
186 lines
5.9 KiB

Description: Remove some failing tests due to missing build dependencies
The following tests fail due to missing build dependencies
tests/ xmlsec
tests/ aioresponses
Author: Mathias Behrle <>
Forwarded: not needed
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import sys
-import pytest
-from tests.utils import load_xml
-from zeep.exceptions import SignatureVerificationFailed
-from zeep import wsse
-from zeep.wsse import signature
-DS_NS = ''
-KEY_FILE = os.path.join(
- os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'cert_valid.pem')
-KEY_FILE_PW = os.path.join(
- os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'cert_valid_pw.pem')
-@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == 'win32',
- reason="does not run on windows")
-def test_sign():
- envelope = load_xml("""
- <soapenv:Envelope
- xmlns:tns=""
- xmlns:wsdl=""
- xmlns:soapenv=""
- xmlns:soap="">
- <soapenv:Header></soapenv:Header>
- <soapenv:Body>
- <tns:Function>
- <tns:Argument>OK</tns:Argument>
- </tns:Function>
- </soapenv:Body>
- </soapenv:Envelope>
- """)
- signature.sign_envelope(envelope, KEY_FILE, KEY_FILE)
- signature.verify_envelope(envelope, KEY_FILE)
-@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == 'win32',
- reason="does not run on windows")
-def test_sign_pw():
- envelope = load_xml("""
- <soapenv:Envelope
- xmlns:tns=""
- xmlns:wsdl=""
- xmlns:soapenv=""
- xmlns:soap="">
- <soapenv:Header></soapenv:Header>
- <soapenv:Body>
- <tns:Function>
- <tns:Argument>OK</tns:Argument>
- </tns:Function>
- </soapenv:Body>
- </soapenv:Envelope>
- """)
- signature.sign_envelope(envelope, KEY_FILE_PW, KEY_FILE_PW, 'geheim')
- signature.verify_envelope(envelope, KEY_FILE_PW)
-@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == 'win32',
- reason="does not run on windows")
-def test_verify_error():
- envelope = load_xml("""
- <soapenv:Envelope
- xmlns:tns=""
- xmlns:wsdl=""
- xmlns:soapenv=""
- xmlns:soap="">
- <soapenv:Header></soapenv:Header>
- <soapenv:Body>
- <tns:Function>
- <tns:Argument>OK</tns:Argument>
- </tns:Function>
- </soapenv:Body>
- </soapenv:Envelope>
- """)
- signature.sign_envelope(envelope, KEY_FILE, KEY_FILE)
- nsmap = {'tns': ''}
- for elm in envelope.xpath('//tns:Argument', namespaces=nsmap):
- elm.text = 'NOT!'
- with pytest.raises(SignatureVerificationFailed):
- signature.verify_envelope(envelope, KEY_FILE)
-@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == 'win32',
- reason="does not run on windows")
-def test_signature():
- envelope = load_xml("""
- <soapenv:Envelope
- xmlns:tns=""
- xmlns:wsdl=""
- xmlns:soapenv=""
- xmlns:soap="">
- <soapenv:Header></soapenv:Header>
- <soapenv:Body>
- <tns:Function>
- <tns:Argument>OK</tns:Argument>
- </tns:Function>
- </soapenv:Body>
- </soapenv:Envelope>
- """)
- plugin = wsse.Signature(KEY_FILE_PW, KEY_FILE_PW, 'geheim')
- envelope, headers = plugin.apply(envelope, {})
- plugin.verify(envelope)
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-import pytest
-from pretend import stub
-from lxml import etree
-import aiohttp
-from aioresponses import aioresponses
-from zeep import cache, asyncio
-def test_no_cache(event_loop):
- transport = asyncio.AsyncTransport(loop=event_loop)
- assert transport.cache is None
-def test_load(event_loop):
- cache = stub(get=lambda url: None, add=lambda url, content: None)
- transport = asyncio.AsyncTransport(loop=event_loop, cache=cache)
- with aioresponses() as m:
- m.get('', body='x')
- result = transport.load('')
- assert result == b'x'
-async def test_post(event_loop):
- cache = stub(get=lambda url: None, add=lambda url, content: None)
- transport = asyncio.AsyncTransport(loop=event_loop, cache=cache)
- envelope = etree.Element('Envelope')
- with aioresponses() as m:
-'', body='x')
- result = await transport.post_xml(
- '',
- envelope=envelope,
- headers={})
- assert result.content == b'x'
-async def test_session_close(event_loop):
- transport = asyncio.AsyncTransport(loop=event_loop)
- session = transport.session # copy session object from transport
- del transport
- assert session.closed
-async def test_session_no_close(event_loop):
- session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=event_loop)
- transport = asyncio.AsyncTransport(loop=event_loop, session=session)
- del transport
- assert not session.closed