
507 lines
18 KiB

import copy
from collections import OrderedDict
from lxml import etree
from lxml.builder import ElementMaker
from zeep import exceptions, xsd
from zeep.utils import as_qname
from zeep.wsdl.messages.base import ConcreteMessage, SerializedMessage
from zeep.wsdl.messages.multiref import process_multiref
__all__ = [
class SoapMessage(ConcreteMessage):
"""Base class for the SOAP Document and RPC messages
:param wsdl: The main wsdl document
:type wsdl: zeep.wsdl.Document
:param name:
:param operation: The operation to which this message belongs
:type operation: zeep.wsdl.bindings.soap.SoapOperation
:param type: 'input' or 'output'
:type type: str
:param nsmap: The namespace mapping
:type nsmap: dict
def __init__(self, wsdl, name, operation, type, nsmap):
super(SoapMessage, self).__init__(wsdl, name, operation)
self.nsmap = nsmap
self.abstract = None # Set during resolve()
self.type = type
self.body = None
self.header = None
self.envelope = None
def serialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Create a SerializedMessage for this message"""
nsmap = {
'soap-env': self.nsmap['soap-env']
soap = ElementMaker(namespace=self.nsmap['soap-env'], nsmap=nsmap)
# Create the soap:header element
headers_value = kwargs.pop('_soapheaders', None)
header = self._serialize_header(headers_value, nsmap)
# Create the soap:body element
body = soap.Body()
if self.body:
body_value = self.body(*args, **kwargs)
self.body.render(body, body_value)
# Create the soap:envelope
envelope = soap.Envelope()
if header is not None:
# XXX: This is only used in Soap 1.1 so should be moved to the the
# Soap11Binding._set_http_headers(). But let's keep it like this for
# now.
headers = {
'SOAPAction': '"%s"' % self.operation.soapaction
return SerializedMessage(
path=None, headers=headers, content=envelope)
def deserialize(self, envelope):
"""Deserialize the SOAP:Envelope and return a CompoundValue with the
if not self.envelope:
return None
body = envelope.find('soap-env:Body', namespaces=self.nsmap)
body_result = self._deserialize_body(body)
header = envelope.find('soap-env:Header', namespaces=self.nsmap)
headers_result = self._deserialize_headers(header)
kwargs = body_result
result = self.envelope(**kwargs)
# If the message
if self.header.type._element:
return result
result = result.body
if result is None or len(result) == 0:
return None
elif len(result) > 1:
return result
# Check if we can remove the wrapping object to make the return value
# easier to use.
result = next(iter(result.__values__.values()))
if isinstance(result, xsd.CompoundValue):
children = result._xsd_type.elements
attributes = result._xsd_type.attributes
if len(children) == 1 and len(attributes) == 0:
item_name, item_element = children[0]
retval = getattr(result, item_name)
return retval
return result
def signature(self, as_output=False):
if not self.envelope:
return None
if as_output:
if isinstance(self.envelope.type, xsd.ComplexType):
if len(self.envelope.type.elements) == 1:
return self.envelope.type.elements[0][1].type.signature(
schema=self.wsdl.types, standalone=False)
except AttributeError:
return None
return self.envelope.type.signature(schema=self.wsdl.types, standalone=False)
if self.body:
parts = [self.body.type.signature(schema=self.wsdl.types, standalone=False)]
parts = []
if self.header.type._element:
parts.append('_soapheaders={%s}' % self.header.type.signature(
schema=self.wsdl.types, standalone=False))
return ', '.join(part for part in parts if part)
def parse(cls, definitions, xmlelement, operation, type, nsmap):
"""Parse a wsdl:binding/wsdl:operation/wsdl:operation for the SOAP
Each wsdl:operation can contain three child nodes:
- input
- output
- fault
Definition for input/output::
<soap:body parts="nmtokens"? use="literal|encoded"
encodingStyle="uri-list"? namespace="uri"?>
<soap:header message="qname" part="nmtoken" use="literal|encoded"
encodingStyle="uri-list"? namespace="uri"?>*
<soap:headerfault message="qname" part="nmtoken"
encodingStyle="uri-list"? namespace="uri"?/>*
And the definition for fault::
<soap:fault name="nmtoken" use="literal|encoded"
encodingStyle="uri-list"? namespace="uri"?>
name = xmlelement.get('name')
obj = cls(definitions.wsdl, name, operation, nsmap=nsmap, type=type)
body_data = None
header_data = None
# After some profiling it turns out that .find() and .findall() in this
# case are twice as fast as the xpath method
body = xmlelement.find('soap:body', namespaces=operation.binding.nsmap)
if body is not None:
body_data = cls._parse_body(body)
# Parse soap:header (multiple)
elements = xmlelement.findall(
'soap:header', namespaces=operation.binding.nsmap)
header_data = cls._parse_header(
elements, definitions.target_namespace, operation)
obj._resolve_info = {
'body': body_data,
'header': header_data
return obj
def _parse_body(cls, xmlelement):
"""Parse soap:body and return a dict with data to resolve it.
<soap:body parts="nmtokens"? use="literal|encoded"?
encodingStyle="uri-list"? namespace="uri"?>
return {
'part': xmlelement.get('part'),
'use': xmlelement.get('use', 'literal'),
'encodingStyle': xmlelement.get('encodingStyle'),
'namespace': xmlelement.get('namespace'),
def _parse_header(cls, xmlelements, tns, operation):
"""Parse the soap:header and optionally included soap:headerfault elements
The header can optionally contain one ore more soap:headerfault
elements which can contain the same attributes as the soap:header::
<soap:headerfault message="qname" part="nmtoken" use="literal|encoded"
encodingStyle="uri-list"? namespace="uri"?/>*
result = []
for xmlelement in xmlelements:
data = cls._parse_header_element(xmlelement, tns)
# Add optional soap:headerfault elements
data['faults'] = []
fault_elements = xmlelement.findall(
'soap:headerfault', namespaces=operation.binding.nsmap)
for fault_element in fault_elements:
fault_data = cls._parse_header_element(fault_element, tns)
return result
def _parse_header_element(cls, xmlelement, tns):
attributes = xmlelement.attrib
message_qname = as_qname(
attributes['message'], xmlelement.nsmap, tns)
return {
'message': message_qname,
'part': attributes['part'],
'use': attributes['use'],
'encodingStyle': attributes.get('encodingStyle'),
'namespace': attributes.get('namespace'),
except KeyError:
raise exceptions.WsdlSyntaxError("Invalid soap:header(fault)")
def resolve(self, definitions, abstract_message):
"""Resolve the data in the self._resolve_info dict (set via parse())
This creates three xsd.Element objects:
- self.header
- self.body
- self.envelope (combination of headers and body)
XXX headerfaults are not implemented yet.
info = self._resolve_info
del self._resolve_info
# If this message has no parts then we have nothing to do. This might
# happen for output messages which don't return anything.
if not and self.type != 'input':
self.abstract = abstract_message
parts = OrderedDict(
self.header = self._resolve_header(info['header'], definitions, parts)
self.body = self._resolve_body(info['body'], definitions, parts)
self.envelope = self._create_envelope_element()
def _create_envelope_element(self):
"""Create combined `envelope` complexType which contains both the
elements from the body and the headers.
all_elements = xsd.Sequence([])
if self.header.type._element:
xsd.Element('{%s}header' % self.nsmap['soap-env'], self.header.type))
'{%s}body' % self.nsmap['soap-env'],
self.body.type if self.body else None))
return xsd.Element('{%s}envelope' % self.nsmap['soap-env'], xsd.ComplexType(all_elements))
def _serialize_header(self, headers_value, nsmap):
if not headers_value:
headers_value = copy.deepcopy(headers_value)
soap = ElementMaker(namespace=self.nsmap['soap-env'], nsmap=nsmap)
header = soap.Header()
if isinstance(headers_value, list):
for header_value in headers_value:
if hasattr(header_value, '_xsd_elm'):
header_value._xsd_elm.render(header, header_value)
elif hasattr(header_value, '_xsd_type'):
header_value._xsd_type.render(header, header_value)
elif isinstance(header_value, etree._Element):
raise ValueError("Invalid value given to _soapheaders")
elif isinstance(headers_value, dict):
if not self.header:
raise ValueError(
"_soapheaders only accepts a dictionary if the wsdl "
"defines the headers.")
# Only render headers for which we have a value
headers_value = self.header(**headers_value)
for name, elm in self.header.type.elements:
if name in headers_value and headers_value[name] is not None:
elm.render(header, headers_value[name], ['header', name])
raise ValueError("Invalid value given to _soapheaders")
return header
def _deserialize_headers(self, xmlelement):
"""Deserialize the values in the SOAP:Header element"""
if not self.header or xmlelement is None:
return {}
result = self.header.parse(xmlelement, self.wsdl.types)
if result is not None:
return {'header': result}
return {}
def _resolve_header(self, info, definitions, parts):
name = etree.QName(self.nsmap['soap-env'], 'Header')
container = xsd.All(consume_other=True)
if not info:
return xsd.Element(name, xsd.ComplexType(container))
for item in info:
message_name = item['message'].text
part_name = item['part']
message = definitions.get('messages', message_name)
if message == self.abstract:
del parts[part_name]
part =[part_name]
if part.element:
element = part.element.clone()
element.attr_name = part_name
element = xsd.Element(part_name, part.type)
return xsd.Element(name, xsd.ComplexType(container))
class DocumentMessage(SoapMessage):
"""In the document message there are no additional wrappers, and the
message parts appear directly under the SOAP Body element.
.. inheritance-diagram:: zeep.wsdl.messages.soap.DocumentMessage
:parts: 1
:param wsdl: The main wsdl document
:type wsdl: zeep.wsdl.Document
:param name:
:param operation: The operation to which this message belongs
:type operation: zeep.wsdl.bindings.soap.SoapOperation
:param type: 'input' or 'output'
:type type: str
:param nsmap: The namespace mapping
:type nsmap: dict
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(DocumentMessage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._is_body_wrapped = False
def _deserialize_body(self, xmlelement):
if self._is_body_wrapped:
result = self.body.parse(xmlelement, self.wsdl.types)
# For now we assume that the body only has one child since only
# one part is specified in the wsdl. This should be handled way
# better
xmlelement = xmlelement.getchildren()[0]
result = self.body.parse(xmlelement, self.wsdl.types)
return {'body': result}
def _resolve_body(self, info, definitions, parts):
name = etree.QName(self.nsmap['soap-env'], 'Body')
if not info or not parts:
return None
# If the part name is omitted then all parts are available under
# the soap:body tag. Otherwise only the part with the given name.
if info['part']:
part_name = info['part']
sub_elements = [parts[part_name].element]
sub_elements = []
for part_name, part in parts.items():
element = part.element.clone()
element.attr_name = part_name or
if len(sub_elements) > 1:
self._is_body_wrapped = True
return xsd.Element(name, xsd.ComplexType(xsd.All(sub_elements)))
self._is_body_wrapped = False
return sub_elements[0]
class RpcMessage(SoapMessage):
"""In RPC messages each part is a parameter or a return value and appears
inside a wrapper element within the body.
The wrapper element is named identically to the operation name and its
namespace is the value of the namespace attribute. Each message part
(parameter) appears under the wrapper, represented by an accessor named
identically to the corresponding parameter of the call. Parts are arranged
in the same order as the parameters of the call.
.. inheritance-diagram:: zeep.wsdl.messages.soap.DocumentMessage
:parts: 1
:param wsdl: The main wsdl document
:type wsdl: zeep.wsdl.Document
:param name:
:param operation: The operation to which this message belongs
:type operation: zeep.wsdl.bindings.soap.SoapOperation
:param type: 'input' or 'output'
:type type: str
:param nsmap: The namespace mapping
:type nsmap: dict
def _resolve_body(self, info, definitions, parts):
"""Return an XSD element for the SOAP:Body.
Each part is a parameter or a return value and appears inside a
wrapper element within the body named identically to the operation
name and its namespace is the value of the namespace attribute.
if not info:
return None
namespace = info['namespace']
if self.type == 'input':
tag_name = etree.QName(namespace,
tag_name = etree.QName(namespace,
# Create the xsd element to create/parse the response. Each part
# is a sub element of the root node (which uses the operation name)
elements = []
for name, msg in parts.items():
if msg.element:
elements.append(xsd.Element(name, msg.type))
return xsd.Element(tag_name, xsd.ComplexType(xsd.Sequence(elements)))
def _deserialize_body(self, body_element):
"""The name of the wrapper element is not defined. The WS-I defines
that it should be the operation name with the 'Response' string as
suffix. But lets just do it really stupid for now and use the first
response_element = body_element.getchildren()[0]
if self.body:
result = self.body.parse(response_element, self.wsdl.types)
return {'body': result}
return {'body': None}