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Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: python-redmine
Version: 1.4.0
Summary: Library for communicating with a Redmine project management application
Author: Max Tepkeev
License: Copyright 2015 Max Tepkeev
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Description: Python Redmine
.. image::
.. image::
.. image::
.. image::
Python Redmine is a library for communicating with a `Redmine <>`_
project management application. Redmine exposes some of it's data via `REST API
<>`_ for which Python Redmine provides
a simple but powerful Pythonic API inspired by a well-known `Django ORM
.. code-block:: python
>>> from redmine import Redmine
>>> redmine = Redmine('', username='foo', password='bar')
>>> project = redmine.project.get('vacation')
>>> project.identifier
>>> project.created_on
datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 31, 13, 27, 47)
>>> project.issues
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Issue resources>
>>> project.issues[0]
<redmine.resources.Issue #34441 "Vacation">
>>> dir(project.issues[0])
['assigned_to', 'author', 'created_on', 'description', 'done_ratio',
'due_date', 'estimated_hours', 'id', 'priority', 'project', 'relations',
'start_date', 'status', 'subject', 'time_entries', 'tracker', 'updated_on']
>>> project.issues[0].subject
>>> project.issues[0].time_entries
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with TimeEntry resources>
* Supports 100% of Redmine API features
* Supports Python 2.6 - 3.5, PyPy and PyPy3
* Extensively documented
* Provides ORM-style Pythonic API
To install Python Redmine, simply:
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install python-redmine
.. code-block:: bash
$ easy_install python-redmine
Documentation is available at
Contacts and Support
I will be glad to get your feedback, `pull requests <>`_,
`issues <>`_, whatever. Feel free to contact me for any
Donations and Sponsorship
If you like this project and want to support it you have 3 options:
#. Just give this project a star at the top of the `GitHub <>`_
repository. That doesn't cost you anything but makes the `author <>`_ happier.
#. You can express your gratitude via `Gratipay <>`_.
#. Become a sponsor. Contact me via ``tepkeev at gmail dot com`` if you are interested in becoming a sponsor
and we will discuss the terms and conditions.
Copyright and License
Python Redmine is licensed under Apache 2.0 license. Check the `LICENSE
<>`_ for details.
1.4.0 (2015-10-18)
- Added: `Requests <>`_ is now embedded into Python-Redmine
- Added: Python-Redmine is now embeddable to other libraries
- Fixed: Previous release was broken on PyPI
1.3.0 (2015-10-18)
- Added: `Issue #108 <>`__ (Tests are now
built-in into source package distributed via PyPI)
1.2.0 (2015-07-09)
- Added: `wheel <>`__ support
- Added: `Issue #93 <>`__ (``JSONDecodeError``
exception now contains a ``response`` attribute which can be inspected to identify the cause of the
- Added: `Issue #98 <>`__ (Support for setting
WikiPage resource parent title and converting parent attribute to Resource object instead of being
a dict)
1.1.2 (2015-05-20)
- Fixed: `Issue #90 <>`__ (Python Redmine
fails to install on systems with LC_ALL=C) (thanks to `spikergit1 <>`__)
1.1.1 (2015-03-26)
- Fixed: `Issue #85 <>`__ (Python Redmine
was trying to convert field to date/datetime even when it shouldn't, i.e. if a field looked like
YYYY-MM-DD but wasn't actually a date/datetime field, e.g. wiki page title or issue subject)
1.1.0 (2015-02-20)
- Added: PyPy2/3 is now officially supported
- Added: Introduced ``enabled_modules`` on demand include in Project resource
- Fixed: `Issue #78 <>`__ (Redmine <2.5.2
returns only single tracker instead of a list of all available trackers when requested from
a CustomField resource which caused an Exception in Python Redmine, see `this <http://www.>`__ for details)
- Fixed: `Issue #80 <>`__ (If a project
is read-only or doesn't have CRM plugin enabled, an attempt to add/remove Contact resource
to/from it will lead to improper error message)
- Fixed: `Issue #81 <>`__ (Contact's
resource ``tag_list`` attribute was always splitted into single chars) (thanks to `Alexander
Loechel <>`__)
1.0.3 (2015-02-03)
- Fixed: `Issue #72 <>`__ (If an exception is
raised during JSON decoding process, it should be catched and reraised as Python Redmine's own
exception, i.e ``redmine.exceptions.JSONDecodeError``)
- Fixed: `Issue #76 <>`__ (It was impossible
to retrieve more than 100 resources for resources which don't support limit/offset natively by
Redmine, i.e. this functionality is emulated by Python Redmine, e.g. WikiPage, Groups, Roles etc)
1.0.2 (2014-11-13)
- Fixed: `Issue #55 <>`__ (TypeError was
raised during processing validation errors from Redmine when one of the errors was returned as
a list)
- Fixed: `Issue #59 <>`__ (Raise ForbiddenError
when a 403 is encountered) (thanks to `Rick Harris <>`__)
- Fixed: `Issue #64 <>`__ (Redmine and Resource
classes weren't picklable) (thanks to `Rick Harris <>`__)
- Fixed: A ResourceSet object with a limit=100, actually returned 125 Resource objects
1.0.1 (2014-09-23)
- Fixed: `Issue #50 <>`__ (IssueJournal's
``notes`` attribute was converted to Note resource by mistake, bug was introduced in v1.0.0)
1.0.0 (2014-09-22)
- Added: Support for the `CRM plugin <>`_ resources:
* `Contact <>`_
* `ContactTag <>`_
* `Note <>`_
* `Deal <>`_
* `DealStatus <>`_
* `DealCategory <>`_
* `CrmQuery <>`_
- Added: Introduced new relations for the following resource objects:
* Project - time_entries, deals, contacts and deal_categories relations
* User - issues, time_entries, deals and contacts relations
* Tracker - issues relation
* IssueStatus - issues relation
- Added: Introduced a ``values()`` method in a ResourceSet which returns ValuesResourceSet - a
ResourceSet subclass that returns dictionaries when used as an iterable, rather than resource-instance
objects (see `docs <>`__ for details)
- Added: Introduced ``update()`` and ``delete()`` methods in a ResourceSet object which allow to
bulk update or bulk delete all resources in a ResourceSet object (see `docs <http://python-redmine.>`__ for details)
- Fixed: It was impossible to use ResourceSet's ``get()`` and ``filter()`` methods with WikiPage
- Fixed: Several small fixes and enhancements here and there
0.9.0 (2014-09-11)
- Added: Introduced support for file downloads (see `docs <http://python-redmine.readthedocs.
org/advanced/working_with_files.html>`__ for details)
- Added: Introduced new ``_Resource.requirements`` class attribute where all Redmine plugins
required by resource should be listed (preparations to support non-native resources)
- Added: New exceptions:
* ResourceRequirementsError
- Fixed: It was impossible to set a custom field of date/datetime type using date/datetime
Python objects
- Fixed: `Issue #46 <>`__
(A UnicodeEncodeError was raised in Python 2.x while trying to access a ``url`` property of
a WikiPage resource if it contained non-ascii characters)
0.8.4 (2014-08-08)
- Added: Support for anonymous Attachment resource (i.e. attachment with ``id`` attr only)
- Fixed: `Issue #42 <>`__ (It was
impossible to create a Project resource via ``new()`` method)
0.8.3 (2014-08-01)
- Fixed: `Issue #39 <>`__ (It was
impossible to save custom_fields in User resource via ``new()`` method)
0.8.2 (2014-05-27)
- Added: ResourceSet's ``get()`` method now supports a ``default`` keyword argument which is
returned when a requested Resource can't be found in a ResourceSet and defaults to ``None``,
previously this was hardcoded to ``None``
- Added: It is now possible to use ``getattr()`` with default value without raising a
``ResourceAttrError`` when calling non-existent resource attribute, see `Issue #30
<>`__ for details (thanks to
`hsum <>`__)
- Fixed: `Issue #31 <>`__ (Unlimited
recursion was possible in some situations when on demand includes were used)
0.8.1 (2014-04-02)
- Added: New exceptions:
* RequestEntityTooLargeError
* UnknownError
- Fixed: `Issue #27 <>`__ (Project and
Issue resources ``parent`` attribute was returned as a dict instead of being converted to
Resource object)
0.8.0 (2014-03-27)
- Added: Introduced the detection of conflicting packages, i.e. if a conflicting package is
found (PyRedmineWS at this time is the only one), the installation procedure will be aborted
and a warning message will be shown with the detailed description of the problem
- Added: Introduced new ``_Resource._members`` class attribute where all instance attributes
which are not started with underscore should be listed. This will resolve recursion issues
in custom resources because of how ``__setattr__()`` works in Python
- Changed: ``_Resource.attributes`` renamed to ``_Resource._attributes``
- Fixed: Python Redmine was unable to upload any binary files
- Fixed: `Issue #20 <>`__ (Lowered
Requests version requirements. Python Redmine now requires Requests starting from 0.12.1
instead of 2.1.0 in previous versions)
- Fixed: `Issue #23 <>`__ (File uploads
via ``update()`` method didn't work)
0.7.2 (2014-03-17)
- Fixed: `Issue #19 <>`__ (Resources
obtained via ``filter()`` and ``all()`` methods have incomplete url attribute)
- Fixed: Redmine server url with forward slash could cause errors in rare cases
- Fixed: Python Redmine was incorrectly raising ``ResourceAttrError`` when trying to call
``repr()`` on a News resource
0.7.1 (2014-03-14)
- Fixed: `Issue #16 <>`__ (When a resource
was created via a ``new()`` method, the next resource created after that inherited all the
attribute values of the previous resource)
0.7.0 (2014-03-12)
- Added: WikiPage resource now automatically requests all of it's available attributes from
Redmine in case if some of them are not available in an existent resource object
- Added: Support for setting date/datetime resource attributes using date/datetime Python objects
- Added: Support for using date/datetime Python objects in all ResourceManager methods, i.e.
``new()``, ``create()``, ``update()``, ``delete()``, ``get()``, ``all()``, ``filter()``
- Fixed: `Issue #14 <>`__ (Python Redmine
was incorrectly raising ``ResourceAttrError`` when trying to call ``repr()``, ``str()`` and
``int()`` on resources, created via ``new()`` method)
0.6.2 (2014-03-09)
- Fixed: Project resource ``status`` attribute was converted to IssueStatus resource by mistake
0.6.1 (2014-02-27)
- Fixed: `Issue #10 <>`__ (Python
Redmine was incorrectly raising ``ResourceAttrError`` while creating some resources via
``new()`` method)
0.6.0 (2014-02-19)
- Added: ``Redmine.auth()`` shortcut for the case if we just want to check if user provided
valid auth credentials, can be used for user authentication on external resource based on
Redmine user database (see `docs <
external_auth.html>`__ for details)
- Fixed: ``JSONDecodeError`` was raised in some Redmine versions during some create/update
operations (thanks to `0x55aa <>`__)
- Fixed: User resource ``status`` attribute was converted to IssueStatus resource by mistake
0.5.0 (2014-02-09)
- Added: An ability to create custom resources which allow to easily redefine the behaviour
of existing resources (see `docs <
custom_resources.html>`__ for details)
- Added: An ability to add/remove watcher to/from issue (see `docs
<>`__ for details)
- Added: An ability to add/remove users to/from group (see `docs
<>`__ for details)
0.4.0 (2014-02-08)
- Added: New exceptions:
* ConflictError
* ReadonlyAttrError
* ResultSetTotalCountError
* CustomFieldValueError
- Added: Update functionality via ``update()`` and ``save()`` methods for resources (see
`docs <>`__ for details):
* User
* Group
* IssueCategory
* Version
* TimeEntry
* ProjectMembership
* WikiPage
* Project
* Issue
- Added: Limit/offset support via ``all()`` and ``filter()`` methods for resources that
doesn't support that feature via Redmine:
* IssueRelation
* Version
* WikiPage
* IssueStatus
* Tracker
* Enumeration
* IssueCategory
* Role
* Group
* CustomField
- Added: On demand includes, e.g. in addition to ``, include='users')``
users for a group can also be retrieved on demand via ``group.users`` if include wasn't set
(see `docs <>`__ for details)
- Added: ``total_count`` attribute to ResourceSet object which holds the total number
of resources for the current resource type available in Redmine (thanks to
`Andrei Avram <>`__)
- Added: An ability to return ``None`` instead of raising a ``ResourceAttrError`` for all
or selected resource objects via ``raise_attr_exception`` kwarg on Redmine object (see
`docs <>`__ for
details or `Issue #6 <>`__)
- Added: ``pre_create()``, ``post_create()``, ``pre_update()``, ``post_update()`` resource
object methods which can be used to execute tasks that should be done before/after
creating/updating the resource through ``save()`` method
- Added: Allow to create resources in alternative way via ``new()`` method (see `docs
<>`__ for details)
- Added: Allow daterange TimeEntry resource filtering via ``from_date`` and ``to_date``
keyword arguments (thanks to `Antoni Aloy <>`__)
- Added: An ability to retrieve Issue version via ``version`` attribute in addition to
``fixed_version`` to be more obvious
- Changed: Documentation for resources rewritten from scratch to be more understandable
- Fixed: Saving custom fields to Redmine didn't work in some situations
- Fixed: Issue's ``fixed_version`` attribute was retrieved as dict instead of Version resource
- Fixed: Resource relations were requested from Redmine every time instead of caching the
result after first request
- Fixed: `Issue #2 <>`__ (limit/offset
as keyword arguments were broken)
- Fixed: `Issue #5 <>`__ (Version
resource ``status`` attribute was converted to IssueStatus resource by mistake) (thanks
to `Andrei Avram <>`__)
- Fixed: A lot of small fixes, enhancements and refactoring here and there
0.3.1 (2014-01-23)
- Added: An ability to pass Requests parameters as a dictionary via ``requests`` keyword
argument on Redmine initialization, i.e. Redmine('\http://redmine.url', requests={}).
- Fixed: `Issue #1 <>`__ (unable
to connect to Redmine server with invalid ssl certificate).
0.3.0 (2014-01-18)
- Added: Delete functionality via ``delete()`` method for resources (see `docs
<>`__ for details):
* User
* Group
* IssueCategory
* Version
* TimeEntry
* IssueRelation
* ProjectMembership
* WikiPage
* Project
* Issue
- Changed: ResourceManager ``get()`` method now raises a ``ValidationError`` exception if
required keyword arguments aren't passed
0.2.0 (2014-01-16)
- Added: New exceptions:
* ServerError
* NoFileError
* ValidationError
* VersionMismatchError
* ResourceNoFieldsProvidedError
* ResourceNotFoundError
- Added: Create functionality via ``create()`` method for resources (see `docs
<>`__ for details):
* User
* Group
* IssueCategory
* Version
* TimeEntry
* IssueRelation
* ProjectMembership
* WikiPage
* Project
* Issue
- Added: File upload support, see ``upload()`` method in Redmine class
- Added: Integer representation to all resources, i.e. ``__int__()``
- Added: Informal string representation to all resources, i.e. ``__str__()``
- Changed: Renamed ``version`` attribute to ``redmine_version`` in all resources to avoid
name intersections
- Changed: ResourceManager ``get()`` method now raises a ``ResourceNotFoundError`` exception
if resource wasn't found instead of returning None in previous versions
- Changed: reimplemented fix for ``__repr__()`` from 0.1.1
- Fixed: Conversion of issue priorities to enumeration resource object didn't work
0.1.1 (2014-01-10)
- Added: Python 2.6 support
- Changed: WikiPage resource ``refresh()`` method now automatically determines it's project_id
- Fixed: Resource representation, i.e. ``__repr__()``, was broken in Python 2.7
- Fixed: ``dir()`` call on a resource object didn't work in Python 3.2
0.1.0 (2014-01-09)
- Initial release
Keywords: redmine,redminecrm,easyredmine
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
Classifier: Topic :: Utilities
Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Environment :: Console
Classifier: Environment :: Web Environment
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy