
40 lines
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import pytest
from channels.testing import HttpCommunicator
from sentry_sdk import capture_message
from sentry_sdk.integrations.django import DjangoIntegration
from tests.integrations.django.myapp.asgi import application
async def test_basic(sentry_init, capture_events):
sentry_init(integrations=[DjangoIntegration()], send_default_pii=True)
events = capture_events()
comm = HttpCommunicator(application, "GET", "/view-exc?test=query")
response = await comm.get_response()
assert response["status"] == 500
event, = events
exception, = event["exception"]["values"]
assert exception["type"] == "ZeroDivisionError"
# Test that the ASGI middleware got set up correctly. Right now this needs
# to be installed manually (see myapp/
assert event["transaction"] == "/view-exc"
assert event["request"] == {
"cookies": {},
"headers": {},
"method": "GET",
"query_string": "test=query",
"url": "/view-exc",
event = events[-1]
assert "request" not in event