
524 lines
17 KiB

"""Simple distance, velocity, and angle support for Skyfield.
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import sys
from numpy import abs, array, copysign, isnan
from .constants import AU_KM, AU_M, C, DAY_S, tau
from .descriptorlib import reify
from .functions import length_of
def _to_array(value):
"""As a convenience, turn Python lists and tuples into NumPy arrays."""
if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
return array(value)
elif isinstance(value, (float, int)):
return np.float64(value)
return value
class UnpackingError(Exception):
"""You cannot iterate directly over a Skyfield measurement object."""
class Distance(object):
"""A distance, stored internally as au and available in other units.
You can initialize a ``Distance`` by providing a single float or a
float array as either an ``au=``, ``km=``, or ``m=`` parameter.
_warned = False
def __init__(self, au=None, km=None, m=None):
if au is not None: = _to_array(au)
elif km is not None: = _to_array(km) = km / AU_KM
elif m is not None:
self.m = _to_array(m) = m / AU_M
raise ValueError('to construct a Distance provide au, km, or m')
def from_au(cls, au):
self = cls.__new__(cls) = _to_array(au)
return self
def km(self):
return * AU_KM
def m(self):
return * AU_M
def AU(self):
if not Distance._warned:
print('WARNING: the IAU has renamed the astronomical unit to'
' lowercase "au" so Skyfield will soon remove uppercase'
' "AU" from Distance objects', file=sys.stdout)
Distance._warned = True
def __str__(self):
n =
return ('{0} au' if getattr(n, 'shape', 0) else '{0:.6} au').format(n)
def __repr__(self):
return '<{0} {1}>'.format(type(self).__name__, self)
def __iter__(self):
cn = self.__class__.__name__
raise UnpackingError(_iter_message.format(
cls=cn, object=cn.lower(), values='x, y, z',
attr1='au', attr2='km',
def length(self):
"""Compute the length when this is an x,y,z vector.
The Euclidean vector length of this vector is returned as a new
:class:`~skyfield.units.Distance` object.
>>> from skyfield.api import Distance
>>> d = Distance(au=[1, 1, 0])
>>> d.length()
<Distance 1.41421 au>
return Distance(au=length_of(
def light_seconds(self):
"""Return the length of this vector in light seconds."""
return self.m / C
def to(self, unit):
"""Convert this distance to the given AstroPy unit."""
from astropy.units import au
return ( * au).to(unit)
class Velocity(object):
"""A velocity, stored internally as au/day and available in other units.
You can initialize a ``Velocity`` by providing a float or float
array to its ``au_per_d=`` parameter.
_warned = False
def __init__(self, au_per_d=None, km_per_s=None):
if km_per_s is not None:
au_per_d = km_per_s * DAY_S / AU_KM
self.au_per_d = _to_array(au_per_d)
def km_per_s(self):
return self.au_per_d * AU_KM / DAY_S
def AU_per_d(self):
if not Velocity._warned:
print('WARNING: the IAU has renamed the astronomical unit to'
' lowercase "au" so Skyfield will soon remove'
' "AU_per_day" in favor of "au_per_day"',
Velocity._warned = True
return self.au_per_d
def __str__(self):
n = self.au_per_d
fmt = '{0} au/day' if getattr(n, 'shape', 0) else '{0:.6} au/day'
return fmt.format(n)
def __repr__(self):
return '<{0} {1}>'.format(type(self).__name__, self)
def __iter__(self):
cn = self.__class__.__name__
raise UnpackingError(_iter_message.format(
cls=cn, object=cn.lower(), values='xdot, ydot, zdot',
attr1='au_per_d', attr2='km_per_s',
def to(self, unit):
"""Convert this velocity to the given AstroPy unit."""
from astropy.units import au, d
return (self.au_per_d * au / d).to(unit)
_iter_message = """\
cannot directly unpack a {cls} into several values
To unpack a {cls} into three components, you need to ask for its
value in specific units through an attribute or method:
{values} = {object}.{attr1}
{values} = {object}.{attr2}
{values} = {object}.to(astropy_unit)
# Angle units.
_instantiation_instructions = """to instantiate an Angle, try one of:
where `value` can be either a Python float, a list of Python floats,
or a NumPy array of floats"""
class Angle(object):
def __init__(self, angle=None, radians=None, degrees=None, hours=None,
preference=None, signed=False):
if angle is not None:
if not isinstance(angle, Angle):
raise ValueError(_instantiation_instructions)
self.radians = angle.radians
elif radians is not None:
self.radians = _to_array(radians)
elif degrees is not None:
self._degrees = degrees = _to_array(_unsexagesimalize(degrees))
self.radians = degrees / 360.0 * tau
elif hours is not None:
self._hours = hours = _to_array(_unsexagesimalize(hours))
self.radians = hours / 24.0 * tau
self.preference = (preference if preference is not None
else 'hours' if hours is not None
else 'degrees')
self.signed = signed
def from_degrees(cls, degrees, signed=False):
degrees = _to_array(_unsexagesimalize(degrees))
self = cls.__new__(cls)
self.degrees = degrees
self.radians = degrees / 360.0 * tau
self.preference = 'degrees'
self.signed = signed
return self
def _hours(self):
return self.radians * 24.0 / tau
def _degrees(self):
return self.radians * 360.0 / tau
def hours(self):
if self.preference != 'hours':
raise WrongUnitError('hours')
return self._hours
def degrees(self):
if self.preference != 'degrees':
raise WrongUnitError('degrees')
return self._degrees
def arcminutes(self):
"""Return the angle in arcminutes."""
return self._degrees * 60.0
def arcseconds(self):
"""Return the angle in arcseconds."""
return self._degrees * 3600.0
def mas(self):
"""Return the angle in milliarcseconds."""
return self._degrees * 3600000.0
def __str__(self):
if self.radians.size == 0:
return 'Angle []'
return self.dstr() if self.preference == 'degrees' else self.hstr()
def __repr__(self):
if self.radians.size == 0:
return '<{0} []>'.format(type(self).__name__)
return '<{0} {1}>'.format(type(self).__name__, self)
def __iter__(self):
raise ValueError(
'''choose a specific Angle unit to iterate over
Instead of iterating over this Angle object, try iterating over one of
its unit-specific arrays like .degrees, .hours, or .radians, or else over
the output of one of its methods like .hstr(), .dstr(), .arcminutes(),
.arcseconds(), or .mas(). For all of the possibilities see:''')
def hms(self, warn=True):
"""Convert to a tuple (hours, minutes, seconds).
All three quantities will have the same sign as the angle itself.
if warn and self.preference != 'hours':
raise WrongUnitError('hms')
sign, units, minutes, seconds = _sexagesimalize_to_float(self._hours)
return sign * units, sign * minutes, sign * seconds
def signed_hms(self, warn=True):
"""Convert to a tuple (sign, hours, minutes, seconds).
The ``sign`` will be either +1 or -1, and the other quantities
will all be positive.
if warn and self.preference != 'hours':
raise WrongUnitError('signed_hms')
return _sexagesimalize_to_float(self._hours)
def hstr(self, places=2, warn=True):
"""Convert to a string like ``12h 07m 30.00s``."""
if warn and self.preference != 'hours':
raise WrongUnitError('hstr')
if self.radians.size == 0:
return '<Angle []>'
hours = self._hours
shape = getattr(hours, 'shape', ())
if shape and shape != (1,):
return "{0} values from {1} to {2}".format(
_hstr(hours[0], places),
_hstr(hours[-1], places),
return _hstr(hours, places)
def dms(self, warn=True):
"""Convert to a tuple (degrees, minutes, seconds).
All three quantities will have the same sign as the angle itself.
if warn and self.preference != 'degrees':
raise WrongUnitError('dms')
sign, units, minutes, seconds = _sexagesimalize_to_float(self._degrees)
return sign * units, sign * minutes, sign * seconds
def signed_dms(self, warn=True):
"""Convert to a tuple (sign, degrees, minutes, seconds).
The ``sign`` will be either +1 or -1, and the other quantities
will all be positive.
if warn and self.preference != 'degrees':
raise WrongUnitError('signed_dms')
return _sexagesimalize_to_float(self._degrees)
def dstr(self, places=1, warn=True):
"""Convert to a string like ``181deg 52\' 30.0"``."""
if warn and self.preference != 'degrees':
raise WrongUnitError('dstr')
if self.radians.size == 0:
return '<Angle []>'
degrees = self._degrees
signed = self.signed
shape = getattr(degrees, 'shape', ())
if shape and shape != (1,):
return "{0} values from {1} to {2}".format(
_dstr(degrees[0], places, signed),
_dstr(degrees[-1], places, signed),
return _dstr(degrees, places, signed)
def to(self, unit):
"""Convert this angle to the given AstroPy unit."""
from astropy.units import rad
return (self.radians * rad).to(unit)
# Or should this do:
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from astropy.units import rad
return Angle(self.radians, rad).to(unit)
class WrongUnitError(ValueError):
def __init__(self, name):
unit = 'hours' if (name.startswith('h') or '_h' in name) else 'degrees'
usual = 'hours' if (unit == 'degrees') else 'degrees'
message = ('this angle is usually expressed in {0}, not {1};'
' if you want to use {1} anyway,'.format(usual, unit))
if name == unit:
message += ' then please use the attribute _{0}'.format(unit)
message += ' then call {0}() with warn=False'.format(name)
self.args = (message,)
def _sexagesimalize_to_float(value):
"""Decompose `value` into units, minutes, and seconds.
Note that this routine is not appropriate for displaying a value,
because rounding to the smallest digit of display is necessary
before showing a value to the user. Use `_sexagesimalize_to_int()`
for data being displayed to the user.
This routine simply decomposes the floating point `value` into a
sign (+1.0 or -1.0), units, minutes, and seconds, returning the
result in a four-element tuple.
>>> _sexagesimalize_to_float(12.05125)
(1.0, 12.0, 3.0, 4.5)
>>> _sexagesimalize_to_float(-12.05125)
(-1.0, 12.0, 3.0, 4.5)
sign = np.sign(value)
n = abs(value)
minutes, seconds = divmod(n * 3600.0, 60.0)
units, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60.0)
return sign, units, minutes, seconds
def _sexagesimalize_to_int(value, places=0):
"""Decompose `value` into units, minutes, seconds, and second fractions.
This routine prepares a value for sexagesimal display, with its
seconds fraction expressed as an integer with `places` digits. The
result is a tuple of five integers:
``(sign [either +1 or -1], units, minutes, seconds, second_fractions)``
The integers are properly rounded per astronomical convention so
that, for example, given ``places=3`` the result tuple ``(1, 11, 22,
33, 444)`` means that the input was closer to 11u 22' 33.444" than
to either 33.443" or 33.445" in its value.
sign = int(np.sign(value))
value = abs(value)
power = 10 ** places
n = int(7200 * power * value + 1) // 2
n, fraction = divmod(n, power)
n, seconds = divmod(n, 60)
n, minutes = divmod(n, 60)
return sign, n, minutes, seconds, fraction
def _hstr(hours, places=2):
"""Convert floating point `hours` into a sexagesimal string.
>>> _hstr(12.125)
'12h 07m 30.00s'
>>> _hstr(12.125, places=4)
'12h 07m 30.0000s'
>>> _hstr(float('nan'))
if isnan(hours):
return 'nan'
sgn, h, m, s, etc = _sexagesimalize_to_int(hours, places)
sign = '-' if sgn < 0.0 else ''
return '%s%02dh %02dm %02d.%0*ds' % (sign, h, m, s, places, etc)
def _dstr(degrees, places=1, signed=False):
r"""Convert floating point `degrees` into a sexagesimal string.
>>> _dstr(181.875)
'181deg 52\' 30.0"'
>>> _dstr(181.875, places=3)
'181deg 52\' 30.000"'
>>> _dstr(181.875, signed=True)
'+181deg 52\' 30.0"'
>>> _dstr(float('nan'))
if isnan(degrees):
return 'nan'
sgn, d, m, s, etc = _sexagesimalize_to_int(degrees, places)
sign = '-' if sgn < 0.0 else '+' if signed else ''
return '%s%02ddeg %02d\' %02d.%0*d"' % (sign, d, m, s, places, etc)
def _unsexagesimalize(value):
"""Return `value` after interpreting a (units, minutes, seconds) tuple.
When `value` is not a tuple, it is simply returned.
>>> _unsexagesimalize(3.25)
An input tuple is interpreted as units, minutes, and seconds. Note
that only the sign of `units` is significant! So all of the
following tuples convert into exactly the same value:
>>> '%f' % _unsexagesimalize((-1, 2, 3))
>>> '%f' % _unsexagesimalize((-1, -2, 3))
>>> '%f' % _unsexagesimalize((-1, -2, -3))
if isinstance(value, tuple):
components = iter(value)
value = next(components)
factor = 1.0
for component in components:
factor *= 60.0
value += copysign(component, value) / factor
return value
def _interpret_angle(name, angle_object, angle_float, unit='degrees'):
"""Return an angle in radians from one of two arguments.
It is common for Skyfield routines to accept both an argument like
`alt` that takes an Angle object as well as an `alt_degrees` that
can be given a bare float or a sexagesimal tuple. A pair of such
arguments can be passed to this routine for interpretation.
if angle_object is not None:
if isinstance(angle_object, Angle):
return angle_object.radians
elif angle_float is not None:
return _unsexagesimalize(angle_float) / 360.0 * tau
raise ValueError('you must either provide the {0}= parameter with'
' an Angle argument or supply the {0}_{1}= parameter'
' with a numeric argument'.format(name, unit))
def _interpret_ltude(value, name, psuffix, nsuffix):
"""Interpret a string, float, or tuple as a latitude or longitude angle.
`value` - The string to interpret.
`name` - 'latitude' or 'longitude', for use in exception messages.
`positive` - The string that indicates a positive angle ('N' or 'E').
`negative` - The string that indicates a negative angle ('S' or 'W').
if not isinstance(value, str):
return Angle(degrees=_unsexagesimalize(value))
value = value.strip().upper()
if value.endswith(psuffix):
sign = +1.0
elif value.endswith(nsuffix):
sign = -1.0
raise ValueError('your {0} string {1!r} does not end with either {2!r}'
' or {3!r}'.format(name, value, psuffix, nsuffix))
value = float(value[:-1])
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('your {0} string {1!r} cannot be parsed as a floating'
' point number'.format(name, value))
return Angle(degrees=sign * value)