
441 lines
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"""Computation of osculating elements that matches NASA HORIZONS."""
from .functions import dots, length_of, angle_between
from .constants import DAY_S, tau
from .data.gravitational_parameters import GM_dict
from .units import Distance, Angle, Velocity
from .descriptorlib import reify
from numpy import (array, arctan2, sin, arctan, tan, inf, repeat, float64,
sinh, sqrt, arccos, arctanh, zeros_like, ones_like, divide,
where, pi, cross)
def osculating_elements_of(position, reference_frame=None):
"""Produce the osculating orbital elements for a position.
The ``position`` should be an :class:`~skyfield.positionlib.ICRF`
instance like that returned by the ``at()`` method of any Solar
System body, specifying a position, a velocity, and a time. An
instance of :class:`~skyfield.elementslib.OsculatingElements` is
mu = GM_dict.get(, 0) + GM_dict.get(, 0)
if reference_frame is not None:
position_vec = Distance(
velocity_vec = Velocity(
position_vec = position.position
velocity_vec = position.velocity
return OsculatingElements(position_vec,
class OsculatingElements(object):
"""One or more sets of osculating orbital elements.
An ``OsculatingElements`` object can be initialized with the
following parameters:
position : Distance object
Position vector with shape (3,) or (3, n)
velocity : Velocity object
Velocity vector with shape (3,) or (3, n)
time: Time object
The times of the position and velocity vectors
mu_km_s: float
Gravitational parameter (G*M) in units of km^3/s^2
def __init__(self, position, velocity, time, mu_km_s):
if mu_km_s <= 0:
raise ValueError('`mu_km_s` (the standard gravitational parameter '
'in km^3/s^2) must be positive and non-zero')
self._pos_vec =
self._vel_vec = velocity.km_per_s
self.time = time
self._mu = mu_km_s
self._h_vec = cross(self._pos_vec, self._vel_vec, 0, 0).T
self._e_vec = eccentricity_vector(self._pos_vec, self._vel_vec, self._mu)
self._n_vec = node_vector(self._h_vec)
def apoapsis_distance(self):
Q = apoapsis_distance(, self.eccentricity)
return Distance(km=Q)
def argument_of_latitude(self):
w = self.argument_of_periapsis.radians
v = self.true_anomaly.radians
u = (w+v)%tau
return Angle(radians=u)
def argument_of_periapsis(self):
w = argument_of_periapsis(self._n_vec, self._e_vec, self._pos_vec, self._vel_vec)
return Angle(radians=w)
def eccentric_anomaly(self):
E = eccentric_anomaly(self.true_anomaly.radians,
return Angle(radians=E)
def eccentricity(self):
return length_of(self._e_vec)
def inclination(self):
i = inclination(self._h_vec)
return Angle(radians=i)
def longitude_of_ascending_node(self):
Om = longitude_of_ascending_node(self.inclination.radians, self._h_vec)
return Angle(radians=Om)
def longitude_of_periapsis(self):
Om = self.longitude_of_ascending_node.radians
w = self.argument_of_periapsis.radians
lp = (Om + w)%tau
return Angle(radians=lp)
def mean_anomaly(self):
M = mean_anomaly(self.eccentric_anomaly.radians, self.eccentricity)
return Angle(radians=M)
def mean_longitude(self):
L = (self.longitude_of_ascending_node.radians
+ self.argument_of_periapsis.radians
+ self.mean_anomaly.radians)%tau
return Angle(radians=L)
def mean_motion_per_day(self):
n = mean_motion(,
return Angle(radians=n*DAY_S)
def periapsis_distance(self):
q = periapsis_distance(, self.eccentricity)
return Distance(km=q)
def periapsis_time(self):
M = mean_anomaly(self.eccentric_anomaly.radians, self.eccentricity, shift=False)
tp = time_since_periapsis(M,
ts = self.time.ts
times = self.time.tdb - tp/DAY_S
return ts.tdb(jd=times)
def period_in_days(self):
P = period(, self._mu)
return P/DAY_S
def semi_latus_rectum(self):
p = semi_latus_rectum(self._h_vec, self._mu)
return Distance(km=p)
def semi_major_axis(self):
a = semi_major_axis(, self.eccentricity)
return Distance(km=a)
def semi_minor_axis(self):
b = semi_minor_axis(, self.eccentricity)
return Distance(km=b)
def true_anomaly(self):
v = true_anomaly(self._e_vec, self._pos_vec, self._vel_vec, self._n_vec)
return Angle(radians=v)
def true_longitude(self):
Om = self.longitude_of_ascending_node.radians
w = self.argument_of_periapsis.radians
v = self.true_anomaly.radians
l = (Om + w + v)%tau
return Angle(radians=l)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Elements {0} sets>'.format(
# a = semi-major axis
# b = semi-minor axis
# e = eccentricity
# E = eccentric anomaly
# h = specific angular momentum
# i = inclination
# l = true longitude
# L = mean longitude
# M = mean anomaly
# n = mean motion
# Om = longitude of ascending node
# p = semi-latus rectum
# P = period
# q = periapsis distance
# Q = apoapsis distance
# t = time
# u = argument of latitude
# v = true anomaly
# w = argument of periapsis
# lp = longitude of periapsis
# Sources:
# Mostly this book:
# Bate, Mueller, & White. Fundamentals of Astrodynamics (1971), Section 2.4, pgs. 61-64
# Also these sites:
def normpi(num):
return (num + pi)%tau - pi
def apoapsis_distance(p, e):
if p.ndim == 0:
return p*(1+e)/(1-e**2) if e < 1 else float64(inf)
return divide(p*(1+e), 1-e**2, out=repeat(inf, p.shape), where=e<(1-1e-15))
def argument_of_periapsis(n_vec, e_vec, pos_vec, vel_vec):
if n_vec.ndim == 1:
if length_of(e_vec) < 1e-15: # circular
return 0
elif length_of(n_vec) < 1e-15: # equatorial and not circular
angle = arctan2(e_vec[1], e_vec[0])%tau
return angle if cross(pos_vec, vel_vec, 0, 0).T[2] >= 0 else -angle%tau
else: # not circular and not equatorial
angle = angle_between(n_vec, e_vec)
return angle if e_vec[2] > 0 else -angle%tau
w = zeros_like(pos_vec[0]) # defaults to 0 for circular orbits
equatorial = length_of(n_vec) < 1e-15
circular = length_of(e_vec) < 1e-15
inds = ~circular*equatorial
angle = arctan2(e_vec[1][inds], e_vec[0][inds])%tau
condition = cross(pos_vec[:, inds], vel_vec[:, inds], 0, 0).T[2] >= 0
w[inds] = where(condition, angle, -angle%tau)
inds = ~circular*~equatorial
angle = angle_between(n_vec[:, inds], e_vec[:, inds])
condition = e_vec[2][inds] > 0
w[inds] = where(condition, angle, -angle%tau)
return w
def eccentric_anomaly(v, e, p):
if e.ndim == 0:
if e < 1:
return 2*arctan(sqrt((1-e)/(1+e)) * tan(v/2))
elif e > 1:
return normpi(2*arctanh(tan(v/2)/sqrt((e+1)/(e-1))))
return 0
E = zeros_like(e) # defaults to 0 for parabolic
inds = (e<1) # elliptical
E[inds] = 2*arctan(sqrt((1-e[inds])/(1+e[inds])) * tan(v[inds]/2))
inds = (e>1) # hyperbolic
E[inds] = normpi(2*arctanh(tan(v[inds]/2)/sqrt((e[inds]+1)/(e[inds]-1))))
return E
def eccentricity(h, a, mu):
condition = (h**2/(a*mu) <= 1)
if h.ndim == 0:
return sqrt(1 - h**2/(a*mu)) if condition else float64(0)
return sqrt(1 - h**2/(a*mu), out=zeros_like(h), where=condition)
def eccentricity_vector(pos_vec, vel_vec, mu):
r = length_of(pos_vec)
v = length_of(vel_vec)
return ((v**2 - mu/r)*pos_vec - dots(pos_vec, vel_vec)*vel_vec)/mu
def inclination(h_vec):
k_vec = array([zeros_like(h_vec[0]), zeros_like(h_vec[0]), ones_like(h_vec[0])])
return angle_between(h_vec, k_vec)
def longitude_of_ascending_node(i, h_vec):
if i.ndim == 0:
return arctan2(h_vec[0], -h_vec[1])%tau if i != 0 else float64(0)
return arctan2(h_vec[0], -h_vec[1], out=zeros_like(i), where=i!=0)%tau
def mean_anomaly(E, e, shift=True):
if e.ndim == 0:
if e < 1:
return (E - e*sin(E))%tau
elif e > 1:
M = e*sinh(E) - E
return normpi(M) if shift else M
return float64(0)
M = zeros_like(e) # defaults to 0 for parabolic
inds = (e<1) # elliptical
M[inds] = (E[inds] - e[inds]*sin(E[inds]))%tau
inds = (e>1) # hyperbolic
if shift:
M[inds] = normpi(e[inds]*sinh(E[inds]) - E[inds])
M[inds] = e[inds]*sinh(E[inds]) - E[inds]
return M
def mean_motion(a, mu):
return sqrt(mu/abs(a)**3)
def node_vector(h_vec):
n_vec = array([-h_vec[1], h_vec[0], zeros_like(h_vec[0])]) # h_vec cross [0, 0, 1]
n = length_of(n_vec)
if h_vec.ndim == 1:
return n_vec/n if n!=0 else n_vec
return divide(n_vec, n, out=n_vec, where=n!=0)
def periapsis_distance(p, e):
if p.ndim == 0:
return p*(1-e) / (1-e**2) if e!=1 else p/2
return divide(p*(1-e), (1-e**2), out=p/2, where=e!=1)
def period(a, mu):
if a.ndim == 0:
return tau*sqrt(a**3/mu) if a>0 else float64(inf)
return tau*sqrt(a**3/mu, out=repeat(inf, a.shape), where=a>0)
def semi_latus_rectum(h_vec, mu):
return length_of(h_vec)**2/mu
def semi_major_axis(p, e):
if p.ndim == 0:
return p/(1 - e**2) if e!=1 else float64(inf)
return divide(p, 1 - e**2, out=repeat(inf, p.shape), where=e!=1)
def semi_minor_axis(p, e):
if e.ndim == 0:
if e < 1:
return p/sqrt(1 - e**2)
elif e > 1:
return p*sqrt(e**2 - 1) / (1 - e**2)
return float64(0)
b = zeros_like(e) # defaults to 0 for parabolic
inds = (e<1) # elliptical
b[inds] = p[inds]/sqrt(1 - e[inds]**2)
inds = (e>1) # hyperbolic
b[inds] = p[inds]*sqrt(e[inds]**2 - 1) / (1 - e[inds]**2)
return b
def time_since_periapsis(M, n, v, p, mu):
if p.ndim == 0:
if n>1e-19: # non-parabolic
return M/n
else: # parabolic
D = tan(v/2)
return sqrt(2*(p/2)**3/mu)*(D + D**3/3)
parabolic = n<1e-19
t = divide(M, n, out=zeros_like(p), where=~parabolic)
D = tan(v[parabolic]/2)
t[parabolic] = sqrt(2*(p[parabolic]/2)**3/mu)*(D + D**3/3)
return t
def true_anomaly(e_vec, pos_vec, vel_vec, n_vec):
if pos_vec.ndim == 1:
if length_of(e_vec) > 1e-15: # not circular
angle = angle_between(e_vec, pos_vec)
v = angle if dots(pos_vec, vel_vec) > 0 else -angle%tau
elif length_of(n_vec) < 1e-15: # circular and equatorial
angle = arccos(pos_vec[0]/length_of(pos_vec))
v = angle if vel_vec[0] < 0 else -angle%tau
else: # circular and not equatorial
angle = angle_between(n_vec, pos_vec)
v = angle if pos_vec[2] >= 0 else -angle%tau
return v if length_of(e_vec)<(1-1e-15) else normpi(v)
v = zeros_like(pos_vec[0])
circular = (length_of(e_vec)<1e-15)
equatorial = (length_of(n_vec)<1e-15)
inds = ~circular
angle = angle_between(e_vec[:, inds], pos_vec[:, inds])
condition = (dots(pos_vec[:, inds], vel_vec[:, inds]) > 0)
v[inds] = where(condition, angle, -angle%tau)
inds = circular*equatorial
angle = arccos(pos_vec[0][inds]/length_of(pos_vec)[inds])
condition = vel_vec[0][inds] < 0
v[inds] = where(condition, angle, -angle%tau)
inds = circular*~equatorial
angle = angle_between(n_vec[:, inds], pos_vec[:, inds])
condition = pos_vec[2][inds] >= 0
v[inds] = where(condition, angle, -angle%tau)
inds = length_of(e_vec)>(1-1e-15)
v[inds] = normpi(v[inds])
return v