
455 lines
13 KiB

import re
import uuid
import contextlib
from datetime import datetime
import sentry_sdk
from sentry_sdk.utils import capture_internal_exceptions, logger
from sentry_sdk._compat import PY2
from sentry_sdk._types import MYPY
if PY2:
from collections import Mapping
from import Mapping
if MYPY:
import typing
from typing import Generator
from typing import Optional
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
_traceparent_header_format_re = re.compile(
"^[ \t]*" # whitespace
"([0-9a-f]{32})?" # trace_id
"-?([0-9a-f]{16})?" # span_id
"-?([01])?" # sampled
"[ \t]*$" # whitespace
class EnvironHeaders(Mapping): # type: ignore
def __init__(
environ, # type: typing.Mapping[str, str]
prefix="HTTP_", # type: str
# type: (...) -> None
self.environ = environ
self.prefix = prefix
def __getitem__(self, key):
# type: (str) -> Optional[Any]
return self.environ[self.prefix + key.replace("-", "_").upper()]
def __len__(self):
# type: () -> int
return sum(1 for _ in iter(self))
def __iter__(self):
# type: () -> Generator[str, None, None]
for k in self.environ:
if not isinstance(k, str):
k = k.replace("-", "_").upper()
if not k.startswith(self.prefix):
yield k[len(self.prefix) :]
class _SpanRecorder(object):
__slots__ = ("maxlen", "finished_spans", "open_span_count")
def __init__(self, maxlen):
# type: (int) -> None
self.maxlen = maxlen
self.open_span_count = 0 # type: int
self.finished_spans = [] # type: List[Span]
def start_span(self, span):
# type: (Span) -> None
# This is just so that we don't run out of memory while recording a lot
# of spans. At some point we just stop and flush out the start of the
# trace tree (i.e. the first n spans with the smallest
# start_timestamp).
self.open_span_count += 1
if self.open_span_count > self.maxlen:
span._span_recorder = None
def finish_span(self, span):
# type: (Span) -> None
class Span(object):
__slots__ = (
def __init__(
trace_id=None, # type: Optional[str]
span_id=None, # type: Optional[str]
parent_span_id=None, # type: Optional[str]
same_process_as_parent=True, # type: bool
sampled=None, # type: Optional[bool]
transaction=None, # type: Optional[str]
op=None, # type: Optional[str]
description=None, # type: Optional[str]
hub=None, # type: Optional[sentry_sdk.Hub]
# type: (...) -> None
self.trace_id = trace_id or uuid.uuid4().hex
self.span_id = span_id or uuid.uuid4().hex[16:]
self.parent_span_id = parent_span_id
self.same_process_as_parent = same_process_as_parent
self.sampled = sampled
self.transaction = transaction
self.op = op
self.description = description
self.hub = hub
self._tags = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
self._data = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
self.start_timestamp =
#: End timestamp of span
self.timestamp = None # type: Optional[datetime]
self._span_recorder = None # type: Optional[_SpanRecorder]
def init_finished_spans(self, maxlen):
# type: (int) -> None
if self._span_recorder is None:
self._span_recorder = _SpanRecorder(maxlen)
def __repr__(self):
# type: () -> str
return (
"<%s(transaction=%r, trace_id=%r, span_id=%r, parent_span_id=%r, sampled=%r)>"
% (
def __enter__(self):
# type: () -> Span
hub = self.hub or sentry_sdk.Hub.current
_, scope = hub._stack[-1]
old_span = scope.span
scope.span = self
self._context_manager_state = (hub, scope, old_span)
return self
def __exit__(self, ty, value, tb):
# type: (Optional[Any], Optional[Any], Optional[Any]) -> None
if value is not None:
hub, scope, old_span = self._context_manager_state
del self._context_manager_state
scope.span = old_span
def new_span(self, **kwargs):
# type: (**Any) -> Span
rv = type(self)(
rv._span_recorder = self._span_recorder
return rv
def continue_from_environ(cls, environ):
# type: (typing.Mapping[str, str]) -> Span
return cls.continue_from_headers(EnvironHeaders(environ))
def continue_from_headers(cls, headers):
# type: (typing.Mapping[str, str]) -> Span
parent = cls.from_traceparent(headers.get("sentry-trace"))
if parent is None:
return cls()
return parent.new_span(same_process_as_parent=False)
def iter_headers(self):
# type: () -> Generator[Tuple[str, str], None, None]
yield "sentry-trace", self.to_traceparent()
def from_traceparent(cls, traceparent):
# type: (Optional[str]) -> Optional[Span]
if not traceparent:
return None
if traceparent.startswith("00-") and traceparent.endswith("-00"):
traceparent = traceparent[3:-3]
match = _traceparent_header_format_re.match(str(traceparent))
if match is None:
return None
trace_id, span_id, sampled_str = match.groups()
if trace_id is not None:
trace_id = "{:032x}".format(int(trace_id, 16))
if span_id is not None:
span_id = "{:016x}".format(int(span_id, 16))
if sampled_str:
sampled = sampled_str != "0" # type: Optional[bool]
sampled = None
return cls(trace_id=trace_id, span_id=span_id, sampled=sampled)
def to_traceparent(self):
# type: () -> str
sampled = ""
if self.sampled is True:
sampled = "1"
if self.sampled is False:
sampled = "0"
return "%s-%s-%s" % (self.trace_id, self.span_id, sampled)
def to_legacy_traceparent(self):
# type: () -> str
return "00-%s-%s-00" % (self.trace_id, self.span_id)
def set_tag(self, key, value):
# type: (str, Any) -> None
self._tags[key] = value
def set_data(self, key, value):
# type: (str, Any) -> None
self._data[key] = value
def set_failure(self):
# type: () -> None
self.set_tag("status", "failure")
def set_success(self):
# type: () -> None
self.set_tag("status", "success")
def is_success(self):
# type: () -> bool
return self._tags.get("status") in (None, "success")
def finish(self, hub=None):
# type: (Optional[sentry_sdk.Hub]) -> Optional[str]
hub = hub or self.hub or sentry_sdk.Hub.current
if self.timestamp is not None:
# This transaction is already finished, so we should not flush it again.
return None
self.timestamp =
_maybe_create_breadcrumbs_from_span(hub, self)
if self._span_recorder is None:
return None
if self.transaction is None:
# If this has no transaction set we assume there's a parent
# transaction for this span that would be flushed out eventually.
return None
if hub.client is None:
# We have no client and therefore nowhere to send this transaction
# event.
return None
if not self.sampled:
# At this point a `sampled = None` should have already been
# resolved to a concrete decision. If `sampled` is `None`, it's
# likely that somebody used `with sentry_sdk.Hub.start_span(..)` on a
# non-transaction span and later decided to make it a transaction.
if self.sampled is None:
logger.warning("Discarding transaction Span without sampling decision")
return None
return hub.capture_event(
"type": "transaction",
"transaction": self.transaction,
"contexts": {"trace": self.get_trace_context()},
"timestamp": self.timestamp,
"start_timestamp": self.start_timestamp,
"spans": [
for s in self._span_recorder.finished_spans
if s is not self
def to_json(self):
# type: () -> Any
rv = {
"trace_id": self.trace_id,
"span_id": self.span_id,
"parent_span_id": self.parent_span_id,
"same_process_as_parent": self.same_process_as_parent,
"transaction": self.transaction,
"op": self.op,
"description": self.description,
"start_timestamp": self.start_timestamp,
"timestamp": self.timestamp,
"tags": self._tags,
"data": self._data,
return rv
def get_trace_context(self):
# type: () -> Any
rv = {
"trace_id": self.trace_id,
"span_id": self.span_id,
"parent_span_id": self.parent_span_id,
"op": self.op,
"description": self.description,
if "status" in self._tags:
rv["status"] = self._tags["status"]
return rv
def _format_sql(cursor, sql):
# type: (Any, str) -> Optional[str]
real_sql = None
# If we're using psycopg2, it could be that we're
# looking at a query that uses Composed objects. Use psycopg2's mogrify
# function to format the query. We lose per-parameter trimming but gain
# accuracy in formatting.
if hasattr(cursor, "mogrify"):
real_sql = cursor.mogrify(sql)
if isinstance(real_sql, bytes):
real_sql = real_sql.decode(cursor.connection.encoding)
except Exception:
real_sql = None
return real_sql or str(sql)
def record_sql_queries(
hub, # type: sentry_sdk.Hub
cursor, # type: Any
query, # type: Any
params_list, # type: Any
paramstyle, # type: Optional[str]
executemany, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> Generator[Span, None, None]
# TODO: Bring back capturing of params by default
if hub.client and hub.client.options["_experiments"].get(
"record_sql_params", False
if not params_list or params_list == [None]:
params_list = None
if paramstyle == "pyformat":
paramstyle = "format"
params_list = None
paramstyle = None
query = _format_sql(cursor, query)
data = {"db.params": params_list, "db.paramstyle": paramstyle}
if executemany:
data["db.executemany"] = True
with capture_internal_exceptions():
hub.add_breadcrumb(message=query, category="query", data=data)
with hub.start_span(op="db", description=query) as span:
for k, v in data.items():
span.set_data(k, v)
yield span
def record_http_request(hub, url, method):
# type: (sentry_sdk.Hub, str, str) -> Generator[Dict[str, str], None, None]
data_dict = {"url": url, "method": method}
with hub.start_span(op="http", description="%s %s" % (url, method)) as span:
yield data_dict
if span is not None:
if "status_code" in data_dict:
span.set_tag("http.status_code", data_dict["status_code"])
for k, v in data_dict.items():
span.set_data(k, v)
def _maybe_create_breadcrumbs_from_span(hub, span):
# type: (sentry_sdk.Hub, Span) -> None
if span.op == "redis":
message=span.description, type="redis", category="redis", data=span._tags
elif span.op == "http" and span.is_success():
hint={"httplib_response": span._data.pop("httplib_response", None)},
elif span.op == "subprocess":
hint={"popen_instance": span._data.pop("popen_instance", None)},