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<title>Running the Quixote Demos</title>
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<div class="document" id="running-the-quixote-demos">
<h1 class="title">Running the Quixote Demos</h1>
<p>Quixote comes with some demonstration applications in the demo directory.
After quixote is installed (see INSTALL.txt for instructions),
you can run the demos using the scripts located in the server directory.</p>
<p>Each server script is written for a specific method of connecting a
quixote publisher to a web server, and you will ultimately want to
choose the one that matches your needs. More information about the
different server scripts may be found in the scripts themselves and in
web-server.txt. To start, though, the easiest way to view the demos
is as follows: in a terminal window, run server/, and
in a browser, open <a class="reference" href="http://localhost:8080">http://localhost:8080</a>.</p>
<p>The script prints a usage message if you run it with
a '--help' command line argument. You can run different demos by
using the '--factory' option to identify a callable that creates the
publisher you want to use. In particular, you might try these demos:</p>
<blockquote> --factory quixote.demo.mini_demo.create_publisher</blockquote>
<blockquote> --factory quixote.demo.altdemo.create_publisher</blockquote>
<div class="section" id="understanding-the-mini-demo">
<h1><a name="understanding-the-mini-demo">Understanding the mini_demo</a></h1>
<dt>Start the mini demo by running the command:</dt>
<dd> --factory quixote.demo.mini_demo.create_publisher</dd>
<p>In a browser, load <a class="reference" href="http://localhost:8080">http://localhost:8080</a>. In your browser, you should
see &quot;Welcome ...&quot; page. In your terminal window, you will see a
&quot;localhost - - ...&quot; line for each request. These are access log
messages from the web server.</p>
<p>Look at the source code in demo/ Near the bottom you
will find the create_publisher() function. The create_publisher()
function creates a Publisher instance whose root directory is an
instance of the RootDirectory class defined just above. When a
request arrives, the Publisher calls the _q_traverse() method on the
root directory. In this case, the RootDirectory is using the standard
_q_traverse() implementation, inherited from Directory.</p>
<p>Look, preferably in another window, at the source code for
_q_traverse() in The path argument provided to
_q_traverse() is a list of string components of the path part of the
URL, obtained by splitting the request location at each '/' and
dropping the first element (which is always '') For example, if the
path part of the URL is '/', the path argument to _q_traverse() is
['']. If the path part of the URL is '/a', the path argument to
_q_traverse() is ['a']. If the path part of the URL is '/a/', the
path argument to _q_traverse() is ['a', ''].</p>
<p>Looking at the code of _q_traverse(), observe that it starts by
splitting off the first component of the path and calling
_q_translate() to see if there is a designated attribute name
corresponding to this component. For the '/' page, the component is
'', and _q_translate() returns the attribute name '_q_index'. The
_q_traverse() function goes on to lookup the _q_index method and
return the result of calling it.</p>
<p>Looking back at, you can see that the RootDirectory class
includes a _q_index() method, and this method does return the HTML for
<a class="reference" href="http://localhost:8080/">http://localhost:8080/</a></p>
<p>As mentioned above, the _q_translate() identifies a &quot;designated&quot;
attribute name for a given component. The default implementation uses
self._q_exports to define this designation. In particular, if the
component is in self._q_exports, then it is returned as the attribute
name, except in the special case of '', which is translated to the
special attribute name '_q_index'.</p>
<p>When you click on the link on the top page, you get
<a class="reference" href="http://localhost:8080/hello">http://localhost:8080/hello</a>. In this case, the path argument to the
_q_traverse() call is ['hello'], and the return value is the result of
calling the hello() method.</p>
<p>Feeling bold? (Just kidding, this won't hurt at all.) Try opening
<a class="reference" href="http://localhost:8080/bogus">http://localhost:8080/bogus</a>. This is what happens when _q_traverse()
raises a TraversalError. A TraversalError is no big deal, but how
does quixote handle more exceptional exceptions? To see, you can
introduce one by editing Try inserting the line &quot;raise
'ouch'&quot; into the hello() method. Kill the demo server (Control-c) and
start a new one with the same command as before. Now load the
<a class="reference" href="http://localhost:8080/hello">http://localhost:8080/hello</a> page. You should see a plain text python
traceback followed by some information extracted from the HTTP
request. This information is always printed to the error log on an
exception. Here, it is also displayed in the browser because the
create_publisher() function made a publisher using the 'plain' value
for the display_exceptions keyword argument. If you omit that keyword
argument from the Publisher constructor, the browser will get an
&quot;Internal Server Error&quot; message instead of the full traceback. If you
provide the value 'html', the browser displays a prettier version of
the traceback.</p>
<p>One more thing to try here. Replace your 'raise &quot;ouch&quot;' line in the hello() method with 'print &quot;ouch&quot;'. If you restart the server and load the /hello page,
you will see that print statements go the the error log (in this case, your
terminal window). This can be useful.</p>
<div class="section" id="understanding-the-root-demo">
<h1><a name="understanding-the-root-demo">Understanding the root demo</a></h1>
<dt>Start the root demo by running the command:</dt>
<dd> --factory quixote.demo.create_publisher</dd>
<p>In a browser, open <a class="reference" href="http://localhost:8080">http://localhost:8080</a> as before.
Click around at will.</p>
<p>This is the default demo, but it is more complicated than the
mini_demo described above. The create_publisher() function in creates a publisher whose root directory is
an instance of quixote.demo.root.RootDirectory. Note that the source
code is a file named &quot;root.ptl&quot;. The suffix of &quot;ptl&quot; indicates that
it is a PTL file, and the import must follow a call to
quixote.enable_ptl() or else the source file will not be found or
compiled. The file takes care of that.</p>
<p>Take a look at the source code in root.ptl. You will see code that
looks like regular python, except that some function definitions have
&quot;[html]&quot; between the function name and the parameter list. These
functions are ptl templates. For details about PTL, see the PTL.txt
<p>This RootDirectory class is similar to the one in, in
that it has a _q_index() method and '' appears in the _q_exports list.
One new feature here is the presence of a tuple in the _q_exports
list. Most of the time, the elements of the _q_exports lists are just
strings that name attributes that should be available as URL
components. This pattern does not work, however, when the particular
URL component you want to use includes characters (like '.') that
can't appear in Python attribute names. To work around these cases,
the _q_exports list may contain tuples such as (&quot;favicon.ico&quot;,
&quot;favicon_ico&quot;) to designate &quot;favicon_ico&quot; as the attribute name
corresponding the the &quot;favicon.ico&quot; URL component.</p>
<p>Looking at the RootDirectoryMethods, including plain(), css() and
favon_ico(), you will see examples where, in addition to returning a
string containing the body of the HTTP response, the function also
makes side-effect modifications to the response object itself, to set
the content type and the expiration time for the response.
Most of the time, these direct modifications to the response are
not needed. When they are, though, the get_response() function
gives you direct access to the response instance.</p>
<p>The RootDirectory here also sets an 'extras' attribute to be an
instance of ExtraDirectory, imported from the quixote.demo.extras
module. Note that 'extras' also appears in the _q_exports list. This
is the ordinary way to extend your URL space through another '/'.
For example, the URL path '/extras/' will result in a call to
the ExtraDirectory instance's _q_index() method.</p>
<div class="section" id="the-q-lookup-method">
<h1><a name="the-q-lookup-method">The _q_lookup() method</a></h1>
<p>Now take a look at the ExtraDirectory class in extras.ptl. This class
exhibits some more advanced publishing features. If you look back at
the default _q_traverse() implementation (in, you will
see that the _q_traverse does not give up if _q_translate() returns
None, indicating that the path component has no designated
corresponding attribute name. In this case, _q_traverse() tries
calling self._q_lookup() to see if the object of interest can be found
in a different way. Note that _q_lookup() takes the component as an
argument and must return either (if there is more path to traverse) a
Directory instance, or else (if the component is the last in the path)
a callable or a string.</p>
<p>In this particular case, the ExtrasDirectory._q_lookup() call returns
an instance of IntegerUI (a subclass of Directory). The interest
here, unlike the ExtrasDirectory() instance itself, is created
on-the-fly during the traversal, especially for this particular
component. Try loading <a class="reference" href="http://localhost:8080/extras/12/">http://localhost:8080/extras/12/</a> to see how
this behaves.</p>
<p>Note that the correct URL to get to the IntegerUI(12)._q_index() call
ends with a '/'. This can sometimes be confusing to people who expect
<a class="reference" href="http://localhost:8080/extras/12">http://localhost:8080/extras/12</a> to yield the same page as
<a class="reference" href="http://localhost:8080/extras/12/">http://localhost:8080/extras/12/</a>. If given the path ['extras', '12'],
the default _q_traverse() ends up <em>calling</em> the instance of IntegerUI.
The Directory.__call__() (see determines the result: if
no form values were submitted and adding a slash would produce a page,
the call returns the result of calling quixote.redirect(). The
redirect() call here causes the server to issue a permanent redirect
response to the path with the slash added. When this automatic
redirect is used, a message is printed to the error log. If the
conditions for a redirect are not met, the call falls back to raising
a TraversalError. [Note, if you don't like this redirect behavior,
override, replace, or delete Directory.__call__]</p>
<p>The _q_lookup() pattern is useful when you want to allow URL
components that you either don't know or don't want to list in
_q_exports ahead of time.</p>
<div class="section" id="the-q-resolve-method">
<h1><a name="the-q-resolve-method">The _q_resolve() method</a></h1>
<p>Note that the ExtraDirectory class inherits from Resolving (in
addition to Directory). The Resolving mixin modifies the
_q_traverse() so that, when a component has an attribute name
designated by _q_translate(), but the Directory instance does not
actually <em>have</em> that attribute, the _q_resolve() method is called to
&quot;resolve&quot; the trouble. Typically, the _q_resolve() imports or
constructs what <em>should</em> be the value of the designated attribute.
The modified _q_translate() sets the attribute value so that the
_q_resolve() won't be called again for the same attribute. The
_q_resolve() pattern is useful when you want to delay the work of
constructing the values for exported attributes.</p>
<div class="section" id="forms">
<h1><a name="forms">Forms</a></h1>
<p>You can't get very far writing web applications without writing forms.
The root demo includes, at <a class="reference" href="http://localhost:8080/extras/form">http://localhost:8080/extras/form</a>, a page
that demonstrates basic usage of the Form class and widgets defined in
the quixote.form package.</p>