
283 lines
10 KiB

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import with_statement
import pytest
from whoosh import analysis, highlight, fields, qparser, query
from whoosh.compat import u
from whoosh.filedb.filestore import RamStorage
from whoosh.util.testing import TempIndex
_doc = u("alfa bravo charlie delta echo foxtrot golf hotel india juliet " +
"kilo lima")
def test_null_fragment():
terms = frozenset(("bravo", "india"))
sa = analysis.StandardAnalyzer()
nf = highlight.WholeFragmenter()
uc = highlight.UppercaseFormatter()
htext = highlight.highlight(_doc, terms, sa, nf, uc)
assert htext == "alfa BRAVO charlie delta echo foxtrot golf hotel INDIA juliet kilo lima"
def test_sentence_fragment():
text = u("This is the first sentence. This one doesn't have the word. " +
"This sentence is the second. Third sentence here.")
terms = ("sentence",)
sa = analysis.StandardAnalyzer(stoplist=None)
sf = highlight.SentenceFragmenter()
uc = highlight.UppercaseFormatter()
htext = highlight.highlight(text, terms, sa, sf, uc)
assert htext == "This is the first SENTENCE...This SENTENCE is the second...Third SENTENCE here"
def test_context_fragment():
terms = frozenset(("bravo", "india"))
sa = analysis.StandardAnalyzer()
cf = highlight.ContextFragmenter(surround=6)
uc = highlight.UppercaseFormatter()
htext = highlight.highlight(_doc, terms, sa, cf, uc)
assert htext == "alfa BRAVO charlie...hotel INDIA juliet"
def test_context_at_start():
terms = frozenset(["alfa"])
sa = analysis.StandardAnalyzer()
cf = highlight.ContextFragmenter(surround=15)
uc = highlight.UppercaseFormatter()
htext = highlight.highlight(_doc, terms, sa, cf, uc)
assert htext == "ALFA bravo charlie delta echo foxtrot"
def test_html_format():
terms = frozenset(("bravo", "india"))
sa = analysis.StandardAnalyzer()
cf = highlight.ContextFragmenter(surround=6)
hf = highlight.HtmlFormatter()
htext = highlight.highlight(_doc, terms, sa, cf, hf)
assert htext == 'alfa <strong class="match term0">bravo</strong> charlie...hotel <strong class="match term1">india</strong> juliet'
def test_html_escape():
terms = frozenset(["bravo"])
sa = analysis.StandardAnalyzer()
wf = highlight.WholeFragmenter()
hf = highlight.HtmlFormatter()
htext = highlight.highlight(u('alfa <bravo "charlie"> delta'), terms, sa,
wf, hf)
assert htext == 'alfa &lt;<strong class="match term0">bravo</strong> "charlie"&gt; delta'
def test_maxclasses():
terms = frozenset(("alfa", "bravo", "charlie", "delta", "echo"))
sa = analysis.StandardAnalyzer()
cf = highlight.ContextFragmenter(surround=6)
hf = highlight.HtmlFormatter(tagname="b", termclass="t", maxclasses=2)
htext = highlight.highlight(_doc, terms, sa, cf, hf)
assert htext == '<b class="match t0">alfa</b> <b class="match t1">bravo</b> <b class="match t0">charlie</b>...<b class="match t1">delta</b> <b class="match t0">echo</b> foxtrot'
def test_workflow_easy():
schema = fields.Schema(id=fields.ID(stored=True),
ix = RamStorage().create_index(schema)
w = ix.writer()
w.add_document(id=u("1"), title=u("The man who wasn't there"))
w.add_document(id=u("2"), title=u("The dog who barked at midnight"))
w.add_document(id=u("3"), title=u("The invisible man"))
w.add_document(id=u("4"), title=u("The girl with the dragon tattoo"))
w.add_document(id=u("5"), title=u("The woman who disappeared"))
with ix.searcher() as s:
# Parse the user query
parser = qparser.QueryParser("title", schema=ix.schema)
q = parser.parse(u("man"))
r =, terms=True)
assert len(r) == 2
r.fragmenter = highlight.WholeFragmenter()
r.formatter = highlight.UppercaseFormatter()
outputs = [hit.highlights("title") for hit in r]
assert outputs == ["The invisible MAN", "The MAN who wasn't there"]
def test_workflow_manual():
schema = fields.Schema(id=fields.ID(stored=True),
ix = RamStorage().create_index(schema)
w = ix.writer()
w.add_document(id=u("1"), title=u("The man who wasn't there"))
w.add_document(id=u("2"), title=u("The dog who barked at midnight"))
w.add_document(id=u("3"), title=u("The invisible man"))
w.add_document(id=u("4"), title=u("The girl with the dragon tattoo"))
w.add_document(id=u("5"), title=u("The woman who disappeared"))
with ix.searcher() as s:
# Parse the user query
parser = qparser.QueryParser("title", schema=ix.schema)
q = parser.parse(u("man"))
# Extract the terms the user used in the field we're interested in
terms = [text for fieldname, text in q.all_terms()
if fieldname == "title"]
# Perform the search
r =
assert len(r) == 2
# Use the same analyzer as the field uses. To be sure, you can
# do schema[fieldname].analyzer. Be careful not to do this
# on non-text field types such as DATETIME.
analyzer = schema["title"].analyzer
# Since we want to highlight the full title, not extract fragments,
# we'll use WholeFragmenter.
nf = highlight.WholeFragmenter()
# In this example we'll simply uppercase the matched terms
fmt = highlight.UppercaseFormatter()
outputs = []
for d in r:
text = d["title"]
outputs.append(highlight.highlight(text, terms, analyzer, nf, fmt))
assert outputs == ["The invisible MAN", "The MAN who wasn't there"]
def test_unstored():
schema = fields.Schema(text=fields.TEXT, tags=fields.KEYWORD)
ix = RamStorage().create_index(schema)
w = ix.writer()
w.add_document(text=u("alfa bravo charlie"), tags=u("delta echo"))
hit = ix.searcher().search(query.Term("text", "bravo"))[0]
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
def test_multifilter():
iwf_for_index = analysis.IntraWordFilter(mergewords=True, mergenums=False)
iwf_for_query = analysis.IntraWordFilter(mergewords=False, mergenums=False)
mf = analysis.MultiFilter(index=iwf_for_index, query=iwf_for_query)
ana = analysis.RegexTokenizer() | mf | analysis.LowercaseFilter()
schema = fields.Schema(text=fields.TEXT(analyzer=ana, stored=True))
with TempIndex(schema) as ix:
w = ix.writer()
w.add_document(text=u("Our BabbleTron5000 is great"))
with ix.searcher() as s:
assert ("text", "5000") in s.reader()
hit ="text", "5000"))[0]
assert (hit.highlights("text")
== 'Our BabbleTron<b class="match term0">5000</b> is great')
def test_pinpoint():
domain = u("alfa bravo charlie delta echo foxtrot golf hotel india juliet "
"kilo lima mike november oskar papa quebec romeo sierra tango")
schema = fields.Schema(text=fields.TEXT(stored=True, chars=True))
ix = RamStorage().create_index(schema)
w = ix.writer()
assert ix.schema["text"].supports("characters")
with ix.searcher() as s:
r ="text", "juliet"), terms=True)
hit = r[0]
hi = highlight.Highlighter()
hi.formatter = highlight.UppercaseFormatter()
assert not hi.can_load_chars(r, "text")
assert (hi.highlight_hit(hit, "text")
== "golf hotel india JULIET kilo lima mike november")
hi.fragmenter = highlight.PinpointFragmenter()
assert hi.can_load_chars(r, "text")
assert (hi.highlight_hit(hit, "text")
== "ot golf hotel india JULIET kilo lima mike nove")
hi.fragmenter.autotrim = True
assert (hi.highlight_hit(hit, "text")
== "golf hotel india JULIET kilo lima mike")
def test_highlight_wildcards():
schema = fields.Schema(text=fields.TEXT(stored=True))
ix = RamStorage().create_index(schema)
with ix.writer() as w:
w.add_document(text=u("alfa bravo charlie delta cookie echo"))
with ix.searcher() as s:
qp = qparser.QueryParser("text", ix.schema)
q = qp.parse(u("c*"))
r =
assert r.scored_length() == 1
r.formatter = highlight.UppercaseFormatter()
hit = r[0]
assert hit.highlights("text") == "alfa bravo CHARLIE delta COOKIE echo"
def test_highlight_ngrams():
schema = fields.Schema(text=fields.NGRAMWORDS(stored=True))
ix = RamStorage().create_index(schema)
with ix.writer() as w:
w.add_document(text=u("Multiplication and subtraction are good"))
with ix.searcher() as s:
qp = qparser.QueryParser("text", ix.schema)
q = qp.parse(u("multiplication"))
r =
assert r.scored_length() == 1
r.fragmenter = highlight.SentenceFragmenter()
r.formatter = highlight.UppercaseFormatter()
snippet = r[0].highlights("text")
assert snippet == "MULTIPLICATIon and subtracTION are good"
def test_issue324():
sa = analysis.StemmingAnalyzer()
result = highlight.highlight(u("Indexed!\n1"), [u("index")], sa,
assert result == "INDEXED!\n1"
def test_whole_noterms():
schema = fields.Schema(text=fields.TEXT(stored=True), tag=fields.KEYWORD)
ix = RamStorage().create_index(schema)
with ix.writer() as w:
w.add_document(text=u("alfa bravo charlie delta echo foxtrot golf"),
with ix.searcher() as s:
r ="text", u("delta")))
assert len(r) == 1
r.fragmenter = highlight.WholeFragmenter()
r.formatter = highlight.UppercaseFormatter()
hi = r[0].highlights("text")
assert hi == u("alfa bravo charlie DELTA echo foxtrot golf")
r ="tag", u("foo")))
assert len(r) == 1
r.fragmenter = highlight.WholeFragmenter()
r.formatter = highlight.UppercaseFormatter()
hi = r[0].highlights("text")
assert hi == u("")
hi = r[0].highlights("text", minscore=0)
assert hi == u("alfa bravo charlie delta echo foxtrot golf")