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"""Formulae for specific earth behaviors and effects."""
from numpy import (abs, arcsin, arccos, arctan2, array, clip, cos,
minimum, pi, sin, sqrt, tan, where, zeros_like)
from .constants import (AU_M, ANGVEL, DAY_S, DEG2RAD, ERAD,
from .functions import dots
earth_radius_au = ERAD / AU_M
one_minus_flattening = 1.0 - 1.0 / IERS_2010_INVERSE_EARTH_FLATTENING
one_minus_flattening_squared = one_minus_flattening * one_minus_flattening
def terra(latitude, longitude, elevation, gast):
"""Compute the position and velocity of a terrestrial observer.
`latitude` - Latitude in radians.
`longitude` - Longitude in radians.
`elevation` - Elevation above sea level in au.
`gast` - Hours of Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time (can be an array).
The return value is a tuple of two 3-vectors `(pos, vel)` in the
dynamical reference system (the true equator and equinox of date)
whose components are measured in au with respect to the center of
the Earth.
zero = zeros_like(gast)
sinphi = sin(latitude)
cosphi = cos(latitude)
c = 1.0 / sqrt(cosphi * cosphi +
sinphi * sinphi * one_minus_flattening_squared)
s = one_minus_flattening_squared * c
ach = earth_radius_au * c + elevation
ash = earth_radius_au * s + elevation
# Compute local sidereal time factors at the observer's longitude.
stlocl = 15.0 * DEG2RAD * gast + longitude
sinst = sin(stlocl)
cosst = cos(stlocl)
# Compute position vector components in kilometers.
ac = ach * cosphi
acsst = ac * sinst
accst = ac * cosst
pos = array((accst, acsst, zero + ash * sinphi))
# Compute velocity vector components in kilometers/sec.
vel = ANGVEL * DAY_S * array((-acsst, accst, zero))
return pos, vel
def reverse_terra(xyz_au, gast, iterations=3):
"""Convert a geocentric (x,y,z) at time `t` to latitude and longitude.
Returns a tuple of latitude, longitude, and elevation whose units
are radians and meters. Based on Dr. T.S. Kelso's quite helpful
article "Orbital Coordinate Systems, Part III":
x, y, z = xyz_au
R = sqrt(x*x + y*y)
lon = (arctan2(y, x) - 15 * DEG2RAD * gast - pi) % tau - pi
lat = arctan2(z, R)
a = ERAD / AU_M
e2 = 2.0*f - f*f
i = 0
C = 1.0
while i < iterations:
i += 1
C = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 - e2 * (sin(lat) ** 2.0))
lat = arctan2(z + a * C * e2 * sin(lat), R)
elevation_m = ((R / cos(lat)) - a * C) * AU_M
return lat, lon, elevation_m
def compute_limb_angle(position_au, observer_au):
"""Determine the angle of an object above or below the Earth's limb.
Given an object's GCRS `position_au` [x,y,z] vector and the position
of an `observer_au` as a vector in the same coordinate system,
return a tuple that provides `(limb_ang, nadir_ang)`:
Angle of observed object above (+) or below (-) limb in degrees.
Nadir angle of observed object as a fraction of apparent radius
of limb: <1.0 means below the limb, =1.0 means on the limb, and
>1.0 means above the limb.
# Compute the distance to the object and the distance to the observer.
disobj = sqrt(dots(position_au, position_au))
disobs = sqrt(dots(observer_au, observer_au))
# Compute apparent angular radius of Earth's limb.
aprad = arcsin(minimum(earth_radius_au / disobs, 1.0))
# Compute zenith distance of Earth's limb.
zdlim = pi - aprad
# Compute zenith distance of observed object.
coszd = dots(position_au, observer_au) / (disobj * disobs)
coszd = clip(coszd, -1.0, 1.0)
zdobj = arccos(coszd)
# Angle of object wrt limb is difference in zenith distances.
limb_angle = (zdlim - zdobj) * RAD2DEG
# Nadir angle of object as a fraction of angular radius of limb.
nadir_angle = (pi - zdobj) / aprad
return limb_angle, nadir_angle
def sidereal_time(t):
"""Compute Greenwich sidereal time at the given ``Time``."""
# Compute the Earth Rotation Angle. Time argument is UT1.
theta = earth_rotation_angle(t.ut1)
# The equinox method. See Circular 179, Section 2.6.2.
# Precession-in-RA terms in mean sidereal time taken from third
# reference, eq. (42), with coefficients in arcseconds.
t = (t.whole - T0 + t.tdb_fraction) / 36525.0
st = ( 0.014506 +
(((( - 0.0000000368 * t
- 0.000029956 ) * t
- 0.00000044 ) * t
+ 1.3915817 ) * t
+ 4612.156534 ) * t)
# Form the Greenwich sidereal time.
return (st / 54000.0 + theta * 24.0) % 24.0
def earth_rotation_angle(jd_ut1):
"""Return the value of the Earth Rotation Angle (theta) for a UT1 date.
Uses the expression from the note to IAU Resolution B1.8 of 2000.
Returns a fraction between 0.0 and 1.0 whole rotations.
thet1 = 0.7790572732640 + 0.00273781191135448 * (jd_ut1 - T0)
thet3 = jd_ut1 % 1.0
return (thet1 + thet3) % 1.0
def refraction(alt_degrees, temperature_C, pressure_mbar):
"""Given an observed altitude, return how much the image is refracted.
Zero refraction is returned both for objects very near the zenith,
as well as for objects more than one degree below the horizon.
r = 0.016667 / tan((alt_degrees + 7.31 / (alt_degrees + 4.4)) * DEG2RAD)
d = r * (0.28 * pressure_mbar / (temperature_C + 273.0))
return where((-1.0 <= alt_degrees) & (alt_degrees <= 89.9), d, 0.0)
def refract(alt_degrees, temperature_C, pressure_mbar):
"""Given an unrefracted `alt` determine where it will appear in the sky."""
alt = alt_degrees
while True:
alt1 = alt
alt = alt_degrees + refraction(alt, temperature_C, pressure_mbar)
converged = abs(alt - alt1).max() <= 3.0e-5
if converged:
return alt