
274 lines
9.6 KiB

import copy
import logging
from lxml import etree
from zeep import exceptions
from zeep.exceptions import UnexpectedElementError
from zeep.utils import qname_attr
from zeep.xsd.const import Nil, NotSet, xsi_ns
from zeep.xsd.context import XmlParserContext
from zeep.xsd.elements.base import Base
from zeep.xsd.utils import create_prefixed_name, max_occurs_iter
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = ['Element']
class Element(Base):
def __init__(self, name, type_=None, min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1,
nillable=False, default=None, is_global=False, attr_name=None):
if name is None:
raise ValueError("name cannot be None", self.__class__)
if not isinstance(name, etree.QName):
name = etree.QName(name) = name.localname if name else None
self.qname = name
self.type = type_
self.min_occurs = min_occurs
self.max_occurs = max_occurs
self.nillable = nillable
self.is_global = is_global
self.default = default
self.attr_name = attr_name or
# assert type_
def __str__(self):
if self.type:
if self.type.is_global:
return '%s(%s)' % (, self.type.qname)
return '%s(%s)' % (, self.type.signature())
return '%s()' %
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
instance = self.type(*args, **kwargs)
if hasattr(instance, '_xsd_type'):
instance._xsd_elm = self
return instance
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s(name=%r, type=%r)>' % (
self.__class__.__name__,, self.type)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
other is not None and
self.__class__ == other.__class__ and
self.__dict__ == other.__dict__)
def get_prefixed_name(self, schema):
return create_prefixed_name(self.qname, schema)
def default_value(self):
if self.accepts_multiple:
return []
if self.is_optional:
return None
return self.default
def clone(self, name=None, min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1):
new = copy.copy(self)
if name:
if not isinstance(name, etree.QName):
name = etree.QName(name) = name.localname
new.qname = name
new.attr_name =
new.min_occurs = min_occurs
new.max_occurs = max_occurs
return new
def parse(self, xmlelement, schema, allow_none=False, context=None):
"""Process the given xmlelement. If it has an xsi:type attribute then
use that for further processing. This should only be done for subtypes
of the defined type but for now we just accept everything.
This is the entrypoint for parsing an xml document.
:param xmlelement: The XML element to parse
:type xmlelements: lxml.etree._Element
:param schema: The parent XML schema
:type schema: zeep.xsd.Schema
:param allow_none: Allow none
:type allow_none: bool
:param context: Optional parsing context (for inline schemas)
:type context: zeep.xsd.context.XmlParserContext
:return: dict or None
context = context or XmlParserContext()
instance_type = qname_attr(xmlelement, xsi_ns('type'))
xsd_type = None
if instance_type:
xsd_type = schema.get_type(instance_type, fail_silently=True)
xsd_type = xsd_type or self.type
return xsd_type.parse_xmlelement(
xmlelement, schema, allow_none=allow_none, context=context,
def parse_kwargs(self, kwargs, name, available_kwargs):
return self.type.parse_kwargs(
kwargs, name or self.attr_name, available_kwargs)
def parse_xmlelements(self, xmlelements, schema, name=None, context=None):
"""Consume matching xmlelements and call parse() on each of them
:param xmlelements: Dequeue of XML element objects
:type xmlelements: collections.deque of lxml.etree._Element
:param schema: The parent XML schema
:type schema: zeep.xsd.Schema
:param name: The name of the parent element
:type name: str
:param context: Optional parsing context (for inline schemas)
:type context: zeep.xsd.context.XmlParserContext
:return: dict or None
result = []
num_matches = 0
for _unused in max_occurs_iter(self.max_occurs):
if not xmlelements:
# Workaround for SOAP servers which incorrectly use unqualified
# or qualified elements in the responses (#170, #176). To make the
# best of it we compare the full uri's if both elements have a
# namespace. If only one has a namespace then only compare the
# localname.
# If both elements have a namespace and they don't match then skip
element_tag = etree.QName(xmlelements[0].tag)
if (
element_tag.namespace and self.qname.namespace and
element_tag.namespace != self.qname.namespace and
# Only compare the localname
if element_tag.localname == self.qname.localname:
xmlelement = xmlelements.popleft()
num_matches += 1
item = self.parse(
xmlelement, schema, allow_none=True, context=context)
# If the element passed doesn't match and the current one is
# not optional then throw an error
if num_matches == 0 and not self.is_optional:
raise UnexpectedElementError(
"Unexpected element %r, expected %r" % (
element_tag.text, self.qname.text))
if not self.accepts_multiple:
result = result[0] if result else None
return result
def render(self, parent, value, render_path=None):
"""Render the value(s) on the parent lxml.Element.
This actually just calls _render_value_item for each value.
if not render_path:
render_path = [self.qname.localname]
assert parent is not None
self.validate(value, render_path)
if self.accepts_multiple and isinstance(value, list):
for val in value:
self._render_value_item(parent, val, render_path)
self._render_value_item(parent, value, render_path)
def _render_value_item(self, parent, value, render_path):
"""Render the value on the parent lxml.Element"""
if value is Nil:
elm = etree.SubElement(parent, self.qname)
elm.set(xsi_ns('nil'), 'true')
if value is None or value is NotSet:
if self.is_optional:
elm = etree.SubElement(parent, self.qname)
if self.nillable:
elm.set(xsi_ns('nil'), 'true')
node = etree.SubElement(parent, self.qname)
xsd_type = getattr(value, '_xsd_type', self.type)
if xsd_type != self.type:
return value._xsd_type.render(node, value, xsd_type, render_path)
return self.type.render(node, value, None, render_path)
def validate(self, value, render_path=None):
"""Validate that the value is valid"""
if self.accepts_multiple and isinstance(value, list):
# Validate bounds
if len(value) < self.min_occurs:
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
"Expected at least %d items (minOccurs check)" % self.min_occurs,
elif self.max_occurs != 'unbounded' and len(value) > self.max_occurs:
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
"Expected at most %d items (maxOccurs check)" % self.min_occurs,
for val in value:
self._validate_item(val, render_path)
if not self.is_optional and not self.nillable and value in (None, NotSet):
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
"Missing element %s" % (, path=render_path)
self._validate_item(value, render_path)
def _validate_item(self, value, render_path):
if self.nillable and value in (None, NotSet):
self.type.validate(value, required=True)
except exceptions.ValidationError as exc:
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
"The element %s is not valid: %s" % (self.qname, exc.message),
def resolve_type(self):
self.type = self.type.resolve()
def resolve(self):
return self
def signature(self, schema=None, standalone=True):
from zeep.xsd import ComplexType
if self.type.is_global or (not standalone and self.is_global):
value = self.type.get_prefixed_name(schema)
value = self.type.signature(schema, standalone=False)
if not standalone and isinstance(self.type, ComplexType):
value = '{%s}' % value
if standalone:
value = '%s(%s)' % (self.get_prefixed_name(schema), value)
if self.accepts_multiple:
return '%s[]' % value
return value