
145 lines
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"""Basic operations that are needed repeatedly throughout Skyfield."""
from numpy import (
arcsin, arctan2, array, cos, einsum, float_, load, rollaxis, sin, sqrt
from pkgutil import get_data
from skyfield.constants import tau
def dots(v, u):
"""Given one or more vectors in `v` and `u`, return their dot products.
This works whether `v` and `u` each have the shape ``(3,)``, or
whether they are each whole arrays of corresponding x, y, and z
coordinates and have shape ``(3, N)``.
return (v * u).sum(axis=0)
def _T(M):
"""Swap the first two dimensions of an array."""
return rollaxis(M, 1)
def mxv(M, v):
"""Matrix times vector: multiply an NxN matrix by a vector."""
return einsum('ij...,j...->i...', M, v)
def mxm(M1, M2):
"""Matrix times matrix: multiply two NxN matrices."""
return einsum('ij...,jk...->ik...', M1, M2)
def mxmxm(M1, M2, M3):
"""Matrix times matrix times matrix: multiply 3 NxN matrices together."""
return einsum('ij...,jk...,kl...->il...', M1, M2, M3)
_mxv, _mxm, _mxmxm = mxv, mxm, mxmxm # In case anyone imported old name
def length_of(xyz):
"""Given a 3-element array `[x y z]`, return its length.
The three elements can be simple scalars, or the array can be two
dimensions and offer three whole series of x, y, and z coordinates.
return sqrt((xyz * xyz).sum(axis=0))
def angle_between(u, v):
"""Given two vectors `v` and `u`, return the radian angle separating them.
This works whether `v` and `u` each have the shape ``(3,)``, or
whether they are each whole arrays of corresponding x, y, and z
coordinates with shape ``(3, N)``. The returned angle will be
between 0 and tau/2.
This formula is from Section 12 of:
a = u * length_of(v)
b = v * length_of(u)
return 2.0 * arctan2(length_of(a - b), length_of(a + b))
def to_spherical(xyz):
"""Convert ``[x y z]`` to spherical coordinates ``(r, theta, phi)``.
``r`` - vector length
``theta`` - angle above (+) or below (-) the xy-plane
``phi`` - angle around the z-axis
Note that ``theta`` is an elevation angle measured up and down from
the xy-plane, not a polar angle measured from the z-axis, to match
the convention for both latitude and declination.
r = length_of(xyz)
x, y, z = xyz
theta = arcsin(z / r)
phi = arctan2(y, x) % tau
return r, theta, phi
def from_spherical(r, theta, phi):
"""Convert ``(r, theta, phi)`` to Cartesian coordinates ``[x y z]``.
``r`` - vector length
``theta`` - angle in radians above (+) or below (-) the xy-plane
``phi`` - angle in radians around the z-axis
Note that ``theta`` is an elevation angle measured up and down from
the xy-plane, not a polar angle measured from the z-axis, to match
the convention for both latitude and declination.
rxy = r * cos(theta)
return array((rxy * cos(phi), rxy * sin(phi), r * sin(theta)))
# Support users who might have imported these under their old names.
# I'm not sure why I called what are clearly spherical coordinates "polar".
to_polar = to_spherical
from_polar = from_spherical
def rot_x(theta):
c = cos(theta)
s = sin(theta)
zero = theta * 0.0
one = zero + 1.0
return array(((one, zero, zero), (zero, c, -s), (zero, s, c)))
def rot_y(theta):
c = cos(theta)
s = sin(theta)
zero = theta * 0.0
one = zero + 1.0
return array(((c, zero, s), (zero, one, zero), (-s, zero, c)))
def rot_z(theta):
c = cos(theta)
s = sin(theta)
zero = theta * 0.0
one = zero + 1.0
return array(((c, -s, zero), (s, c, zero), (zero, zero, one)))
def _to_array(value):
"""Convert plain Python sequences into NumPy arrays.
This helps Skyfield endpoints convert caller-provided tuples and
lists into NumPy arrays. If the ``value`` is not a sequence, then
it is coerced to a Numpy float object, but not an actual array.
if hasattr(value, 'shape'):
return value
elif hasattr(value, '__len__'):
return array(value)
return float_(value)
from io import BytesIO
from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
def load_bundled_npy(filename):
"""Load a binary NumPy array file that is bundled with Skyfield."""
data = get_data('skyfield', 'data/{0}'.format(filename))
return load(BytesIO(data))