
997 lines
32 KiB

import pytest
from whoosh import analysis, fields, query
from whoosh.compat import u, text_type
from whoosh.qparser import default
from whoosh.qparser import plugins
def test_whitespace():
p = default.QueryParser("t", None, [plugins.WhitespacePlugin()])
assert repr(p.tag("hello there amiga")) == "<AndGroup <None:'hello'>, < >, <None:'there'>, < >, <None:'amiga'>>"
def test_singlequotes():
p = default.QueryParser("t", None, [plugins.WhitespacePlugin(),
assert repr(p.process("a 'b c' d")) == "<AndGroup <None:'a'>, <None:'b c'>, <None:'d'>>"
def test_prefix():
p = default.QueryParser("t", None, [plugins.WhitespacePlugin(),
assert repr(p.process("a b* c")) == "<AndGroup <None:'a'>, <None:'b'*>, <None:'c'>>"
def test_range():
p = default.QueryParser("t", None, [plugins.WhitespacePlugin(),
ns = p.tag("a [b to c} d")
assert repr(ns) == "<AndGroup <None:'a'>, < >, <None:['b' 'c'}>, < >, <None:'d'>>"
assert repr(p.process("a {b to]")) == "<AndGroup <None:'a'>, <None:{'b' None]>>"
assert repr(p.process("[to c] d")) == "<AndGroup <None:[None 'c']>, <None:'d'>>"
assert repr(p.process("[to]")) == "<AndGroup <None:[None None]>>"
def test_sq_range():
p = default.QueryParser("t", None, [plugins.WhitespacePlugin(),
assert repr(p.process("['a b' to ']']")) == "<AndGroup <None:['a b' ']']>>"
def test_phrase():
p = default.QueryParser("t", None, [plugins.WhitespacePlugin(),
assert repr(p.process('a "b c"')) == "<AndGroup <None:'a'>, <None:PhraseNode 'b c'~1>>"
assert repr(p.process('"b c" d')) == "<AndGroup <None:PhraseNode 'b c'~1>, <None:'d'>>"
assert repr(p.process('"b c"')) == "<AndGroup <None:PhraseNode 'b c'~1>>"
q = p.parse('alfa "bravo charlie"~2 delta')
assert q[1].__class__ == query.Phrase
assert q[1].words == ["bravo", "charlie"]
assert q[1].slop == 2
def test_groups():
p = default.QueryParser("t", None, [plugins.WhitespacePlugin(),
ns = p.process("a ((b c) d) e")
assert repr(ns) == "<AndGroup <None:'a'>, <AndGroup <AndGroup <None:'b'>, <None:'c'>>, <None:'d'>>, <None:'e'>>"
def test_fieldnames():
p = default.QueryParser("t", None, [plugins.WhitespacePlugin(),
ns = p.process("a:b c d:(e f:(g h)) i j:")
assert repr(ns) == "<AndGroup <'a':'b'>, <None:'c'>, <AndGroup <'d':'e'>, <AndGroup <'f':'g'>, <'f':'h'>>>, <None:'i'>, <None:'j:'>>"
assert repr(p.process("a:b:")) == "<AndGroup <'a':'b:'>>"
def test_operators():
p = default.QueryParser("t", None, [plugins.WhitespacePlugin(),
ns = p.process("a OR b")
assert repr(ns) == "<AndGroup <OrGroup <None:'a'>, <None:'b'>>>"
def test_boost():
p = default.QueryParser("t", None, [plugins.WhitespacePlugin(),
ns = p.tag("a^3")
assert repr(ns) == "<AndGroup <None:'a'>, <^ 3.0>>"
ns = p.filterize(ns)
assert repr(ns) == "<AndGroup <None:'a' ^3.0>>"
assert repr(p.process("a (b c)^2.5")) == "<AndGroup <None:'a'>, <AndGroup <None:'b'>, <None:'c'> ^2.5>>"
assert repr(p.process("a (b c)^.5 d")) == "<AndGroup <None:'a'>, <AndGroup <None:'b'>, <None:'c'> ^0.5>, <None:'d'>>"
assert repr(p.process("^2 a")) == "<AndGroup <None:'^2'>, <None:'a'>>"
assert repr(p.process("a^2^3")) == "<AndGroup <None:'a^2' ^3.0>>"
def test_empty_querystring():
s = fields.Schema(content=fields.TEXT, title=fields.TEXT, id=fields.ID)
qp = default.QueryParser("content", s)
q = qp.parse(u(""))
assert q == query.NullQuery
def test_fields():
s = fields.Schema(content=fields.TEXT, title=fields.TEXT, id=fields.ID)
qp = default.QueryParser("content", s)
q = qp.parse(u("test"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Term
assert q.fieldname == "content"
assert q.text == "test"
mq = default.MultifieldParser(("title", "content"), s)
q = mq.parse(u("test"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Or
assert q[0].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[1].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[0].fieldname == "title"
assert q[1].fieldname == "content"
assert q[0].text == "test"
assert q[1].text == "test"
q = mq.parse(u("title:test"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Term
assert q.fieldname == "title"
assert q.text == "test"
def test_multifield():
schema = fields.Schema(content=fields.TEXT, title=fields.TEXT,
cat=fields.KEYWORD, date=fields.DATETIME)
qs = u("a (b c cat:d) OR (b c cat:e)")
qp = default.MultifieldParser(['x', 'y'], schema)
q = qp.parse(qs)
assert text_type(q) == "((x:a OR y:a) AND (((x:b OR y:b) AND (x:c OR y:c) AND cat:d) OR ((x:b OR y:b) AND (x:c OR y:c) AND cat:e)))"
def test_fieldname_chars():
s = fields.Schema(abc123=fields.TEXT, nisbah=fields.KEYWORD)
qp = default.QueryParser("content", s)
fieldmap = {'nisbah': [u('\u0646\u0633\u0628\u0629')],
'abc123': ['xyz']}
q = qp.parse(u("abc123:456"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Term
assert q.fieldname == u('abc123')
assert q.text == u('456')
q = qp.parse(u("abc123:456 def"))
assert text_type(q) == u("(abc123:456 AND content:def)")
q = qp.parse(u('\u0646\u0633\u0628\u0629:\u0627\u0644\u0641\u0644\u0633'
assert q.__class__ == query.Term
assert q.fieldname == u('nisbah')
assert q.text == u('\u0627\u0644\u0641\u0644\u0633\u0637\u064a\u0646\u064a')
q = qp.parse(u("abc123 (xyz:123 OR qrs)"))
assert text_type(q) == "(content:abc123 AND (abc123:123 OR content:qrs))"
def test_colonspace():
s = fields.Schema(content=fields.TEXT, url=fields.ID)
qp = default.QueryParser("content", s)
q = qp.parse(u("url:test"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Term
assert q.fieldname == "url"
assert q.text == "test"
q = qp.parse(u("url: test"))
assert q.__class__ == query.And
assert q[0].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[1].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[0].fieldname == "content"
assert q[1].fieldname == "content"
assert q[0].text == "url"
assert q[1].text == "test"
q = qp.parse(u("url:"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Term
assert q.fieldname == "content"
assert q.text == "url"
s = fields.Schema(foo=fields.KEYWORD)
qp = default.QueryParser("foo", s)
q = qp.parse(u("blah:"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Term
assert q.fieldname == "foo"
assert q.text == "blah:"
def test_andor():
qp = default.QueryParser("a", None)
q = qp.parse("a AND b OR c AND d OR e AND f")
assert text_type(q) == "((a:a AND a:b) OR (a:c AND a:d) OR (a:e AND a:f))"
q = qp.parse("aORb")
assert q == query.Term("a", "aORb")
q = qp.parse("aOR b")
assert q == query.And([query.Term("a", "aOR"), query.Term("a", "b")])
q = qp.parse("a ORb")
assert q == query.And([query.Term("a", "a"), query.Term("a", "ORb")])
assert qp.parse("OR") == query.Term("a", "OR")
def test_andnot():
qp = default.QueryParser("content", None)
q = qp.parse(u("this ANDNOT that"))
assert q.__class__ == query.AndNot
assert q.a.__class__ == query.Term
assert q.b.__class__ == query.Term
assert q.a.text == "this"
assert q.b.text == "that"
q = qp.parse(u("foo ANDNOT bar baz"))
assert q.__class__ == query.And
assert len(q) == 2
assert q[0].__class__ == query.AndNot
assert q[1].__class__ == query.Term
q = qp.parse(u("foo fie ANDNOT bar baz"))
assert q.__class__ == query.And
assert len(q) == 3
assert q[0].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[1].__class__ == query.AndNot
assert q[2].__class__ == query.Term
q = qp.parse(u("a AND b ANDNOT c"))
assert q.__class__ == query.AndNot
assert text_type(q) == "((content:a AND content:b) ANDNOT content:c)"
def test_boost_query():
qp = default.QueryParser("content", None)
q = qp.parse(u("this^3 fn:that^0.5 5.67 hi^5x"))
assert q[0].boost == 3.0
assert q[1].boost == 0.5
assert q[1].fieldname == "fn"
assert q[2].text == "5.67"
assert q[3].text == "hi^5x"
q = qp.parse("alfa (bravo OR charlie)^2.5 ^3")
assert len(q) == 3
assert q[0].boost == 1.0
assert q[1].boost == 2.5
assert q[2].text == "^3"
def test_boosts():
qp = default.QueryParser("t", None)
q = qp.parse("alfa ((bravo^2)^3)^4 charlie")
assert q.__unicode__() == "(t:alfa AND t:bravo^24.0 AND t:charlie)"
def test_wild():
qp = default.QueryParser("t", None, [plugins.WhitespacePlugin(),
assert repr(qp.process("a b*c? d")) == "<AndGroup <None:'a'>, <None:Wild 'b*c?'>, <None:'d'>>"
assert repr(qp.process("a * ? d")) == "<AndGroup <None:'a'>, <None:Wild '*'>, <None:Wild '?'>, <None:'d'>>"
qp = default.QueryParser("content", None)
q = qp.parse(u("hello *the?e* ?star*s? test"))
assert len(q) == 4
assert q[0].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[0].text == "hello"
assert q[1].__class__ == query.Wildcard
assert q[1].text == "*the?e*"
assert q[2].__class__ == query.Wildcard
assert q[2].text == "?star*s?"
assert q[3].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[3].text == "test"
qp = default.QueryParser("content", None)
q = qp.parse(u("*the?e*"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Wildcard
assert q.text == "*the?e*"
def test_parse_fieldname_underscores():
s = fields.Schema(my_name=fields.ID(stored=True), my_value=fields.TEXT)
qp = default.QueryParser("my_value", schema=s)
q = qp.parse(u("my_name:Green"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Term
assert q.fieldname == "my_name"
assert q.text == "Green"
def test_endstar():
qp = default.QueryParser("text", None)
q = qp.parse(u("word*"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Prefix
assert q.text == "word"
q = qp.parse(u("first* second"))
assert q[0].__class__ == query.Prefix
assert q[0].text == "first"
def test_singlequotes_query():
qp = default.QueryParser("text", None)
q = qp.parse("hell's hot 'i stab at thee'")
assert q.__class__.__name__ == 'And'
assert len(q) == 3
assert q[0].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[1].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[2].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[0].text == "hell's"
assert q[1].text == "hot"
assert q[2].text == "i stab at thee"
q = qp.parse("alfa zulu:'bravo charlie' delta")
assert q.__class__.__name__ == 'And'
assert len(q) == 3
assert q[0].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[1].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[2].__class__ == query.Term
assert (q[0].fieldname, q[0].text) == ("text", "alfa")
assert (q[1].fieldname, q[1].text) == ("zulu", "bravo charlie")
assert (q[2].fieldname, q[2].text) == ("text", "delta")
q = qp.parse("The rest 'is silence")
assert q.__class__ == query.And
assert len(q) == 4
assert [t.text for t in q.subqueries] == ["The", "rest", "'is", "silence"]
q = qp.parse("I don't like W's stupid face")
assert q.__class__ == query.And
assert len(q) == 6
assert [t.text for t in q.subqueries] == ["I", "don't", "like", "W's",
"stupid", "face"]
q = qp.parse("I forgot the drinkin' in '98")
assert q.__class__ == query.And
assert len(q) == 6
assert [t.text for t in q.subqueries] == ["I", "forgot", "the", "drinkin'",
"in", "'98"]
# def test_escaping():
# qp = default.QueryParser("text", None)
# q = qp.parse(r'big\small')
# assert q.__class__, query.Term, q)
# assert q.text == "bigsmall"
# q = qp.parse(r'big\\small')
# assert q.__class__ == query.Term
# assert q.text == r'big\small'
# q = qp.parse(r'http\:example')
# assert q.__class__ == query.Term
# assert q.fieldname == "text"
# assert q.text == "http:example"
# q = qp.parse(r'hello\ there')
# assert q.__class__ == query.Term
# assert q.text == "hello there"
# q = qp.parse(r'\[start\ TO\ end\]')
# assert q.__class__ == query.Term
# assert q.text == "[start TO end]"
# schema = fields.Schema(text=fields.TEXT)
# qp = default.QueryParser("text", None)
# q = qp.parse(r"http\:\/\/www\.example\.com")
# assert q.__class__ == query.Term
# assert q.text == ""
# q = qp.parse(u("\u005c\u005c"))
# assert q.__class__ == query.Term
# assert q.text == "\\"
# def test_escaping_wildcards():
# qp = default.QueryParser("text", None)
# q = qp.parse(u("a*b*c?d"))
# assert q.__class__ == query.Wildcard
# assert q.text == "a*b*c?d"
# q = qp.parse(u("a*b\u005c*c?d"))
# assert q.__class__ == query.Wildcard
# assert q.text == "a*b*c?d"
# q = qp.parse(u("a*b\u005c\u005c*c?d"))
# assert q.__class__ == query.Wildcard
# assert q.text, u('a*b\u005c*c?d'))
# q = qp.parse(u("ab*"))
# assert q.__class__ == query.Prefix
# assert q.text, u("ab"))
# q = qp.parse(u("ab\u005c\u005c*"))
# assert q.__class__ == query.Wildcard
# assert q.text, u("ab\u005c*"))
def test_phrase_phrase():
qp = default.QueryParser("content", None)
q = qp.parse('"alfa bravo" "charlie delta echo"^2.2 test:"foxtrot golf"')
assert q[0].__class__ == query.Phrase
assert q[0].words == ["alfa", "bravo"]
assert q[1].__class__ == query.Phrase
assert q[1].words == ["charlie", "delta", "echo"]
assert q[1].boost == 2.2
assert q[2].__class__ == query.Phrase
assert q[2].words == ["foxtrot", "golf"]
assert q[2].fieldname == "test"
def test_weird_characters():
qp = default.QueryParser("content", None)
q = qp.parse(u(""))
assert q.__class__ == query.Term
assert q.text == ""
q = qp.parse(u("r*"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Prefix
assert q.text == "r"
q = qp.parse(u("."))
assert q.__class__ == query.Term
assert q.text == "."
q = qp.parse(u("?"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Wildcard
assert q.text == "?"
def test_euro_chars():
schema = fields.Schema(text=fields.TEXT)
qp = default.QueryParser("text", schema)
q = qp.parse(u("stra\xdfe"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Term
assert q.text == u("stra\xdfe")
def test_star():
schema = fields.Schema(text=fields.TEXT(stored=True))
qp = default.QueryParser("text", schema)
q = qp.parse(u("*"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Every
assert q.fieldname == "text"
q = qp.parse(u("*h?ll*"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Wildcard
assert q.text == "*h?ll*"
q = qp.parse(u("h?pe"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Wildcard
assert q.text == "h?pe"
q = qp.parse(u("*? blah"))
assert q.__class__ == query.And
assert q[0].__class__ == query.Wildcard
assert q[0].text == "*?"
assert q[1].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[1].text == "blah"
q = qp.parse(u("*ending"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Wildcard
assert q.text == "*ending"
q = qp.parse(u("*q"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Wildcard
assert q.text == "*q"
def test_star_field():
schema = fields.Schema(text=fields.TEXT)
qp = default.QueryParser("text", schema)
q = qp.parse(u("*:*"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Every
assert q.fieldname is None
# This gets parsed to a term with text="*:test" which is then analyzed down
# to just "test"
q = qp.parse(u("*:test"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Term
assert q.fieldname == "text"
assert q.text == "test"
def test_range_query():
schema = fields.Schema(name=fields.ID(stored=True),
qp = default.QueryParser("text", schema)
q = qp.parse(u("[alfa to bravo}"))
assert q.__class__ == query.TermRange
assert q.start == "alfa"
assert q.end == "bravo"
assert q.startexcl is False
assert q.endexcl is True
q = qp.parse(u("['hello there' to 'what ever']"))
assert q.__class__ == query.TermRange
assert q.start == "hello there"
assert q.end == "what ever"
assert q.startexcl is False
assert q.endexcl is False
q = qp.parse(u("name:{'to' to 'b'}"))
assert q.__class__ == query.TermRange
assert q.start == "to"
assert q.end == "b"
assert q.startexcl is True
assert q.endexcl is True
q = qp.parse(u("name:{'a' to 'to']"))
assert q.__class__ == query.TermRange
assert q.start == "a"
assert q.end == "to"
assert q.startexcl is True
assert q.endexcl is False
q = qp.parse(u("name:[a to to]"))
assert q.__class__ == query.TermRange
assert q.start == "a"
assert q.end == "to"
q = qp.parse(u("name:[to to b]"))
assert q.__class__ == query.TermRange
assert q.start == "to"
assert q.end == "b"
q = qp.parse(u("[alfa to alfa]"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Term
assert q.text == "alfa"
q = qp.parse(u("Ind* AND name:[d TO]"))
assert q.__class__ == query.And
assert q[0].__class__ == query.Prefix
assert q[1].__class__ == query.TermRange
assert q[0].text == "ind"
assert q[1].start == "d"
assert q[1].fieldname == "name"
q = qp.parse(u("name:[d TO]"))
assert q.__class__ == query.TermRange
assert q.start == "d"
assert q.fieldname == "name"
def test_numeric_range():
schema = fields.Schema(id=fields.STORED, number=fields.NUMERIC)
qp = default.QueryParser("number", schema)
teststart = 40
testend = 100
q = qp.parse("[%s to *]" % teststart)
assert q == query.NullQuery
q = qp.parse("[%s to]" % teststart)
assert q.__class__ == query.NumericRange
assert q.start == teststart
assert q.end is None
q = qp.parse("[to %s]" % testend)
assert q.__class__ == query.NumericRange
assert q.start is None
assert q.end == testend
q = qp.parse("[%s to %s]" % (teststart, testend))
assert q.__class__ == query.NumericRange
assert q.start == teststart
assert q.end == testend
def test_regressions():
qp = default.QueryParser("f", None)
# From 0.3.18, these used to require escaping. Mostly good for
# regression testing.
assert qp.parse(u("re-inker")) == query.Term("f", "re-inker")
assert qp.parse(u("0.7 wire")) == query.And([query.Term("f", "0.7"),
query.Term("f", "wire")])
assert (qp.parse(u("daler-rowney pearl 'bell bronze'"))
== query.And([query.Term("f", "daler-rowney"),
query.Term("f", "pearl"),
query.Term("f", "bell bronze")]))
q = qp.parse(u('22" BX'))
assert q, query.And([query.Term("f", '22"') == query.Term("f", "BX")])
def test_empty_ranges():
schema = fields.Schema(name=fields.TEXT, num=fields.NUMERIC,
qp = default.QueryParser("text", schema)
for fname in ("name", "date"):
q = qp.parse(u("%s:[to]") % fname)
assert q.__class__ == query.Every
def test_empty_numeric_range():
schema = fields.Schema(id=fields.ID, num=fields.NUMERIC)
qp = default.QueryParser("num", schema)
q = qp.parse("num:[to]")
assert q.__class__ == query.NumericRange
assert q.start is None
assert q.end is None
def test_numrange_multi():
schema = fields.Schema(text=fields.TEXT, start=fields.NUMERIC,
qp = default.QueryParser("text", schema)
q = qp.parse("start:[2008 to]")
assert q.__class__ == query.NumericRange
assert q.fieldname == "start"
assert q.start == 2008
assert q.end is None
q = qp.parse("start:[2011 to 2012]")
assert q.__class__.__name__ == "NumericRange"
assert q.fieldname == "start"
assert q.start == 2011
assert q.end == 2012
q = qp.parse("start:[2008 to] AND end:[2011 to 2012]")
assert q.__class__ == query.And
assert q[0].__class__ == query.NumericRange
assert q[1].__class__ == query.NumericRange
assert q[0].start == 2008
assert q[0].end is None
assert q[1].start == 2011
assert q[1].end == 2012
def test_nonexistant_fieldnames():
# Need an analyzer that won't mangle a URL
a = analysis.SimpleAnalyzer("\\S+")
schema = fields.Schema(id=fields.ID, text=fields.TEXT(analyzer=a))
qp = default.QueryParser("text", schema)
q = qp.parse(u("id:/code http://localhost/"))
assert q.__class__ == query.And
assert q[0].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[0].fieldname == "id"
assert q[0].text == "/code"
assert q[1].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[1].fieldname == "text"
assert q[1].text == "http://localhost/"
def test_stopped():
schema = fields.Schema(text=fields.TEXT)
qp = default.QueryParser("text", schema)
q = qp.parse(u("a b"))
assert q == query.NullQuery
def test_analyzing_terms():
ana = analysis.StemmingAnalyzer()
schema = fields.Schema(text=fields.TEXT(analyzer=ana))
qp = default.QueryParser("text", schema)
q = qp.parse(u("Indexed!"))
assert q.__class__ == query.Term
assert q.text == "index"
def test_simple_parsing():
parser = default.SimpleParser("x", None)
q = parser.parse(u("alfa bravo charlie delta"))
assert text_type(q) == "(x:alfa OR x:bravo OR x:charlie OR x:delta)"
q = parser.parse(u("alfa +bravo charlie delta"))
assert text_type(q) == "(x:bravo ANDMAYBE (x:alfa OR x:charlie OR x:delta))"
q = parser.parse(u("alfa +bravo -charlie delta"))
assert (text_type(q)
== "((x:bravo ANDMAYBE (x:alfa OR x:delta)) ANDNOT x:charlie)")
q = parser.parse(u("- alfa +bravo + delta"))
assert text_type(q) == "((x:bravo AND x:delta) ANDNOT x:alfa)"
def test_dismax():
parser = default.DisMaxParser({"body": 0.8, "title": 2.5}, None)
q = parser.parse(u("alfa bravo charlie"))
assert text_type(q) == "(DisMax(body:alfa^0.8 title:alfa^2.5) OR DisMax(body:bravo^0.8 title:bravo^2.5) OR DisMax(body:charlie^0.8 title:charlie^2.5))"
q = parser.parse(u("alfa +bravo charlie"))
assert text_type(q) == "(DisMax(body:bravo^0.8 title:bravo^2.5) ANDMAYBE (DisMax(body:alfa^0.8 title:alfa^2.5) OR DisMax(body:charlie^0.8 title:charlie^2.5)))"
q = parser.parse(u("alfa -bravo charlie"))
assert text_type(q) == "((DisMax(body:alfa^0.8 title:alfa^2.5) OR DisMax(body:charlie^0.8 title:charlie^2.5)) ANDNOT DisMax(body:bravo^0.8 title:bravo^2.5))"
q = parser.parse(u("alfa -bravo +charlie"))
assert text_type(q) == "((DisMax(body:charlie^0.8 title:charlie^2.5) ANDMAYBE DisMax(body:alfa^0.8 title:alfa^2.5)) ANDNOT DisMax(body:bravo^0.8 title:bravo^2.5))"
def test_many_clauses():
qs = "1" + (" OR 1" * 1000)
parser = default.QueryParser("content", None)
def test_roundtrip():
parser = default.QueryParser("a", None)
q = parser.parse(u("a OR ((b AND c AND d AND e) OR f OR g) ANDNOT h"))
assert text_type(q) == "((a:a OR (a:b AND a:c AND a:d AND a:e) OR a:f OR a:g) ANDNOT a:h)"
def test_ngrams():
schema = fields.Schema(grams=fields.NGRAM)
parser = default.QueryParser('grams', schema)
q = parser.parse(u("Hello There"))
assert q.__class__ == query.And
assert len(q) == 8
assert [sq.text for sq in q] == ["hell", "ello", "llo ", "lo t", "o th",
" the", "ther", "here"]
def test_ngramwords():
schema = fields.Schema(grams=fields.NGRAMWORDS(queryor=True))
parser = default.QueryParser('grams', schema)
q = parser.parse(u("Hello Tom"))
assert q.__class__ == query.And
assert q[0].__class__ == query.Or
assert q[1].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[0][0].text == "hell"
assert q[0][1].text == "ello"
assert q[1].text == "tom"
def test_multitoken_default():
textfield = fields.TEXT()
assert textfield.multitoken_query == "default"
schema = fields.Schema(text=textfield)
parser = default.QueryParser('text', schema)
qstring = u("chaw-bacon")
texts = list(schema["text"].process_text(qstring))
assert texts == ["chaw", "bacon"]
q = parser.parse(qstring)
assert q.__class__ == query.And
assert len(q) == 2
assert q[0].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[0].text == "chaw"
assert q[1].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[1].text == "bacon"
def test_multitoken_or():
textfield = fields.TEXT()
textfield.multitoken_query = "or"
schema = fields.Schema(text=textfield)
parser = default.QueryParser('text', schema)
qstring = u("chaw-bacon")
texts = list(schema["text"].process_text(qstring))
assert texts == ["chaw", "bacon"]
q = parser.parse(qstring)
assert q.__class__ == query.Or
assert len(q) == 2
assert q[0].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[0].text == "chaw"
assert q[1].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[1].text == "bacon"
def test_multitoken_phrase():
textfield = fields.TEXT()
textfield.multitoken_query = "phrase"
schema = fields.Schema(text=textfield)
parser = default.QueryParser("text", schema)
qstring = u("chaw-bacon")
texts = list(schema["text"].process_text(qstring))
assert texts == ["chaw", "bacon"]
q = parser.parse(qstring)
assert q.__class__ == query.Phrase
def test_singlequote_multitoken():
schema = fields.Schema(text=fields.TEXT(multitoken_query="or"))
parser = default.QueryParser("text", schema)
q = parser.parse(u("foo bar"))
assert q.__unicode__() == "(text:foo AND text:bar)"
q = parser.parse(u("'foo bar'")) # single quotes
assert q.__unicode__() == "(text:foo OR text:bar)"
def test_operator_queries():
qp = default.QueryParser("f", None)
q = qp.parse("a AND b OR c AND d")
assert text_type(q) == "((f:a AND f:b) OR (f:c AND f:d))"
q = qp.parse("a OR b OR c OR d")
assert text_type(q) == "(f:a OR f:b OR f:c OR f:d)"
q = qp.parse("a ANDMAYBE b ANDNOT c REQUIRE d")
assert text_type(q) == "((f:a ANDMAYBE (f:b ANDNOT f:c)) REQUIRE f:d)"
#def test_associativity():
# left_andmaybe = (syntax.InfixOperator("ANDMAYBE", syntax.AndMaybeGroup, True), 0)
# right_andmaybe = (syntax.InfixOperator("ANDMAYBE", syntax.AndMaybeGroup, False), 0)
# not_ = (syntax.PrefixOperator("NOT", syntax.NotGroup), 0)
# def make_parser(*ops):
# parser = default.QueryParser("f", None)
# parser.replace_plugin(plugins.CompoundsPlugin(ops, clean=True))
# return parser
# p = make_parser(left_andmaybe)
# q = p.parse("a ANDMAYBE b ANDMAYBE c ANDMAYBE d")
# assert text_type(q), "(((f:a ANDMAYBE f:b) ANDMAYBE f:c) ANDMAYBE f:d)")
# p = make_parser(right_andmaybe)
# q = p.parse("a ANDMAYBE b ANDMAYBE c ANDMAYBE d")
# assert text_type(q), "(f:a ANDMAYBE (f:b ANDMAYBE (f:c ANDMAYBE f:d)))")
# p = make_parser(not_)
# q = p.parse("a NOT b NOT c NOT d", normalize=False)
# assert text_type(q), "(f:a AND NOT f:b AND NOT f:c AND NOT f:d)")
# p = make_parser(left_andmaybe)
# q = p.parse("(a ANDMAYBE b) ANDMAYBE (c ANDMAYBE d)")
# assert text_type(q), "((f:a ANDMAYBE f:b) ANDMAYBE (f:c ANDMAYBE f:d))")
# p = make_parser(right_andmaybe)
# q = p.parse("(a ANDMAYBE b) ANDMAYBE (c ANDMAYBE d)")
# assert text_type(q), "((f:a ANDMAYBE f:b) ANDMAYBE (f:c ANDMAYBE f:d))")
def test_not_assoc():
qp = default.QueryParser("text", None)
q = qp.parse(u("a AND NOT b OR c"))
assert text_type(q) == "((text:a AND NOT text:b) OR text:c)"
qp = default.QueryParser("text", None)
q = qp.parse(u("a NOT (b OR c)"))
assert text_type(q) == "(text:a AND NOT (text:b OR text:c))"
def test_fieldname_space():
qp = default.QueryParser("a", None)
q = qp.parse("Man Ray: a retrospective")
assert text_type(q) == "(a:Man AND a:Ray: AND a:a AND a:retrospective)"
def test_fieldname_fieldname():
qp = default.QueryParser("a", None)
q = qp.parse("a:b:")
assert q == query.Term("a", "b:")
def test_paren_fieldname():
schema = fields.Schema(kind=fields.ID, content=fields.TEXT)
qp = default.QueryParser("content", schema)
q = qp.parse(u("(kind:1d565 OR kind:7c584) AND (stuff)"))
assert text_type(q) == "((kind:1d565 OR kind:7c584) AND content:stuff)"
q = qp.parse(u("kind:(1d565 OR 7c584) AND (stuff)"))
assert text_type(q) == "((kind:1d565 OR kind:7c584) AND content:stuff)"
def test_star_paren():
qp = default.QueryParser("content", None)
q = qp.parse(u("(*john*) AND (title:blog)"))
assert q.__class__ == query.And
assert q[0].__class__ == query.Wildcard
assert q[1].__class__ == query.Term
assert q[0].fieldname == "content"
assert q[1].fieldname == "title"
assert q[0].text == "*john*"
assert q[1].text == "blog"
def test_dash():
ana = analysis.StandardAnalyzer("[^ \t\r\n()*?]+")
schema = fields.Schema(title=fields.TEXT(analyzer=ana),
qtext = u("*Ben-Hayden*")
qp = default.QueryParser("text", schema)
q = qp.parse(qtext)
assert q.__class__ == query.Wildcard
assert q.fieldname == "text"
assert q.text == "*ben-hayden*"
qp = default.MultifieldParser(["title", "text", "time"], schema)
q = qp.parse(qtext)
assert q.__unicode__() == "(title:*ben-hayden* OR text:*ben-hayden* OR time:*Ben-Hayden*)"
def test_bool_True():
schema = fields.Schema(text=fields.TEXT, bool=fields.BOOLEAN)
qp = default.QueryParser("text", schema)
q = qp.parse("bool:True")
assert q.__class__ == query.Term
assert q.fieldname == "bool"
assert q.text is True
def test_not_order():
schema = fields.Schema(id=fields.STORED,
qp = default.QueryParser("count", schema)
q1 = qp.parse(u("(NOT (count:0) AND cats:1)"))
assert q1.__class__ == query.And
assert q1[0].__class__ == query.Not
assert q1[1].__class__ == query.Term
assert q1.__unicode__() == '(NOT count:0 AND cats:1)'
q2 = qp.parse(u("(cats:1 AND NOT (count:0))"))
assert q2.__class__ == query.And
assert q2[0].__class__ == query.Term
assert q2[1].__class__ == query.Not
assert q2.__unicode__() == '(cats:1 AND NOT count:0)'
def test_spacespace_and():
qp = default.QueryParser("f", None)
# one blank before/after AND
q = qp.parse("A AND B")
assert q.__class__ == query.And
assert len(q) == 2
assert q[0] == query.Term("f", "A")
assert q[1] == query.Term("f", "B")
# two blanks before AND
q = qp.parse("A AND B")
assert q.__class__ == query.And
assert len(q) == 2
assert q[0] == query.Term("f", "A")
assert q[1] == query.Term("f", "B")
def test_unicode_num():
schema = fields.Schema(num=fields.NUMERIC)
parser = default.QueryParser(u("num"), schema=schema)
q = parser.parse(u("num:1"))
_ = text_type(q)
def test_phrase_andmaybe():
qp = default.QueryParser("f", None)
q = qp.parse(u('Dahmen ANDMAYBE "Besov Spaces"'))
assert isinstance(q, query.AndMaybe)
assert q[0] == query.Term("f", u("Dahmen"))
assert q[1] == query.Phrase("f", [u("Besov"), u("Spaces")])
def test_phrase_boost():
qp = default.QueryParser("f", None)
q = qp.parse(u('Dahmen ANDMAYBE "Besov Spaces"^9'))
assert isinstance(q, query.AndMaybe)
assert q[0] == query.Term("f", u("Dahmen"))
assert q[1] == query.Phrase("f", [u("Besov"), u("Spaces")], boost=9)
def test_andmaybe_none():
schema = fields.Schema(f=fields.TEXT, year=fields.NUMERIC)
qp = default.QueryParser("f", schema)
_ = qp.parse(u("Dahmen ANDMAYBE @year:[2000 TO]"))
def test_quoted_prefix():
qp = default.QueryParser("f", None)
expr = r"(^|(?<=[ (]))(?P<text>\w+|[*]):"
q = qp.parse(u('foo url:* baz'))
assert isinstance(q, query.And)
assert q[0] == query.Term("f", "foo")
assert q[1] == query.Prefix("url", "")
assert q[2] == query.Term("f", "baz")
assert len(q) == 3