
411 lines
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Change log
0.6.0 - 7.10.2020
#. python 3.6 lower versions are no longer supported
#. pyexcel-io plugin interface has been rewritten. PyInstaller user will be
impacted. please read 'Packaging with Pyinstaller' in the documentation.
#. new query set reader plugin. pyexcel<=0.6.4 has used intrusive way of getting
query set source done. it is against the plugin interface.
#. `#74 <>`_: handle zip files
which contain non-UTF-8 encoded files.
#. `#86 <>`_: allow trailing
options, get_data(...keep_trailing_empty_cells=True).
0.5.20 - 17.7.2019
#. `#70 <>`_: when the given file
is a root directory, the error shall read it is not a file
0.5.19 - 14.7.2019
#. `pyexcel#185 <>`_: handle stream
conversion if file type(html) needs string content then bytes to handle
0.5.18 - 12.06.2019
#. `#69 <>`_: Force file
type(force_file_type) on write
0.5.17 - 04.04.2019
#. `#68 <>`_: Raise IOError when
the data file does not exist
0.5.16 - 19.03.2019
#. `#67 <>`_: fix conversion
issue for long type on python 2.7 for ods
0.5.15 - 16.03.2019
#. `pyexcel-ods#33 <>`_: fix
integer comparision error on i586
0.5.14 - 21.02.2019
#. `#65 <>`_: add
tests/ because python2.7 test needs it
0.5.13 - 12.02.2019
#. `#63 <>`_: Version 0.5.12
prevents xslx and ods plugin from being loaded
0.5.12 - 9.02.2019
#. `#60 <>`_: include tests in
tar ball
#. `#61 <>`_: enable python test
0.5.11 - 3.12.2018
#. `#59 <>`_: Please use
scan_plugins_regex, which lml 0.7 complains about
0.5.10 - 27.11.2018
#. `#57 <>`_, long type will not
be written in ods. please use string type. And if the integer is equal or
greater than 10 to the power of 16, it will not be written either in ods. In
both situation, IntegerPrecisionLossError will be raised. And this version
enables pyexcel-ods and pyexcel-ods3 to do so. - 30.08.2018
#. `#53 <>`_, upgrade lml
dependency to at least 0.0.2
0.5.9 - 23.08.2018
#. `pyexcel#148 <>`_, support
0.5.8 - 16.08.2018
#. `#49 <>`_, support additional
options when detecting float values in csv format. default_float_nan,
0.5.7 - 02.05.2018
#. `#48 <>`_, turn off pep 0515
#. `#47 <>`_, csv reader cannot
handle relative file names
0.5.6 - 11.01.2018
#. `#46 <>`_, expose `bulk_save`
to developer
0.5.5 - 23.12.2017
#. Issue `#45 <>`_, csv reader
throws exception because google app engine does not support mmap. People who
are not working with google app engine, need not to take this update. Enjoy
your Christmas break.
0.5.4 - 10.11.2017
#. PR `#44 <>`_, use unicodewriter
for csvz writers.
0.5.3 - 23.10.2017
#. pyexcel `pyexcel#105 <>`_,
remove gease from setup_requires, introduced by 0.5.2.
#. remove python2.6 test support
0.5.2 - 20.10.2017
#. `pyexcel#103 <>`_, include
LICENSE file in, meaning LICENSE file will appear in the released
tar ball.
0.5.1 - 02.09.2017
#. `pyexcel-ods#25 <>`_,
Unwanted dependency on pyexcel.
0.5.0 - 30.08.2017
#. Collect all data type conversion codes as
#. `#19 <>`_, use cString by
default. For python, it will be a performance boost
0.4.4 - 08.08.2017
#. `#42 <>`_, raise exception if
database table name does not match the sheet name
0.4.3 - 29.07.2017
#. `#41 <>`_, walk away
gracefully when mmap is not available.
0.4.2 - 05.07.2017
#. `#37 <>`_, permanently fix the
residue folder pyexcel by release all future releases in a clean clone.
0.4.1 - 29.06.2017
#. `#39 <>`_, raise exception
when bulk save in django fails. Please `bulk_save=False` if you as the
developer choose to save the records one by one if bulk_save cannot be used.
However, exception in one-by-one save case will be raised as well. This
change is made to raise exception in the first place so that you as the
developer will be suprised when it was deployed in production.
0.4.0 - 19.06.2017
#. 'built-in' as the value to the parameter 'library' as parameter to invoke
pyexcel-io's built-in csv, tsv, csvz, tsvz, django and sql won't work. It is
renamed to 'pyexcel-io'.
#. built-in csv, tsv, csvz, tsvz, django and sql are lazy loaded.
#. pyexcel-io plugin interface has been updated. v0.3.x plugins won't work.
#. `#32 <>`_, csv and csvz file
handle are made sure to be closed. File close mechanism is enfored.
#. iget_data function is introduced to cope with dangling file handle issue.
#. Removed plugin loading code and lml is used instead
0.3.4 - 18.05.2017
#. `#33 <>`_, handle mmap object
differently given as file content. This issue has put in a priority to single
sheet csv over multiple sheets in a single memory stream. The latter format
is pyexcel own creation but is rarely used. In latter case,
multiple_sheet=True should be passed along get_data.
#. `#34 <>`_, treat mmap object
as a file content.
#. `#35 <>`_, encoding parameter
take no effect when given along with file content
#. use ZIP_DEFALTED to really do the compression
0.3.3 - 30.03.2017
#. `#31 <>`_, support pyinstaller
0.3.2 - 26.01.2017
#. `#29 <>`_, change
skip_empty_rows to False by default
0.3.1 - 21.01.2017
#. updated versions of extra packages
#. `#23 <>`_, provide helpful
message when old pyexcel plugin exists
#. restored previously available diagnosis message for missing libraries
0.3.0 - 22.12.2016
#. lazy loading of plugins. for example, pyexcel-xls is not entirely loaded
until xls format is used at its first attempted reading or writing. Since it
is loaded, it will not be loaded in the second io action.
#. `pyexcel-xls#11 <>`_, make
case-insensitive for file type
0.2.6 - 21.12.2016
#. `#24 <>`__, pass on batch_size
0.2.5 - 20.12.2016
#. `#26 <>`__, performance issue
with getting the number of columns.
0.2.4 - 24.11.2016
#. `#23 <>`__, Failed to convert
long integer string in python 2 to its actual value
0.2.3 - 16.09.2016
#. `#21 <>`__, choose subset from
data base tables for export
#. `#22 <>`__, custom renderer if
given `row_renderer` as parameter.
0.2.2 - 31.08.2016
#. support pagination. two pairs: start_row, row_limit and start_column,
column_limit help you deal with large files.
#. `skip_empty_rows=True` was introduced. To include empty rows, put it to
#. `#20 <>`__, pyexcel-io
attempts to parse cell contents of 'infinity' as a float/int, crashes
0.2.1 - 11.07.2016
#. csv format: handle utf-16 encoded csv files. Potentially being able to decode
other formats if correct "encoding" is provided
#. csv format: write utf-16 encoded files. Potentially other encoding is also
#. support stdin as input stream and stdout as output stream
#. Attention, user of pyexcel-io! No longer io stream validation is performed in
python 3. The guideline is: io.StringIO for csv, tsv only, otherwise BytesIO
for xlsx, xls, ods. You can use RWManager.get_io to produce a correct stream
type for you.
#. `#15 <>`__, support foreign
django/sql foreign key
0.2.0 - 01.06.2016
#. autoload of pyexcel-io plugins
#. auto detect `datetime`, `float` and `int`. Detection can be switched off by
`auto_detect_datetime`, `auto_detect_float`, `auto_detect_int`
0.1.0 - 17.01.2016
#. yield key word to return generator as content