
174 lines
5.0 KiB

# !/usr/bin/python3
import argparse
from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from os.path import join, exists
import shutil
from urllib.request import urlopen
from skyfield_data import get_skyfield_data_path
JPL = ""
USNO = ""
IERS = ""
def deltat_data_expiration(fileobj):
"""Return the expiration date for the USNO ```` file.
Each line file gives the date and the value of Delta T::
2016 2 1 68.1577
line = None
for line in fileobj.readlines():
# `line` is the last line
if not line: # No line, error...
array = line.strip().split()
# We'll only keep the year / month / day
array = array[:3]
array = map(int, array)
year, month, day = array
# By convention, the file expires at year+1
return date(year + 1, month, day)
def deltat_preds_expiration(fileobj):
Return the expiration date for the USNO ``deltat.preds`` file.
The old format supplies a floating point year, the value of Delta T,
and one or two other fields::
2015.75 67.97 0.210 0.02
The new format adds a modified Julian day as the first field:
58484.000 2019.00 69.34 -0.152 0.117
lines = iter(fileobj)
header = next(lines)
if header.startswith(b'YEAR'):
# Format in use until 2019 February
next(lines) # discard blank line
line = next(lines)
year_float = float(line.strip().split().pop())
# Format in use since 2019 February
line = next(lines)
array = line.strip().split()
year_float = float(array[1])
year = int(year_float)
month = 1 + int(year_float * 12.0) % 12
expiration_date = date(year + 2, month, 1)
return expiration_date
def leap_seconds_expiration(fileobj):
Return the expiration date for the IERS file ``Leap_Second.dat``.
lines = iter(fileobj)
for line in lines:
if line.startswith(b'# File expires on'):
raise ValueError('Leap_Second.dat is missing its expiration date')
line = line.decode('ascii')
dt = datetime.strptime(line, '# File expires on %d %B %Y\n')
# The file went out of date at the beginning of July 2016, and kept
# downloading every time a user ran a Skyfield program. So we now
# build in a grace period:
grace_period = timedelta(days=30)
expiration_date = + grace_period
return expiration_date
def download(url, target):
"Download (binary) ``url`` and save it to ``target``."
print("URL: {}".format(url))
with urlopen(url) as response:
with open(target, "wb") as fd:
shutil.copyfileobj(response, fd)
def check_should_i_download(target, params):
Check if I should download the target file or not.
should_i_download = True
reason = None
if exists(target):
# Search if the file has expired
expiration_func = params.get("expiration_func")
if expiration_func:
with open(target, 'rb') as fd:
expiration_date = expiration_func(fd)
if <= expiration_date:
should_i_download = False
reason = 'file will expire at {}'.format(expiration_date)
reason = "expiration date: {}".format(expiration_date)
should_i_download = False
reason = "file already exists, no expiration function"
reason = "file not here"
return should_i_download, reason
def main(args):
items = {
"de421.bsp": {"server": JPL},
"": {
"server": USNO,
"expiration_func": deltat_data_expiration
"deltat.preds": {
"server": USNO,
"expiration_func": deltat_preds_expiration
"Leap_Second.dat": {
"server": IERS,
"expiration_func": leap_seconds_expiration
for filename, params in items.items():
server = params["server"]
url = "{}/{}".format(server, filename)
target = join(get_skyfield_data_path(), filename)
if args.force:
should_i_download, reason = True, "Forced download"
should_i_download, reason = check_should_i_download(
target, params
if should_i_download:
print("Downloading {} ({})".format(filename, reason))
download(url, target)
print("Skipping {} ({})".format(filename, reason))
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Download Skyfield files")
'--force', action="store_true", default=False,
help="Force download, ignore expiration date or presence on disk."
args = parser.parse_args()