
347 lines
15 KiB

# Implements the minimal functionality required
# to extract a "Workbook" or "Book" stream (as one big string)
# from an OLE2 Compound Document file.
# Copyright © 2005-2008 Stephen John Machin, Lingfo Pty Ltd
# This module is part of the xlrd3 package, which is released under a BSD-style licence.
# No part of the content of this file was derived from the works of David Giffin.
# 2008-11-04 SJM Avoid assertion error when -1 used instead of -2 for first_SID of empty SCSS [Frank Hoffsuemmer]
# 2007-09-08 SJM Warning message if sector sizes are extremely large.
# 2007-05-07 SJM Meaningful exception instead of IndexError if a SAT (sector allocation table) is corrupted.
# 2007-04-22 SJM Missing "<" in a struct.unpack call => can't open files on bigendian platforms.
import sys
from struct import unpack
# Magic cookie that should appear in the first 8 bytes of the file.
SIGNATURE = b"\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1"
def int_floor_div(x, y):
return divmod(x, y)[0]
class CompDocError(Exception):
class DirNode(object):
def __init__(self, DID, dent, DEBUG=0):
# dent is the 128-byte directory entry
self.DID = DID
# (cbufsize, self.etype, self.colour, self.left_DID, self.right_DID,
# self.root_DID,
# self.first_SID,
# self.tot_size) = \
# unpack('<HBBiii16x4x8x8xii4x', dent[64:128])
(cbufsize, self.etype, self.colour, self.left_DID, self.right_DID,
self.root_DID) = \
unpack('<HBBiii', dent[64:80])
(self.first_SID, self.tot_size) = \
unpack('<ii', dent[116:124])
if cbufsize == 0: = ''
else: = str(dent[0:cbufsize-2], 'utf_16_le') # omit the trailing U+0000
self.children = [] # filled in later
self.parent = -1 # indicates orphan; fixed up later
self.tsinfo = unpack('<IIII', dent[100:116])
def dump(self, DEBUG=1):
print("DID=%d name=%r etype=%d DIDs(left=%d right=%d root=%d parent=%d kids=%r) first_SID=%d tot_size=%d" \
% (self.DID,, self.etype, self.left_DID,
self.right_DID, self.root_DID, self.parent, self.children, self.first_SID, self.tot_size))
if DEBUG == 2:
# cre_lo, cre_hi, mod_lo, mod_hi = tsinfo
print("timestamp info", self.tsinfo)
def _build_family_tree(dirlist, parent_DID, child_DID):
if child_DID < 0: return
_build_family_tree(dirlist, parent_DID, dirlist[child_DID].left_DID)
dirlist[child_DID].parent = parent_DID
_build_family_tree(dirlist, parent_DID, dirlist[child_DID].right_DID)
if dirlist[child_DID].etype == 1: # storage
_build_family_tree(dirlist, child_DID, dirlist[child_DID].root_DID)
# Compound document handler.
# @param mem The raw contents of the file, as a string, or as an mmap.mmap() object. The
# only operation it needs to support is slicing.
class CompDoc(object):
def __init__(self, mem, logfile=sys.stdout, DEBUG=0):
self.logfile = logfile
if mem[0:8] != SIGNATURE:
raise CompDocError('Not an OLE2 compound document')
if mem[28:30] != b'\xFE\xFF':
raise CompDocError('Expected "little-endian" marker, found %r' % mem[28:30])
revision, version = unpack('<HH', mem[24:28])
print("\nCompDoc format: version=0x%04x revision=0x%04x" % (version, revision), file=logfile)
self.mem = mem
ssz, sssz = unpack('<HH', mem[30:34])
if ssz > 20: # allows for 2**20 bytes i.e. 1MB
print("WARNING: sector size (2**%d) is preposterous; assuming 512 and continuing ..." \
% ssz, file=logfile)
ssz = 9
if sssz > ssz:
print("WARNING: short stream sector size (2**%d) is preposterous; assuming 64 and continuing ..." \
% sssz, file=logfile)
sssz = 6
self.sec_size = sec_size = 1 << ssz
self.short_sec_size = 1 << sssz
SAT_tot_secs, self.dir_first_sec_sid, _unused, self.min_size_std_stream,
SSAT_first_sec_sid, SSAT_tot_secs,
MSAT_first_sec_sid, MSAT_tot_secs,
# ) = unpack('<ii4xiiiii', mem[44:76])
) = unpack('<iiiiiiii', mem[44:76])
mem_data_len = len(mem) - 512
mem_data_secs, left_over = divmod(mem_data_len, sec_size)
if left_over:
#### raise CompDocError("Not a whole number of sectors")
print("WARNING *** file size (%d) not 512 + multiple of sector size (%d)" \
% (len(mem), sec_size), file=logfile)
print('sec sizes', ssz, sssz, sec_size, self.short_sec_size, file=logfile)
print("mem data: %d bytes == %d sectors" % (mem_data_len, mem_data_secs), file=logfile)
print("SAT_tot_secs=%d, dir_first_sec_sid=%d, min_size_std_stream=%d" \
% (SAT_tot_secs, self.dir_first_sec_sid, self.min_size_std_stream,), file=logfile)
print("SSAT_first_sec_sid=%d, SSAT_tot_secs=%d" % (SSAT_first_sec_sid, SSAT_tot_secs,), file=logfile)
print("MSAT_first_sec_sid=%d, MSAT_tot_secs=%d" % (MSAT_first_sec_sid, MSAT_tot_secs,), file=logfile)
nent = int_floor_div(sec_size, 4) # number of SID entries in a sector
fmt = "<%di" % nent
trunc_warned = 0
# === build the MSAT ===
MSAT = list(unpack('<109i', mem[76:512]))
sid = MSAT_first_sec_sid
while sid >= 0:
if sid >= mem_data_secs:
raise CompDocError(
"MSAT extension: accessing sector %d but only %d in file" % (sid, mem_data_secs)
offset = 512 + sec_size * sid
news = list(unpack(fmt, mem[offset:offset+sec_size]))
sid = news.pop()
print("MSAT: len =", len(MSAT), file=logfile)
print(MSAT, file=logfile)
# === build the SAT ===
self.SAT = []
for msid in MSAT:
if msid == FREESID: continue
if msid >= mem_data_secs:
if not trunc_warned:
print("WARNING *** File is truncated, or OLE2 MSAT is corrupt!!", file=logfile)
print("INFO: Trying to access sector %d but only %d available" \
% (msid, mem_data_secs), file=logfile)
trunc_warned = 1
offset = 512 + sec_size * msid
news = list(unpack(fmt, mem[offset:offset+sec_size]))
print("SAT: len =", len(self.SAT), file=logfile)
print(self.SAT, file=logfile)
# print >> logfile, "SAT ",
# for i, s in enumerate(self.SAT):
# print >> logfile, "entry: %4d offset: %6d, next entry: %4d" % (i, 512 + sec_size * i, s)
# print >> logfile, "%d:%d " % (i, s),
# === build the directory ===
dbytes = self._get_stream(
self.mem, 512, self.SAT, self.sec_size, self.dir_first_sec_sid,
dirlist = []
did = -1
for pos in range(0, len(dbytes), 128):
did += 1
dirlist.append(DirNode(did, dbytes[pos:pos+128], 0))
self.dirlist = dirlist
_build_family_tree(dirlist, 0, dirlist[0].root_DID) # and stand well back ...
for d in dirlist:
# === get the SSCS ===
sscs_dir = self.dirlist[0]
assert sscs_dir.etype == 5 # root entry
if sscs_dir.first_SID < 0 and sscs_dir.tot_size == 0:
# Problem reported by Frank Hoffsuemmer: some software was
# writing -1 instead of -2 (EOCSID) for the first_SID
# when the SCCS was empty. Not having EOCSID caused assertion
# failure in _get_stream.
# Solution: avoid calling _get_stream in any case when the
# SCSS appears to be empty.
self.SSCS = ""
self.SSCS = self._get_stream(
self.mem, 512, self.SAT, sec_size, sscs_dir.first_SID,
sscs_dir.tot_size, name="SSCS")
# if DEBUG: print >> logfile, "SSCS", repr(self.SSCS)
# === build the SSAT ===
self.SSAT = []
if SSAT_tot_secs > 0 and sscs_dir.tot_size == 0:
print("WARNING *** OLE2 inconsistency: SSCS size is 0 but SSAT size is non-zero", file=logfile)
if sscs_dir.tot_size > 0:
sid = SSAT_first_sec_sid
nsecs = SSAT_tot_secs
while sid >= 0 and nsecs > 0:
nsecs -= 1
start_pos = 512 + sid * sec_size
news = list(unpack(fmt, mem[start_pos:start_pos+sec_size]))
sid = self.SAT[sid]
# assert SSAT_tot_secs == 0 or sid == EOCSID
if DEBUG: print("SSAT last sid %d; remaining sectors %d" % (sid, nsecs), file=logfile)
assert nsecs == 0 and sid == EOCSID
if DEBUG: print("SSAT", self.SSAT, file=logfile)
def _get_stream(self, mem, base, sat, sec_size, start_sid, size=None, name=''):
# print >> self.logfile, "_get_stream", base, sec_size, start_sid, size
sectors = []
s = start_sid
if size is None:
# nothing to check against
while s >= 0:
start_pos = base + s * sec_size
s = sat[s]
except IndexError:
raise CompDocError(
"OLE2 stream %r: sector allocation table invalid entry (%d)" %
(name, s)
assert s == EOCSID
todo = size
while s >= 0:
start_pos = base + s * sec_size
grab = sec_size
if grab > todo:
grab = todo
todo -= grab
s = sat[s]
except IndexError:
raise CompDocError(
"OLE2 stream %r: sector allocation table invalid entry (%d)" %
(name, s)
assert s == EOCSID
if todo != 0:
print("WARNING *** OLE2 stream %r: expected size %d, actual size %d" \
% (name, size, size - todo), file=self.logfile)
return b''.join(sectors)
def _dir_search(self, path, storage_DID=0):
# Return matching DirNode instance, or None
head = path[0]
tail = path[1:]
dl = self.dirlist
for child in dl[storage_DID].children:
if dl[child].name.lower() == head.lower():
et = dl[child].etype
if et == 2:
return dl[child]
if et == 1:
if not tail:
raise CompDocError("Requested component is a 'storage'")
return self._dir_search(tail, child)
raise CompDocError("Requested stream is not a 'user stream'")
return None
# Interrogate the compound document's directory; return the stream as a string if found, otherwise
# return None.
# @param qname Name of the desired stream e.g. u'Workbook'. Should be in Unicode or convertible thereto.
def get_named_stream(self, qname):
d = self._dir_search(qname.split("/"))
if d is None:
return None
if d.tot_size >= self.min_size_std_stream:
return self._get_stream(
self.mem, 512, self.SAT, self.sec_size, d.first_SID,
d.tot_size, name=qname)
return self._get_stream(
self.SSCS, 0, self.SSAT, self.short_sec_size, d.first_SID,
d.tot_size, name=qname + " (from SSCS)")
# Interrogate the compound document's directory.
# If the named stream is not found, (None, 0, 0) will be returned.
# If the named stream is found and is contiguous within the original byte sequence ("mem")
# used when the document was opened,
# then (mem, offset_to_start_of_stream, length_of_stream) is returned.
# Otherwise a new string is built from the fragments and (new_string, 0, length_of_stream) is returned.
# @param qname Name of the desired stream e.g. u'Workbook'. Should be in Unicode or convertible thereto.
def locate_named_stream(self, qname):
d = self._dir_search(qname.split("/"))
if d is None:
return (None, 0, 0)
if d.tot_size >= self.min_size_std_stream:
return self._locate_stream(self.mem, 512, self.SAT, self.sec_size, d.first_SID, d.tot_size)
return (
self.SSCS, 0, self.SSAT, self.short_sec_size, d.first_SID,
d.tot_size, qname + " (from SSCS)"),
return (None, 0, 0) # not found
def _locate_stream(self, mem, base, sat, sec_size, start_sid, size):
# print >> self.logfile, "_locate_stream", base, sec_size, start_sid, size
s = start_sid
if s < 0:
raise CompDocError("_locate_stream: start_sid (%d) is -ve" % start_sid)
p = -99 # dummy previous SID
start_pos = -9999
end_pos = -8888
slices = []
while s >= 0:
if s == p+1:
# contiguous sectors
end_pos += sec_size
# start new slice
if p >= 0:
# not first time
slices.append((start_pos, end_pos))
start_pos = base + s * sec_size
end_pos = start_pos + sec_size
p = s
s = sat[s]
assert s == EOCSID
# print >> self.logfile, len(slices) + 1, "slices"
if not slices:
# The stream is contiguous ... just what we like!
return (mem, start_pos, size)
slices.append((start_pos, end_pos))
return (b''.join([mem[start_pos:end_pos] for start_pos, end_pos in slices]), 0, size)