
159 lines
3.8 KiB

import re
from lxml import etree
def process_multiref(node):
"""Iterate through the tree and replace the referened elements.
This method replaces the nodes with an href attribute and replaces it
with the elements it's referencing to (which have an id attribute).abs
multiref_objects = {
elm.attrib['id']: elm for elm in node.xpath('*[@id]')
if not multiref_objects:
used_nodes = []
def process(node):
# TODO (In Soap 1.2 this is 'ref')
href = node.attrib.get('href')
if href and href.startswith('#'):
obj = multiref_objects.get(href[1:])
if obj is not None:
node = _dereference_element(obj, node)
for child in node:
# Remove the old dereferenced nodes from the tree
for node in used_nodes:
parent = node.getparent()
if parent is not None:
def _dereference_element(source, target):
"""Move the referenced node (source) in the main response tree (target)
:type source: lxml.etree._Element
:type target: lxml.etree._Element
:rtype target: lxml.etree._Element
specific_nsmap = {
k: v for k, v in source.nsmap.items() if k not in target.nsmap
new = _clone_element(source, target.tag, specific_nsmap)
# Replace the node with the new dereferenced node
parent = target.getparent()
parent.insert(parent.index(target), new)
# Update all descendants
for obj in new.iter():
return new
def _clone_element(node, tag_name=None, nsmap=None):
"""Clone the given node and return it.
This is a recursive call since we want to clone the children the same
:type source: lxml.etree._Element
:type tag_name: str
:type nsmap: dict
:rtype source: lxml.etree._Element
tag_name = tag_name or node.tag
nsmap = node.nsmap if nsmap is None else nsmap
new = etree.Element(tag_name, nsmap=nsmap)
for child in node:
new_child = _clone_element(child)
new.text = node.text
for key, value in _get_attributes(node):
new.set(key, value)
return new
def _prefix_node(node):
"""Translate the internal attribute values back to prefixed tokens.
This reverses the translation done in _get_attributes
For example::
'foo:type': '{}string'
will be converted to:
'foo:type': 'example:string'
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
reverse_nsmap = {v: k for k, v in node.nsmap.items()}
prefix_re = re.compile('^{([^}]+)}(.*)')
for key, value in node.attrib.items():
if value.startswith('{'):
match = prefix_re.match(value)
namespace, localname = match.groups()
if namespace in reverse_nsmap:
value = '%s:%s' % (reverse_nsmap.get(namespace), localname)
node.set(key, value)
def _get_attributes(node):
"""Return the node attributes where prefixed values are dereferenced.
For example the following xml::
<foobar xmlns:xsi="foo" xmlns:ns0="bar" xsi:type="ns0:string">
will return the dict::
'foo:type': '{}string'
:type node: lxml.etree._Element
nsmap = node.nsmap
result = {}
for key, value in node.attrib.items():
if value.count(':') == 1:
prefix, localname = value.split(':')
if prefix in nsmap:
namespace = nsmap[prefix]
value = '{%s}%s' % (namespace, localname)
result[key] = value
return list(result.items())