
78 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# from setuptools import setup
#except ImportError:
# print('(WARNING: importing distutils, not setuptools!)')
# from distutils.core import setup
# Setup script for Quixote
import sys
if sys.version_info < (3,4,0):
raise SystemExit("You need python 3.4.0 or later to run this script")
from distutils import core
from distutils.extension import Extension
from quixote.ptl.qx_distutils import qx_build_py
from quixote import __version__
# a fast htmltext type
htmltext = Extension(name="quixote.html._c_htmltext",
# faster import hook for PTL modules
cimport = Extension(name="quixote.ptl.cimport",
kw = {'name': "Quixote",
'version': __version__,
'description': "A small and flexible Python Web application framework",
'author': "The Quixote developers",
'author_email': "",
'url': "",
'license': "DFSG approved (see LICENSE.txt)",
'package_dir': {'quixote': 'quixote'},
'packages': ['quixote', 'quixote.demo', 'quixote.form',
'quixote.html', 'quixote.ptl',
'ext_modules': [],
'cmdclass': {'build_py': qx_build_py},
# 'test_suite' : 'nose.collector'
build_extensions = sys.platform != 'win32'
if build_extensions:
# The _c_htmltext module requires Python 2.2 features.
if sys.hexversion >= 0x20200a1:
# If we're running Python 2.3, add extra information
if hasattr(core, 'setup_keywords'):
if 'classifiers' in core.setup_keywords:
kw['classifiers'] = ['Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
'Environment :: Web Environment',
'License :: DFSG approved',
'Intended Audience :: Developers',
'Operating System :: Unix',
'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows',
'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X',
'Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content',
if 'download_url' in core.setup_keywords:
kw['download_url'] = (''
'Quixote-%s.tar.gz' % kw['version'])
if 'url' in core.setup_keywords:
kw['url'] = ''
if 'platforms' in core.setup_keywords:
kw['platforms'] = 'Most'