port tools/run_all_tests.cmd to Python

Now uses the same list of Python environments as used by
'tools/setup_base_environments.py' stored inside the project's main
configuration file 'setup.cfg'.

Updated todo list.
This commit is contained in:
Jurko Gospodnetić 2014-05-29 19:28:33 +02:00
parent 9bbc373837
commit 62977f5969
4 changed files with 159 additions and 92 deletions

View File

@ -356,17 +356,18 @@ Examples of such issues:
* Some specific older Python versions (e.g. 2.4.3) have no SSL support and so
have to reuse installations downloaded by other Python versions.
Running the project tests - ``tools/run_all_tests.cmd`` script
Running the project tests - ``tools/run_all_tests.py`` script
``tools/run_all_tests.cmd`` script is a basic *poor man's tox* development
script that can be used for running the full project test suite using multiple
Python interpreter versions on a Windows development machine.
``tools/run_all_tests.py`` script is a basic *poor man's tox* development script
that can be used for running the full project test suite using multiple Python
interpreter versions on a development machine.
Intended to be replaced by a more portable ``tox`` based or similar automated
testing solution some time in the future.
Can be configured by tweaking the script's sources directly:
Can be configured by tweaking the main project Python configuration file
* List of target Python environments.
* Each target Python environment's invocation command.

View File

@ -1340,17 +1340,23 @@ PRIORITIZED:
(+) tools/setup_base_environments.py, e.g. with regards to setting up the
(+) project's testing requirement packages (argparse, colorama, py, pytest).
* (Jurko) Internal project development cleanup.
* Re-implement the existing run_all_tests.cmd Windows batch script for
running a full suds test suite on multiple Python versions in Python.
* Read the list of target Python environments from the project's
setup.cfg configuration file.
* Make sure the prepared Python script runs using any of the suds
project supported Python versions.
* Add support for disabling testing a specific Python platform.
* Update HACKING.rst documentation.
(+) * (Jurko) Internal project development cleanup.
(+) * Re-implement the existing run_all_tests.cmd Windows batch script for
(+) running a full suds test suite on multiple Python versions in Python.
(+) * Read the list of target Python environments from the project's
(+) setup.cfg configuration file.
(+) * Make sure the prepared Python script runs using any of the suds
(+) project supported Python versions.
(+) * Add support for disabling testing a specific Python platform.
(+) * YAGNI for now. Can be done by commenting out appropriate
(+) environment definition sections in the main project 'setup.py'
(+) configuration file and will be affected later on by porting
(+) our testing system over to use the tox project.
(+) * Update HACKING.rst documentation.
* (Jurko) Look at the Spyne project and its suds usage.
* Try running Spyne's test suite using the suds-jurko fork.

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
:: "poor man's tox" development script used on Windows to run the full
:: suds-jurko test suite using multiple Python interpreter versions.
:: Intended to be used as a general 'all tests passed' check. To see more
:: detailed information on specific failures, run the failed test group
:: manually, configured for greater verbosity than is done here.
:: Process script environment.
@for %%i in ("%~f0\..\..") do @set PROJECT_FOLDER=%%~fi
:: Used pytest command-line options.
@set PYTEST_OPTIONS=-m pytest -q -x --tb=short
@call :test "3.4.1 x64" "py341" || goto :fail
@call :test "2.4.3 x86" "py243" || goto :fail
@call :test "2.7.6 x64" "py276" || goto :fail
@call :test "3.4.1 x86" "py341_x86" || goto :fail
@call :test "2.4.4 x86" "py244" || goto :fail
@call :test "3.3.3 x86" "py333_x86" || goto :fail
@call :test "3.2.5 x64" "py325" || goto :fail
@call :test "3.3.3 x64" "py333" || goto :fail
@call :test "3.3.5 x64" "py335" || goto :fail
@call :test "2.5.4 x86" "py254_x86" || goto :fail
@call :test "2.5.4 x64" "py254" || goto :fail
@call :test "2.6.6 x86" "py266_x86" || goto :fail
@call :test "2.6.6 x64" "py266" || goto :fail
@call :test "2.7.6 x86" "py276_x86" || goto :fail
@call :test "3.1.3 x64" "py313" || goto :fail
@call :test "3.2.5 x86" "py325_x86" || goto :fail
@call :test "3.3.5 x86" "py335_x86" || goto :fail
@call :test "3.4.0 x64" "py340" || goto :fail
@call :test "3.4.0 x86" "py340_x86" || goto :fail
@echo All tests passed.
@exit /b 0
@echo Test failed.
@exit /b -2
@set TITLE=%~1
@set PYTHON="%~2"
@if "%TITLE:~0,1%" == "2" goto :test__skip_build
@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
@echo --- Building suds for Python %TITLE%
@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
@if exist "build\" (rd /s /q build || exit /b -2)
:: Install the project into the target Python environment in editable mode.
:: This will actually build Python 3 sources in case we are using a Python 3
:: environment.
@call %PYTHON% setup.py -q develop || exit /b -2
@cd tests
@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
@echo --- Testing suds with Python %TITLE%
@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
@call %PYTHON% %PYTEST_OPTIONS% %LOCATION% || exit /b -2
@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
@echo --- Testing suds with Python %TITLE% - no assertions
@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
@call %PYTHON% -O %PYTEST_OPTIONS% %LOCATION% || exit /b -2
@exit /b 0

tools/run_all_tests.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library Lesser General Public License
# for more details at ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html ).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# written by: Jurko Gospodnetiæ ( jurko.gospodnetic@pke.hr )
"poor man's tox" development script used on Windows to run the full suds-jurko
test suite using multiple Python interpreter versions.
Intended to be used as a general 'all tests passed' check. To see more detailed
information on specific failures, run the failed test group manually,
configured for greater verbosity than done here.
import os.path
import shutil
import sys
from suds_devel.configuration import BadConfiguration, Config, configparser
from suds_devel.environment import BadEnvironment
import suds_devel.utility as utility
class MyConfig(Config):
def __init__(self, script, project_folder, ini_file):
Initialize new script configuration.
External configuration parameters may be specified relative to the
following folders:
* script - relative to the current working folder
* project_folder - relative to the script folder
* ini_file - relative to the project folder
super(MyConfig, self).__init__(script, project_folder, ini_file)
except configparser.Error:
raise BadConfiguration(sys.exc_info()[1].message)
def _prepare_configuration():
# We know we are a regular stand-alone script file and not an imported
# module (either frozen, imported from disk, zip-file, external database or
# any other source). That means we can safely assume we have the __file__
# attribute available.
global config
config = MyConfig(__file__, "..", "setup.cfg")
def _print_title(env, message_fmt):
separator = "-" * 63
print("--- " + message_fmt % (env.name(),))
def _report_startup_information():
print("Running in folder: '%s'" % (os.getcwd(),))
def _run_tests(env):
if env.sys_version_info >= (3,):
_print_title(env, "Building suds for Python %s")
build_folder = os.path.join(config.project_folder, "build")
if os.path.isdir(build_folder):
# Install the project into the target Python environment in editable mode.
# This will actually build Python 3 sources in case we are using a Python 3
# environment.
setup_cmd = ["setup.py", "-q", "develop"]
_, _, return_code = env.execute(setup_cmd, cwd=config.project_folder)
if return_code != 0:
return False
test_folder = os.path.join(config.project_folder, "tests")
pytest_cmd = ["-m", "pytest", "-q", "-x", "--tb=short"]
_print_title(env, "Testing suds with Python %s")
_, _, return_code = env.execute(pytest_cmd, cwd=test_folder)
if return_code != 0:
return False
_print_title(env, "Testing suds with Python %s - no assertions")
pytest_cmd.insert(0, "-O")
_, _, return_code = env.execute(pytest_cmd, cwd=test_folder)
return return_code == 0
def _run_tests_in_all_environments():
if not config.python_environments:
raise BadConfiguration("No Python environments configured.")
for env in config.python_environments:
if not env.initial_scan_completed:
_print_title(env, "Scanning environment Python %s")
if not _run_tests(env):
return False
return True
def main():
success = _run_tests_in_all_environments()
except (BadConfiguration, BadEnvironment):
return -2
if not success:
print("Test failed.")
return -3
print("All tests passed.")
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":