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This gives a basic overview of how to use the raven client with Python
Capture an Error
The most basic use for raven is to record one specific error that occurs::
from raven import Client
client = Client('___DSN___')
1 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
Reporting an Event
To report an arbitrary event you can use the
:py:meth:`~raven.Client.capture` method. This is the most low-level
method available. In most cases you would want to use the
:py:meth:`~raven.Client.captureMessage` method instead however which
directly reports a message::
client.captureMessage('Something went fundamentally wrong')
Adding Context
The raven client internally keeps a thread local mapping that can carry
additional information. Whenever a message is submitted to Sentry that
additional data will be passed along.
For instance if you use a web framework, you can use this to inject
additional information into the context. The basic primitive for this is
the :py:attr:`~raven.Client.context` attribute. It provides a `merge()`
and `clear()` function that can be used::
def handle_request(request):
client.context.merge({'user': {
Testing the Client
Once you've got your server configured, you can test the Raven client by
using its CLI::
raven test ___DSN___
If you've configured your environment to have ``SENTRY_DSN`` available, you
can simply drop the optional DSN argument::
raven test
You should get something like the following, assuming you're configured everything correctly::
$ raven test sync+___DSN___
Using DSN configuration:
Client configuration:
servers : ['___API_URL___/api/store/']
project : ___PROJECT_ID___
public_key : ___PUBLIC_KEY___
secret_key : ___SECRET_KEY___
Sending a test message... success!