sign given SOAP envelope with WSSE sig using given key and cert.
Sign the wsu:Timestamp node in the wsse:Security header and the soap:Body;
both must be present.
Add a ds:Signature node in the wsse:Security header containing the
Use EXCL-C14N transforms to normalize the signed XML (so that irrelevant
whitespace or attribute ordering changes don't invalidate the
signature). Use SHA1 signatures.
Expects to sign an incoming document something like this (xmlns attributes
omitted for readability):
<wsse:Security mustUnderstand="true">
After signing, the sample document would look something like this (note the
added wsu:Id attr on the soap:Body and wsu:Timestamp nodes, and the added
ds:Signature node in the header, with ds:Reference nodes with URI attribute
referencing the wsu:Id of the signed nodes):
<wsse:Security mustUnderstand="true">
<Signature xmlns="">
<Reference URI="#id-d0f9fd77-f193-471f-8bab-ba9c5afa3e76">
<Reference URI="#id-7c425ac1-534a-4478-b5fe-6cae0690f08d">
<wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="id-7c425ac1-534a-4478-b5fe-6cae0690f08d">
<soap:Body wsu:Id="id-d0f9fd77-f193-471f-8bab-ba9c5afa3e76">
# Load the signing key and certificate.
key = _make_sign_key(_read_file(keyfile), _read_file(certfile), password)
return _sign_envelope_with_key(envelope, key)
def _sign_envelope_with_key(envelope, key):
soap_env = detect_soap_env(envelope)
# Create the Signature node.
signature = xmlsec.template.create(
# Add a KeyInfo node with X509Data child to the Signature. XMLSec will fill
# in this template with the actual certificate details when it signs.
key_info = xmlsec.template.ensure_key_info(signature)
x509_data = xmlsec.template.add_x509_data(key_info)
# Insert the Signature node in the wsse:Security header.
security = get_security_header(envelope)
security.insert(0, signature)
security.append(etree.Element(QName(ns.WSU, 'Timestamp')))
# Perform the actual signing.
ctx = xmlsec.SignatureContext()
ctx.key = key
_sign_node(ctx, signature, envelope.find(QName(soap_env, 'Body')))
_sign_node(ctx, signature, security.find(QName(ns.WSU, 'Timestamp')))
# Place the X509 data inside a WSSE SecurityTokenReference within
# KeyInfo. The recipient expects this structure, but we can't rearrange
# like this until after signing, because otherwise xmlsec won't populate
# the X509 data (because it doesn't understand WSSE).
sec_token_ref = etree.SubElement(
key_info, QName(ns.WSSE, 'SecurityTokenReference'))
def verify_envelope(envelope, certfile):
"""Verify WS-Security signature on given SOAP envelope with given cert.
Expects a document like that found in the sample XML in the ``sign()``
Raise SignatureVerificationFailed on failure, silent on success.
key = _make_verify_key(_read_file(certfile))
return _verify_envelope_with_key(envelope, key)
def _verify_envelope_with_key(envelope, key):
soap_env = detect_soap_env(envelope)
header = envelope.find(QName(soap_env, 'Header'))
if header is None:
raise SignatureVerificationFailed()
security = header.find(QName(ns.WSSE, 'Security'))
signature = security.find(QName(ns.DS, 'Signature'))
ctx = xmlsec.SignatureContext()
# Find each signed element and register its ID with the signing context.
refs = signature.xpath(
'ds:SignedInfo/ds:Reference', namespaces={'ds': ns.DS})
for ref in refs:
# Get the reference URI and cut off the initial '#'
referenced_id = ref.get('URI')[1:]
referenced = envelope.xpath(
"//*[@wsu:Id='%s']" % referenced_id,
namespaces={'wsu': ns.WSU},
ctx.register_id(referenced, 'Id', ns.WSU)
ctx.key = key
except xmlsec.Error:
# Sadly xmlsec gives us no details about the reason for the failure, so
# we have nothing to pass on except that verification failed.
raise SignatureVerificationFailed()
def _sign_node(ctx, signature, target):
"""Add sig for ``target`` in ``signature`` node, using ``ctx`` context.
Doesn't actually perform the signing; ``ctx.sign(signature)`` should be
called later to do that.
Adds a Reference node to the signature with URI attribute pointing to the
target node, and registers the target node's ID so XMLSec will be able to
find the target node by ID when it signs.
# Ensure the target node has a wsu:Id attribute and get its value.
node_id = ensure_id(target)
# Unlike HTML, XML doesn't have a single standardized Id. WSSE suggests the
# use of the wsu:Id attribute for this purpose, but XMLSec doesn't
# understand that natively. So for XMLSec to be able to find the referenced
# node by id, we have to tell xmlsec about it using the register_id method.
ctx.register_id(target, 'Id', ns.WSU)
# Add reference to signature with URI attribute pointing to that ID.
ref = xmlsec.template.add_reference(
signature, xmlsec.Transform.SHA1, uri='#' + node_id)
# This is an XML normalization transform which will be performed on the
# target node contents before signing. This ensures that changes to
# irrelevant whitespace, attribute ordering, etc won't invalidate the
# signature.
xmlsec.template.add_transform(ref, xmlsec.Transform.EXCL_C14N)