
204 lines
5.4 KiB

import pytest
import inspect
import dill
from sentry_sdk.integrations.beam import (
from apache_beam.typehints.trivial_inference import instance_to_type
from apache_beam.typehints.decorators import getcallargs_forhints
from apache_beam.transforms.core import DoFn, ParDo, _DoFnParam, CallableWrapperDoFn
from apache_beam.runners.common import DoFnInvoker, OutputProcessor, DoFnContext
from apache_beam.utils.windowed_value import WindowedValue
def foo():
return True
def bar(x, y):
# print(x + y)
return True
def baz(x, y=2):
# print(x + y)
return True
class A:
def __init__(self, fn):
self.r = "We are in A"
self.fn = fn
setattr(self, "_inspect_fn", _wrap_inspect_call(self, "fn"))
def process(self):
return self.fn()
class B(A, object):
def fa(self, x, element=False, another_element=False):
if x or (element and not another_element):
# print(self.r)
return True
1 / 0
return False
def __init__(self):
self.r = "We are in B"
super(B, self).__init__(self.fa)
class SimpleFunc(DoFn):
def process(self, x):
if x:
1 / 0
return [True]
class PlaceHolderFunc(DoFn):
def process(self, x, timestamp=DoFn.TimestampParam, wx=DoFn.WindowParam):
if isinstance(timestamp, _DoFnParam) or isinstance(wx, _DoFnParam):
raise Exception("Bad instance")
if x:
1 / 0
yield True
def fail(x):
if x:
1 / 0
return [True]
test_parent = A(foo)
test_child = B()
test_simple = SimpleFunc()
test_place_holder = PlaceHolderFunc()
test_callable = CallableWrapperDoFn(fail)
# Cannot call simple functions or placeholder test.
[test_parent, "fn", (), {}],
[test_child, "fn", (False,), {"element": True}],
[test_child, "fn", (True,), {}],
[test_simple, "process", (False,), {}],
[test_callable, "process", (False,), {}],
def test_monkey_patch_call(obj, f, args, kwargs):
func = getattr(obj, f)
assert func(*args, **kwargs)
assert _wrap_task_call(func)(*args, **kwargs)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("f", [foo, bar, baz, test_parent.fn, test_child.fn])
def test_monkey_patch_pickle(f):
f_temp = _wrap_task_call(f)
assert dill.pickles(f_temp), "{} is not pickling correctly!".format(f)
# Pickle everything
s1 = dill.dumps(f_temp)
s2 = dill.loads(s1)
[foo, (), {}],
[bar, (1, 5), {}],
[baz, (1,), {}],
[test_parent.fn, (), {}],
[test_child.fn, (False,), {"element": True}],
[test_child.fn, (True,), {}],
def test_monkey_patch_signature(f, args, kwargs):
arg_types = [instance_to_type(v) for v in args]
kwargs_types = {k: instance_to_type(v) for (k, v) in kwargs.items()}
f_temp = _wrap_task_call(f)
getcallargs_forhints(f, *arg_types, **kwargs_types)
except Exception:
print("Failed on {} with parameters {}, {}".format(f, args, kwargs))
getcallargs_forhints(f_temp, *arg_types, **kwargs_types)
except Exception:
print("Failed on {} with parameters {}, {}".format(f_temp, args, kwargs))
expected_signature = inspect.signature(f)
test_signature = inspect.signature(f_temp)
assert (
expected_signature == test_signature
), "Failed on {}, signature {} does not match {}".format(
f, expected_signature, test_signature
except Exception:
# expected to pass for py2.7
class _OutputProcessor(OutputProcessor):
def process_outputs(self, windowed_input_element, results):
for result in results:
assert result
except StopIteration:
print("In here")
def init_beam(sentry_init):
def inner(fn):
sentry_init(default_integrations=False, integrations=[BeamIntegration()])
# Little hack to avoid having to run the whole pipeline.
pardo = ParDo(fn)
signature = pardo._signature
output_processor = _OutputProcessor()
return DoFnInvoker.create_invoker(
signature, output_processor, DoFnContext("test")
return inner
@pytest.mark.parametrize("fn", [test_simple, test_callable, test_place_holder])
def test_invoker_normal(init_beam, fn):
invoker = init_beam(fn)
print("Normal testing {} with {} invoker.".format(fn, invoker))
windowed_value = WindowedValue(False, 0, [None])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("fn", [test_simple, test_callable, test_place_holder])
def test_invoker_exception(init_beam, capture_events, capture_exceptions, fn):
invoker = init_beam(fn)
events = capture_events()
print("Exception testing {} with {} invoker.".format(fn, invoker))
# Window value will always have one value for the process to run.
windowed_value = WindowedValue(True, 0, [None])
except Exception:
event, = events
exception, = event["exception"]["values"]
assert exception["type"] == "ZeroDivisionError"
assert exception["mechanism"]["type"] == "beam"