
460 lines
22 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), 2016-2019, SISSA (International School for Advanced Studies).
# All rights reserved.
# This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
# See the file 'LICENSE' in the root directory of the present
# distribution, or
# @author Davide Brunato <>
This module runs tests concerning the W3C XML Schema 1.1 test suite.
Execute this module as script to run the tests. For default all the
schema tests are built and run. To operate a different selection you
can provide the following options:
--xml: run also XML instance tests
--xsd10: run only XSD 1.0 tests
--xsd11: run only XSD 1.1 tests
--valid: run only tests set as valid
--invalid: run only tests set as invalid
Additionally you can provide an unlimited list of positive integers to
run only the tests associated with a progressive list of index.
Also the unittest options are accepted (run with --help to show a summary
of available options).
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import unittest
import argparse
import os.path
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
import sys
import warnings
from xmlschema import validate, XMLSchema10, XMLSchema11, XMLSchemaException
from xmlschema.tests import print_test_header
XSD_VERSION_VALUES = {'1.0 1.1', '1.0', '1.1'}
ADMITTED_VALIDITY = {'valid', 'invalid', 'indeterminate'}
# Tests that are incompatible with XSD meta-schema validation or that are postponed
# Signed as valid that have to be checked
'../msData/additional/addB194.xsd', # invalid xml:lang='enu'
'../msData/particles/particlesZ001.xsd', # Invalid in XSD 1.0
'../msData/simpleType/stE110.xsd', # Circular xs:union declaration
'../saxonData/Missing/missing001.xsd', # missing type (this may be valid in 'lax' mode?)
'../saxonData/Missing/missing002.xsd', # missing substitution group
'../saxonData/Missing/missing003.xsd', # missing type and substitution group
'../saxonData/Missing/missing006.xsd', # missing list item type
'../saxonData/VC/vc001.xsd', # VC namespace required
'../saxonData/VC/vc002.xsd', # VC namespace required
'../saxonData/VC/vc014.xsd', # VC namespace required
'../saxonData/VC/vc024.xsd', # VC 1.1? required
'../saxonData/XmlVersions/xv004.xsd', # non-BMP chars allowed in names in XML 1.1+
# Signed as valid that depends by implementation choice
'../saxonData/Assert/assert-simple007.xsd', # XPath [err:FOCA0002] invalid lexical value
# Signed as valid but not implemented yet
'../saxonData/Assert/assert011.xsd', # TODO: XPath 2 doc() function in elementpath
# Invalid that may be valid
'../msData/additional/adhocAddC002.xsd', # Lack of the processor on XML namespace knowledge
'../msData/additional/test65026.xsd', # Lack of the processor on XML namespace knowledge
'../msData/annotations/annotF001.xsd', # Annotation contains xml:lang="" ?? (but xml.xsd allows '')
'../msData/datatypes/Facets/base64Binary/base64Binary_enumeration003.xsd', # check base64 invalid values
'../msData/datatypes/Facets/anyURI/anyURI_a001.xsd', # XSD 1.0 limited URI (see RFC 2396 + RFC 2732)
'../msData/datatypes/Facets/anyURI/anyURI_a003.xsd', # XSD 1.0 limited URI (see RFC 2396 + RFC 2732)
'../msData/datatypes/Facets/anyURI/anyURI_b004.xsd', # XSD 1.0 limited URI (see RFC 2396 + RFC 2732)
'../msData/datatypes/Facets/anyURI/anyURI_b006.xsd', # XSD 1.0 limited URI (see RFC 2396 + RFC 2732)
'../msData/element/elemZ026.xsd', # This is good because the head element is abstract
'../msData/element/elemZ031.xsd', # Valid in Python that has arbitrary large integers
'../msData/group/groupH021.xsd', # TODO: wrong in XSD 1.0, good in XSD 1.1
'../msData/identityConstraint/idC019.xsd', # TODO: is it an error?
'../msData/identityConstraint/idI148.xsd', # FIXME attribute::* in a selector (restrict XPath parser)
'../msData/modelGroups/mgE006.xsd', # Is valid? (is mg007.xsd invalid for the same reason)
'../msData/particles/particlesV020.xsd', # 10942: see
# Invalid that maybe valid because depends by implementation choices
'../msData/schema/schG6_a.xsd', # Schema is valid because the ns import is done once, validation fails.
'../msData/schema/schG11_a.xsd', # Schema is valid because the ns import is done once, validation fails.
# Indeterminate that depends by implementation choices
'../msData/schema/schU3_a.xsd', # Circular redefines
'../msData/schema/schU4_a.xsd', # Circular redefines
'../msData/schema/schU5_a.xsd', # Circular redefines
'../msData/schema/schZ012_a.xsd', # Comparison of file urls to be case sensitive or not
'../msData/schema/schZ015.xsd', # schemaLocation=""
# Invalid XML tests
'../msData/additional/test93490_4.xml', # 4795:
'../msData/additional/test93490_8.xml', # 4799: Idem
# Skip for missing XML version 1.1 implementation
'../saxonData/XmlVersions/xv001.v01.xml', # 14850
'../saxonData/XmlVersions/xv003.v01.xml', # 14852
'../saxonData/XmlVersions/xv005.v01.xml', # 14854
'../saxonData/XmlVersions/xv006.v01.xml', # 14855: invalid character &#x07 (valid in XML 1.1)
'../saxonData/XmlVersions/xv006.n02.xml', # 14855: invalid character &#x10000 (valid in XML 1.1)
'../saxonData/XmlVersions/xv008.v01.xml', # 14857
'../saxonData/XmlVersions/xv008.n01.xml', # 14857
# Skip for TODO
'../sunData/combined/005/test.1.v.xml', # 3959: is valid but needs equality operators (#cos-ct-derived-ok)
# Invalid that may be valid
'../msData/regex/reK86.xsd', # \P{Is} is valid in regex for XSD 1.1
'../msData/regex/reK87.xsd', # \P{Is} is valid in regex for XSD 1.1
'../msData/particles/particlesHb009.xsd', # valid in XSD 1.1
'../msData/particles/particlesZ033_g.xsd', # valid in XSD 1.1 (signed invalid for engine limitation)
'../saxonData/Override/over026.bad.xsd', # Same as over003.xsd, that is signed as valid.
'../saxonData/CTA/cta0043.xsd', # Only a warning for type table difference on restriction
'../saxonData/Wild/wild069.xsd', # Maybe inverted?
# TODO: schema tests
'../saxonData/CTA/cta9005err.xsd', # 14549: Type alternative using an inherited attribute
'../saxonData/CTA/cta9008err.xsd', # 14552: Type alternative using an inherited attribute
# Total files counters
total_xsd_files = 0
total_xml_files = 0
def extract_additional_arguments():
Get and expunge additional simple arguments from sys.argv. These arguments
are not parsed with argparse but are checked and removed from sys.argv in
order to avoid errors from argument parsing at unittest level.
return argparse.Namespace(
xml='--xml' in sys.argv,
version='1.0' if '--xsd10' in sys.argv else '1.1' if '--xsd11' in sys.argv else '1.0 1.1',
expected=('valid',) if '--valid' in sys.argv else ('invalid',) if '--invalid' in sys.argv
else ('indeterminate',) if '--unknown' in sys.argv else ADMITTED_VALIDITY,
verbose='-v' in sys.argv or '--verbose' in sys.argv,
numbers=[int(sys.argv[k]) for k in range(len(sys.argv))
if sys.argv[k].isdigit() and sys.argv[k] != '0' and k and sys.argv[k - 1] != '-k']
sys.argv = [
sys.argv[k] for k in range(len(sys.argv))
if sys.argv[k] not in {
'--xml', '--xsd10', '--xsd11', '--valid', '--invalid', '--unknown'
} and (not sys.argv[k].isdigit() or sys.argv[k] == '0' or not k or sys.argv[k - 1] == '-k')
args = extract_additional_arguments()
def fetch_xsd_test_suite():
parent = os.path.dirname
xmlschema_test_dir = parent(os.path.abspath(__file__))
xmlschema_base_dir = parent(parent(xmlschema_test_dir))
suite_file = os.path.join(parent(xmlschema_base_dir), 'xsdtests/suite.xml')
if os.path.isfile(suite_file):
return suite_file
raise FileNotFoundError("can't find the XSD suite index file suite.xml ...")
def create_w3c_test_group_case(filename, group_elem, group_num, xsd_version='1.0'):
Creates a test class for a W3C test group.
:param filename: the filename of the testSet that owns the testGroup.
:param group_elem: the Element instance of the test group.
:param group_num: a positive integer to distinguish and order test groups.
:param xsd_version: if '1.1' uses XSD 1.1 validator class, otherwise uses the XSD 1.0 validator.
def get_test_conf(elem):
schema_test = elem.tag.endswith('schemaTest')
if schema_test:
tag = '{%s}schemaDocument' % TEST_SUITE_NAMESPACE
tag = '{%s}instanceDocument' % TEST_SUITE_NAMESPACE
source_href = elem.find(tag).get('{%s}href' % XLINK_NAMESPACE)
except AttributeError:
if not schema_test and source_href.endswith('.testSet'):
if source_href in SKIPPED_TESTS:
if args.numbers:
if source_href.endswith('.xsd'):
print("Skip test number %d ..." % testgroup_num)
print("Skip file %r for test number %d ..." % (source_href, testgroup_num))
# Normalize and check file path
source_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), source_href))
if not os.path.isfile(source_path):
print("ERROR: file %r not found!" % source_path)
test_conf = {}
for version in xsd_version.split():
if 'version' in elem.attrib and version not in elem.attrib['version']:
elif version not in args.version:
elif version == '1.1' and source_href in XSD11_SKIPPED_TESTS:
for e in elem.findall('{%s}expected' % TEST_SUITE_NAMESPACE):
if 'version' not in e.attrib:
test_conf[version] = e.attrib['validity']
elif e.attrib['version'] == version or \
e.attrib['version'] == 'full-xpath-in-CTA':
test_conf[version] = e.attrib['validity']
if version not in test_conf:
msg = "ERROR: Missing expected validity for XSD version %s in %r of test group %r"
print(msg % (version, elem, name))
elif test_conf[version] not in ADMITTED_VALIDITY:
msg = "ERROR: Wrong validity=%r attribute for XSD version %s in %r test group %r"
print(msg % (test_conf[version], version, elem, name))
elif test_conf[version] not in args.expected:
elif test_conf[version] == 'indeterminate':
if args.verbose:
print("WARNING: Skip indeterminate test group %r" % name)
if test_conf:
test_conf['source'] = source_path
if schema_test and not source_path.endswith('.xml'):
test_conf['sources'] = [
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), schema_href.get('{%s}href' % XLINK_NAMESPACE))
for schema_href in elem.findall(tag)
return test_conf
if group_num == 1:
return # Skip introspection tests that have several failures due to schema mismatch.
elif args.numbers and group_num not in args.numbers:
name = group_elem.attrib['name']
group_tests = []
global total_xsd_files
global total_xml_files
# Get schema/instance path
for k, child in enumerate(group_elem.iterfind('{%s}schemaTest' % TEST_SUITE_NAMESPACE)):
if k:
print("ERROR: multiple schemaTest definition in group %r" % name)
config = get_test_conf(child)
if not config:
total_xsd_files += 1
if args.xml:
for child in group_elem.iterfind('{%s}instanceTest' % TEST_SUITE_NAMESPACE):
if 'version' in child.attrib and child.attrib['version'] not in args.version:
config = get_test_conf(child)
if config:
total_xml_files += 1
if not group_tests:
if len(args.expected) > 1 and args.xml:
print("ERROR: Missing both schemaTest and instanceTest in test group %r" % name)
class TestGroupCase(unittest.TestCase):
@unittest.skipIf(group_tests[0]['source'].endswith('.xml'), 'No schema test')
def test_xsd_schema(self):
for item in filter(lambda x: x['source'].endswith('.xsd'), group_tests):
source = item['source']
rel_path = os.path.relpath(source)
for version, expected in sorted(filter(lambda x: not x[0].startswith('source'), item.items())):
schema_class = XMLSchema11 if version == '1.1' else XMLSchema10
if expected == 'invalid':
message = "schema %s should be invalid with XSD %s" % (rel_path, version)
with self.assertRaises(XMLSchemaException, msg=message):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
if len(item['sources']) <= 1:
schema_class(source, use_meta=False)
schema = schema_class(source, use_meta=False, build=False)
for other in item['sources'][1:]:
schema_class(other, global_maps=schema.maps, build=False)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
if len(item['sources']) <= 1:
schema = schema_class(source, use_meta=False)
schema = schema_class(source, use_meta=False, build=False)
for other in item['sources'][1:]:
schema_class(other, global_maps=schema.maps, build=False)
except XMLSchemaException as err:
schema = None
message = "schema %s should be valid with XSD %s, but an error is raised:" \
"\n\n%s" % (rel_path, version, str(err))
message = None
self.assertIsInstance(schema, schema_class, msg=message)
@unittest.skipIf(group_tests[0]['source'].endswith('.xsd') and len(group_tests) == 1, 'No instance tests')
def test_xml_instances(self):
if group_tests[0]['source'].endswith('.xsd'):
schema = group_tests[0]['source']
schemas = group_tests[0]['sources']
schema = None
schemas = []
for item in filter(lambda x: not x['source'].endswith('.xsd'), group_tests):
source = item['source']
rel_path = os.path.relpath(source)
for version, expected in sorted(filter(lambda x: x[0] != 'source', item.items())):
schema_class = XMLSchema11 if version == '1.1' else XMLSchema10
if expected == 'invalid':
message = "instance %s should be invalid with XSD %s" % (rel_path, version)
with self.assertRaises((XMLSchemaException, ElementTree.ParseError), msg=message):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
if len(schemas) <= 1:
validate(source, schema=schema, cls=schema_class)
xs = schema_class(schemas[0], use_meta=False, build=False)
for other in schemas[1:]:
schema_class(other, global_maps=xs.maps, build=False)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
if len(schemas) <= 1:
validate(source, schema=schema, cls=schema_class)
xs = schema_class(schemas[0], use_meta=False, build=False)
for other in schemas[1:]:
schema_class(other, global_maps=xs.maps, build=False)
except (XMLSchemaException, ElementTree.ParseError) as err:
error = "instance %s should be valid with XSD %s, but an error " \
"is raised:\n\n%s" % (rel_path, version, str(err))
error = None
if not any(g['source'].endswith('.xsd') for g in group_tests):
del TestGroupCase.test_xsd_schema
if not any(g['source'].endswith('.xml') for g in group_tests):
del TestGroupCase.test_xml_instances
TestGroupCase.__name__ = TestGroupCase.__qualname__ = str(
'TestGroupCase{0:05}_{1}'.format(group_num, name.replace('-', '_'))
return TestGroupCase
if __name__ == '__main__':
index_path = fetch_xsd_test_suite()
index_dir = os.path.dirname(index_path)
suite_xml = ElementTree.parse(index_path)
test_classes = {}
testgroup_num = 0
if args.verbose:
print("\n>>>>> ADD TEST GROUPS FROM TESTSET FILES <<<<<\n")
for testset_elem in suite_xml.iter("{%s}testSetRef" % TEST_SUITE_NAMESPACE):
href_attr = testset_elem.attrib.get("{%s}href" % XLINK_NAMESPACE, '')
testset_file = os.path.join(index_dir, href_attr)
testset_groups = 0
testset = ElementTree.parse(testset_file)
testset_version = testset.getroot().get('version', '1.0 1.1')
if testset_version not in XSD_VERSION_VALUES:
print("Testset file %r has an invalid version=%r, skip ..." % (href_attr, testset_version))
for testgroup_elem in testset.iter("{%s}testGroup" % TEST_SUITE_NAMESPACE):
testgroup_num += 1
testgroup_version = testgroup_elem.get('version', testset_version)
if testgroup_version == 'full-xpath-in-CTA':
# skip full XPath test for the moment ...
if args.verbose:
print("Skip full XPath test %r ..." % testgroup_elem.get('name'))
elif testgroup_version not in XSD_VERSION_VALUES:
_msg = "Test group %r has an invalid version=%r, skip ..."
print(_msg % (testgroup_elem.get('name'), testgroup_version))
elif testgroup_version not in testset_version:
if args.verbose:
_msg = "Warning: Test group %r version=%r is not included in test set version=%r"
print(_msg % (testgroup_elem.get('name'), testgroup_version, testset_version))
cls = create_w3c_test_group_case(
if cls is not None:
test_classes[cls.__name__] = cls
testset_groups += 1
if args.verbose and testset_groups:
print("Added {} test groups from {}".format(testset_groups, href_attr))
if test_classes:
print("\n+++ Number of classes under test: %d +++" % len(test_classes))
if total_xml_files:
print("+++ Number of XSD schemas under test: %d +++" % total_xsd_files)
print("+++ Number of XML files under test: %d +++" % total_xml_files)
if args.verbose:
print("\n>>>>> RUN TEST GROUPS <<<<<\n")