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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library Lesser General Public License
# for more details at ( ).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# written by: Jurko Gospodnetić ( )
Suds SAX Element unit tests.
Implemented using the 'pytest' testing framework.
if __name__ == "__main__":
import testutils
import suds
from suds.sax.element import Element
import suds.sax.parser
import pytest
import six
import re
import sys
class TestChildAtPath:
def test_backslash_as_path_separator(self):
name1 = "child"
name2 = "grandchild"
root = self.__create_single_branch("root", name1, name2)[0]
result = root.childAtPath(name1 + "\\" + name2)
assert result is None
def test_backslash_in_name(self):
root, a, _, _ = self.__create_single_branch("root", "a", "b", "c")
b_c = Element("b\\c")
result = root.childAtPath("a/b\\c")
assert result is b_c
def test_child_leaf(self):
root, child = self.__create_single_branch("root", "child")
result = root.childAtPath("child")
assert result is child
def test_child_not_leaf(self):
root, child, _ = self.__create_single_branch("root", "child",
result = root.childAtPath("child")
assert result is child
def test_grandchild_leaf(self):
root, _, grandchild = self.__create_single_branch("root", "child",
result = root.childAtPath("child/grandchild")
assert result is grandchild
def test_grandchild_not_leaf(self):
root, _, grandchild, _ = self.__create_single_branch("root", "child",
"grandchild", "great grandchild")
result = root.childAtPath("child/grandchild")
assert result is grandchild
def test_misplaced(self):
root = self.__create_single_branch("root", "a", "x", "b")[0]
result = root.childAtPath("a/b")
assert result is None
def test_missing(self):
root = Element("root")
result = root.childAtPath("an invalid path")
assert result is None
def test_name_including_spaces(self):
root, _, child, _ = self.__create_single_branch("root", "dumbo",
"foo - bar", "baz")
result = root.childAtPath("dumbo/foo - bar")
assert result is child
@pytest.mark.parametrize("n", (2, 3))
def test_repeated_path_separators(self, n):
root, child, grandchild = self.__create_single_branch("root", "child",
sep = "/" * n
path = "child" + sep + "grandchild"
result = root.childAtPath(path)
assert result is grandchild
def test_same_named(self):
root, _, child, _ = self.__create_single_branch("root", "a", "a", "a")
result = root.childAtPath("a/a")
assert result is child
def __create_single_branch(*args):
Construct a single branch element tree with given element names.
Returns a list of constructed Element nodes from root to leaf.
result = []
parent = None
for name in args:
e = Element(name)
if parent is not None:
parent = e
return result
class TestStringRepresentation:
# Must be consistent with how Element.str() formats this data.
str_formatted_xml = """\
<xsd:element name="ZuZu">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="alfa"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="beta"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="gamma"/>
def create_test_element(content=str_formatted_xml):
input_data = suds.byte_str(content)
xml = suds.sax.parser.Parser().parse(suds.BytesIO(input_data))
element = xml.root()
assert element.__class__ is Element
return element
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info >= (3,), reason="Python 2 specific")
def test_convert_to_byte_str(self):
element = self.create_test_element()
expected = suds.byte_str(element.str())
assert str(element) == expected
def test_convert_to_unicode(self):
element = self.create_test_element()
expected = element.str()
assert six.text_type(element) == expected
def test_plain_method(self):
element = self.create_test_element(self.str_formatted_xml)
expected = re.sub("\s*[\r\n]\s*", "", self.str_formatted_xml)
result = element.plain()
assert result == expected
def test_str_method(self):
element = self.create_test_element(self.str_formatted_xml)
result = element.str()
assert result == self.str_formatted_xml
@pytest.mark.parametrize("name, expected_prefix, expected_name", (
("", None, ""),
("bazinga", None, "bazinga"),
("test element name", None, "test element name"),
("aaa:bbb", "aaa", "bbb"),
("aaa:", "aaa", ""),
(":aaa", "", "aaa"),
("aaa::bbb", "aaa", ":bbb"),
("aaa:bbb:ccc", "aaa", "bbb:ccc")))
def test_init_name(name, expected_prefix, expected_name):
e = Element(name)
assert e.prefix == expected_prefix
assert == expected_name