
82 lines
2.3 KiB

import copy
from lxml import etree
def process_multiref(node):
"""Iterate through the tree and replace the referened elements.
This method replaces the nodes with an href attribute and replaces it
with the elements it's referencing to (which have an id attribute).abs
multiref_objects = {
elm.attrib['id']: elm for elm in node.xpath('*[@id]')
if not multiref_objects:
used_nodes = []
def process(node):
# TODO (In Soap 1.2 this is 'ref')
href = node.attrib.get('href')
if href and href.startswith('#'):
obj = multiref_objects.get(href[1:])
if obj is not None:
parent = node.getparent()
new = _dereference_element(obj, node)
# Replace the node with the new dereferenced node
parent.insert(parent.index(node), new)
node = new
for child in node:
# Remove the old dereferenced nodes from the tree
for node in used_nodes:
parent = node.getparent()
if parent is not None:
def _dereference_element(source, target):
reverse_nsmap = {v: k for k, v in target.nsmap.items()}
specific_nsmap = {k: v for k, v in source.nsmap.items() if k not in target.nsmap}
new = etree.Element(target.tag, nsmap=specific_nsmap)
# Copy the attributes. This is actually the difficult part since the
# namespace prefixes can change in the attribute values. So for example
# the xsi:type="ns11:my-type" need's to be parsed to use a new global
# prefix.
for key, value in source.attrib.items():
if key == 'id':
setted = False
if value.count(':') == 1:
prefix, localname = value.split(':')
if prefix in specific_nsmap:
namespace = specific_nsmap[prefix]
if namespace in reverse_nsmap:
new.set(key, '%s:%s' % (reverse_nsmap[namespace], localname))
setted = True
if not setted:
new.set(key, value)
# Copy the children and the text content
for child in source:
new.text = source.text
return new