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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library Lesser General Public License
# for more details at ( ).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# written by: Jurko Gospodnetić ( )
Dependency sort unit tests.
Implemented using the 'pytest' testing framework.
import testutils
if __name__ == "__main__":
from suds.xsd.depsort import dependency_sort
import pytest
from six import iteritems
import copy
# some of the tests in this module make sense only with assertions enabled
# (note though that pytest's assertion rewriting technique, as used by default
# in recent pytest releases, will keep assertions enabled inside the used test
# modules even when the underlying Python interpreter has been run using the -O
# command-line option)
assert False
except AssertionError:
assertions_enabled = True
assertions_enabled = False
# shared test data
# f --+-----+-----+
# | | | |
# | v v v
# | e --> d --> c --> b
# | | | |
# +---+-----------+-----+--> a --> x
_test_dependency_tree = {
"x": (),
"a": ("x",),
"b": ("a",),
"c": ("a", "b"),
"d": ("c",),
"e": ("d", "a"),
"f": ("e", "c", "d", "a")}
def test_dependency_sort():
dependency_tree = _test_dependency_tree
result = dependency_sort(dependency_tree)
assert sorted(result) == sorted(iteritems(dependency_tree))
_assert_dependency_order((x[0] for x in result), dependency_tree)
def test_dependency_sort_does_not_mutate_input():
dependency_tree = _test_dependency_tree
# save the original dependency tree structure information
expected_deps = {}
expected_deps_ids = {}
for x, y in iteritems(dependency_tree):
expected_deps[x] = copy.copy(y)
expected_deps_ids[id(x)] = id(y)
# run the dependency sort
# verify that the dependency tree structure is unchanged
assert len(dependency_tree) == len(expected_deps)
for key, deps in iteritems(dependency_tree):
# same deps for each key
assert id(deps) == expected_deps_ids[id(key)]
# deps structure compare with the original copy
assert deps == expected_deps[key]
# explicit deps content id matching just in case the container's __eq__
# is not precise enough
_assert_same_content_set(deps, expected_deps[key])
# Test utilities.
def _assert_dependency_order(sequence, dependencies):
Assert that a sequence is ordered dependencies first.
The only way an earlier entry is allowed to have a later entry as its
dependency is if they are both part of the same dependency cycle.
sequence = list(sequence)
dependency_closure = _transitive_dependency_closure(dependencies)
for i, a in enumerate(sequence):
for b in sequence[i + 1:]:
a_dependent_on_b = b in dependency_closure[a]
b_dependent_on_a = a in dependency_closure[b]
assert b_dependent_on_a or not a_dependent_on_b
def _assert_same_content_set(lhs, rhs):
"""Assert that two iterables have the same content (order independent)."""
counter_lhs = _counter(lhs)
counter_rhs = _counter(rhs)
assert counter_lhs == counter_rhs
def _counter(iterable):
"""Return an {id: count} dictionary for all items from `iterable`."""
counter = {}
for x in iterable:
counter[id(x)] = counter.setdefault(id(x), 0) + 1
return counter
def _transitive_dependency_closure(dependencies):
Returns a transitive dependency closure.
If target A is dependent on target B, and target B is in turn dependent on
target C, then target A is also implicitly dependent on target C. A
transitive dependency closure is an expanded dependency collection so that
in it all such implicit dependencies have been explicitly specified.
def clone(deps):
return dict((k, set(v)) for k, v in iteritems(deps))
closure = None
new = clone(dependencies)
while new != closure:
closure = clone(new)
for k, deps in iteritems(closure):
for dep in deps:
new[k] |= closure[dep]
return closure
# Test utility tests.
@pytest.mark.skipif(not assertions_enabled, reason="assertions disabled")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("sequence, dependencies", (
(["x", "y"], {"x": ("y",), "y": ()}),
(["x", "y"], {"x": ("z",), "z": ("y",), "y": ()}),
(["y", "x", "z"], {"x": ("z",), "z": ("y",), "y": ()}),
(["z", "y", "x"], {"x": ("z",), "z": ("y",), "y": ()}),
# unrelated element groups
(["y", "a", "x", "b"], {"x": (), "y": ("x",), "a": (), "b": ("a",)}),
(["x", "b", "y", "a"], {"x": (), "y": ("x",), "a": (), "b": ("a",)}),
(["b", "x", "y", "a"], {"x": (), "y": ("x",), "a": (), "b": ("a",)}),
(["a", "y", "b", "x"], {"x": (), "y": ("x",), "a": (), "b": ("a",)}),
(["a", "b", "y", "x"], {"x": (), "y": ("x",), "a": (), "b": ("a",)})))
def test_assert_dependency_order__invalid(sequence, dependencies):
pytest.raises(AssertionError, _assert_dependency_order, sequence,
@pytest.mark.parametrize("sequence, dependencies", (
(["y", "x"], {"x": ("y",), "y": ()}),
(["y", "x"], {"x": ("z",), "z": ("y",), "y": ()}),
(["y", "z", "x"], {"x": ("z",), "z": ("y",), "y": ()}),
# unrelated element groups
(["x", "y", "a", "b"], {"x": (), "y": ("x",), "a": (), "b": ("a",)}),
(["x", "a", "y", "b"], {"x": (), "y": ("x",), "a": (), "b": ("a",)}),
(["a", "x", "y", "b"], {"x": (), "y": ("x",), "a": (), "b": ("a",)}),
(["a", "x", "b", "y"], {"x": (), "y": ("x",), "a": (), "b": ("a",)}),
(["a", "b", "x", "y"], {"x": (), "y": ("x",), "a": (), "b": ("a",)}),
# dependency cycle
(["x", "y"], {"x": ("y",), "y": ("x",)}),
(["y", "x"], {"x": ("y",), "y": ("x",)}),
# elements not mentioned in the dependency tree
([1], {}),
(["a"], {"x": ("y",), "y": ()})))
def test_assert_dependency_order__valid(sequence, dependencies):
_assert_dependency_order(sequence, dependencies)
@pytest.mark.skipif(not assertions_enabled, reason="assertions disabled")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("lhs, rhs", (
# empty
# ([1, 2.0, 6], [1, 2, 6]),
((), (1,)),
([2], []),
([], (4, 2)),
([], (x for x in [8, 4])),
((x for x in [1, 1]), []),
# without duplicates
([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 4]),
([1, 2, 3], [1, 2]),
([1, 2, 3], [1, 4]),
([0], [0.0]),
([0], [0.0]),
# with duplicates
([1, 1], [1]),
((x for x in [1, 1]), [1]),
([1, 1], [1, 2, 1]),
([1, 1, 2, 2], [1, 2, 1]),
# different object ids
([object()], [object()])))
def test_assert_same_content_set__invalid(lhs, rhs):
pytest.raises(AssertionError, _assert_same_content_set, lhs, rhs)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("lhs, rhs", (
# empty
((), ()),
([], []),
([], ()),
([], (x for x in [])),
((x for x in []), []),
# matching without duplicates
([1, 2, 6], [1, 2, 6]),
([1, 2, 6], [6, 2, 1]),
# matching with duplicates
([1, 2, 2, 6], [6, 2, 1, 2]),
# matching object ids
([_assert_same_content_set], [_assert_same_content_set])))
def test_assert_same_content_set__valid(lhs, rhs):
_assert_same_content_set(lhs, rhs)
def test_counter():
a = object()
b = object()
c = object()
d = object()
input = [a, b, b, c, c, d, a, a, a, d, b, b, b, b, b, a, d]
result = _counter(input)
assert len(result) == 4
assert result[id(a)] == input.count(a)
assert result[id(b)] == input.count(b)
assert result[id(c)] == input.count(c)
assert result[id(d)] == input.count(d)
def test_counter__empty():
assert _counter([]) == {}