
29 lines
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Change log
0.2.0 - Unreleased
#. By default, `float` will be converted to `int` where fits. `auto_detect_int`, a flag to switch off the autoatic conversion from `float` to `int`.
#. 'library=pyexcel-xls' was added so as to inform pyexcel to use it instead of other libraries, in the situation where there are more than one plugin for a file type, e.g. xlsm
#. support the auto-import feature of pyexcel-io 0.2.0
#. xlwt is now used for python 2 implementation while xlwt-future is used for python 3
0.1.0 - 17.01.2016
#. Passing "streaming=True" to get_data, you will get the two dimensional array as a generator
#. Passing "data=your_generator" to save_data is acceptable too.