
152 lines
4.2 KiB

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import psutil
import pyexcel as pe
from pyexcel_ods import get_data, save_data
from import raises, eq_
from nose import SkipTest
IN_TRAVIS = 'TRAVIS' in os.environ
def test_bug_fix_for_issue_1():
data = get_data(get_fixtures("repeated.ods"))
eq_(data["Sheet1"], [['repeated', 'repeated', 'repeated', 'repeated']])
def test_bug_fix_for_issue_2():
data = {}
data.update({"Sheet 1": [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]})
data.update({"Sheet 2": [[u"row 1", u"Héllô!", u"HolÁ!"]]})
save_data("your_file.ods", data)
new_data = get_data("your_file.ods")
assert new_data["Sheet 2"] == [[u'row 1', u'H\xe9ll\xf4!', u'Hol\xc1!']]
def test_date_util_parse():
from pyexcel_ods.converter import date_value
value = "2015-08-17T19:20:00"
d = date_value(value)
assert d.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") == "2015-08-17T19:20:00"
value = "2015-08-17"
d = date_value(value)
assert d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") == "2015-08-17"
value = "2015-08-17T19:20:59.999999"
d = date_value(value)
assert d.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") == "2015-08-17T19:20:59"
value = "2015-08-17T19:20:59.99999"
d = date_value(value)
assert d.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") == "2015-08-17T19:20:59"
value = "2015-08-17T19:20:59.999999999999999"
d = date_value(value)
assert d.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") == "2015-08-17T19:20:59"
def test_invalid_date():
from pyexcel_ods.ods import date_value
value = "2015-08-"
def test_fake_date_time_10():
from pyexcel_ods.ods import date_value
def test_fake_date_time_19():
from pyexcel_ods.ods import date_value
def test_fake_date_time_20():
from pyexcel_ods.ods import date_value
def test_issue_13():
test_file = "test_issue_13.ods"
data = [
[1, 2],
[3, 4]
save_data(test_file, {test_file: data})
written_data = get_data(test_file, skip_empty_rows=False)
eq_(data, written_data[test_file])
def test_issue_14():
# pyexcel issue 61
test_file = "issue_61.ods"
data = get_data(get_fixtures(test_file),
eq_(data['S-LMC'], [[u'aaa'], [0]])
def test_issue_6():
test_file = "12_day_as_time.ods"
data = get_data(get_fixtures(test_file),
eq_(data['Sheet1'][0][0].days, 12)
def test_issue_19():
test_file = "pyexcel_81_ods_19.ods"
data = get_data(get_fixtures(test_file),
eq_(data['product.template'][1][1], 'PRODUCT NAME PMP')
def test_issue_83_ods_file_handle():
# this proves that odfpy
# does not leave a file handle open at all
proc = psutil.Process()
test_file = get_fixtures("issue_61.ods")
open_files_l1 = proc.open_files()
# start with a csv file
data = pe.iget_array(file_name=test_file, library='pyexcel-ods')
open_files_l2 = proc.open_files()
delta = len(open_files_l2) - len(open_files_l1)
# cannot catch open file handle
assert delta == 0
# now the file handle get opened when we run through
# the generator
open_files_l3 = proc.open_files()
delta = len(open_files_l3) - len(open_files_l1)
# cannot catch open file handle
assert delta == 0
# free the fish
open_files_l4 = proc.open_files()
# this confirms that no more open file handle
eq_(open_files_l1, open_files_l4)
def test_pr_22():
test_file = get_fixtures("white_space.ods")
data = get_data(test_file)
# OrderedDict([(u'Sheet1', [[u'paragraph with tab, space, new line']])])
eq_(data['Sheet1'][0][0], 'paragraph with tab(\t), space, \nnew line')
def test_issue_23():
if not IN_TRAVIS:
raise SkipTest()
pe.get_book(url=""); # flake8: noqa
def get_fixtures(filename):
return os.path.join("tests", "fixtures", filename)