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43 KiB

# Copyright (c), 2016-2019, SISSA (International School for Advanced Studies).
# All rights reserved.
# This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
# See the file 'LICENSE' in the root directory of the present
# distribution, or
# @author Davide Brunato <>
This module contains converter classes and definitions.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from collections import namedtuple
from types import MethodType
import string
import warnings
from .compat import ordered_dict_class, unicode_type
from .exceptions import XMLSchemaValueError
from .namespaces import XSI_NAMESPACE
from .qnames import local_name
from .etree import etree_element, lxml_etree_element, etree_register_namespace, lxml_etree_register_namespace
from xmlschema.namespaces import NamespaceMapper
ElementData = namedtuple('ElementData', ['tag', 'text', 'content', 'attributes'])
Namedtuple for Element data interchange between decoders and converters.
The field *tag* is a string containing the Element's tag, *text* can be `None`
or a string representing the Element's text, *content* can be `None`, a list
containing the Element's children or a dictionary containing element name to
list of element contents for the Element's children (used for unordered input
data), *attributes* can be `None` or a dictionary containing the Element's
def raw_xml_encode(value):
"""Encodes a simple value to XML."""
if isinstance(value, bool):
return 'true' if value else 'false'
elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
return ' '.join(unicode_type(e) for e in value)
return unicode_type(value)
class XMLSchemaConverter(NamespaceMapper):
Generic XML Schema based converter class. A converter is used to compose
decoded XML data for an Element into a data structure and to build an Element
from encoded data structure. There are two methods for interfacing the
converter with the decoding/encoding process. The method *element_decode*
accepts ElementData instance, containing the element parts, and returns
a data structure. The method *element_encode* accepts a data structure
and returns an ElementData that can be
:param namespaces: map from namespace prefixes to URI.
:param dict_class: dictionary class to use for decoded data. Default is `dict`.
:param list_class: list class to use for decoded data. Default is `list`.
:param etree_element_class: the class that has to be used to create new XML elements, \
if not provided uses the ElementTree's Element class.
:param text_key: is the key to apply to element's decoded text data.
:param attr_prefix: controls the mapping of XML attributes, to the same name or \
with a prefix. If `None` the converter ignores attributes.
:param cdata_prefix: is used for including and prefixing the character data parts \
of a mixed content, that are labeled with an integer instead of a string. \
Character data parts are ignored if this argument is `None`.
:param indent: number of spaces for XML indentation (default is 4).
:param strip_namespaces: if set to `True` removes namespace declarations from data and \
namespace information from names, during decoding or encoding. Defaults to `False`.
:param preserve_root: if set to `True` the root element is preserved, wrapped into a \
single-item dictionary. Applicable only to default converter and to :class:`ParkerConverter`.
:param force_dict: if set to `True` complex elements with simple content are decoded \
with a dictionary also if there are no decoded attributes. Applicable to default converter \
only. Defaults to `False`.
:param force_list: if set to `True` child elements are decoded within a list in any case. \
Applicable to default converter only. Defaults to `False`.
:ivar dict: dictionary class to use for decoded data.
:ivar list: list class to use for decoded data.
:ivar etree_element_class: Element class to use
:ivar text_key: key for decoded Element text
:ivar attr_prefix: prefix for attribute names
:ivar cdata_prefix: prefix for character data parts
:ivar indent: indentation to use for rebuilding XML trees
:ivar strip_namespaces: remove namespace information
:ivar preserve_root: preserve the root element on decoding
:ivar force_dict: force dictionary for complex elements with simple content
:ivar force_list: force list for child elements
# Deprecation from release v1.0.14
def _unmap_attribute_qname(self, name):
warnings.warn("the _unmap_attribute_qname method is deprecated and will "
"be removed in 1.1 version. Use the unmap_qname() instead, "
"providing the attribute group of the XSD element for the "
"optional *name_table* argument.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
if name[0] == '{' or ':' not in name:
return name
return self.unmap_qname(name)
def lossless(self):
"""The negation of *lossy* property, preserved for backward compatibility."""
warnings.warn("the lossless property will be removed in 1.1 version, "
"use 'not self.lossy' instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return not self.lossy
def __init__(self, namespaces=None, dict_class=None, list_class=None, etree_element_class=None,
text_key='$', attr_prefix='@', cdata_prefix=None, indent=4, strip_namespaces=False,
preserve_root=False, force_dict=False, force_list=False, **kwargs):
if etree_element_class is not None and etree_element_class not in (etree_element, lxml_etree_element):
raise XMLSchemaValueError("%r: unsupported element.")
self.dict = dict_class or dict
self.list = list_class or list
self.etree_element_class = etree_element_class or etree_element
self.text_key = text_key
self.attr_prefix = attr_prefix
self.cdata_prefix = cdata_prefix
self.indent = indent
self.strip_namespaces = strip_namespaces
self.preserve_root = preserve_root
self.force_dict = force_dict
self.force_list = force_list
if self.etree_element_class is etree_element:
super(XMLSchemaConverter, self).__init__(namespaces, etree_register_namespace)
super(XMLSchemaConverter, self).__init__(namespaces, lxml_etree_register_namespace)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in ('attr_prefix', 'text_key', 'cdata_prefix'):
if value is not None and any(c in string.ascii_letters or c == '_' for c in value):
raise XMLSchemaValueError('%r cannot includes letters or underscores: %r' % (name, value))
elif name == 'attr_prefix':
self.ns_prefix = (value or '') + 'xmlns'
elif name == 'strip_namespaces':
if value:
self.map_qname = MethodType(local_name, self)
self.unmap_qname = MethodType(lambda x, y=None: local_name(x), self)
elif getattr(self, 'strip_namespaces', False):
# Rebuild instance methods only if necessary
self.map_qname = MethodType(XMLSchemaConverter.map_qname, self)
self.unmap_qname = MethodType(XMLSchemaConverter.unmap_qname, self)
super(XMLSchemaConverter, self).__setattr__(name, value)
def lossy(self):
"""The converter ignores some kind of XML data during decoding/encoding."""
return not self.cdata_prefix or not self.text_key or not self.attr_prefix
def losslessly(self):
The XML data is decoded without loss of quality, neither on data nor on data model
shape. Only losslessly converters can be always used to encode to an XML data that
is strictly conformant to the schema.
return False
def copy(self, **kwargs):
return type(self)(
namespaces=kwargs.get('namespaces', self._namespaces),
dict_class=kwargs.get('dict_class', self.dict),
list_class=kwargs.get('list_class', self.list),
text_key=kwargs.get('text_key', self.text_key),
attr_prefix=kwargs.get('attr_prefix', self.attr_prefix),
cdata_prefix=kwargs.get('cdata_prefix', self.cdata_prefix),
indent=kwargs.get('indent', self.indent),
strip_namespaces=kwargs.get('strip_namespaces', self.strip_namespaces),
preserve_root=kwargs.get('preserve_root', self.preserve_root),
force_dict=kwargs.get('force_dict', self.force_dict),
force_list=kwargs.get('force_list', self.force_list),
def map_attributes(self, attributes):
Creates an iterator for converting decoded attributes to a data structure with
appropriate prefixes. If the instance has a not-empty map of namespaces registers
the mapped URIs and prefixes.
:param attributes: A sequence or an iterator of couples with the name of \
the attribute and the decoded value. Default is `None` (for `simpleType` \
elements, that don't have attributes).
if self.attr_prefix is None or not attributes:
elif self.attr_prefix:
for name, value in attributes:
yield '%s%s' % (self.attr_prefix, self.map_qname(name)), value
for name, value in attributes:
yield self.map_qname(name), value
def map_content(self, content):
A generator function for converting decoded content to a data structure.
If the instance has a not-empty map of namespaces registers the mapped URIs
and prefixes.
:param content: A sequence or an iterator of tuples with the name of the \
element, the decoded value and the `XsdElement` instance associated.
if not content:
map_qname = self.map_qname
for name, value, xsd_child in content:
if name[0] == '{':
yield map_qname(name), value, xsd_child
yield name, value, xsd_child
except TypeError:
if self.cdata_prefix is not None:
yield '%s%s' % (self.cdata_prefix, name), value, xsd_child
def etree_element(self, tag, text=None, children=None, attrib=None, level=0):
Builds an ElementTree's Element using arguments and the element class and
the indent spacing stored in the converter instance.
:param tag: the Element tag string.
:param text: the Element text.
:param children: the list of Element children/subelements.
:param attrib: a dictionary with Element attributes.
:param level: the level related to the encoding process (0 means the root).
:return: an instance of the Element class setted for the converter instance.
if type(self.etree_element_class) is type(etree_element):
if attrib is None:
elem = self.etree_element_class(tag)
elem = self.etree_element_class(tag, self.dict(attrib))
nsmap = {prefix if prefix else None: uri for prefix, uri in self._namespaces.items()}
elem = self.etree_element_class(tag, nsmap=nsmap)
if children:
elem.text = text or '\n' + ' ' * self.indent * (level + 1)
elem.tail = '\n' + ' ' * self.indent * level
elem.text = text
elem.tail = '\n' + ' ' * self.indent * level
return elem
def element_decode(self, data, xsd_element, level=0):
Converts a decoded element data to a data structure.
:param data: ElementData instance decoded from an Element node.
:param xsd_element: the `XsdElement` associated to decoded the data.
:param level: the level related to the decoding process (0 means the root).
:return: a data structure containing the decoded data.
result_dict = self.dict()
if level == 0 and xsd_element.is_global() and not self.strip_namespaces and self:
schema_namespaces = set(xsd_element.namespaces.values())
('%s:%s' % (self.ns_prefix, k) if k else self.ns_prefix, v) for k, v in self.items()
if v in schema_namespaces or v == XSI_NAMESPACE
if xsd_element.type.is_simple() or xsd_element.type.has_simple_content():
if data.attributes or self.force_dict and not xsd_element.type.is_simple():
result_dict.update(t for t in self.map_attributes(data.attributes))
if data.text is not None and data.text != '':
result_dict[self.text_key] = data.text
return result_dict
return data.text if data.text != '' else None
if data.attributes:
result_dict.update(t for t in self.map_attributes(data.attributes))
has_single_group = xsd_element.type.content_type.is_single()
list_types = list if self.list is list else (self.list, list)
for name, value, xsd_child in self.map_content(data.content):
result = result_dict[name]
except KeyError:
if xsd_child is None or has_single_group and xsd_child.is_single():
result_dict[name] = self.list([value]) if self.force_list else value
result_dict[name] = self.list([value])
if not isinstance(result, list_types) or not result:
result_dict[name] = self.list([result, value])
elif isinstance(result[0], list_types) or not isinstance(value, list_types):
result_dict[name] = self.list([result, value])
if level == 0 and self.preserve_root:
return self.dict([(self.map_qname(data.tag), result_dict if result_dict else None)])
return result_dict if result_dict else None
def element_encode(self, obj, xsd_element, level=0):
Extracts XML decoded data from a data structure for encoding into an ElementTree.
:param obj: the decoded object.
:param xsd_element: the `XsdElement` associated to the decoded data structure.
:param level: the level related to the encoding process (0 means the root).
:return: an ElementData instance.
if level != 0:
tag =
elif not self.preserve_root:
tag = xsd_element.qualified_name
tag = xsd_element.qualified_name
obj = obj.get(tag, xsd_element.local_name)
except (KeyError, AttributeError, TypeError):
if not isinstance(obj, (self.dict, dict)):
if xsd_element.type.is_simple() or xsd_element.type.has_simple_content():
return ElementData(tag, obj, None, {})
return ElementData(tag, None, obj, {})
text_key = self.text_key
attr_prefix = self.attr_prefix
ns_prefix = self.ns_prefix
cdata_prefix = self.cdata_prefix
text = None
content = []
attributes = {}
for name, value in obj.items():
if text_key and name == self.text_key:
text = obj[text_key]
elif (cdata_prefix and name.startswith(cdata_prefix)) or \
name[0].isdigit() and cdata_prefix == '':
index = int(name[len(cdata_prefix):])
content.append((index, value))
elif name == ns_prefix:
self[''] = value
elif name.startswith('%s:' % ns_prefix):
if not self.strip_namespaces:
self[name[len(ns_prefix) + 1:]] = value
elif attr_prefix and name.startswith(attr_prefix):
attr_name = name[len(attr_prefix):]
ns_name = self.unmap_qname(attr_name, xsd_element.attributes)
attributes[ns_name] = value
elif not isinstance(value, (self.list, list)) or not value:
content.append((self.unmap_qname(name), value))
elif isinstance(value[0], (self.dict, dict, self.list, list)):
ns_name = self.unmap_qname(name)
content.extend((ns_name, item) for item in value)
ns_name = self.unmap_qname(name)
for xsd_child in xsd_element.type.content_type.iter_elements():
matched_element = xsd_child.match(ns_name, resolve=True)
if matched_element is not None:
if matched_element.type.is_list():
content.append((ns_name, value))
content.extend((ns_name, item) for item in value)
if attr_prefix == '' and ns_name not in attributes:
for key, xsd_attribute in xsd_element.attributes.items():
if xsd_attribute.is_matching(ns_name):
attributes[key] = value
content.append((ns_name, value))
content.append((ns_name, value))
return ElementData(tag, text, content, attributes)
class UnorderedConverter(XMLSchemaConverter):
Same as :class:`XMLSchemaConverter` but :meth:`element_encode` returns
a dictionary for the content of the element, that can be used directly
for unordered encoding mode. In this mode the order of the elements in
the encoded output is based on the model visitor pattern rather than
the order in which the elements were added to the input dictionary.
As the order of the input dictionary is not preserved, character data
between sibling elements are interleaved between tags.
def element_encode(self, obj, xsd_element, level=0):
Extracts XML decoded data from a data structure for encoding into an ElementTree.
:param obj: the decoded object.
:param xsd_element: the `XsdElement` associated to the decoded data structure.
:param level: the level related to the encoding process (0 means the root).
:return: an ElementData instance.
if level != 0:
tag =
elif not self.preserve_root:
tag = xsd_element.qualified_name
tag = xsd_element.qualified_name
obj = obj.get(tag, xsd_element.local_name)
except (KeyError, AttributeError, TypeError):
if not isinstance(obj, (self.dict, dict)):
if xsd_element.type.is_simple() or xsd_element.type.has_simple_content():
return ElementData(tag, obj, None, {})
return ElementData(tag, None, obj, {})
text_key = self.text_key
attr_prefix = self.attr_prefix
ns_prefix = self.ns_prefix
cdata_prefix = self.cdata_prefix
text = None
attributes = {}
# The unordered encoding mode assumes that the values of this dict will
# all be lists where each item is the content of a single element. When
# building content_lu, content which is not a list or lists to be placed
# into a single element (element has a list content type) must be wrapped
# in a list to retain that structure. Character data are not wrapped into
# lists because they because they are divided from the rest of the content
# into the unordered mode generator function of the ModelVisitor class.
content_lu = {}
for name, value in obj.items():
if text_key and name == text_key:
text = obj[text_key]
elif (cdata_prefix and name.startswith(cdata_prefix)) or \
name[0].isdigit() and cdata_prefix == '':
index = int(name[len(cdata_prefix):])
content_lu[index] = value
elif name == ns_prefix:
self[''] = value
elif name.startswith('%s:' % ns_prefix):
self[name[len(ns_prefix) + 1:]] = value
elif attr_prefix and name.startswith(attr_prefix):
attr_name = name[len(attr_prefix):]
ns_name = self.unmap_qname(attr_name, xsd_element.attributes)
attributes[ns_name] = value
elif not isinstance(value, (self.list, list)) or not value:
content_lu[self.unmap_qname(name)] = [value]
elif isinstance(value[0], (self.dict, dict, self.list, list)):
content_lu[self.unmap_qname(name)] = value
# `value` is a list but not a list of lists or list of dicts.
ns_name = self.unmap_qname(name)
for xsd_child in xsd_element.type.content_type.iter_elements():
matched_element = xsd_child.match(ns_name, resolve=True)
if matched_element is not None:
if matched_element.type.is_list():
content_lu[self.unmap_qname(name)] = [value]
content_lu[self.unmap_qname(name)] = value
if attr_prefix == '' and ns_name not in attributes:
for xsd_attribute in xsd_element.attributes.values():
if xsd_attribute.is_matching(ns_name):
attributes[ns_name] = value
content_lu[self.unmap_qname(name)] = [value]
content_lu[self.unmap_qname(name)] = [value]
return ElementData(tag, text, content_lu, attributes)
class ParkerConverter(XMLSchemaConverter):
XML Schema based converter class for Parker convention.
:param namespaces: Map from namespace prefixes to URI.
:param dict_class: Dictionary class to use for decoded data. Default is `dict` for \
Python 3.6+ or `OrderedDict` for previous versions.
:param list_class: List class to use for decoded data. Default is `list`.
:param preserve_root: If `True` the root element will be preserved. For default \
the Parker convention remove the document root element, returning only the value.
def __init__(self, namespaces=None, dict_class=None, list_class=None, preserve_root=False, **kwargs):
kwargs.update(attr_prefix=None, text_key='', cdata_prefix=None)
super(ParkerConverter, self).__init__(
namespaces, dict_class or ordered_dict_class, list_class, preserve_root=preserve_root, **kwargs
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name == 'text_key' and value != '' or name in ('attr_prefix', 'cdata_prefix') and value is not None:
raise XMLSchemaValueError('Wrong value %r for the attribute %r of a %r.' % (value, name, type(self)))
super(XMLSchemaConverter, self).__setattr__(name, value)
def lossy(self):
return True
def element_decode(self, data, xsd_element, level=0):
map_qname = self.map_qname
preserve_root = self.preserve_root
if xsd_element.type.is_simple() or xsd_element.type.has_simple_content():
if preserve_root:
return self.dict([(map_qname(data.tag), data.text)])
return data.text if data.text != '' else None
result_dict = self.dict()
list_types = list if self.list is list else (self.list, list)
for name, value, xsd_child in self.map_content(data.content):
if preserve_root:
if len(value) == 1:
value = value[name]
except (TypeError, KeyError):
except KeyError:
if isinstance(value, list_types):
result_dict[name] = self.list([value])
result_dict[name] = value
except AttributeError:
result_dict[name] = self.list([result_dict[name], value])
for k, v in result_dict.items():
if isinstance(v, (self.list, list)) and len(v) == 1:
value = v.pop()
if preserve_root:
return self.dict([(map_qname(data.tag), result_dict)])
return result_dict if result_dict else None
def element_encode(self, obj, xsd_element, level=0):
if not isinstance(obj, (self.dict, dict)):
if obj == '':
obj = None
if xsd_element.type.is_simple() or xsd_element.type.has_simple_content():
return ElementData(, obj, None, {})
return ElementData(, None, obj, {})
unmap_qname = self.unmap_qname
if not obj:
return ElementData(, None, None, {})
elif self.preserve_root:
items = obj[self.map_qname(]
except KeyError:
return ElementData(, None, None, {})
items = obj
content = []
for name, value in obj.items():
ns_name = unmap_qname(name)
if not isinstance(value, (self.list, list)) or not value:
content.append((ns_name, value))
elif any(isinstance(v, (self.list, list)) for v in value):
for item in value:
content.append((ns_name, item))
for xsd_child in xsd_element.type.content_type.iter_elements():
matched_element = xsd_child.match(ns_name, resolve=True)
if matched_element is not None:
if matched_element.type.is_list():
content.append((ns_name, value))
content.extend((ns_name, item) for item in value)
content.extend((ns_name, item) for item in value)
except AttributeError:
return ElementData(, items, None, {})
return ElementData(, None, content, {})
class BadgerFishConverter(XMLSchemaConverter):
XML Schema based converter class for Badgerfish convention.
:param namespaces: Map from namespace prefixes to URI.
:param dict_class: Dictionary class to use for decoded data. Default is `dict` for \
Python 3.6+ or `OrderedDict` for previous versions.
:param list_class: List class to use for decoded data. Default is `list`.
def __init__(self, namespaces=None, dict_class=None, list_class=None, **kwargs):
kwargs.update(attr_prefix='@', text_key='$', cdata_prefix='$')
super(BadgerFishConverter, self).__init__(
namespaces, dict_class or ordered_dict_class, list_class, **kwargs
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name == 'text_key' and value != '$' or name == 'attr_prefix' and value != '@' or \
name == 'cdata_prefix' and value != '$':
raise XMLSchemaValueError('Wrong value %r for the attribute %r of a %r.' % (value, name, type(self)))
super(XMLSchemaConverter, self).__setattr__(name, value)
def lossy(self):
return False
def element_decode(self, data, xsd_element, level=0):
dict_class = self.dict
tag = self.map_qname(data.tag)
has_local_root = not self and not self.strip_namespaces
result_dict = dict_class([t for t in self.map_attributes(data.attributes)])
if has_local_root:
result_dict['@xmlns'] = dict_class()
if xsd_element.type.is_simple() or xsd_element.type.has_simple_content():
if data.text is not None and data.text != '':
result_dict[self.text_key] = data.text
has_single_group = xsd_element.type.content_type.is_single()
list_types = list if self.list is list else (self.list, list)
for name, value, xsd_child in self.map_content(data.content):
if '@xmlns' in value:
if not value['@xmlns']:
del value['@xmlns']
elif '@xmlns' in value[name]:
if not value[name]['@xmlns']:
del value[name]['@xmlns']
if len(value) == 1:
value = value[name]
except (TypeError, KeyError):
if value is None:
value = self.dict()
result = result_dict[name]
except KeyError:
if xsd_child is None or has_single_group and xsd_child.is_single():
result_dict[name] = value
result_dict[name] = self.list([value])
if not isinstance(result, list_types) or not result:
result_dict[name] = self.list([result, value])
elif isinstance(result[0], list_types) or not isinstance(value, list_types):
result_dict[name] = self.list([result, value])
if has_local_root:
if self:
del result_dict['@xmlns']
return dict_class([(tag, result_dict)])
return dict_class([('@xmlns', dict_class(self)), (tag, result_dict)])
def element_encode(self, obj, xsd_element, level=0):
map_qname = self.map_qname
unmap_qname = self.unmap_qname
tag = xsd_element.qualified_name if level == 0 else
if not self.strip_namespaces:
except KeyError:
element_data = obj[map_qname(]
except KeyError:
element_data = obj
text_key = self.text_key
attr_prefix = self.attr_prefix
cdata_prefix = self.cdata_prefix
text = None
content = []
attributes = {}
for name, value in element_data.items():
if name == '@xmlns':
elif text_key and name == text_key:
text = element_data[text_key]
elif (cdata_prefix and name.startswith(cdata_prefix)) or \
name[0].isdigit() and cdata_prefix == '':
index = int(name[len(cdata_prefix):])
content.append((index, value))
elif attr_prefix and name.startswith(attr_prefix):
attr_name = name[len(attr_prefix):]
ns_name = self.unmap_qname(attr_name, xsd_element.attributes)
attributes[ns_name] = value
elif not isinstance(value, (self.list, list)) or not value:
content.append((unmap_qname(name), value))
elif isinstance(value[0], (self.dict, dict, self.list, list)):
ns_name = unmap_qname(name)
for item in value:
content.append((ns_name, item))
ns_name = unmap_qname(name)
for xsd_child in xsd_element.type.content_type.iter_elements():
matched_element = xsd_child.match(ns_name, resolve=True)
if matched_element is not None:
if matched_element.type.is_list():
content.append((ns_name, value))
content.extend((ns_name, item) for item in value)
if attr_prefix == '' and ns_name not in attributes:
for xsd_attribute in xsd_element.attributes.values():
if xsd_attribute.is_matching(ns_name):
attributes[ns_name] = value
content.append((ns_name, value))
content.append((ns_name, value))
return ElementData(tag, text, content, attributes)
class AbderaConverter(XMLSchemaConverter):
XML Schema based converter class for Abdera convention.
:param namespaces: Map from namespace prefixes to URI.
:param dict_class: Dictionary class to use for decoded data. Default is `dict` for \
Python 3.6+ or `OrderedDict` for previous versions.
:param list_class: List class to use for decoded data. Default is `list`.
def __init__(self, namespaces=None, dict_class=None, list_class=None, **kwargs):
kwargs.update(attr_prefix='', text_key='', cdata_prefix=None)
super(AbderaConverter, self).__init__(
namespaces, dict_class or ordered_dict_class, list_class, **kwargs
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in ('text_key', 'attr_prefix') and value != '' or name == 'cdata_prefix' and value is not None:
raise XMLSchemaValueError('Wrong value %r for the attribute %r of a %r.' % (value, name, type(self)))
super(XMLSchemaConverter, self).__setattr__(name, value)
def lossy(self):
return True
def element_decode(self, data, xsd_element, level=0):
if xsd_element.type.is_simple() or xsd_element.type.has_simple_content():
children = data.text if data.text is not None and data.text != '' else None
children = self.dict()
for name, value, xsd_child in self.map_content(data.content):
if value is None:
value = self.list()
except KeyError:
if isinstance(value, (self.list, list)) and value:
children[name] = self.list([value])
children[name] = value
except AttributeError:
children[name] = self.list([children[name], value])
if not children:
children = None
if data.attributes:
if children != []:
return self.dict([
('attributes', self.dict([(k, v) for k, v in self.map_attributes(data.attributes)])),
('children', self.list([children]) if children is not None else self.list())
return self.dict([
('attributes', self.dict([(k, v) for k, v in self.map_attributes(data.attributes)])),
return children if children is not None else self.list()
def element_encode(self, obj, xsd_element, level=0):
tag = xsd_element.qualified_name if level == 0 else
if not isinstance(obj, (self.dict, dict)):
if obj == []:
obj = None
return ElementData(tag, obj, None, {})
unmap_qname = self.unmap_qname
attributes = {}
attributes.update([(self.unmap_qname(k, xsd_element.attributes), v)
for k, v in obj['attributes'].items()])
except KeyError:
children = obj
children = obj.get('children', [])
if isinstance(children, (self.dict, dict)):
children = [children]
elif children and not isinstance(children[0], (self.dict, dict)):
if len(children) > 1:
raise XMLSchemaValueError("Wrong format")
return ElementData(tag, children[0], None, attributes)
content = []
for child in children:
for name, value in child.items():
if not isinstance(value, (self.list, list)) or not value:
content.append((unmap_qname(name), value))
elif isinstance(value[0], (self.dict, dict, self.list, list)):
ns_name = unmap_qname(name)
for item in value:
content.append((ns_name, item))
ns_name = unmap_qname(name)
for xsd_child in xsd_element.type.content_type.iter_elements():
matched_element = xsd_child.match(ns_name, resolve=True)
if matched_element is not None:
if matched_element.type.is_list():
content.append((ns_name, value))
content.extend((ns_name, item) for item in value)
content.append((ns_name, value))
return ElementData(tag, None, content, attributes)
class JsonMLConverter(XMLSchemaConverter):
XML Schema based converter class for JsonML (JSON Mark-up Language) convention.
:param namespaces: Map from namespace prefixes to URI.
:param dict_class: Dictionary class to use for decoded data. Default is `dict` for \
Python 3.6+ or `OrderedDict` for previous versions.
:param list_class: List class to use for decoded data. Default is `list`.
def __init__(self, namespaces=None, dict_class=None, list_class=None, **kwargs):
kwargs.update(attr_prefix='', text_key='', cdata_prefix='')
super(JsonMLConverter, self).__init__(
namespaces, dict_class or ordered_dict_class, list_class, **kwargs
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in ('text_key', 'attr_prefix', 'cdata_prefix') and value != '':
raise XMLSchemaValueError('Wrong value %r for the attribute %r of a %r.' % (value, name, type(self)))
super(XMLSchemaConverter, self).__setattr__(name, value)
def lossy(self):
return False
def losslessly(self):
return True
def element_decode(self, data, xsd_element, level=0):
result_list = self.list([self.map_qname(data.tag)])
attributes = self.dict([(k, v) for k, v in self.map_attributes(data.attributes)])
if xsd_element.type.is_simple() or xsd_element.type.has_simple_content():
if data.text is not None and data.text != '':
value if value is not None else self.list([name])
for name, value, _ in self.map_content(data.content)
if level == 0 and xsd_element.is_global() and not self.strip_namespaces and self:
attributes.update([('xmlns:%s' % k if k else 'xmlns', v) for k, v in self.items()])
if attributes:
result_list.insert(1, attributes)
return result_list
def element_encode(self, obj, xsd_element, level=0):
unmap_qname = self.unmap_qname
attributes = {}
if not isinstance(obj, (self.list, list)) or not obj:
raise XMLSchemaValueError("Wrong data format, a not empty list required: %r." % obj)
data_len = len(obj)
if data_len == 1:
if not xsd_element.is_matching(unmap_qname(obj[0]), self.get('')):
raise XMLSchemaValueError("Unmatched tag")
return ElementData(, None, None, attributes)
for k, v in obj[1].items():
if k == 'xmlns':
self[''] = v
elif k.startswith('xmlns:'):
self[k.split('xmlns:')[1]] = v
attributes[self.unmap_qname(k, xsd_element.attributes)] = v
except AttributeError:
content_index = 1
content_index = 2
if not xsd_element.is_matching(unmap_qname(obj[0]), self.get('')):
raise XMLSchemaValueError("Unmatched tag")
if data_len <= content_index:
return ElementData(, None, [], attributes)
elif data_len == content_index + 1 and \
(xsd_element.type.is_simple() or xsd_element.type.has_simple_content()):
return ElementData(, obj[content_index], [], attributes)
cdata_num = iter(range(1, data_len))
list_types = list if self.list is list else (self.list, list)
content = [
(unmap_qname(e[0]), e) if isinstance(e, list_types) else (next(cdata_num), e)
for e in obj[content_index:]
return ElementData(, None, content, attributes)