
125 lines
3.9 KiB

import locale
import numpy as np
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from pkgutil import get_data
from threading import Lock
from .timelib import Timescale, julian_date
from io import BytesIO
from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
_lock = Lock()
def _build_builtin_timescale():
b = get_data('skyfield', 'data/')
expiration_date, data = parse_deltat_data(BytesIO(b))
b = get_data('skyfield', 'data/deltat.preds')
expiration_date, preds = parse_deltat_preds(BytesIO(b))
data_end_time = data[0, -1]
i = np.searchsorted(preds[0], data_end_time, side='right')
delta_t_recent = np.concatenate([data, preds[:,i:]], axis=1)
b = get_data('skyfield', 'data/Leap_Second.dat')
expiration_date, arrays = parse_leap_seconds(BytesIO(b))
leap_dates, leap_offsets = arrays
return Timescale(delta_t_recent, leap_dates, leap_offsets)
def parse_deltat_data(fileobj):
"""Parse the United States Naval Observatory ```` file.
Each line file gives the date and the value of Delta T::
2016 2 1 68.1577
This function returns a 2xN array of raw Julian dates and matching
Delta T values.
array = np.loadtxt(fileobj)
year, month, day = array[-1,:3].astype(int)
expiration_date = date(year + 1, month, day)
year, month, day, delta_t = array.T
data = np.array((julian_date(year, month, day), delta_t))
return expiration_date, data
def parse_deltat_preds(fileobj):
"""Parse the United States Naval Observatory ``deltat.preds`` file.
The old format supplies a floating point year, the value of Delta T,
and one or two other fields::
2015.75 67.97 0.210 0.02
The new format adds a modified Julian day as the first field:
58484.000 2019.00 69.34 -0.152 0.117
This function returns a 2xN array of raw Julian dates and matching
Delta T values.
lines = iter(fileobj)
header = next(lines)
if header.startswith(b'YEAR'):
# Format in use until 2019 February
next(lines) # discard blank line
year_float, delta_t = np.loadtxt(lines, usecols=[0, 1]).T
# Format in use since 2019 February
year_float, delta_t = np.loadtxt(lines, usecols=[1, 2]).T
year = year_float.astype(int)
month = 1 + (year_float * 12.0).astype(int) % 12
expiration_date = date(year[0] + 2, month[0], 1)
data = np.array((julian_date(year, month, 1), delta_t))
return expiration_date, data
def parse_leap_seconds(fileobj):
"""Parse the IERS file ``Leap_Second.dat``.
The leap dates array can be searched with::
index = np.searchsorted(leap_dates, jd, 'right')
The resulting index allows (TAI - UTC) to be fetched with::
offset = leap_offsets[index]
lines = iter(fileobj)
for line in lines:
if line.startswith(b'# File expires on'):
raise ValueError('Leap_Second.dat is missing its expiration date')
line = line.decode('ascii')
with _lock:
original_locale = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL)
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')
dt = datetime.strptime(line, '# File expires on %d %B %Y\n')
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, original_locale)
# The file went out of date at the beginning of July 2016, and kept
# downloading every time a user ran a Skyfield program. So we now
# build in a grace period:
grace_period = timedelta(days=30)
expiration_date = + grace_period
mjd, day, month, year, offsets = np.loadtxt(lines).T
leap_dates = np.ndarray(len(mjd) + 2)
leap_dates[0] = '-inf'
leap_dates[1:-1] = mjd + 2400000.5
leap_dates[-1] = 'inf'
leap_offsets = np.ndarray(len(mjd) + 2)
leap_offsets[0] = leap_offsets[1] = offsets[0]
leap_offsets[2:] = offsets
return expiration_date, (leap_dates, leap_offsets)