
601 lines
20 KiB

import copy
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict, deque
from itertools import chain
import six
from cached_property import threaded_cached_property
from zeep.exceptions import XMLParseError, UnexpectedElementError
from zeep.xsd.const import xsi_ns
from zeep.xsd.elements import Any, AnyAttribute, AttributeGroup, Element
from zeep.xsd.indicators import Group, OrderIndicator, Sequence
from zeep.xsd.utils import NamePrefixGenerator
from zeep.utils import get_base_class
from zeep.xsd.valueobjects import CompoundValue
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Type(object):
def __init__(self, qname=None, is_global=False):
self.qname = qname = qname.localname if qname else None
self._resolved = False
self.is_global = is_global
def accept(self, value):
raise NotImplementedError
def parse_kwargs(self, kwargs, name, available_kwargs):
value = None
name = name or
if name in available_kwargs:
value = kwargs[name]
return {name: value}
return {}
def parse_xmlelement(self, xmlelement, schema=None, allow_none=True,
raise NotImplementedError(
'%s.parse_xmlelement() is not implemented' % self.__class__.__name__)
def parsexml(self, xml, schema=None):
raise NotImplementedError
def render(self, parent, value):
raise NotImplementedError(
'%s.render() is not implemented' % self.__class__.__name__)
def resolve(self):
raise NotImplementedError(
'%s.resolve() is not implemented' % self.__class__.__name__)
def extend(self, child):
raise NotImplementedError(
'%s.extend() is not implemented' % self.__class__.__name__)
def restrict(self, child):
raise NotImplementedError(
'%s.restrict() is not implemented' % self.__class__.__name__)
def attributes(self):
return []
def signature(cls, depth=()):
return ''
class UnresolvedType(Type):
def __init__(self, qname, schema):
self.qname = qname
assert self.qname.text != 'None'
self.schema = schema
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s(qname=%r)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.qname)
def render(self, parent, value):
raise RuntimeError(
"Unable to render unresolved type %s. This is probably a bug." % (
def resolve(self):
retval = self.schema.get_type(self.qname)
return retval.resolve()
class UnresolvedCustomType(Type):
def __init__(self, qname, base_type, schema):
assert qname is not None
self.qname = qname = str(qname.localname)
self.schema = schema
self.base_type = base_type
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s(qname=%r, base_type=%r)>' % (
self.__class__.__name__, self.qname.text, self.base_type)
def resolve(self):
base = self.base_type
base = base.resolve()
cls_attributes = {
'__module__': 'zeep.xsd.dynamic_types',
if issubclass(base.__class__, UnionType):
xsd_type = type(, (base.__class__,), cls_attributes)
return xsd_type(base.item_types)
elif issubclass(base.__class__, SimpleType):
xsd_type = type(, (base.__class__,), cls_attributes)
return xsd_type(self.qname)
xsd_type = type(, (base.base_class,), cls_attributes)
return xsd_type(self.qname)
class SimpleType(Type):
accepted_types = six.string_types
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return the xmlvalue for the given value.
Expects only one argument 'value'. The args, kwargs handling is done
here manually so that we can return readable error messages instead of
only '__call__ takes x arguments'
num_args = len(args) + len(kwargs)
if num_args != 1:
raise TypeError((
'%s() takes exactly 1 argument (%d given). ' +
'Simple types expect only a single value argument'
) % (self.__class__.__name__, num_args))
if kwargs and 'value' not in kwargs:
raise TypeError((
'%s() got an unexpected keyword argument %r. ' +
'Simple types expect only a single value argument'
) % (self.__class__.__name__, next(six.iterkeys(kwargs))))
value = args[0] if args else kwargs['value']
return self.xmlvalue(value)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
other is not None and
self.__class__ == other.__class__ and
self.__dict__ == other.__dict__)
def __str__(self):
return '%s(value)' % (self.__class__.__name__)
def parse_xmlelement(self, xmlelement, schema=None, allow_none=True,
if xmlelement.text is None:
return self.pythonvalue(xmlelement.text)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
logger.exception("Error during xml -> python translation")
return None
def pythonvalue(self, xmlvalue):
raise NotImplementedError(
'%s.pytonvalue() not implemented' % self.__class__.__name__)
def render(self, parent, value):
parent.text = self.xmlvalue(value)
def resolve(self):
return self
def signature(self, depth=()):
def xmlvalue(self, value):
raise NotImplementedError(
'%s.xmlvalue() not implemented' % self.__class__.__name__)
class ComplexType(Type):
_xsd_name = None
def __init__(self, element=None, attributes=None,
restriction=None, extension=None, qname=None, is_global=False):
if element and type(element) == list:
element = Sequence(element) = self.__class__.__name__ if qname else None
self._element = element
self._attributes = attributes or []
self._restriction = restriction
self._extension = extension
super(ComplexType, self).__init__(qname=qname, is_global=is_global)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._value_class(*args, **kwargs)
def accepted_types(self):
return (self._value_class,)
def _value_class(self):
return type(
self.__class__.__name__, (CompoundValue,),
{'_xsd_type': self, '__module__': 'zeep.objects'})
def __str__(self):
return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.signature())
def attributes(self):
generator = NamePrefixGenerator(prefix='_attr_')
result = []
elm_names = {name for name, elm in self.elements if name is not None}
for attr in self._attributes_unwrapped:
if is None:
name = generator.get_name()
elif in elm_names:
name = 'attr__%s' %
name =
result.append((name, attr))
return result
def _attributes_unwrapped(self):
attributes = []
for attr in self._attributes:
if isinstance(attr, AttributeGroup):
return attributes
def elements(self):
"""List of tuples containing the element name and the element"""
result = []
for name, element in self.elements_nested:
if isinstance(element, Element):
result.append((element.attr_name, element))
return result
def elements_nested(self):
"""List of tuples containing the element name and the element"""
result = []
generator = NamePrefixGenerator()
# Handle wsdl:arrayType objects
attrs = {attr.qname.text: attr for attr in self._attributes if attr.qname}
array_type = attrs.get('{}arrayType')
if array_type:
name = generator.get_name()
if isinstance(self._element, Group):
return [(name, Sequence([
Any(max_occurs='unbounded', restrict=array_type.array_type)
return [(name, self._element)]
# _element is one of All, Choice, Group, Sequence
if self._element:
result.append((generator.get_name(), self._element))
return result
def parse_xmlelement(self, xmlelement, schema, allow_none=True,
"""Consume matching xmlelements and call parse() on each"""
# If this is an empty complexType (<xsd:complexType name="x"/>)
if not self.attributes and not self.elements:
return None
attributes = xmlelement.attrib
init_kwargs = OrderedDict()
# If this complexType extends a simpleType then we have no nested
# elements. Parse it directly via the type object. This is the case
# for xsd:simpleContent
if isinstance(self._element, Element) and isinstance(self._element.type, SimpleType):
name, element = self.elements_nested[0]
init_kwargs[name] = element.type.parse_xmlelement(
xmlelement, schema, name, context=context)
elements = deque(xmlelement.iterchildren())
if allow_none and len(elements) == 0 and len(attributes) == 0:
# Parse elements. These are always indicator elements (all, choice,
# group, sequence)
for name, element in self.elements_nested:
result = element.parse_xmlelements(
elements, schema, name, context=context)
if result:
except UnexpectedElementError as exc:
raise XMLParseError(exc.message)
# Check if all children are consumed (parsed)
if elements:
raise XMLParseError("Unexpected element %r" % elements[0].tag)
# Parse attributes
if attributes:
attributes = copy.copy(attributes)
for name, attribute in self.attributes:
if attribute.qname.text in attributes:
value = attributes.pop(attribute.qname.text)
init_kwargs[name] = attribute.parse(value)
init_kwargs[name] = attribute.parse(attributes)
return self(**init_kwargs)
def render(self, parent, value, xsd_type=None):
"""Serialize the given value lxml.Element subelements on the parent
if not self.elements_nested and not self.attributes:
# Render attributes
for name, attribute in self.attributes:
attr_value = getattr(value, name, None)
attribute.render(parent, attr_value)
# Render sub elements
for name, element in self.elements_nested:
if isinstance(element, Element) or element.accepts_multiple:
element_value = getattr(value, name, None)
element_value = value
if isinstance(element, Element):
element.type.render(parent, element_value)
element.render(parent, element_value)
if xsd_type:
if xsd_type._xsd_name:
parent.set(xsi_ns('type'), xsd_type._xsd_name)
if xsd_type.qname:
parent.set(xsi_ns('type'), xsd_type.qname)
def parse_kwargs(self, kwargs, name, available_kwargs):
value = None
name = name or
if name in available_kwargs:
value = kwargs[name]
value = self._create_object(value, name)
return {name: value}
return {}
def _create_object(self, value, name):
"""Return the value as a CompoundValue object"""
if value is None:
return None
if isinstance(value, list):
return [self._create_object(val, name) for val in value]
if isinstance(value, CompoundValue):
return value
if isinstance(value, dict):
return self(**value)
# Check if the valueclass only expects one value, in that case
# we can try to automatically create an object for it.
if len(self.attributes) + len(self.elements) == 1:
return self(value)
raise ValueError((
"Error while create XML for complexType '%s': "
"Expected instance of type %s, received %r instead."
) % (self.qname or name, self._value_class, type(value)))
def resolve(self):
"""Resolve all sub elements and types"""
if self._resolved:
return self._resolved
self._resolved = self
if self._element:
self._element = self._element.resolve()
resolved = []
for attribute in self._attributes:
value = attribute.resolve()
assert value is not None
if isinstance(value, list):
self._attributes = resolved
if self._extension:
self._extension = self._extension.resolve()
self._resolved = self.extend(self._extension)
return self._resolved
elif self._restriction:
self._restriction = self._restriction.resolve()
self._resolved = self.restrict(self._restriction)
return self._resolved
return self._resolved
def extend(self, base):
"""Create a new complextype instance which is the current type
extending the given base type.
Used for handling xsd:extension tags
if isinstance(base, ComplexType):
base_attributes = base._attributes_unwrapped
base_element = base._element
base_attributes = []
base_element = None
attributes = base_attributes + self._attributes_unwrapped
# Make sure we don't have duplicate (child is leading)
if base_attributes and self._attributes_unwrapped:
new_attributes = OrderedDict()
for attr in attributes:
if isinstance(attr, AnyAttribute):
new_attributes['##any'] = attr
new_attributes[attr.qname.text] = attr
attributes = new_attributes.values()
# If the base and the current type both have an element defined then
# these need to be merged. The base_element might be empty (or just
# container a placeholder element).
element = []
if self._element and base_element:
element = self._element.clone(
if isinstance(element, OrderIndicator) and isinstance(base_element, OrderIndicator):
for item in reversed(base_element):
element.insert(0, item)
elif isinstance(self._element, Group):
raise NotImplementedError('TODO')
pass # Element (ignore for now)
elif self._element or base_element:
element = self._element or base_element
element = Element('_value_1', base)
new = self.__class__(
return new
def restrict(self, base):
"""Create a new complextype instance which is the current type
restricted by the base type.
Used for handling xsd:restriction
attributes = list(
chain(base._attributes_unwrapped, self._attributes_unwrapped))
# Make sure we don't have duplicate (self is leading)
if base._attributes_unwrapped and self._attributes_unwrapped:
new_attributes = OrderedDict()
for attr in attributes:
if isinstance(attr, AnyAttribute):
new_attributes['##any'] = attr
new_attributes[attr.qname.text] = attr
attributes = new_attributes.values()
new = self.__class__(
element=self._element or base._element,
return new.resolve()
def signature(self, depth=()):
if len(depth) > 0 and self.is_global:
parts = []
depth += (,)
for name, element in self.elements_nested:
# contains cyclic type
if isinstance(element, Element) and element.type == self:
part = element.signature(depth)
for name, attribute in self.attributes:
part = '%s: %s' % (name, attribute.signature(depth))
value = ', '.join(parts)
if len(depth) > 1:
value = '{%s}' % value
return value
class ListType(SimpleType):
"""Space separated list of simpleType values"""
def __init__(self, item_type):
self.item_type = item_type
super(ListType, self).__init__()
def __call__(self, value):
return value
def render(self, parent, value):
parent.text = self.xmlvalue(value)
def resolve(self):
self.item_type = self.item_type.resolve()
self.base_class = self.item_type.__class__
return self
def xmlvalue(self, value):
item_type = self.item_type
return ' '.join(item_type.xmlvalue(v) for v in value)
def pythonvalue(self, value):
if not value:
return []
item_type = self.item_type
return [item_type.pythonvalue(v) for v in value.split()]
def signature(self, depth=()):
return self.item_type.signature(depth) + '[]'
class UnionType(SimpleType):
def __init__(self, item_types):
self.item_types = item_types
self.item_class = None
assert item_types
super(UnionType, self).__init__(None)
def resolve(self):
from zeep.xsd.builtins import _BuiltinType
self.item_types = [item.resolve() for item in self.item_types]
base_class = get_base_class(self.item_types)
if issubclass(base_class, _BuiltinType) and base_class != _BuiltinType:
self.item_class = base_class
return self
def signature(self, depth=()):
return ''
def parse_xmlelement(self, xmlelement, schema=None, allow_none=True,
if self.item_class:
return self.item_class().parse_xmlelement(
xmlelement, schema, allow_none, context)
return xmlelement.text
def pythonvalue(self, value):
if self.item_class:
return self.item_class().pythonvalue(value)
return value
def xmlvalue(self, value):
if self.item_class:
return self.item_class().xmlvalue(value)
return value