
309 lines
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import copy
import logging
from contextlib import contextmanager
from zeep.transports import Transport
from zeep.wsdl import Document
from zeep.xsd.const import NotSet
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class OperationProxy(object):
def __init__(self, service_proxy, operation_name):
self._proxy = service_proxy
self._op_name = operation_name
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Call the operation with the given args and kwargs.
:rtype: zeep.xsd.CompoundValue
if self._proxy._client._default_soapheaders:
op_soapheaders = kwargs.get('_soapheaders')
if op_soapheaders:
soapheaders = copy.deepcopy(self._proxy._client._default_soapheaders)
if type(op_soapheaders) != type(soapheaders):
raise ValueError("Incompatible soapheaders definition")
if isinstance(soapheaders, list):
soapheaders = self._proxy._client._default_soapheaders
kwargs['_soapheaders'] = soapheaders
return self._proxy._binding.send(
self._proxy._client, self._proxy._binding_options,
self._op_name, args, kwargs)
class ServiceProxy(object):
def __init__(self, client, binding, **binding_options):
self._client = client
self._binding_options = binding_options
self._binding = binding
def __getattr__(self, key):
"""Return the OperationProxy for the given key.
:rtype: OperationProxy()
return self[key]
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Return the OperationProxy for the given key.
:rtype: OperationProxy()
except ValueError:
raise AttributeError('Service has no operation %r' % key)
return OperationProxy(self, key)
class Factory(object):
def __init__(self, types, kind, namespace):
self._method = getattr(types, 'get_%s' % kind)
if namespace in types.namespaces:
self._ns = namespace
self._ns = types.get_ns_prefix(namespace)
def __getattr__(self, key):
"""Return the complexType or simpleType for the given localname.
:rtype: zeep.xsd.ComplexType or zeep.xsd.AnySimpleType
return self[key]
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Return the complexType or simpleType for the given localname.
:rtype: zeep.xsd.ComplexType or zeep.xsd.AnySimpleType
return self._method('{%s}%s' % (self._ns, key))
class Client(object):
"""The zeep Client.
:param wsdl:
:param wsse:
:param transport: Custom transport class.
:param service_name: The service name for the service binding. Defaults to
the first service in the WSDL document.
:param port_name: The port name for the default binding. Defaults to the
first port defined in the service element in the WSDL
:param plugins: a list of Plugin instances
:param xml_huge_tree: disable lxml/libxml2 security restrictions and
support very deep trees and very long text content
def __init__(self, wsdl, wsse=None, transport=None,
service_name=None, port_name=None, plugins=None,
strict=True, xml_huge_tree=False):
if not wsdl:
raise ValueError("No URL given for the wsdl")
self.transport = transport if transport is not None else Transport()
self.wsdl = Document(wsdl, self.transport, strict=strict)
self.wsse = wsse
self.plugins = plugins if plugins is not None else []
self.xml_huge_tree = xml_huge_tree
# options
self.raw_response = False
self._default_service = None
self._default_service_name = service_name
self._default_port_name = port_name
self._default_soapheaders = None
def service(self):
"""The default ServiceProxy instance
:rtype: ServiceProxy
if self._default_service:
return self._default_service
self._default_service = self.bind(
if not self._default_service:
raise ValueError(
"There is no default service defined. This is usually due to "
"missing wsdl:service definitions in the WSDL")
return self._default_service
def options(self, timeout=NotSet, raw_response=NotSet):
"""Context manager to temporarily overrule various options.
:param timeout: Set the timeout for POST/GET operations (not used for
loading external WSDL or XSD documents)
To for example set the timeout to 10 seconds use::
client = zeep.Client('foo.wsdl')
with client.options(timeout=10):
if raw_response is not NotSet:
# Store current options
old_raw_response = self.raw_response
# Set new options
self.raw_response = raw_response
if timeout is not NotSet:
timeout_ctx = self.transport._options(timeout=timeout)
if raw_response is not NotSet:
self.raw_response = old_raw_response
if timeout is not NotSet:
timeout_ctx.__exit__(None, None, None)
def bind(self, service_name=None, port_name=None):
"""Create a new ServiceProxy for the given service_name and port_name.
The default ServiceProxy instance (`self.service`) always referes to
the first service/port in the wsdl Document. Use this when a specific
port is required.
if not
service = self._get_service(service_name)
port = self._get_port(service, port_name)
return ServiceProxy(self, port.binding, **port.binding_options)
def create_service(self, binding_name, address):
"""Create a new ServiceProxy for the given binding name and address.
:param binding_name: The QName of the binding
:param address: The address of the endpoint
binding = self.wsdl.bindings[binding_name]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
"No binding found with the given QName. Available bindings "
"are: %s" % (', '.join(self.wsdl.bindings.keys())))
return ServiceProxy(self, binding, address=address)
def create_message(self, service, operation_name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Create the payload for the given operation.
:rtype: lxml.etree._Element
envelope, http_headers = service._binding._create(
operation_name, args, kwargs, client=self)
return envelope
def type_factory(self, namespace):
"""Return a type factory for the given namespace.
factory = client.type_factory('ns0')
user = factory.User(name='John')
:rtype: Factory
return Factory(self.wsdl.types, 'type', namespace)
def get_type(self, name):
"""Return the type for the given qualified name.
:rtype: zeep.xsd.ComplexType or zeep.xsd.AnySimpleType
return self.wsdl.types.get_type(name)
def get_element(self, name):
"""Return the element for the given qualified name.
:rtype: zeep.xsd.Element
return self.wsdl.types.get_element(name)
def set_ns_prefix(self, prefix, namespace):
"""Set a shortcut for the given namespace.
self.wsdl.types.set_ns_prefix(prefix, namespace)
def set_default_soapheaders(self, headers):
"""Set the default soap headers which will be automatically used on
all calls.
Note that if you pass custom soapheaders using a list then you will
also need to use that during the operations. Since mixing these use
cases isn't supported (yet).
self._default_soapheaders = headers
def _get_port(self, service, name):
if name:
port = service.ports.get(name)
if not port:
raise ValueError("Port not found")
port = list(service.ports.values())[0]
return port
def _get_service(self, name):
if name:
service =
if not service:
raise ValueError("Service not found")
service = next(iter(, None)
return service
class CachingClient(Client):
"""Shortcut to create a caching client, for the lazy people.
This enables the SqliteCache by default in the transport as was the default
in earlier versions of zeep.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Don't use setdefault since we want to lazily init the Transport cls
from zeep.cache import SqliteCache
kwargs['transport'] = (
kwargs.get('transport') or Transport(cache=SqliteCache()))
super(CachingClient, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)