
354 lines
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from datetime import date, timedelta
from ..core import WesternCalendar
from ..core import SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT
from ..registry_tools import iso_register
class UnitedStates(WesternCalendar):
"United States of America"
(7, 4, 'Independence Day'),
# Veterans day label
include_veterans_day = True
veterans_day_label = 'Veterans Day'
martin_luther_king_label = 'Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.'
include_thanksgiving_friday = False
thanksgiving_friday_label = "Thanksgiving Friday"
# Some states don't include Washington's Birthday, or move it to December.
include_federal_presidents_day = True
presidents_day_label = "Washington's Birthday"
include_lincoln_birthday = False
# Columbus day is included by default
include_columbus_day = True
columbus_day_label = "Columbus Day"
# Confederation day
include_confederation_day = False
# Jefferson Davis Birthday.
include_jefferson_davis_birthday = False
# Include Cesar Chavez day(s)
include_cesar_chavez_day = False
# Patriot's day
include_patriots_day = False
# Boxing day label is not "boxing day" in the US
boxing_day_label = "Day After Christmas"
# Election Day
# To include every year?
include_election_day_every_year = False
# To include on even years?
include_election_day_even = False
# NOTE: if it's included on every year, it'll also be included
# on even years. Setting these two flags to ON will give priority to the
# yearly flag.
election_day_label = "Election Day"
# Inauguration Day
include_inauguration_day = False
# National Memorial Day
national_memorial_day_label = "Memorial Day"
# Some regional variants
include_fat_tuesday = False
fat_tuesday_label = "Mardi Gras"
# Shift day mechanism
# These days won't be shifted to next MON or previous FRI
shift_exceptions = (
# Exemple:
# (11, 11), # Veterans day won't be shifted
def shift(self, holidays, year):
new_holidays = []
holiday_lookup = [x[0] for x in holidays]
exceptions = [
date(year, month, day) for month, day in self.shift_exceptions
# For each holiday available:
# * if it falls on SUN, add the observed on MON
# * if it falls on SAT, add the observed on FRI
for day, label in holidays:
# ... except if it's been explicitely excepted.
if day in exceptions:
if day.weekday() == SAT:
new_holidays.append((day - timedelta(days=1),
label + " (Observed)"))
elif day.weekday() == SUN:
new_holidays.append((day + timedelta(days=1),
label + " (Observed)"))
# If year+1 January the 1st is on SAT, add the FRI before to observed
if date(year + 1, 1, 1).weekday() == SAT:
new_holidays.append((date(year, 12, 31,),
"New Years Day (Observed)"))
# Special rules for XMas and XMas Eve
christmas = date(year, 12, 25)
christmas_eve = date(year, 12, 24)
# Is XMas eve in your calendar?
if christmas_eve in holiday_lookup:
# You are observing the THU before, as an extra XMas Eve
if christmas.weekday() == SAT:
# Remove the "fake" XMAS Day shift, the one done before.
(christmas_eve, "Christmas Day (Observed)")
new_holidays.append((date(year, 12, 23),
"Christmas Eve (Observed)"))
# You are observing the 26th (TUE)
elif christmas.weekday() == MON:
# Remove the "fake" XMAS Eve shift, done before
(christmas, "Christmas Eve (Observed)")
new_holidays.append((date(year, 12, 26),
"Christmas Day (Observed)"))
return holidays + new_holidays
def is_presidential_year(year):
return (year % 4) == 0
def get_election_date(self, year):
Return the Election Day *Date*
Definition: on an election year, "the Tuesday next after the first
Monday in the month of November".
first_monday_november = self.get_nth_weekday_in_month(year, 11, MON)
return self.get_nth_weekday_in_month(
year, 11, TUE, start=first_monday_november
def get_election_day(self, year):
Return the Election Day
return (self.get_election_date(year), self.election_day_label)
def get_thanksgiving_friday(self, year):
Thanksgiving friday is on the day following Thanksgiving Day
thanksgiving = UnitedStates.get_nth_weekday_in_month(year, 11, THU, 4)
thanksgiving_friday = thanksgiving + timedelta(days=1)
return (thanksgiving_friday, self.thanksgiving_friday_label)
def get_confederate_day(self, year):
Confederate memorial day is on the 4th MON of April.
day = self.get_nth_weekday_in_month(year, 4, MON, 4)
return (day, "Confederate Memorial Day")
def get_jefferson_davis_birthday(self, year):
The first MON of June is Jefferson Davis Birthday
return (
self.get_nth_weekday_in_month(year, 6, MON, 1),
"Jefferson Davis Birthday"
def get_martin_luther_king_date(self, year):
Martin Luther King is on 3rd MON of January, starting of 1985.
if year < 1985:
raise ValueError(
"Martin Luther King Day became a holiday in 1985"
return UnitedStates.get_nth_weekday_in_month(year, 1, MON, 3)
def get_martin_luther_king_day(self, year):
Return holiday record for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
day = self.get_martin_luther_king_date(year)
return (day, self.martin_luther_king_label)
def get_presidents_day(self, year):
Presidents Day is on the 3rd MON of February
May be called Washington's or Lincoln's birthday
day = UnitedStates.get_nth_weekday_in_month(year, 2, MON, 3)
return (day, self.presidents_day_label)
def get_cesar_chavez_days(self, year):
Cesar Chavez day is on 31st of March, float to 1st April if Monday.
Will return a list of days.
days = [(date(year, 3, 31), "Cesar Chavez Day")]
if date(year, 3, 31).weekday() == SUN:
days.append((date(year, 4, 1), "Cesar Chavez Day (Observed)"))
return days
def get_patriots_day(self, year):
"""3rd Monday of April"""
return (self.get_nth_weekday_in_month(year, 4, MON, 3), "Patriots Day")
def get_washington_birthday_december(self, year):
Floating observance, to give long weekend at christmas.
It's only observed in Georgia and Indiana.
christmas_day = date(year, 12, 25).weekday()
if christmas_day == MON:
day = date(year, 12, 26) # TUE
elif christmas_day == TUE:
day = date(year, 12, 24) # MON
elif christmas_day == WED:
day = date(year, 12, 24) # TUE
elif christmas_day == THU:
day = date(year, 12, 26) # FRI
elif christmas_day == FRI:
day = date(year, 12, 24) # THU
elif christmas_day == SAT:
day = date(year, 12, 23) # THU
else: # christmas_day == SUN:
day = date(year, 12, 23) # FRI
return (day, self.label_washington_birthday_december)
def get_columbus_day(self, year):
Columbus day is on the 2nd MON of October.
Only half of the states recognize it.
day = UnitedStates.get_nth_weekday_in_month(year, 10, MON, 2)
return (day, self.columbus_day_label)
def get_lincoln_birthday(self, year):
February the 2nd is Lincoln's birthday in the following States:
* Connecticut,
* Illinois,
* Missouri,
* New York
return (date(year, 2, 12), "Lincoln's Birthday")
def get_inauguration_date(self, year):
If the year is an Inauguration Year, will return the Inauguration Day
If this day falls on SUN, it's replaced by the next MON.
If the year is not a Inauguration Year, it raises a ValueError.
if ((year - 1) % 4) != 0:
raise ValueError(
"The year {} is not an Inauguration Year".format(year))
inauguration_day = date(year, 1, 20)
if inauguration_day.weekday() == SUN:
inauguration_day = date(year, 1, 21)
return inauguration_day
def get_national_memorial_day(self, year):
Return National Memorial Day
return (
UnitedStates.get_last_weekday_in_month(year, 5, MON),
def get_variable_days(self, year):
# usual variable days
days = super().get_variable_days(year)
# Martin Luther King's Day started only in 1985
if year >= 1985:
(UnitedStates.get_nth_weekday_in_month(year, 9, MON),
"Labor Day"),
(UnitedStates.get_nth_weekday_in_month(year, 11, THU, 4),
"Thanksgiving Day"),
if self.include_federal_presidents_day:
if self.include_lincoln_birthday:
if self.include_cesar_chavez_day:
if self.include_patriots_day:
if self.include_columbus_day:
if self.include_confederation_day:
if self.include_jefferson_davis_birthday:
if self.include_inauguration_day:
# Is it a "Inauguration year"?
if UnitedStates.is_presidential_year(year - 1):
(self.get_inauguration_date(year), "Inauguration Day")
if self.include_election_day_every_year:
elif self.include_election_day_even:
if (year % 2) == 0:
if self.include_thanksgiving_friday:
return days
def get_veterans_day(self, year):
Return Veterans Day (November 11th).
Placed here because some States are renaming it.
return (date(year, 11, 11), self.veterans_day_label)
def get_fixed_holidays(self, year):
days = super().get_fixed_holidays(year)
if self.include_veterans_day:
return days
def get_calendar_holidays(self, year):
Will return holidays and their shifted days
days = super().get_calendar_holidays(year)
days = self.shift(days, year)
return days