add script for running the full test suite on Windows

Runs the full project test suite using multiple Python interpreters. Currently
implemented as a Windows batch script, but should be reimplemented in Python
later on and possibly be made more generic.
This commit is contained in:
Jurko Gospodnetić 2013-12-23 01:19:02 +01:00
parent 4d2adc2dc5
commit c1efecddec
3 changed files with 131 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -142,6 +142,10 @@ TOP-LEVEL FILES & FOLDERS:
* 'HACKING.txt', 'LICENSE.txt', 'README.txt', 'TODO.txt'.
* Internal project documentation.
* 'run_all_tests.cmd'.
* Basic development script for running the full project test suite using
multiple Python interpreter versions on a Windows development machine.
* 'setup.cfg'.
* Basic project Python configuration.

View File

@ -712,7 +712,17 @@ PRIORETIZED:
(+) * Fix current working folder path comparison so it works with
(+) links in the path. Contributed by ryanpetrello.
(+) * (Jurko) Prepare a basic development script for running the full suds test
(+) suite using multiple Python interpreter versions.
* (Jurko) Clean up the project's basic development script for running the
full suds test suite using multiple Python interpreter versions.
* Reimplement in Python.
* Name better.
* (Jurko) Find a cleaner way to install suds tests. Currently they get
installed into a top-level 'tests' folder and so may cause conflicts with

run_all_tests.cmd Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
:: Development script used on Windows to run the full suds-jurko test suite
:: using multiple Python interpreter versions.
:: Intended to be used as a general 'all tests passed' check. To see more
:: detailed information on specific failures, run the failed test group
:: manually, configured for greater verbosity that is done here.
:: Commands for running specific Python interpreter versions.
@set PY243_X32=call py243
@set PY244_X32=call py244
@set PY276_X64=call py276
@set PY325_X64=call py325
@set PY333_X86=call py333_x86
@set PY333_X64=call py333
:: Python command-line options used for running specific scripts.
@set PYTEST_OPTIONS=-m pytest -q -x --tb=short
@set -q develop
@for %%i in ("%~f0\..") do @set SCRIPT_FOLDER=%%~fi
@cd /d "%SCRIPT_FOLDER%"
@echo ------------------------
@echo --- Python 3.3.3 x64 ---
@echo ------------------------
@if exist "build\" (rd /s /q build || goto :fail)
@%PY333_X64% %SETUP_OPTIONS% || goto :fail
@%PY333_X64% %PYTEST_OPTIONS% build || goto :fail
@echo ----------------------------------------
@echo --- Python 3.3.3 x64 - no assertions ---
@echo ----------------------------------------
::Reuse the project built for the previous 'assertions enabled' test run.
::@if exist "build\" (rd /s /q build || goto :fail)
::@%PY333_X64% %SETUP_OPTIONS% || goto :fail
@%PY333_X64% -O %PYTEST_OPTIONS% build || goto :fail
@echo ------------------------
@echo --- Python 2.4.3 x32 ---
@echo ------------------------
@%PY243_X32% %PYTEST_OPTIONS% || goto :fail
@echo ----------------------------------------
@echo --- Python 2.4.3 x32 - no assertions ---
@echo ----------------------------------------
@%PY243_X32% -O %PYTEST_OPTIONS% || goto :fail
@echo ------------------------
@echo --- Python 3.3.3 x86 ---
@echo ------------------------
@if exist "build\" (rd /s /q build || goto :fail)
@%PY333_X86% %SETUP_OPTIONS% || goto :fail
@%PY333_X86% %PYTEST_OPTIONS% build || goto :fail
@echo ----------------------------------------
@echo --- Python 3.3.3 x86 - no assertions ---
@echo ----------------------------------------
::Reuse the project built for the previous 'assertions enabled' test run.
::@if exist "build\" (rd /s /q build || goto :fail)
::@%PY333_X86% %SETUP_OPTIONS% || goto :fail
@%PY333_X86% -O %PYTEST_OPTIONS% build || goto :fail
@echo ------------------------
@echo --- Python 3.2.5 x64 ---
@echo ------------------------
@if exist "build\" (rd /s /q build || goto :fail)
@%PY325_X64% %SETUP_OPTIONS% || goto :fail
@%PY325_X64% %PYTEST_OPTIONS% build || goto :fail
@echo ----------------------------------------
@echo --- Python 3.2.5 x64 - no assertions ---
@echo ----------------------------------------
::Reuse the project built for the previous 'assertions enabled' test run.
::@if exist "build\" (rd /s /q build || goto :fail)
::@%PY325_X64% %SETUP_OPTIONS% || goto :fail
@%PY325_X64% -O %PYTEST_OPTIONS% build || goto :fail
@echo ------------------------
@echo --- Python 2.7.6 x64 ---
@echo ------------------------
@%PY276_X64% %PYTEST_OPTIONS% || goto :fail
@echo ----------------------------------------
@echo --- Python 2.7.6 x64 - no assertions ---
@echo ----------------------------------------
@%PY276_X64% -O %PYTEST_OPTIONS% || goto :fail
@echo ------------------------
@echo --- Python 2.4.4 x32 ---
@echo ------------------------
@%PY244_X32% %PYTEST_OPTIONS% || goto :fail
@echo ----------------------------------------
@echo --- Python 2.4.4 x32 - no assertions ---
@echo ----------------------------------------
@%PY244_X32% -O %PYTEST_OPTIONS% || goto :fail
@echo All tests passed.
@exit /b 0
@echo Test failed.
@exit /b -2